7 research outputs found

    Integral chain management of wildlife diseases

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    The chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis has caused the most prominent loss of vertebrate diversity ever recorded, which peaked in the 1980s. Recent incursion by its sister species B. salamandrivorans in Europe raised the alarm for a new wave of declines and extinctions in western Palearctic urodeles. The European Commission has responded by restricting amphibian trade. However, private amphibian collections, the main end consumers, were exempted from the European legislation. Here, we report how invasion by a released, exotic newt coincided with B. salamandrivorans invasion at over 1000 km from the nearest natural outbreak site, causing mass mortality in indigenous marbled newts (Triturus marmoratus), and posing an acute threat to the survival of nearby populations of the most critically endangered European newt species (Montseny brook newt, Calotriton arnoldi). Disease management was initiated shortly after detection in a close collaboration between policy and science and included drastic on site measures and intensive disease surveillance. Despite these efforts, the disease is considered temporarily contained but not eradicated and continued efforts will be necessary to minimize the probability of further pathogen dispersal. This precedent demonstrates the importance of tackling wildlife diseases at an early stage using an integrated approach, involving all stakeholders and closing loopholes in existing regulations

    Desarrollo de una aplicación e-commerce de productos Patchwork

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    [ES] Mediante este proyecto de fin de grado, planteamos la resolución de un trabajo de ingeniería, cuyo objetivo es desarrollar una aplicación web para un pequeño negocio destinado a venta, distribución, elaboración y talleres formativos en trabajos patchwork, tareas de punto de cruz, bordados y costura creativa. Durante el transcurso de este proyecto se abordarán distintas fases de desarrollo para la resolución de la página web en cuestión, desde análisis metodológicos basados en las necesidades del usuario, las cuales se realizan a través de entrevistas cualitativas o encuestas, hasta la propia implementación del software que conlleva, aplicando el paradigma de programación modelo vista controlador. Se utilizará el framework open source web2py para un desarrollo sencillo y escalable con el objetivo de crear una aplicación atractiva y manejable para sus usuarios. Destacamos algunas características como por ejemplo, la integración con paypal a través de sus propias librerías, donde los usuarios podrán hacer transferencias en el caso de compra online o la integración con facebook para poder compartir información.[CA] Mitjançant aquest projecte de fi de grau, plantegem la resolució d’un treball d’enginyeria, l’objectiu del qual serà desenvolupar una aplicació web d’un xicotet negoci destinat a venda, distribució, elaboració i tallers formatius en treballs patchwork, tasques de punt de creu, brodats i costura creativa. Durant el transcurs d’aquest projecte s’abordaran diferents fases de desenvolupament per a la resolució de la pàgina web en qüestió, des d’anàlisis metodològiques basades en les necessitats de l’usuari, les quals es realitzen a través d’entrevistes qualitatives o enquestes, fins a la pròpia implementació del programari que comporta, aplicant el paradigma de programació model vista controlador. S’utilitzarà el framework open source web2py per a un desenvolupament senzill i escalable amb l’objectiu de crear una aplicació atractiva i manejable per als seus usuaris. Destaquem algunes característiques com per exemple, la integració amb paypal a través de les seues pròpies llibreries, on els usuaris podran fer transferències en el cas de compra online o la integració amb facebook per a poder compartir informació.[EN] With this project we try to solve an engineering work, which objective is to develop a web application for a small business destined to the sale, distribution, production and training courses of patchwork, cross-stitch, embroidery and creative sewing. VI During all this project different stages of development for the resolution of the web page will be approached. The methodological analysis will be based on the needs of our customers. The data will be supplied from some qualitative interviews or surveys, to the software implementation itself, using the programming pattern: model view controller. An open source framework, web2py will be used for a simple and scalable develop aimed to create an attractive and manageable application for the users. Some features should be highlighted such as integration with paypal through their own libraries, where users can make transfers in case of any shopping online or the possibility of integration with facebook as a tool to share information.Sánchez Guinart, F. (2019). Desarrollo de una aplicación e-commerce de productos Patchwork. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/128079TFG

    Genomic insights into the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), a Critically Endangered glacial relict

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    The Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), considered the most endangered amphibian in Europe, is a relict salamandrid species endemic to a small massif located in northeastern Spain. Although conservation efforts should always be guided by genomic studies, those are yet scarce among urodeles, hampered by the extreme sizes of their genomes. Here, we present the third available genome assembly for the order Caudata, and the first genomic study of the species and its sister taxon, the Pyrenean brook newt (Calotriton asper), combining whole-genome and ddRADseq data. Our results reveal significant demographic oscillations which accurately mirrored Europe's climatic history. Although severe bottlenecks have led to depauperate genomic diversity and long runs of homozygosity along a gigantic genome, inbreeding might have been avoided by assortative mating strategies. Other life history traits, however, seem to have been less advantageous, and the lack of land dispersal has driven to exceptional levels of population fragmentation

    Genomic insights into the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), a Critically Endangered glacial relict

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    The Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), considered the most endangered amphibian in Europe, is a relict salamandrid species endemic to a small massif located in northeastern Spain. Although conservation efforts should always be guided by genomic studies, those are yet scarce among urodeles, hampered by the extreme sizes of their genomes. Here, we present the third available genome assembly for the order Caudata, and the first genomic study of the species and its sister taxon, the Pyrenean brook newt (Calotriton asper), combining whole-genome and ddRADseq data. Our results reveal significant demographic oscillations which accurately mirrored Europe’s climatic history. Although severe bottlenecks have led to depauperate genomic diversity and long runs of homozygosity along a gigantic genome, inbreeding might have been avoided by assortative mating strategies. Other life history traits, however, seem to have been less advantageous, and the lack of land dispersal has driven to exceptional levels of population fragmentation.This article is published as Talavera, Adrián, Marc Palmada-Flores, Bernat Burriel-Carranza, Emilio Valbuena-Ureña, Gabriel Mochales-Riaño, Dean C. Adams, Héctor Tejero-Cicuéndez et al. "Genomic insights into the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), a Critically Endangered glacial relict." iScience 27 (2024): 108665. © 2023 The Authors.This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    Genomic insights into the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), a Critically Endangered glacial relict

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    Summary: The Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), considered the most endangered amphibian in Europe, is a relict salamandrid species endemic to a small massif located in northeastern Spain. Although conservation efforts should always be guided by genomic studies, those are yet scarce among urodeles, hampered by the extreme sizes of their genomes. Here, we present the third available genome assembly for the order Caudata, and the first genomic study of the species and its sister taxon, the Pyrenean brook newt (Calotriton asper), combining whole-genome and ddRADseq data. Our results reveal significant demographic oscillations which accurately mirrored Europe’s climatic history. Although severe bottlenecks have led to depauperate genomic diversity and long runs of homozygosity along a gigantic genome, inbreeding might have been avoided by assortative mating strategies. Other life history traits, however, seem to have been less advantageous, and the lack of land dispersal has driven to exceptional levels of population fragmentation

    Genomic insights into the Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), a Critically Endangered glacial relict

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    The Montseny brook newt (Calotriton arnoldi), considered the most endangered amphibian in Europe, is a relict salamandrid species endemic to a small massif located in northeastern Spain. Although conservation efforts should always be guided by genomic studies, those are yet scarce among urodeles, hampered by the extreme sizes of their genomes. Here, we present the third available genome assembly for the order Caudata, and the first genomic study of the species and its sister taxon, the Pyrenean brook newt (Calotriton asper), combining whole-genome and ddRADseq data. Our results reveal significant demographic oscillations which accurately mirrored Europe's climatic history. Although severe bottlenecks have led to depauperate genomic diversity and long runs of homozygosity along a gigantic genome, inbreeding might have been avoided by assortative mating strategies. Other life history traits, however, seem to have been less advantageous, and the lack of land dispersal has driven to exceptional levels of population fragmentation.We must thank to an anonymous reviewer for their constructive comments provided on a previous version of the manuscript, as well as Loukia Spilani, Maria Estarellas, Juliana Tabares and Laia Pérez-Sorribes for their help and support, Albert Català for his valuable insights into palaeoclimatic registers, and Elly Margaret Tanaka and Francisco Javier Falcon Chavez for providing the axolotl custom repeat library. We also want to thank the sequencing, assembly and annotation teams of CNAG (Center Nacional d'Anàlisi Genòmica) for their help during the sequencing and sequencing data management. AT is supported by “la Caixa” doctoral fellowship programme (LCF/BQ/DR20/11790007). MP-F is supported by “la Caixa” doctoral fellowship programme (LCF/BQ/DR20/11790032). BB-C was funded by FPU grant from Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain (FPU18/04742). GM-R was funded by an FPI grant from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain (PRE2019-088729). HT-C is supported by a Juan de la Cierva – Formación postdoctoral fellowship (FJC2021-046832-I) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. The work was funded by the grants PGC2018-098290-B-I00 (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE), Spain, and PID2021-128901NB-I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by ERDF, A way of making Europe), Spain to SC. We would like to thank Dan Forham and Oxford Nanopore Technologies for providing technical and fungible support for this project. Sample collection was carried out with the authorization of the governments of Catalonia, Aragon (Spain) and Andorra. License for the sacrifice of two captive-bred individuals for the genome assembly were issued by the Departament d’Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural of the Catalan Government with code MBCFS-05-22. Fieldwork was authorized in Catalonia by the same institution with the permission numbers SF/298 and SF/469 for C. arnoldi and DF/90 and SF/429 for C. asper, in Aragon by Instituto Aragonés de Gestión Ambiental, Area II-Biodiversidad of the Aragonese Government with the permission numbers 24/2010/901 and 24/2012/661 and in Andorra by Departament de Medi Ambient i Sostenibilitat of the Andorran Government with the permission number EXP2200747