1,210 research outputs found

    Gestión institucional en la respuesta al cambio organizacional en el Colegio de Alto Rendimiento de Huachipa, Lima 2019

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    Esta investigación que fue titulada gestión institucional en la respuesta al cambio organizacional en el Colegio de Alto Rendimiento de Huachipa, Lima 2019, ha tenido como objetivo principal determinar la incidencia de la gestión institucional en la respuesta al cambio organizacional en el Colegio de Alto Rendimiento de Huachipa, Lima. Con el propósito de cumplir con el objetivo de investigación se desarrolló un estudio de tipo básico, de nivel explicativo, enfoque cuantitativo, bajo la aplicación del método hipotético deductivo y con diseño no experimental de corte transversa – correlacional causal. La población estuvo conformada por 62 docentes del Colegio de Alto Rendimiento de Huachipa. La muestra fue no probabilística, de tipo censal. La recolección de datos se cumplió a través de la técnica de la encuesta, teniendo como instrumento al cuestionario conformado por 20 ítems y una escala tipo Likert. Ambos instrumentos fueron validados por expertos y sometidos a la prueba de confiabilidad de Alfa de Cronbach. Luego de procesar los datos de la muestra se llegó a la conclusión general de que existe incidencia de la gestión institucional en la respuesta al cambio organizacional en el Colegio de Alto Rendimiento de Huachipa, Lima 2019. El modelo propuesto explica que 2,4% de la incidencia en la respuesta al cambio (Ng = ,024) se debe a la gestión institucional, con un nivel alto de significancia

    Costeo basado en actividades y su influencia en la rentabilidad de las empresas de hotelería: caso JW Marriott Cusco durante el año 2018

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    En el desarrollo de la presente tesis se realizó un análisis con el fin de explicar y encontrar una correlación entre la gestión y distribución del sistema de costos basados en actividades ABC y la rentabilidad del hotel JW Marriott Cusco durante el periodo 2018. El hotel JW Marriott es una empresa internacional con una sede de cinco estrellas ubicado en la ciudad del Cusco, una sede hotelera que cuenta con las líneas de negocio o actividades principales de habitaciones, alimentos y bebidas y relajación spa. La cual se encuentra en un panorama de mercado de competencia limitada debido a las características propias del nicho y con afluencia escasa de turistas potenciales. La tesis se divide en cinco capítulos que abarcan todo el análisis, explicación y diagnóstico de la estructura de costos basados en actividades, así como las correlaciones de las mismas con la rentabilidad del hotel. En los primeros capítulos se describe información relevante respecto a los departamentos operativos, gestión del sistema de costeo, generadores de costo, A partir de esta información, se utilizó un análisis técnico y minucioso para explicar la realidad del mercado, la estabilidad de su sistema de costos y sus efectos en la rentabilidad. Todo se resume en sugerir un plan de desarrollo de departamentos basado en el sistema de costeo para la revisión y control de costos bajo la temporalidad y fluctuaciones de clientes; Asimismo, se invita a reforzar el cumplimiento de políticas contables del sistema de costeo en el área de habitaciones. También se sugiere una reorganización de costos al área de restaurante orientado a la competitividad. Por último, se aconseja mejorar el programa de atracción al cliente para que el área de spa desarrolle su propio nicho de mercado

    Enhanced limbic network excitation in the pilocarpine animal model of temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Through the use of chronic experimental animal models, the majority of in vitro investigations of temporal lobe epilepsy have demonstrated enhanced network activity within the subdivisions of the hippocampal formation. However, clinical evidence in combination with in vivo and in vitro studies indicates that structures external to the hippocampus contribute to the genesis of seizure activity. To address the effects of limbic network excitation, I have utilized combined hippocampal---entorhinal cortex brain slices from pilocarpine-treated rats that display chronic seizures.My investigations have focused upon three structures, the subiculum, entorhinal cortex and the insular cortex. The experiments in the pilocarpine-treated subiculum demonstrated increased network excitability that was attributed to a more positive GABAA receptor mediated inhibitory post-synaptic potential (IPSP) reversal point coupled with a reduced IPSP peak conductance. Utilizing RT-PCR analysis and immunohistochemical staining we observed a decline in K+-Cl- cotransporter mRNA expression and a reduced number of parvalbumin-positive, presumptive inhibitory interneurons. My second project assessed the network hyperexcitability in layer V of the lateral entorhinal cortex. This is the first study to report spontaneous bursting, in the absence of epileptogenic agents, in the epileptic entorhinal cortex. We attributed this level of network excitation to reduced GABAA receptor mediated inhibition and increased synaptic sprouting. In the final project, we extended our slice preparation to include the insular cortex, a structure external to the temporal lobe. Our investigations identified a mechanism of NMDA receptor dependent synaptic bursting that masked GABA A receptor mediated conductances

    On the Fast Direct Solution of a Preconditioned Electromagnetic Integral Equation

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    This work presents a fast direct solver strategy for electromagnetic integral equations in the high-frequency regime. The new scheme relies on a suitably preconditioned combined field formulation and results in a single skeleton form plus identity equation. This is obtained after a regularization of the elliptic spectrum through the extraction of a suitably chosen equivalent circulant problem. The inverse of the system matrix is then obtained by leveraging the Woodbury matrix identity, the low-rank representation of the extracted part of the operator, and fast circulant algebra yielding a scheme with a favorable complexity and suitable for the solution of multiple right-hand sides. Theoretical considerations are accompanied by numerical results both of which are confirming and showing the practical relevance of the newly developed scheme

    Continuous glucose monitoring for inpatient diabetes management: an update on current evidence and practice

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    Over the last few years, several exciting changes in continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology have expanded its use and made CGM the standard of care for patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes using insulin therapy. Consequently, hospitals started to notice increased use of these devices in their hospitalized patients. Furthermore during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID) pandemic, there was a critical need for innovative approaches to glycemic monitoring, and several hospitals started to implement CGM protocols in their daily practice. Subsequently, a plethora of studies have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of CGM use in the hospital, leading to clinical practice guideline recommendations. Several studies have also suggested that CGM has the potential to become the standard of care for some hospitalized patients, overcoming the limitations of current capillary glucose testing. Albeit, there is a need for more studies and particularly regulatory approval. In this review, we provide a historical overview of the evolution of glycemic monitoring in the hospital and review the current evidence, implementation protocols, and guidance for the use of CGM in hospitalized patients

    Conocimiento de signos y síntomas de peligro durante el puerperio en mujeres gestantes y puérperas usuarias de las unidades comunitarias de salud familiar intermedias puerto El Triunfo, Usulután; Milagro De La Paz y San Jorge, San Miguel. Año 2018

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    RESUMEN; La Organización Mundial de la Salud define la defunción materna como la muerte de una mujer mientras está embarazada o dentro de los 42 días siguientes a la terminación del embarazo, debida a cualquier causa relacionada con o agravada por el embarazo mismo o su atención. Objetivo determinar el conocimiento de signos y síntomas de peligro durante el puerperio en mujeres gestantes y puérperas de las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar Intermedias Puerto el Triunfo, Usulután; Milagro de la paz y San Jorge de San Miguel, año 2018. La Metodología el estudio realizado fue tipo cuali-cuantitativo prospectivo y transversal. La población estudiada fueron 207 mujeres gestantes y puérperas que asistieron tanto a inscripción prenatal o post partos o que consultaron por morbilidad; se aplicó los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, la unidad de estudio fueron mujeres gestantes y puérperas. La técnica de recolección de datos fue a través de la cédula de entrevista previo a la aceptación por medio del consentimiento informado. Se estableció una escala de variables para la medición de los conocimientos tomando como aceptables entre 75- 100%, poco aceptable entre 25-74% y no aceptable de 0- 25%. Para la tabulación y análisis de datos se utilizó el programa SSPS versión 19. Resultados: Al realizar la prueba de hipótesis se comprobó que los conocimientos que tienen las mujeres embarazadas y puérperas, sobre los signos y síntomas de peligro en el puerperio no es aceptable Conclusión: A partir de los resultados descriptivos y de la prueba de hipótesis podemos decir que según el conocimiento que poseen las madres sobre los signos y síntomas de peligro durante el puerperio, se comprobó que el conocimiento aceptable es muy poco, es decir solo una cuarta parte de la muestra estudiada posee conocimiento aceptable, por tanto se acepta la hipótesis nula que dice que el conocimiento que tienen no es aceptable. ABSTRACT: The World Health Organization defines maternal death as the death of a woman while pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, due to any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy itself or its care. Objective to determine the knowledge of danger signs and symptoms during puerperium in pregnant and puerperal women of the Intermediate Family Health Community Units Puerto el Triunfo, Usulután; Milagro de la paz and San Jorge de San Miguel, year 2018. The methodology of the study was qualitative-quantitative, prospective and cross-sectional. The population studied was 207 pregnant and puerperal women who attended both prenatal or postpartum registration or who consulted for morbidity; the inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, the unit of study was pregnant and puerperal women. The data collection technique was by means of an interview form prior to acceptance by means of informed consent. A scale of variables was established for the measurement of knowledge, taking as acceptable between 75-100%, not very acceptable between 25-74% and not acceptable between 0-25%. For data tabulation and analysis, the SSPS version 19 program was used. Conclusion: From the descriptive results and the hypothesis test we can say that according to the knowledge that the mothers have about the signs and symptoms of danger during the puerperium, it was found that the acceptable knowledge is very little, that is, only a quarter of the sample studied has acceptable knowledge, therefore the null hypothesis that says that the knowledge they have is not acceptable is accepted

    Loyalty Points on the Blockchain

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    Although some organizations are contemplating the potential impact of blockchain technology in today’s economy, blockchain, itself, is quickly emerging to be a disruptive force. This is especially true in the circumstance of loyalty programs. Blockchain is a public, digital, and distributed database solution providing decentralized management of transactional data. This technology is transforming society in ways that were previously unimaginable. Whether it be the way individuals use their phones, cars, or the healthcare system, blockchain is applicable for a variety of economic sectors and transactions. Although many may argue that blockchain is in its early development stage, it still possesses the power to revolutionize industries and consumer habits at a global scale. Through implementation of blockchain for loyalty networks, companies eliminate the limitations and inefficiencies while elevating the customer experience with secure and immediate redemption options from a variety of vendors. Despite evolving rapidly, its implementations provide better security, privacy, performance, usability, data integrity, and scalability, to name a few. Hence, blockchain is likely to entice any individual for instantaneous incentives for every purchase.This paper aims to analyze the current, traditional loyalty programs and the challenges associated with them. It highlights how blockchain can resolve these challenges and provide a better experience. This report further explores the various types of loyalty programs that currently exist in the blockchain ecosystem and provides potential future implementations. Finally, the paper analyzes the implementation of coupons in comparison with loyalty points programs, highlighting the vast spread of blockchain implementation

    Evaluation of in vitro digestion methods and starch structure components as determinants for predicting the glycemic index of rice

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    Mainstreaming the low glycemic index (GI) trait in breeding programs is constrained by low-throughput and high-cost clinical GI phenotyping. This study aimed to evaluate the potential of starch fine structure components and simulated digestion parameters in predicting GI in rice. Amylose (AM1 and AM2; r = −0.94 and r = −0.80, respectively, p < .05) and amylopectin fine structure (MCAP, SCAP, and SCAP1; r = 0.78-0.86, p < .05) measured through size-exclusion chromatography along with resistant starch (r = −0.81, p < .05) in seven (7) rice accessions showed high correlation with in vivo GI. Meanwhile, starch hydrolysis extent (SH) and the corresponding area under the digestion curve (AUC) obtained through in vitro digestion were found to be of higher correlation with GI, even within shorter digestion periods of 5 min or 30 min (r = 0.96, p < .01). These results highlight the potential use of these parameters as predictors of GI, with improved predictive capacity through a multiple regression model. Higher correlations of simulated digestion AUC with GI may be due to its ability to account for the overall food matrix native macro- and micro-structures, gaining an added advantage over SEC method as a predictive tool in studying rice GI variability. Validation in a larger population is an inevitable next step