1,585 research outputs found

    A provisional survey of the interaction between net photosynthetic rate, respiratory rate, and thallus water content in some New Zealand cryptogams

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    The effect of water content on photosynthetic and respiratory rates in eight lichen species and one bryophyte species were studied using an injection infrared gas analyser technique. All species snowed a strong relationship between net assimilation rate (NAR), respiration rate, and water content similar to relationships reported in published studies overseas. Species from moist habitats showed negative NAR at low water contents. Species from high-light areas showed a depression in NAR at high water contents which could be alleviated by higher light intensities. The experiments confirmed the suitability of New Zealand species for these studies

    On-disc observations of flux rope formation prior to its eruption

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are one of the primary manifestations of solar activity and can drive severe space weather effects. Therefore, it is vital to work towards being able to predict their occurrence. However, many aspects of CME formation and eruption remain unclear, including whether magnetic flux ropes are present before the onset of eruption and the key mechanisms that cause CMEs to occur. In this work, the pre-eruptive coronal configuration of an active region that produced an interplanetary CME with a clear magnetic flux rope structure at 1 AU is studied. A forward-S sigmoid appears in extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) data two hours before the onset of the eruption (SOL2012-06-14), which is interpreted as a signature of a right-handed flux rope that formed prior to the eruption. Flare ribbons and EUV dimmings are used to infer the locations of the flux rope footpoints. These locations, together with observations of the global magnetic flux distribution, indicate that an interaction between newly emerged magnetic flux and pre-existing sunspot field in the days prior to the eruption may have enabled the coronal flux rope to form via tether-cutting-like reconnection. Composition analysis suggests that the flux rope had a coronal plasma composition, supporting our interpretation that the flux rope formed via magnetic reconnection in the corona. Once formed, the flux rope remained stable for two hours before erupting as a CME

    The Box Graph In Superstring Theory

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    In theories of closed oriented superstrings, the one loop amplitude is given by a single diagram, with the topology of a torus. Its interpretation had remained obscure, because it was formally real, converged only for purely imaginary values of the Mandelstam variables, and had to account for the singularities of both the box graph and the one particle reducible graphs in field theories. We present in detail an analytic continuation method which resolves all these difficulties. It is based on a reduction to certain minimal amplitudes which can themselves be expressed in terms of double and single dispersion relations, with explicit spectral densities. The minimal amplitudes correspond formally to an infinite superposition of box graphs on ϕ3\phi ^3 like field theories, whose divergence is responsible for the poles in the string amplitudes. This paper is a considerable simplification and generalization of our earlier proposal published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 70 (1993) p 3692.Comment: Plain TeX, 67 pp. and 9 figures, Columbia/UCLA/94/TEP/3

    Higher order curvature generalisations of Bartnick-McKinnon and coloured black hole solutions in d=5d=5

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    We construct globally regular as well as non-abelian black hole solutions of a higher order curvature Einstein-Yang-Mills (EYM) model in d=5d=5 dimensions. This model consists of the superposition of the first two members of the gravitational hierarchy (Einstein plus first Gauss-Bonnet(GB)) interacting with the superposition of the first two members of the SO(d)SO(d) Yang--Mills hierarchy.Comment: 13 Revtex pages, 5 PS figures; discussions extended, reference adde

    A no-go for no-go theorems prohibiting cosmic acceleration in extra dimensional models

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    A four-dimensional effective theory that arises as the low-energy limit of some extra-dimensional model is constrained by the higher dimensional Einstein equations. Steinhardt & Wesley use this to show that accelerated expansion in our four large dimensions can only be transient in a large class of Kaluza-Klein models that satisfy the (higher dimensional) null energy condition [1]. We point out that these no-go theorems are based on a rather ad-hoc assumption on the metric, without which no strong statements can be made.Comment: 20 page

    Two-Loop Superstrings II, The Chiral Measure on Moduli Space

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    A detailed derivation from first principles is given for the unambiguous and slice-independent formula for the two-loop superstring chiral measure which was announced in the first paper of this series. Supergeometries are projected onto their super period matrices, and the integration over odd supermoduli is performed by integrating over the fibers of this projection. The subtleties associated with this procedure are identified. They require the inclusion of some new finite-dimensional Jacobian superdeterminants, a deformation of the worldsheet correlation functions using the stress tensor, and perhaps paradoxically, another additional gauge choice, ``slice \hat\mu choice'', whose independence also has to be established. This is done using an important correspondence between superholomorphic notions with respect to a supergeometry and holomorphic notions with respect to its super period matrix. Altogether, the subtleties produce precisely the corrective terms which restore the independence of the resulting gauge-fixed formula under infinitesimal changes of gauge-slice. This independence is a key criterion for any gauge-fixed formula and hence is verified in detail.Comment: 64 pages, no figure

    Two-Loop Superstrings VII, Cohomology of Chiral Amplitudes

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    The relation between superholomorphicity and holomorphicity of chiral superstring N-point amplitudes for NS bosons on a genus 2 Riemann surface is shown to be encoded in a hybrid cohomology theory, incorporating elements of both de Rham and Dolbeault cohomologies. A constructive algorithm is provided which shows that, for arbitrary N and for each fixed even spin structure, the hybrid cohomology classes of the chiral amplitudes of the N-point function on a surface of genus 2 always admit a holomorphic representative. Three key ingredients in the derivation are a classification of all kinematic invariants for the N-point function, a new type of 3-point Green's function, and a recursive construction by monodromies of certain sections of vector bundles over the moduli space of Riemann surfaces, holomorphic in all but exactly one or two insertion points.Comment: 103 pages, 2 figure

    Two-Loop Superstrings I, Main Formulas

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    An unambiguous and slice-independent formula for the two-loop superstring measure on moduli space for even spin structure is constructed from first principles. The construction uses the super-period matrix as moduli invariant under worldsheet supersymmetry. This produces new subtle contributions to the gauge-fixing process, which eliminate all the ambiguities plaguing earlier gauge-fixed formulas. The superstring measure can be computed explicitly and a simple expression in terms of modular forms is obtained. For fixed spin structure, the measure exhibits the expected behavior under degenerations of the surface. The measure allows for a unique modular covariant GSO projection. Under this GSO projection, the cosmological constant, the 1-, 2- and 3- point functions of massless supergravitons all vanish pointwise on moduli space without the appearance of boundary terms. A certain disconnected part of the 4-point function is shown to be given by a convergent, finite integral on moduli space. A general slice-independent formula is given for the two-loop cosmological constant in compactifications with central charge c=15 and N=1 worldsheet supersymmetry in terms of the data of the compactification conformal field theory. In this paper, a summary of the above results is presented with detailed constructions, derivations and proofs to be provided in a series of subsequent publications.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, references added, minor typos correcte