850 research outputs found

    Chapter Machine Learning in Volcanology: A Review

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    A volcano is a complex system, and the characterization of its state at any given time is not an easy task. Monitoring data can be used to estimate the probability of an unrest and/or an eruption episode. These can include seismic, magnetic, electromagnetic, deformation, infrasonic, thermal, geochemical data or, in an ideal situation, a combination of them. Merging data of different origins is a non-trivial task, and often even extracting few relevant and information-rich parameters from a homogeneous time series is already challenging. The key to the characterization of volcanic regimes is in fact a process of data reduction that should produce a relatively small vector of features. The next step is the interpretation of the resulting features, through the recognition of similar vectors and for example, their association to a given state of the volcano. This can lead in turn to highlight possible precursors of unrests and eruptions. This final step can benefit from the application of machine learning techniques, that are able to process big data in an efficient way. Other applications of machine learning in volcanology include the analysis and classification of geological, geochemical and petrological “static” data to infer for example, the possible source and mechanism of observed deposits, the analysis of satellite imagery to quickly classify vast regions difficult to investigate on the ground or, again, to detect changes that could indicate an unrest. Moreover, the use of machine learning is gaining importance in other areas of volcanology, not only for monitoring purposes but for differentiating particular geochemical patterns, stratigraphic issues, differentiating morphological patterns of volcanic edifices, or to assess spatial distribution of volcanoes. Machine learning is helpful in the discrimination of magmatic complexes, in distinguishing tectonic settings of volcanic rocks, in the evaluation of correlations of volcanic units, being particularly helpful in tephrochronology, etc. In this chapter we will review the relevant methods and results published in the last decades using machine learning in volcanology, both with respect to the choice of the optimal feature vectors and to their subsequent classification, taking into account both the unsupervised and the supervised approaches

    Nanocrystalline glass-like carbon thin films may be an useful tool in nerve cells regeneration

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    Abstract en el libro de Abstract de la International Conference, p. 99The interest in carbon nanomaterials with high transparency and electrical conductivity has grown within the last decade in view of a wide variety of applications, including biocompatible sensors, diagnostic devices and bioelectronic implants. The aim of this work is to test the biocompatibility of particular nanometer-thin nanocrystalline glass-like carbon films (NGLC), a disordered structure of graphene flakes joined by carbon matrixUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. We thank Prof. Arenas, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, for SN4741 cell line. R.G.V. gratefully acknowledges Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for funding through a Ramon y Cajal fellowship

    Gender issues in science for physics teacher educators: The case of Antonia Maury and her star catalog

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    In the initial and continuous training of science teachers, the importance of addressing issues associated with the Nature of Science (NOS) is recognized. However, these issues are not usually incorporated into classrooms. This is often because Science teacher educators do not consider it necessary to make explicit the content of NOS, and the choices they make about these are influenced by beliefs, philosophical and socio-cultural issues (Wan et al., 2013). Particularly, in recent years, and thanks to the advance of gender studies in science and technology (Blazquez Graf & Chapa Romero, 2018), androcentric biases, among others, that subordinate and/or exclude people from production, education, and formation in science, due to their identity and/or sexual orientation, race, social class, age, etc., have been unveiled. In this sense, what is sought with the inclusion of gender issues in teacher training is to understand and transform practices and discourses of science teacher educators and future science teachers, with the commitment to promote and advocate for scientific and technological education for all. The aim of this communication is to develop a proposal for Physics teacher educators, using the contributions of History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science in Teaching, with a socio-political perspective (Moura, 2021) and one that contributes to addressing gender issues in the initial and continuing teachers’ training. Through the analysis of the exemplary historical case of the astronomer Antonia C. Maury (1866-1952) on spectral classification, which is considered the basis for the construction of the H-R diagram and the development of Astrophysics, the division of scientific work in Astronomy is problematized. This review led to a scientific narrative (Adúriz-Bravo, 2014) to take to the classroom. The documentary analysis reviewed the stellar catalog published in the annals of the Harvard Observatory: Spectra of Bright stars (Maury & Pickering, 1897), which is one of the first publications in which the authorship of a woman is recognized, and some second-source historical texts (Sobel & Pacheco González, 2017; Vieira et al., 2021). The scientific narrative incorporates discussions on 1) the gender division of scientific work, 2) the lack of an "objective" criterion for accepting certain methodologies and observations 3) the role of spectrometry in Astrophysics, and 4) communication and popularization in science. Finally, we conclude that these types of narratives are susceptible to be analyzed and adapted by science teacher educators, broadening the images of science, and making explicit questions about the NOS and Technology in initial and continuing teacher training. REFERENCES Adúriz-Bravo, A. (2014). Teaching the Nature of Science with Scientific Narratives. Interchange, 45(3–4), 167–184. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10780-015-9229-7 Blazquez Graf, N., & Chapa Romero, A. C. (2018). Inclusión del análisis de género en la ciencia (U. N. A. de México (ed.); electrónic). Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades. Maury, A. C., & Pickering, E. C. (1897). Spectra of Bright stars. Annals of the Astronomical Observatory of Harvard College., XXVIII(1), 37–72. Moura, C. B. (2021). Para que história da ciência no ensino ? Algumas direções a partir de uma perspectiva sociopolítica. RBECM, 4(Edição especial), 1155–1178. Sobel, D., & Pacheco Gonzáles, P. (2017). El Universo de cristal. La historia de las mujeres de Harvard que nos acercaron a las estrellas. Vieira, P. C., Massoni, N. T., & Alves-Brito, A. (2021). O papel de Cecilia Payne na determinação da composição estelar. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 43. https://doi.org/10.1590/1806-9126-rbef-2021-0028  Wan, Z. H., Wong, S. L., Wei, B., & Zhan, Y. (2013). Focusing on the Classical or Contemporary? Chinese Science Teacher Educators’ Conceptions of Nature of Science Content to Be Taught to Pre-service Science Teachers. Research in Science Education, 43(6), 2541–2566. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11165-013-9372-z


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    Muchas son las publicaciones que desde el inicio de las disciplinas humanísticas se han dedicado al estudio de las catedrales españolas y gallegas en general, la mayoría de fundación medieval pero muy transformadas a lo largo del tiempo. Particularmente intensa ha sido la investigación en los últimos años a raíz de la constitución del Plan Nacional de Catedrales y del intenso trabajo desarrollado por investigadores de numerosas universidades y centros de investigación de toda España, entre los que destacan los grupos de investigación dirigidos por Germán Ramallo Asensio, organizador del último gran congreso nacional sobre el tema (“El Comportamiento de las Catedrales Españolas. Del Barroco a los Historicismos”, Murcia, 2003”) y colaborador invitado en el presente volumen monográfico

    Especularidad, circularidad y reescritura históricas en La novela de mi vida de Leonardo Padura

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.[À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : Thèses et mémoires - FAS - Département de littératures et de langues modernes

    Science Fiction films as a mirror of american society in the 1950´s. Special reference to the role of infiltrated invader

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    Durante el periodo de la guerra fría existió una corriente anticomunista en el seno de los Estados Unidos. El presente trabajo trata de comprobar cómo dentro de producciones sin intención propagandística y sin aspiración alguna a mostrar la realidad, se pueden encontrar elementos que reflejan la psicología de la época. Para el estudio, hemos confeccionado una base de datos a partir del listado de las 105 películas de este género según la catalogación del American Film Institute, producidas en Estados Unidos entre 1950 y 1959. Adicionalmente se ha realizado una contextualización histórica y un análisis descriptivo analizando la figura del enemigo infiltrado.There was a strong current of anticommunist-cinema during the cold war period in the United States. This article tries to demonstrate how productions without propagandistic or documentary intentions are able to show the psychology of this period of time. This paper examines fantastic films over the 1950-1960 time period according to the American Film Institute's list. We have compiled a database of 105 films focused on fantastic field in order to perform an in-depth analysis of the main paradigmatic films of this time period after contextualizing their environment. This is followed by the analysis of the generic archetypes that characters represented in science fiction films of that decade

    Implementación de un simulador de rendimiento, consumo y coste para Centros de Datos integrados en un Smart Grid

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    Actualmente uno de los mayores costes de un Centro de Proceso de Datos es el consumo eléctrico, especialmente el generado para el funcionamiento de los sistemas de refrigeración. Los simuladores constituyen una herramienta imprescindible para optimizar su funcionamiento de la forma más eficiente posible. A su vez, los simuladores deben ejecutarse en tiempos razonables, además de permitir su ejecución con distintas configuraciones de los sistemas cuyo comportamiento se quiere simular. Este proyecto consiste en la elaboración y desarrollo de un modelo de consumo de un Data Center utilizando las ecuaciones descritas en los artículos "Dynamic Workload and Cooling Management in High-Efficiency Data Centers" y "Leakage-Aware Cooling Management for Improving Server Energy Efficiency", reseñados en la bibliografía [1] y [2], empleadas anteriormente en el simulador DC-Sim, generando una infraestructura base para futuros desarrollos. El nuevo modelo, basado en el formalismo DEVS, es fácilmente escalable y permite la ampliación con nuevas funcionalidades, además de permitir la implementación de cualquier topología y tamaño de Data Center, con diferentes cargas de trabajo

    Frecuencia de comorbilidad entre trastornos del lenguaje y trastornos del aprendizaje en pacientes atendidos en los servicios de consulta externa de psiquiatría infantil y fonoaudiología del Hospital Militar Central

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    Identificar comorbilidades existentes entre trastornos del lenguaje y trastornos del aprendizaje según criterios diagnósticos DSM-IV y CIE-10. Describir las características sociodemográficas y clínicas de los niños con trastornos del lenguaje y del aprendizaje, describir las alteraciones en el desarrollo de los niños con trastorno del lenguaje, describir los comportamientos asociados de los trastor- nos del lenguaje, describir los diagnósticos de las comorbilidades psiquiátricas médicas o sociales en niños con trastorno del lenguaje. El disponer de datos precisos en una población colombiana facilitara intervenir en la existencia de uno presencia del otro, ya sea que el paciente ingrese por la consulta de Salud Mental Infantil o por la consulta de Fonoaudiología permitiendo iniciar manejos más tempranos y prevenir el desarrollo de complicaciones futura

    Guideline for constructing nutrient balance in historical agricultural systemes (and its application to three case-studies in southern Spain)

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide interested researchers with a simple tool to evaluate the efficacy of different methods of fertility replenishment that have accompanied and made possible the contemporary agriculture. We propose a nutrient balance model created especially to be applied to the past. In the first part of this working paper each term in the balance is defined and specified the information the user must input into the model. The second part of this paper reports on the application of this methodology based on the balances of nutrients to the evolution of Andalusian agriculture since the mid 18th Century. The nutrient balances show the effects of agrarian growth in an environmentally limited context, offering reasonable doubt regarding the medium and long-term stability of certain forms of cultivation. The balances show that in the last decades of the 19th Century, productive intensification had reached its ceiling, with livestock numbers levelling off or clearly declining. The deficits of nutrients even began to exceed the fertilisation capacity of the available livestock. The intensification applied in unfertilised rotations and crops had to be sustained through the extraction of soil reserves.Soil fertility management, Nutrient balances, Past organic agricultures, Agrarian growth, Socio-ecological transition, Agricultural change