7 research outputs found

    Application of the Methodology of Communication Skills Training for Employees of Hotel Companies, Based on Immersion into the Virtual World

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    This paper describes a research study of communication skills training for future hotel workers in an immersive environment. The research team developed a model of the hotel reception in a virtual environment, and proposed a methodology for three-phase training. The research involved 56 testers who provided detailed feedback. To improve the communication skills of the participants, it is necessary to repeat the simulations and analyze the individual aspects of the communication in depth

    Modelování a simulace hotelových procesů - metoda výcviku dovedností v oblasti řízení hotelů

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    Článek popisuje principy aplikace metod a nástrojů modelování a simulace v rámci školení hotelových manažerů. Ukazuje role vývoje modelů obchodních procesů a simulačních experimentů v procesu porozumění hotelového systému.The article describes the principles of modelling and simulation methods and tools application within the training of hotel managers. It shows the roles of business processes models development and simulation experiments within the process of hotel system understanding

    “Pale Lager and Double Carp Fries, Please”. The McDonaldization of the Culinary Culture in the Czech Republic

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    This article explores attitudes of hospitality stakeholders (HSs) and consumers towards fish gastronomy in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on traditional recipes and the impact of globalization. For the exploration of HSs’ attitudes, qualitative investigation via in-depth semi-standardized interviews was employed with 19 fish restaurant HSs. The abstraction, appearance of ideal types of HSs, and integration with four aspects of Ritzer’s McDonaldization theory were done. For the exploration of consumers’ attitudes, sensory evaluation of seven fish dishes with 1698 participants was used. Lastly, a focus group was conducted with regular fish food consumers. Three ideal types of HS named progressive innovators, taste defenders, and occasional traditionalists appeared. For all of them, aspects of McDonaldization were obvious, meaning shift towards rationalization in Czech fish culinary culture and possible dilution of the original identity. As the main reasons for deauthentication of Czech fish gastronomy, a high laboriousness of traditional fish dishes causing high time consumption for restaurant staff, and the inclusion of bones in most of the traditional Czech fish dishes as the main barrier for consumers were identified. Paradoxically, consumers preferred traditional dishes more, showing a discrepancy between the attitudes of consumers and HSs. This result drew attention to the need for marketing research on the part of HSs. When already prepared dishes were presented, consumers preferred to choose more time-consuming fish dishes with more input ingredients. In the restaurant, consumers more often choose bone-free dishes. On the other hand, in households, consumers prefer the cheaper purchase of whole fish with bones. Ways of defense against food globalization were outlined: promotion of traditional fish dishes not contradicting the McDonaldization aspects, supporting food with strong national traditions, and the usage of glocalization when the skills, specificity, or original ingredients are sustained despite globalization

    Building university networks for virtual student mobility

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    This contribution describes two ongoing projects in the field of eLearning and distance learning. The first project is entitled: RIUS - Initiation of Inter-University Studies in a Network of Selected Universities in the Czech Republic, is a Czech national project supported by the European Social Found in the Czech Rep.; the second is EVENE - Erasmus Virtual Economics & Management Studies Exchange, is supported by the European eLearning programme. The main aim of both projects is to create a core university network which will be widespread in the future, and where courses and teachers are shared for provision them partner institution's students. The objectives, key activities, expected results and outcomes are discussed. The current results and experiences with inter-university cooperation are also summarised

    Virtuální Hotel - Gamifikace v řízení vzdělávání v cestovním ruchu

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    Zažíváme rostoucí interakce mezi jednotlivci a inteligentním prostředím, ať už jde o interakci inteligentních zařízení během běžných činností nebo výuku / učení. Roste důraz na to, aby učitelé předávali své znalosti a zkušenosti studentům, aby se studenti více angažovali, protože studenti očekávají větší interakci a komunikaci v online světě. Virtuální svět je typ online komunity, která je primárně formou počítačově simulovaného prostředí, které uživatelé mohou používat, vytvářet a propojovat určité objekty. V současné době existují po celém světě některé školy a vzdělávací instituce, které poskytují příležitost zúčastnit se části školení pomocí simulačních her. V této práci budou popsány simulátory a jejich možnosti spolu s příklady využití virtuální reality pro vzdělávací účely.We are experiencing increasing interactions between individuals and smart environments, whether it is the interaction of smart devices during ordinary activities or teaching/learning. There is growing emphasis on teachers in passing their knowledge and experience to students to get students more engaged because students expect more interaction and communication in the online world. The virtual world is the type of online community, which is primarily a form of computer-simulated environment that users can use, create, and interconnect certain objects. Currently, there are some schools and educational institutions around the world providing the opportunity to attend part of the training courses using simulation games. Simulators and their possibilities will be described in this work together with examples of utilization of virtual reality for educational purposes

    Hotel Process Simulator as a Tool for Increasing the Level of Managerial Skills – an Educational Application

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    Simulators are a standard part of training for a variety of jobs. There is a rising emphasis on teachers in passing their knowledge and experience on students in order to get students more engaged into the process of education. Hotel Process Simulator prepared in frame of project Innovation of Tourism Management Systems Using the Process Management Tools and their possibilities will be described in this work. The aim of this article is to describe the possibilities of simulation in the training of hotel staff. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Application of the Methodology of Communication Skills Training for Employees of Hotel Companies, Based on Immersion into the Virtual World

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    This paper describes a research study of communication skills training for future hotel workers in an immersive environment. The research team developed a model of the hotel reception in a virtual environment, and proposed a methodology for three-phase training. The research involved 56 testers who provided detailed feedback. To improve the communication skills of the participants, it is necessary to repeat the simulations and analyze the individual aspects of the communication in depth