21 research outputs found

    Coat colour in dogs: identification of the Merle locus in the Australian shepherd breed

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    BACKGROUND: Coat colours in canines have many natural phenotypic variants. Some of the genes and alleles involved also cause genetic developmental defects, which are also observed in humans and mice. We studied the genetic bases of the merle phenotype in dogs to shed light on the pigmentation mechanisms and to identify genes involved in these complex pathways. The merle phenotype includes a lack of eumelanic pigmentation and developmental defects, hearing impairments and microphthalmia. It is similar to that observed in microphthalmia mouse mutants. RESULTS: Taking advantage of the dog as a powerful genetic model and using recently available genomic resources, we investigated the segregation of the merle phenotype in a five-generation pedigree, comprising 96 sampled Australian shepherd dogs. Genetic linkage analysis allowed us to identify a locus for the merle phenotype, spanning 5.5 megabases, at the centromeric tip of canine chromosome 10 (CFA10). This locus was supported by a Lod score of 15.65 at a recombination fraction θ = 0. Linkage analysis in three other breeds revealed that the same region is linked to the merle phenotype. This region, which is orthologous to human chromosome 12 (HSA12 q13-q14), belongs to a conserved ordered segment in the human and mouse genome and comprises several genes potentially involved in pigmentation and development. CONCLUSION: This study has identified the locus for the merle coat colour in dogs to be at the centromeric end of CFA10. Genetic studies on other breeds segregating the merle phenotype should allow the locus to be defined more accurately with the aim of identifying the gene. This work shows the power of the canine system to search for the genetic bases of mammalian pigmentation and developmental pathways

    Canine Population Structure: Assessment and Impact of Intra-Breed Stratification on SNP-Based Association Studies

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    In canine genetics, the impact of population structure on whole genome association studies is typically addressed by sampling approximately equal numbers of cases and controls from dogs of a single breed, usually from the same country or geographic area. However one way to increase the power of genetic studies is to sample individuals of the same breed but from different geographic areas, with the expectation that independent meiotic events will have shortened the presumed ancestral haplotype around the mutation differently. Little is known, however, about genetic variation among dogs of the same breed collected from different geographic regions.In this report, we address the magnitude and impact of genetic diversity among common breeds sampled in the U.S. and Europe. The breeds selected, including the Rottweiler, Bernese mountain dog, flat-coated retriever, and golden retriever, share susceptibility to a class of soft tissue cancers typified by malignant histiocytosis in the Bernese mountain dog. We genotyped 722 SNPs at four unlinked loci (between 95 and 271 per locus) on canine chromosome 1 (CFA1). We showed that each population is characterized by distinct genetic diversity that can be correlated with breed history. When the breed studied has a reduced intra-breed diversity, the combination of dogs from international locations does not increase the rate of false positives and potentially increases the power of association studies. However, over-sampling cases from one geographic location is more likely to lead to false positive results in breeds with significant genetic diversity.These data provide new guidelines for association studies using purebred dogs that take into account population structure

    Comparative analysis of canine and human melanomas

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    This paper presents epidemiological and clinical data from 2350 cases of melanocytic tumours from dogs sampled in France. In addition, we present the histological and genetic characterization of subsets of melanoma cases (n=153 and n=100, respectively), with a comparative aspect to human melanomas. Dog melanomas occur at the same anatomical sites than human melanomas, but with different frequency and severity. We demonstrate that the specificities of dog melanomas make them good models to understand the non-UV pathways of human melanomas. Interestingly, somatic mutations in oral canine melanomas were detected in the NRAS and PTEN genes, precisely at the same hotspots as human mutations. In contrast, mutations in the BRAF gene were not detected. This paper highlights the similarities and differences of dog and human melanoma types and the strong potential of dog melanomas to decipher the non-UV light pathways in different melanoma types, especially mucosal and acral types.Cet article présente les données épidémiologiques et cliniques de 2350 cas de tumeurs mélanocytaires canines collectées en France. Nous avons réalisé la caractérisation histologique (n = 153) et génétique (n = 100) d'un sous-groupe de mélanomes dont les résultats ont été comparés aux données des mélanomes humains. Les mélanomes apparaissent aux mêmes sites anatomiques chez le chien et l'Homme, mais avec des fréquences et des sévérités différentes. Nous montrons les prédispositions raciales des mélanomes canins et l'intérêt de ce modèle pour rechercher les gènes prédisposant difficiles à identifier chez l'Homme. Des mutations somatiques dans les gènes NRAS et PTEN ont été détectées dans les mélanomes buccaux canins, précisément aux mêmes points chauds (hotspots) que les mutations de ces gènes chez l'homme. Au contraire, aucune mutation dans le gène BRAF n'a été retrouvée dans les échantillons canins analysés. Ce travail met en lumière les homologies et différences entre les types de mélanomes humains et canins et démontre la force du modèle canin pour analyser les voies de signalisation non UV-dépendantes des mélanomes humains, particulièrement dans les types muqueux et acraux

    The tree that hides the forest: identification of common predisposing loci in several hematopoietic cancers and several dog breeds

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    Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is a rare but aggressive cancer in humans and dogs. The spontaneous canine model, with the clinical, epidemiological and histological similarities with human HS and specific breed predispositions, is a unique model/opportunity to unravel the genetic bases of this cancer. In this study, we aimed to identify germline risk factors associated with the development of HS in canine predisposed breeds. We used a methodology that combined several genome-wide association studies in a multi-breed and multi-cancer approach, as well as targeted next generation sequencing, and imputation combining several breeds (Bernese mountain dog, Rottweiler, flat coated retriever and golden retriever) and three haematopoietic cancers (HS, lymphoma and mast cell tumor). Results showed that we not only refined the previously identified HS risk CDKN2A locus but we identified new loci on canine chromosomes 2, 5, 12, 14, 20, 26 and X. Capture and targeted sequencing of specific loci pointed towards the existence of regulatory variants in non coding regions and/or methylation mechanisms linked to risk haplotypes, leading to strong cancer predispositions in specific dog breeds. Our results showed that these canine cancer predisposing loci appear to be due to the additive effect of several risk haplotype involved also in other haematopoietic cancers such lymphoma or mast cell tumor, illustrating the pleiotropic nature of these canine cancer loci as observed in human oncology, thus reinforcing the interest of predisposed dog breeds to study cancer initiation and progression

    Genome-wide analysis of long non-coding RNA profiles in canine oral melanomas

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    Mucosal melanomas (MM) are rare aggressive cancers in humans, and one of the most common forms of oral cancers in dogs. Similar biological and histological features are shared between MM in both species, making dogs a powerful model for comparative oncology studies of melanomas. Although exome sequencing recently identified recurrent coding mutations in canine MM, little is known about changes in non-coding gene expression, and more particularly, in canine long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), which are commonly dysregulated in human cancers. Here, we sampled a large cohort (n = 52) of canine normal/tumor oral MM from three predisposed breeds (poodles, Labrador retrievers, and golden retrievers), and used deep transcriptome sequencing to identify more than 400 differentially expressed (DE) lncRNAs. We further prioritized candidate lncRNAs by comparative genomic analysis to pinpoint 26 dog-human conserved DE lncRNAs, including SOX21-AS, ZEB2-AS, and CASC15 lncRNAs. Using unsupervised co-expression network analysis with coding genes, we inferred the potential functions of the DE lncRNAs, suggesting associations with cancer-related genes, cell cycle, and carbohydrate metabolism Gene Ontology (GO) terms. Finally, we exploited our multi-breed design to identify DE lncRNAs within breeds. This study provides a unique transcriptomic resource for studying oral melanoma in dogs, and highlights lncRNAs that may potentially be diagnostic or therapeutic targets for human and veterinary medicine

    Identification of a Missense Variant in MFSD12 Involved in Dilution of Phaeomelanin Leading to White or Cream Coat Color in Dogs.

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    White coat color in mammals has been selected several times during the domestication process. Numerous dog breeds are fixed for one form of white coat color that involves darkly pigmented skin. The genetic basis of this color, due to the absence of pigment in the hairs, was suggested to correspond to extreme dilution of the phaeomelanin, by both the expression of only phaeomelanin (locus E) and its extreme dilution (locus I). To go further, we performed genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using a multiple breed approach. The first GWAS, using 34 white dogs and 128 non-white dogs, including White Shepherds, Poodles, Cotons de Tulear and Bichons allowed us to identify two significantly associated loci on the locus E and a novel locus on chromosome 20. A second GWAS using 15 other breeds presenting extreme phaeomelanin dilution confirmed the position of locus I on the chromosome 20 (position 55 Mb = 6 Ă— 10). Using whole-genome sequencing, we identified a missense variant in the first exon of MFSD12, a gene recently identified to be involved in human, mouse and horse pigmentation. We confirmed the role of this variant in phaeomelanin dilution of numerous canine breeds, and the conserved role of MFSD12 in mammalian pigmentation

    Naturally occurring melanomas in dogs as models for non-UV pathways of human melanomas.

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    International audienceSpontaneously occurring melanomas are frequent in dogs. They appear at the same localizations as in humans, i.e. skin, mucosal sites, nail matrix and eyes. They display variable behaviors: tumors at oral localizations are more frequent and aggressive than at other anatomical sites. Interestingly, dog melanomas are associated with strong breed predispositions and overrepresentation of black-coated dogs. Epidemiological analysis of 2350 affected dogs showed that poodles are at high risk of developing oral melanoma, while schnauzers or Beauce shepherds mostly developped cutaneous melanoma. Clinical and histopathological analyses were performed on a cohort of 153 cases with a 4-yr follow-up. Histopathological characterization showed that most canine tumors are intradermal and homologous to human rare morphological melanomas types - 'nevocytoid type' and 'animal type'-. Tumor cDNA sequencing data, obtained from 95 dogs for six genes, relevant to human melanoma classification, detected somatic mutations in oral melanoma, in NRAS and PTEN genes, at human hotspot sites, but not in BRAF. Altogether, these findings support the relevance of the dog model for comparative oncology of melanomas, especially for the elucidation of non-UV induced pathways

    Illustration of a Border Collie pedigree segregating PRA constructed by the Cyrillic 2

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    1 software. This pedigree is constituted of 80 dogs, 33 dogs are affected (30 males and 3 females).<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Progressive Retinal Atrophy in the Border Collie: A new XLPRA"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1746-6148/4/10</p><p>BMC Veterinary Research 2008;4():10-10.</p><p>Published online 3 Mar 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2324077.</p><p></p