24,838 research outputs found

    E-business in Indonesia: It still has a prospect?

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    This study is aimed to investigate the current state of e-business in Indonesia and to discuss its prospect. An Internet research method is adopted to search and collect various data from online sources and to analyze e-business websites. The framework of investigation covers three parties: Internet users, government supports, and e-business firms. The findings reveal the mixed pictures. The number of Internet users is quite big but the national average penetration is still low. In terms of government supports in providing ICT infrastructure and regulation, Indonesia is still behind of many countries. However, there is a promising progress recently in this industry such as the emerging payment gateway companies to support electronic transactions, the investment of big global e-commerce firms, and the establishment of e-commerce association. Academics could use the finding as a preliminary outlook to more focused research topics. Investors could use it also as a preliminary thought to invest in this industry

    Government support on industrial cluster development: some lessons

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    In the global market, competition among countries is likely between industrial cluster rather than individual firms. Developed and less developed countries strive to create global competitive and sustainable cluster which can attract investment and develop regional economy. Understanding best practices from the successful cluster development is valuable. This paper presents some lessons from an exploratory study investigating the industrial cluser development in Australia. The Australian government programs on cluster development is presented, and some lessons covering the cluster approach policy, cluster manager appointment, cluster sustainability, networking events, and use of ICT are discussed


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    This study investigates Internet retailers in a developing country. It aims to investigate the characteristic of business profiles and operations, and to describe performance measurement implemented and its use. Internet-based research was adopted by combining a questionnaire email survey with web content analysis to study Indonesian Internet retailers. The results show that the majority of Indonesian Internet retailers are immature, small size, and without store-presence. The business operation practices, such as ordering, payment, and communication, indicate some differences from those in developed economies. Though Indonesian Internet retailers are still immature, they have measured various aspects of business performance. Those measured more performance indicators are likely to use the information more intensively to support decision making. This study has limitations such as the small number of responses, which might prevent the generalization of the results. The findings could be used by local Internet retailers to improve the business operations and performance measurement, as well as global Internet retailers entering Indonesian market to adopt some local operation practices


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    Most universities have a website with one of prevalent basic purpose is to provide an information to current and prospective students. The university web developers quite often neglect the process to incorporate customers’ voice during the development process, as suggested by the web usability, an area within humancomputer interaction (HCI) research. As many web users rely on a search engine to seek information, the inclusion of words that are most likely used by them (called carewords), in a web site are very critical. This paper aims to present a preliminary investigation of usability aspects in university websites, by focusing on the web content. This study applies Internet research methods. A simulation of a hypothetical case in which a prospective university student intends to study in Surabaya is performed. Search-words “kuliah di Surabaya”, “universitas di Surabaya”, and “kuliah teknik industri” are applied in Yahoo and Google search engines. The top 20 links obtained from each searching task are analyzed. Secondary data from EPSBED website was supplied to support the analysis. Furthermore, a content analysis using was conducted to selected websites of universities located in Surabaya. Overall, the findings emphasize that mismatch between the terms used by audiences and those presented in the web content could reduce the visibility of the website. Finally, this study suggests the university web developers to be more intensive applying usability principles to make their websites visible and accessible to potential students, as well as usable to other intended stakeholders


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengembangkan media pembelajaran interaktif dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran berbasis Macromedia Flash Profesional 8, (2) mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran interaktif teori mesin bubut berbasis Macromedia Flash Professional 8. Metode penelitian dengan menggunakan gabungan antara metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pengembangan media ini terdiri dari enam tahap, yaitu: concept, design, material collecting, assembly, testing, dan distribution. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuisioner/ angket. Responden adalah siswa kelas XI Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Pemesinan, SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul. Proses pembuatan media pembelajaran ini adalah: Studi Lapangan dan Literatur, Identifikasi Kebutuhan, Perumusan Tujuan, Perancangan Produk, Validasi Ahli Materi dan Media, Revisi 1, Tanggapan Terbatas, Revisi II, Tanggapan Luas, Revisi III. Hasilnya berupa media pembelajaran dengan enam (6) menu utama, yaitu: Pendahuluan, Cekam dan Alat Bantu, Hitung Teknis, Fungsi Mesin Bubut, Latihan Soal, dan Tentang Kami. Media dipublikasikan dalam CD dengan file sebesar 210 MB dan dikemas dalam hard case yang bertuliskan Nama Media, Sasaran Pengguna, Isi Media, System Requirements dan Petunjuk Instalasi. Hasil penilaian kelayakan media pembelajaran berdasarkan skor penilaian kualitas produk ditinjau dari aspek pembelajaran termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,35; aspek substansi materi termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,49; aspek tampilan termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,28, aspek pemrograman dan komunikasi visual termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,30; Motivasi belajar termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dengan rerata 3,45. Secara keseluruhan prosentase penilaian kelayakan media tanggapan luas dibandingkan dengan skor ideal adalah 84,36% dan termasuk termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik

    Barack Obama’s Rhetoric on unlifting Racial Divisiveness in the U.S.A.

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    This paper is an inquiry into Barack Obama’s rhetorical craftmanship that evidently paved the way to his move forward to the White House. As his presidential campaign was placed as part of the journey toward the job of perfecting the nation, the rhetoric of this speech irresistibly challenges and drives Americans to move beyond the existing racial divisiveness in order to address part of the union that was not yet made perfect; thus enabling them to work together to get through the enormity of their common problems

    Eco-sustainable Campus Initiatives: A Web Content Analysis

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    Though many prominent universities in the world have been implementing the sustainability programs for many years, few universities in Indonesia are just start taking the initiative to develop eco-campus, sustainable campus or green campus. In this current state, the Indonesian universities are still lack of practical framework to guide their sustainability programs. While some articles offer conceptual or practical sustainability frameworks, the actual campus sustainability practices are not much explored. This paper fills the gap by investigating the actual campus sustainability practices from some major universities in the world. The findings shows that campus sustainability initiative is commonly implemented with an integrated approach covering environmental management, green building, public participation, teaching and research. In addition, the initiative is guided by a high level sustainability policy/plan, and the presence of dedicated organizational unit to manage sustainability program. Furthermore, the investigation of the Indonesian university shows that only four of ten sites have a dedicated a sub-domain web site for the sustainability initiative, the real activities are still minimum, and the absence of a dedicated organizational unit. The findings could help Indonesian universities in their sustainability endeavor

    Toward a Theoretical Inquiry Into Codeswitching: the Indonesian Experience

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    Hardly has codeswitching been evaluatively treated on the theoretical level using the natural language data from the sociolinguistic context of Indonesia. This research paper is to address such an issue as a field of inquiry incorporating the researcher's first-hand encounter with naturalistic language data in the field
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