264 research outputs found

    Tendências do mercado de trabalho em um país de produtividade baixa e heterogênea. Evidência da produção da Argentina

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    During Substitution Industrialization (1930-1975), wages rose, and unemployment and poverty were low. During the "neoliberal process" (1976-2002) the liberalization of the goods and financial markets resulted in the regression of the productive structure, high unemployment and the decline of real wages. Finally, since the collapse of 2002, Argentina has had enormous success in terms of unemployment, with limited achievements in wages or poverty. This paper tries to answer why Argentina faces difficulties to return to past labor market figures highlighting the process of capital differentiation and the new international division of labor.urante a Industrialização substitutiva (1930-1975), os salários subiram, e o desemprego e a pobreza foram baixos. Durante o “processo neoliberal” (1976-2002) a liberalização dos mercados de bens e financeiros resultou na regressão da estrutura produtiva, elevado desemprego e declínio dos salários reais. Finalmente, desde o colapso de 2002, a Argentina teve um enorme sucesso em termos do desemprego, com realizações limitadas em salários ou pobreza. Este trabalho tenta responder a por que a Argentina enfrenta dificuldades para voltar a números do mercado de trabalho do passado destacando o processo de diferenciação dos capitais e a nova divisão internacional de trabalho.Fil: Graña, Juan Martin. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas. Centro de Estudios sobre Población, Empleo y Desarrollo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin


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    Economic growth strategies of developing countries have focused in the last decades on expanding their exports. In that scheme, wage compression seems necessary in order to compensate the observed slow productivity pace achieving, therefore, “competitiveness”. The core of this discussion is, undoubtedly, how the national product is appropriated through wages and surplus, i.e. the factorial income distribution. From that viewpoint, this paper discusses the long-term impoverishment of Argentinean workers through two key aspects of the economic process: on one hand, the way in which labour force is allocated, by analysing the relationship between real wage and productivity. On the other, how income is used in the acquisition of consumer goods and capital formation. In order to fully comprehend those trends, this paper recourses to an international comparison with two types of countries: the developed ones (United States of America, France and Japan) and the largest Latin American economies (Brazil and Mexico). As these processes take place in the long run, this paper’s analysis period will start from the 1950s.

    Cáncer de mama y ovario hereditario:consejo genético, seguimiento y reducción del riesgo

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    Of the approximately 16.000 new cases of breast cancer annually diagnosed in Spain, between 5 and 10% are hereditary. A family history of breast cancer is the main criterion to suspect that we could be facing a case of hereditary breast cancer (HBC). Nowadays, mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 are the most commonly identified germline alterations associated with HBC. Testing of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in the context of genetic counseling has an important role in risk assessment of breast cancer and associated malignancies, such as ovarian cancer,in carrier individuals. An accurate diagnosis of the hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome (HBOC) is necessary to establish appropriate screening and risk reduction recommendations in the affected individual and at risk relatives

    Curia, Eduardo, El modelo de desarrollo en Argentina. Los riesgos de una dinámica pendular

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    Curia, Eduardo, El modelo de desarrollo en Argentina. Los riesgos de una dinámica pendular, Buenos Aires, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 2011 (234 páginas), ISBN 98-950-557-873-

    Industria 4.0, reflexiones sobre las perspectivas de la industria argentina

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    Aunque crecientemente popular, el término "Industria 4.0" (I4.0) es relativamente nuevo. En términos muy generales, la I4.0 se presenta como la "digitalización" de la industria a través de la convergencia de la información y la producción, así como la del servicio y la fabricación. Si bien no se puede brindar una definición consensuada, podemos considerar que la I4.0 integra las siguientes dimensiones: (i) información proveniente de los objetos en todas las etapas de los procesos de producción -denominado como "Internet de las cosas"-, (ii) enorme capacidad de almacenamiento y procesamiento de información y (iii) aplicación de inteligencia artificial para avanzar, en primer término, en la automatización creciente de procesos de decisión y ejecuciónFil: Graña, Juan Martin. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas. Centro de Estudios sobre Población, Empleo y Desarrollo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Assessing the inhibitory properties of a latent inhibitor in flavor-aversion learning

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    In Experiment 1, rats received 16 nonreinforced trials of exposure to a flavor (A) that was subsequently used as the conditioned stimulus in flavor-aversion conditioning. In the critical condition, Flavor A was presented in compound with a different novel flavor on each of the eight daily trials. This treatment produced latent inhibition, in that this preexposure retarded conditioning just as did 16 trials with A alone. Rats in the control conditions, given no preexposure or exposure just to the sequence of novel flavors, learned readily. Experiment 2 examined the effects of these forms of preexposure on performance on a summation test, in which Flavor A was presented in compound with a separately conditioned flavor (X). The preexposure procedure in which A was presented along with novel flavors rendered A effective in inhibiting the response conditioned to X on that test. The conclusion, that this form of training can establish the target stimulus as a conditioned inhibitor, is predicted by the account of latent inhibition put forward by Hall and Rodriguez (2010) which proposes that the latent inhibition effect is a consequence both of a reduction in the associability of the stimulus and of a process of inhibitory associative learning that opposes the initial expectation that a novel event will be followed by some consequence.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature

    El mercado laboral argentino en la posconvertibilidad (2003 - 2015): entre la crisis neoliberal y los límites estructurales de la economía

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    The article proposes to study the evolution of the Argentine labor market in the post-convertibility period, as well as its main transformations. To do this, different variables are analyzed (employment, salary, employment relationship quality, and urban informal sector evolution), based on considering land rent and the productivity lag of the Argentine economy as the structural determinants of the accumulation process of Argentine capital. The results show a significant reversal of the trends that operated since the mid -1970s, particularly toward the 1990s, so that the latter period ended with substantially better levels. However, this recovery was stagnated in 2011-2012. From a long-term perspective, this shows a working population affected by a differentiation in their reproductive conditions, much deeper than those in the past.O artigo propõe estudar a evolução do mercado de trabalho argentino na pós-conversibilidade, bem como suas principais transformações. Para isso, analisam-se diferentes variáveis (emprego, salário, qualidade do vínculo empregatício, evolução do setor informal urbano), considerando a renda da terra e a defasagem de produtividade da economia argentina como determinantes estruturais do processo de acumulação de capital argentino. Os resultados mostram uma reversão significativa das tendências que operaram desde meados da década de 1970, particularmente até a década de 1990, de modo que o período fechou com níveis substancialmente melhores. No entanto, esta recuperação estagnou no período 2011-2012, que, a partir de uma perspetiva de longo prazo, mostra uma população trabalhadora atravessada por uma diferenciação nas suas condições de reprodução, muito mais profunda do que as que existiam no passado.El artículo se propone estudiar la evolución del mercado laboral argentino en la posconvertibilidad, así como sus principales transformaciones. Para ello, se analizan diferentes variables (empleo, salario, calidad del vínculo laboral, evolución del sector informal urbano) a partir de considerar a la renta de la tierra y el rezago de productividad de la economía argentina como los determinantes estructurales del proceso de acumulación de capital argentino. Entre los resultados se observa una importante reversión de las tendencias que operaron desde mediados de la década de 1970, particularmente hacia la de 1990, de modo que el periodo se cerró con niveles sustancialmente mejores. No obstante, dicha recuperación se estancó hacia 2011 - 2012, lo cual, desde una perspectiva de largo plazo, muestra una población trabajadora atravesada por una diferenciación en sus condiciones de reproducción, mucho más profundas que las existentes en el pasado