9 research outputs found

    La obra de Jean Renoir como traslación de los postulados impresionistas al lenguaje cinematográfico

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    This paper examines the application of the techniques of impressionism to the cinematographic work of Jean Renoir. It is not just a question of influence of the parent-child relationship between the author and his father, Jean Renoir has a premeditated intention to translate the impressionism techniques to the movies.The research is based on the analysis of the cinematographic work of Jean Renoir, with special reference to Une partie de campagne (1936).El presente trabajo analiza la presencia de técnicas propias del impresionismo en la obra cinematográfica de Jean Renoir. Dicha presencia no sólo se debe a la relación paterno filial de dicho autor con su padre, el pintor Aguste Renoir, sino a una intención premeditada de trasladar el impresionismo al cine.La metodología seguida para realizar esta investigación se basa en el análisis de la mayor parte de la obra cinematográfica de Jean Renoir, haciendo especial referencia a la película de su filmografía donde todas las influencias del impresionismo son especialmente evidentes, Un día de campo (Une partie de campagne, 1936)

    The work of Jean Renoir like translation of the impresionist postulates to the cinematographic language

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    This paper examines the application of the techniques of impressionism to the cinematographic work of Jean Renoir. It is not just a question of influence of the parent-child relationship between the author and his father, Jean Renoir has a premeditated intention to translate the impressionism techniques to the movies.The research is based on the analysis of the cinematographic work of Jean Renoir, with special reference to Une partie de campagne (1936).</p

    Predicting bankruptcy in resort hotels: a survival analysis

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    Purpose – This study aims to examine variables influencing resort hotels’ survival in Spain, which had not previously been analysed. In this country, determining whether the reasons resort hotels close are different from other hotels could be imperative to resort hotels’ survival. Design/methodology/approach – The survival analysis used Cox’s semi-parametric proportional hazards regression to determine which variables influence hotel closure and how much each variable increases risk of closure. Findings – Resort hotel closure depends on hotel size, location, executive management and the business cycle. Survival is not affected by hotel type or financial structure. Research limitations/implications – While this methodology is common in business survival analyses, it has seldom been applied to hotels and has never been used to study the survival of resort hotels. Practical implications – Companies need to rethink the location of new hotels. For already-built facilities, good management practices are strategically important for resort hotels’ survival. Originality/value – This paper explores the reasons why resort hotels survive. The study’s selection of variables and methodology and its conclusions are unique

    Capacidades de investigación y directivas: señales informativas en la salida a bolsa de las empresas de base tecnológica

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    This study is aimed at exploring the effect of research and managerial capabilities of technology-based firms on the capital guaranteed from their initial public offerings. Based on the dynamic capabilities perspective, we formulate a set of hypotheses that suggest that patent value, technological diversity and functional diversity of top management teams are information signals to potential investors and positively influence the valuation of firms going public. A longitudinal empirical research of a sample of dedicated biotechnology firms that went public in the United States provides support for such argumentsLa presente investigación tiene como objetivo estudiar la influencia de las capacidades de investigación y directivas de las empresas de base tecnológica en el capital obtenido en la oferta pública inicial de acciones. Tras desarrollar el marco teórico fundamentado en el enfoque de capacidades dinámicas, formulamos hipótesis que sugieren que el valor de las patentes, la diversidad tecnológica y la diversidad funcional de los equipos de alta dirección son se�nales informativas para los potenciales inversores y ejercen una influencia positiva en la valoración de la empresa cuando inicia su cotización bursátil. Un estudio empírico longitudinal sobre una muestra de empresas biotecnológicas que salieron a bolsa en Estados Unidos confirma dicho planteamiento

    Instability And Trade In Currency Areas

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    We present a model of a currency area in which labor markets of country members are isolated but there is trade among these countries. When a country experiences a negative (resp. positive) shock, inflation goes down (up). This causes two effects. On the one hand the real interest rate of this country increases (decreases). On the other hand the goods produced in this country become more (less) competitive. We show that the stability of the system depends on several factors, including a large competitive effect, how inflation expectations are formed and fiscal policy. In general, stability requires a trade-off between the rationality of expectations and budget balance

    Customer orientation of service employees in family businesses in the hotel sector

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    The business interactions between front-line employees and customers are crucial to evaluating service quality and for a business’ performance. A gap has been identified in the literature on both the customer orientation of service employees (COSE) and family businesses (FBs); both concepts never have been studied together before. Due to this fact, we present a concept that develops a theoretical model based on Hennig-Thurau (2004). This model drives research about the COSE and FBs in the hotel sector. The two main contributions are the following: (1) electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is proposed as a consequence of COSE within FBs and (2) a questionnaire has been developed from relevant subscales to measure COSE and two possible consequences derived from it (Customer Satisfaction and eWOM). A database from Iberic Balance Analysis System (SABI) has been selected to study these variables in the hotel sector, and it will be used in a proposed future empirical study that is expected to provide support for the theory.  Las interactuaciones de los empleados de servicios con los clientes son cruciales para el reflejo de la calidad del servicio, y para los beneficios de la empresa. Se ha identificado un hueco sin cubrir dentro de la literatura de Customer Orientation of Service Employees(COSE) y Family Businesses (FBs), los dos conceptos nunca se han investigado juntos antes. Debido a este hecho, se presenta un artículo conceptual que desarrolla un modelo teórico basado en Hennig-Thurau (2004). Las dos principales contribuciones son: (1) electronic Word of Mouth (eWOM) se propone como consecuencia de COSE, (2) se ha desarrollado un cuestionario, a raíz de importantes subescalas, para medir COSE y dos posibles consecuencias que derivan del concepto (satisfacción del cliente y eWOM). Una base de datos procedente de SABI se ha seleccionado para estudiar estas variables en el sector hotelero, lo cual se propone para en un futuro trabajo, y que se espera que le se soporte empírico a la teoría aportada

    Exploring the effects of destination image attributes on tourist satisfaction and destination loyalty: an application in Málaga, Spain

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    This article has attempted to provide empirical evidence of the relationships between two groups of perceived destination image attributes, tourist satisfaction and tourist loyalty. In order to explore these relationships, two groups of destination image attributes perceived in situ have been studied: “hard ware” and “human ware” attributes of a south Spain destination. A theoretical model is tested on a sample of tourists using structural equations modeling. A positive relationship is detected between the variables.From a practical point of view, recommendations were made on the importance of destination image attributes such us “hard ware attributes” and “human ware attributes” that generate favorable word-of-mouth recommendations and revisit intentions.

    Procedure for the continuous improvement of human resource management

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    The hotel sector in the historic center of Havana reveals deficiencies in customer satisfaction regarding human resource. This research is aimed at analyzing the results of the implementation of a continuous improvement of human resource management that allows the enhancement of services quality, assuming the Cuban norm. The main results show that 55% of the items identified with the application of the SERVQUAL model show quality deficit associated with processes of human resource management, such as work competences and work organization. The main dysfunctions identified were unproductive times due to organizational and technical issues and labor fluctuation. Subsequently, hidden costs due to deficiencies were calculated, which amount to a value of 13 249,89 MU/year. To monitor these problems, objectives and indicators are proposed through the Integral Command Table, as well as a plan of corrective and preventive actions.El sector hotelero en el centro histórico de La Habana revela deficiencias de satisfacción del cliente en relación con los recursos humanos. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar los resultados de la implementación de una mejora continua de la gestión de los recursos humanos que permite mejorar la calidad de los servicios, asumiendo la norma cubana. Los principales resultados muestran que el 55% de los ítems identificados con la aplicación del modelo SERVQUAL reflejan un déficit de calidad asociado a los procesos de gestión de recursos humanos, como las competencias laborales y la organización del trabajo. Las principales deficiencias encontradas son los tiempos improductivos debido a problemas técnicos y organizacionales y la fluctuación laboral. Posteriormente, se calcularon los costos ocultos generados por los disfuncionamientos existentes, los cuáles ascienden a un valor de 13 249,89 MU / año. Para monitorear estos problemas, los objetivos e indicadores se proponen a través de la Tabla de Comando Integral, así como un plan de acciones correctivas y preventivas