41 research outputs found

    Assessing the viability of Romania's newly established metropolitan areas

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    The legislation of new metropolitan areas in Romania follows the complicated and confusing experience of previous metropolitan areas, instilling a sense of excessive caution among both public authorities and researchers. A review of the literature demonstrates the prevalence of theoretical, methodological, and sectoral approaches when dealing with this functional frame of territorial delineation. Our research proposes an exploratory analysis of the major metropolitan areas developed around county seats, in order to understand the medium and long‐term dynamics affect‐ ing the development of these territorial structures that are contingent on the local governance. By using a methodology based on the harmonisation of statistical series according to the current administrative structure, as well as on the carto‐ graphic analysis of demographic trends between 1992 and 2021, the study demonstrates the uneven development trends of major metropolitan areas, increasing the risk of widening territorial gaps

    Les élections roumaines : le poids du passé

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    Depuis 1989, la Roumanie connaĂźt les avatars de la redĂ©couverte des dimensions locales et rĂ©gionales de la construction territoriale. Le phĂ©nomĂšne est trĂšs compliquĂ© Ă  cause de la complexitĂ© du territoire roumain, caractĂ©risĂ© par l’existence de tensions profondes dues Ă  la jeunesse et Ă  la rapiditĂ© de la construction de l’Etat moderne roumain. Cet article explore, Ă  travers une analyse gĂ©ographique des Ă©lections, la diminution des tensions ethniques et la lente Ă©mergence d’un comportement civique des habitants de la Roumanie. Le processus est caractĂ©risĂ© par un dĂ©but d’affirmation des structures locales et rĂ©gionales comme rĂ©action aux tendances centralisatrices dues Ă  l’hĂ©ritage communiste.Since 1989 Romania has been experiencing the avatars of the rediscovery of the local and regional dimensions of the territorial building. The phenomenon is very complicated because Romania is a complex territory characterized by deep tensions determined by the quick and recent construction of the modern Romanian State. This paper explores, through a geographical analysis of the elections, the decrease of the ethnical tensions and demonstrates the slow emergence of a civic behaviour on the part of Romanian citizens. The process is characterized by a slow affirmation of local and regional structures as a reaction to centralizing trends inherited from communism

    Emotions Assessment on Simulated Flights

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    Trabalho apresentado em 14th edition of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurement and Applications (MeMeA'19), junho 2019, Istanbul, TurquiaN/


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    Nowadays, the geoscience data have become widely available in different organizations, which play a very important role in decisions-making at different levels (social, economic, political
). However, these organizations use standards, technologies and policies that differ from one to another. Therefore, this information is increasingly being distributed widely and become divorced from their original context or had remained limited to a small scale. Hence, the need for a spatial data infrastructure (SDI) becomes a necessity in order to facilitate the creation, sharing, and access to geospatial data, thus the exchange of knowledge between them, using a minimum set of standard practices, protocols, and specifications. The establishment of a spatial data infrastructure is to create conditions to ensure free access of public authorities, local authorities, organizations and citizens to spatial data. This paper presents a preliminary study of implementation of a spatial data infrastructure. It introduced the SDI developments in USA, Canada and Europe and summarized the relevant benefits

    Systùme de villes et niveaux d’identification territoriale en Roumanie

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    The author focuses on the role played by the Rumanian urban system in the emergence of modern behaviours – at individual, collective and/or community levels – as well as on the role played by changing territorial organizations. His analysis refers explicitly to the post-modern paradigm, when he suggests that the obstacles to development which have become apparent in Romania are due to a weak acceptance of the value of otherness

    PaƟcani, ville industrielle de Roumanie : annĂ©es de transition

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    Pascani, an industrial city in Romania: the transition years. — The case of Pascani is typical of the territorial identity crisis of small and medium-sized cities which have suffered from the effects of industrialisation and urbanisation under the so-called 'socialist' rĂ©gime. This crisis appears less acute however as the spatial definition of the city itself, and of associated morpho-structural subsystems, is becoming a more pressing issue. The city's inhabitants are resuming their former transactions or starting new ones while industries, which used to be the only and undisputed factor behind space organisation at all scales, are having to reconsider their links with local spatial units. People seem to be regrouping on the basis of their areas of origin; commuting is on the decline; the agricultural sector is regaining favour; the cities' area of attraction is decreasing in size and efforts are being made to reconcile space as a projection (i.e. programming) and real space (i.e. land as such).RĂ©sumĂ©. — Le cas de Pa§cani est reprĂ©sentatif de la crise d'identitĂ© territoriale des villes petites et moyennes ayant subi l'assaut de l'industrialisation et de l'urbanisation du rĂ©gime dit «socialiste». Cette crise est en train d'ĂȘtre dĂ©passĂ©e par la dĂ©finition spatiale de la ville elle-mĂȘme, et de ses sous-systĂšmes morphostructuraux. Les habitants reprennent les anciens projets transactionnels ou en crĂ©ent d'autres. Les industries, autrefois maĂźtresses incontestables de l'organisation de l'espace Ă  toutes les Ă©chelles, sont obligĂ©es de reconsidĂ©rer leurs relations avec les espaces locaux. La population semble se regrouper selon les territoires d'origine, le mouvement pendulaire dĂ©croĂźt, le secteur agricole est mieux apprĂ©ciĂ©, l'aire d'attraction des villes se contracte et l'on cherche Ă  rĂ©duire les antinomies entre l'espace projetĂ© (le programme) et l'espace rĂ©el (le territoire proprement dit).Pagcani, oras industrial romĂąnesc: anii tranzitiei. — Cazul Pa§canilor este reprezentativ pentru criza de identitate teritorialĂą a ora§elor mici §i mijlocii care au suportat asaltul industrializĂąrii §i urbanizĂąrii exercitat de un regim zis «socialist». AceastĂą crizĂą este pe cale de a fi depĂągitĂą prin mecanismele de redefinire spatjalĂą proprii atĂąt orasului ca entitate, cĂąt §i fiecĂąruia dintre subsistemele sale morfostructurale. Locuitorii reiau vechile proiecte tranzactionale sau creazĂą altele noi. Industria, altĂądatĂą stĂąpĂąnĂą incontestabilĂą a organizĂąrii spatiale, la toate nivelele, este obligatĂą sĂą-sj reconsidĂšre reladile stabilitĂ© eu spatiile locale. Populatia manifesta tending de a se redistribui conform locurilor de origine, fenomenul navetismului scade Ăźn intensitate, sectorul agricol este re-valorizat, aria de atractie a oraçelor se restrĂąnge §i se cautĂą reducerea antinomiilor dintre spariul proiectat (programul) §i spariul real (teritoriul propriu-zis).Groza Octavian. PaƟcani, ville industrielle de Roumanie : annĂ©es de transition. In: Espace gĂ©ographique, tome 23, n°4, 1994. pp. 329-341

    Maillages administratifs officiels et identités territoriales officieuses : les échelons spatiaux de la différenciation identitaire en Roumanie

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    Octavian Groza starts from the idea that simply by virtue of being at work, structures of territorial control can reduce territorial identity to mere identity discourses, which gain in importance what they lose in meaning. Arguing that such processes are at work today in Romania on the regional and departmental levels, the author underlines some mechanisms tending to dissolve territorial identities into identity discourses, which are then reduced to transient and preconceived territorial forms. According to the author, the idea of European identity is also caught in this meaning-destroying process

    La fabrique des textes de loi plurilingues : Processus de rĂ©daction lĂ©gislative et pratiques de traduction institutionnelle au sein de l’administration fĂ©dĂ©rale suisse : une Ă©tude de cas de la modification de la loi sur les prestations complĂ©mentaires entrĂ©e en vigueur le 1er janvier 2021

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    Dans les ordres juridiques plurilingues, les diffĂ©rentes versions linguistiques des textes de loi sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme Ă©quivalentes sur le plan juridique. Ce travail porte sur le processus de rĂ©daction lĂ©gislative plurilingue et sur les pratiques de traduction institutionnelle au sein de l’administration fĂ©dĂ©rale suisse qui aboutissent Ă  cette forme particuliĂšre d’équivalence. Son objectif est de rendre compte de la complexitĂ© de ce processus qui repose sur une diversitĂ© d’opĂ©rations de rĂ©daction, de traduction et de rĂ©vision effectuĂ©es par des spĂ©cialistes linguistiques et des juristes aux compĂ©tences hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes. Ce travail Ă©tudie la genĂšse parallĂšle des versions allemande et française d’un texte de loi ordinaire – la rĂ©forme des prestations complĂ©mentaires – avec les outils thĂ©oriques et mĂ©thodologiques de la sociologie de l’acteur-rĂ©seau. Il propose une cartographie intĂ©grale du processus de rĂ©daction lĂ©gislative plurilingue, prĂ©sente les divers profils professionnels qui y participent et dĂ©crit les multiples pratiques de transfert linguistique qui s’y inscrivent.In multilingual legal systems, different language versions of legal texts are considered legally equivalent. This master’s thesis deals with the process of multilingual legislative drafting and the institutional translation practices within the Swiss federal administration that lead to this particular form of equivalence. The aim is to account for the complexity of this process, which is based on a variety of drafting, translation and revision actions carried out by linguistic specialists and jurists with heterogeneous skills. This work studies the parallel genesis of the German and French versions of an ordinary law with the theoretical and methodological tools of the Actor-Network Theory. It proposes an integral mapping of the process of multilingual legislative drafting, presents the various professional profiles that participate in it and describes the multiple practices of language transfer that are part of it

    Bulgarie et Roumanie, un 'entre-deux' géopolitique dans l'Union européenne

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    Deux dĂ©cennies aprĂšs le retour dans l'Occident, la relance de l'oscillation Ouest-Est tĂ©moigne de la rĂ©alitĂ© d'un fonctionnement spatial d'entre-deux pour la Bulgarie et la Roumanie, qui s'efforcent de devenir acteurs de leur devenir supranational. Être sur les bons passages d'approvisionnement Ă©nergĂ©tique, devenir fournisseur de sĂ©curitĂ© et d'Ă©nergie apparaĂźt une prioritĂ© dans un contexte oĂč le tropisme euro-atlantique est marquĂ© par la pause amĂ©ricaine et le retour russe sur l'aire de la mer Noire. Chaque pays gĂšre ses voisinages selon ses spĂ©cificitĂ©s et sa culture stratĂ©gique. Une mise en perspective thĂ©orique Ă©claire les paradoxes de leurs orientations gĂ©opolitiques. Mots-clĂ©s : Ă©nergie, gĂ©opolitique, Politique EuropĂ©enne de Voisinage, sĂ©curitĂ©, Union europĂ©enne. Version disponible sur Internet : [ http://www.cairn.info/revue-espace-geographique-2008-4-p-365.htm

    La grande ville roumaine aprĂšs l'adhĂ©sion. Etudes de cas : Timișoara, Bacău et Sibiu

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    International audienceL'Union europĂ©enne n'a pas de compĂ©tences spĂ©cifiques directes sur les politiques urbaines nationales. Pourtant, depuis les annĂ©es 1980, dans le contexte de l'aggravation des consĂ©quences des crises pĂ©troliĂšres, les Etats membres ont commencĂ© les discussions sur une politique communautaire de la ville. Les premiers programmes, URBAN I et II, dĂ©marrĂ©s en 1994, ont ciblĂ© les quartiers dĂ©favorisĂ©s et ont Ă©tĂ© suivis par les programmes URBACT I, II et III, inities en 2002, ciblant la cristallisation d'un cadre gĂ©nĂ©ral pour une politique europĂ©enne de la ville. En 2016, le Conseil informel des Ministres des Etats membres chargĂ©s des questions urbaines a fait un pas important dans cette direction, adoptant le « Pacte d’Amsterdam », qui dĂ©finit les principes et le cadre de mise en Ɠuvre d'un Agenda urbain pour l'espace communautaire. ConnectĂ© Ă  la stratĂ©gie Europe 2020, l'Agenda vise Ă  unifier les perspectives politiques sur les villes europĂ©ennes.En utilisant la base de donnĂ©es GMES Urban Atlas (2006 et 2012) et une mĂ©thodologie d'inspiration quantitative, notre communication met en place une analyse morphologique de trois grandes villes roumaines dans le but de saisir si les Ă©volutions sont congruentes ou pas aux lignes de force de la politique urbaine naissante de l'Union europĂ©enne