14 research outputs found
Componentes del paisaje como predictores de cubiertas de vegetación: estudio de caso del estado de Michoacán, México
ResumenEl estado de Michoacán alberga una yuxtaposición de riquezas culturales y naturales destacable que se entrelazan entre condiciones geológicas, geográicas y ecológicas. Este patrimonio natural y cultural está hoy día amenazado, por ende, los tomadores de decisiones buscan información de línea base para restaurar y reorientar las acciones de desarrollo. El objetivo de este artículo, por tanto, fue predecir los patrones de cubierta vegetal oriunda a través de un método replicable. La predicción se basó en atributos climáticos, geológicos, geomorfológicos y ecológicos, jerárquicamente yuxtapuestos a través de un sistema de información geográica (sig). Las reglas de decisión se basaron en lógica booleana dando énfasis a la zoniicación bioclimatológica. La predicción de la cubierta vegetal oriunda mostró que los bosques estacionales tropicales cubren la mayor superficie, mientras que la vegetación acuática es la menos representada. Para concluir, los atributos que delimitan el paisaje, jerárquicamente organizados, probaron ser un método robusto y replicable para reconstruir los patrones de la cubierta vegetal oriunda, actualmente en áreas de cobertura antropogénica. Este resultado, expresado en un mapa, servirá como línea base para predecir los escenarios futuros a la luz de los cambios climáticos previstos.AbstractThe State of Michoacan, as well as a handful of other hot spot regions worldwide, harbors an outstanding overlap between natural and cultural richness as a result of intermingle climatic geological, geographical and ecological conditions. Presently both, natural and cultural heritages are jeopardized at most hot spots worldwide and policy makers seek urgently for robust base line information to restore and eventually reorient development. Spatially explicit base line data bases have been recognized as critical in order to facilitate design and implementation of public policies. In this sense, dynamics of native land cover/vegetation patterns (natural units) have helped in enormously to provide base line information and predict outcomes. A rather critical issue relies in developing replicable and robust methods to predict natural units, as a direct response of climatic, geological and geomorphological data (physical units). Often natural units are used as spatial criteria to delineate physical units, yet these latter are regarded as the responsible variables for delimiting natural units. This tautological thought has been largely neglected in most scientific literature in Mexico when constructing cartographic outputs.In this article, we argue that native land cover/vegetation patterns are the response variable of physical attributes at a meso-scale level. Hence, the objective of this investigation was to predict native land cover/vegetation patterns based upon climatic, geological, geomorphological and ecological attributes hierarchically intermingled. The contribution was made in order to developing a robust and replicable method accordingly to current available information worldwide. The research took place in Michoacan state as it is regarded a typical hotspot comprising geo-ecological complex features. To illustrate this further, Michoacan harbors over 800 tree species which overpasses the number of species of all Western Europe. Prediction modeling was with the aid of a geographic information system. Decisions rules were based upon Boolean logic giving special attention to emerging bioclimatic zoning techniques. The later consists in providing gradients of temperature and precipitation along seasonal threshold values so that sound matching between physical and natural units is found. In addition, an innovative aspect regards the cartographic expression of these gradients of temperature and precipitation here referred as termotype and ombrotypes respectively.Outcomes demonstrated that prediction of native land cover/vegetation patterns was feasible within a geo-ecologically complex region as Michoacan. In addition, dissecting attributes of the landscape hierarchically organized proved to be a robust and replicable method to reconstruct native vegetation patterns at places currently covered by anthropogenic activities. Tropical seasonally dry forests covers most surface still covers most surface (28.52% of the State), whereas, temperate forests cover the second most abundant types (27.71% of the State). Aquatic vegetation (0.22% of the State), and Xerophytic scrubland (0.08% of the State), are currently the least represented types. The prediction modeling indicated that tropical seasonally dry forests has been depleted in 18.68% of the State, while temperate forests in 14.98% of the State.Ecotones delimiting tropical seasonally dry and temperate forests are under drastic threat because two mayor productive systems are gaining global importance. Avocado and Mango produced at these regions are expanding their ranges as a result of global demands. In consequence our current findings may serve to reorient policy makers in order to find tradeoffs and thresholds to conciliate encroachment of productive systems and maintenance of environmental services provided by native land cover/vegetation patterns.To conclude, native land cover/vegetation patterns were predicted as a response variable of physical attributes so that tautological thinking was avoided. The method developed may be applied to other hot spots provided that physical information is available. A practical outcome regard the obtained land cover/vegetation map, which may serve as baseline to predict future scenarios in the light of current man-made and climatic changes foreseen
Bioclimatic mapping as a new method to assess effects of climatic change
Rigorous mapping of climatic patterns outstands as one of the mayor issues concerningclimatic change. This paper investigates the extent of the bioclimatic approach to develop a rigorouscartographic methodology to express climatic diversity patterns. Michoacan, Mexico was chosen torepresent a region of complex geo-ecological layout where the Nearctic and Neotropical biogeographicalrealms converge. Bioclimatic indices were computed and their spatial expression was processed in aGeographic Information System. Ground verification was performed at 93 sites across the province. Inaddition, from 2010 until 2012, more than 2000 kilometers of roads were surveyed to gather data onisobioclimate boundaries. In total, one macrobioclimate, two bioclimate s, four thermotypes, fiveombrotypes and 14 isobioclimates were distinguished in Michoacan. The Tropical pluviseasonal bioclimatewas the predominant bioclimate, covering 56.17% of the province. The Tropical xeric covers 43.82% and theTropical pluvial is practically negligible, covering 0.01% of the entire province. The relevance of theoutcome is discussed in light of its potential use for assessing likely effects of climatic change.The National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT) awarded a PhD scholarship tothe first author. Financial, institutional and logisticsupport was provided by UNAM-DGAPA (projectIN202214) as well as by SUMA, former government ofthe Province of Michoacan; and project AECID 2010-2012S
Con base en la diagnosis bioclimática de 377 estaciones meteorológicas repartidas por la provincia fisiográfica de la Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) y en la información florística y de vegetación recopilada, se han identificado las unidades bioclimáticas del territorio, de las que se efectúa su caracte- rización geobotánica. El área se incluye en el macrobioclima tropical, estando repre- sentados los bioclimas Tropical Desértico, Tropical Xérico y Tropical Pluviestacional. Para cada uno se han identificado sus pisos bioclimáticos (19 en total) de los cuales se efectúa su diagnosis geobotánica a través de la identificación de sus respectivos pisos de vegetación, haciendo énfasis en la es- tructura de la vegetación natural potencial, sus principales indicadores florísticos y su distribución catenal. Estos resultados se complementan con los mapas de bioclimas, termotipos y ombrotipos y con tres catenas de vegetación realizadas a diferentes latitudes
Climate caracterization of the flooded savannas and wetlands of Arauca, Colombia
Se anexa el link en el cual se encuentra el libro con acceso libre (Territorio Sabanas y Humedales de Arauca) Orinoquía colombiana) donde se ubica el capítulo mencionado:
http://ciencias.bogota.unal.edu.co/menu-principal/publicaciones/biblioteca-digital/colombia-diversidad-biotica/Mediante el análisis del régimen pluviométrico, de las variaciones en el tiempo (últimos 15-20
años) de sus montos anuales y de sus extremos (años secos y húmedos) y el cálculo del balance
hídrico, se caracterizó el clima del área sabanas inundables y humedales del Arauca, Orinoquia
colombiana El análisis bioclimático se realizó en los tres niveles de organización:
macrobioclimas, bioclimas y la mezcla de termotipos (gradientes de temperatura) y ombrotipos
(gradientes de precipitación)
A coupled cartographic approach between bioclimatology and vegetation formations of Mexico
[EN] The task of classifying and naming Mexican vegetation types has been undertaken by previous botanists, ecologists, and mapping agencies. However, discrepancies remain due to the lack of criteria and joint efforts from a geographical and botanical perspective. We aim to unravel the complex interactions between climate and vegetation in Mexico using climatic data and advanced mapping techniques, display in maps the transition from land cover to vegetation maps and couple geobotanical and bioclimatological approaches to provide a sound, unified system for identifying Mexican bioclimatic physiognomic patterns. Methods: Bioclimatic mapping was developed from the Digital Climatic Atlas of Mexico data source. In addition, land cover and vegetation data were obtained from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico regrouped as described by the Standardized Hierarchical Vegetation Classification. These data were analysed via standard map crossing technics using geographic information systems. Results and conclusions: The results revealed five ombrotypes and five thermotypes, leading to the identification of 13 different bioclimatic classes, which, when combined with physiognomic types, led us to recognize 11 forests, 3 shrublands and 3 herbaceous formations (at a scale of 1:4,000,000). The core outcome is a detailed bioclimatic/physiognomic vegetation map including forests, shrublands and areas dominated by Herbaceous/Non-Vascular formations. The map highlights the critical importance of harmonising methodologies to ensure comprehensive and accurate insights into Mexico’s bioclimatic diversitySIFinancial support is acknowledged from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (Project: DGAPA-PAPI- IT IN105721) and Posdoc scholarship for Alejandro González-Pérez (UNAM-DGAPA Postdoctoral Program). The first author is grateful to the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México for the support granted through the Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados (Project 6796/2022CIB
Background: seasonally dry tropical forests are considered critical and important ecosystems because they harbor exceptional biological diversity. Mexico lacks sound phytosociological studies of Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest and Michoacán is no exception. The present study may be regarded the first phytosociological in most of the Mexican pacific coast where seasonally dry tropical forests occurs
Se anexa el link en el cual se encuentra el libro con acceso libre (La región de la Serranía de Manacacías (Meta) Orinoquía colombiana) donde se ubica el capítulo mencionado:
http://ciencias.bogota.unal.edu.co/menu-principal/publicaciones/biblioteca-digital/colombia-diversidad-biotica/Se caracterizó el clima de la región de la Serranía de Manacacías a través de la información de once estaciones pluviométricas y climatológicas del Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM), y de la consulta de la información de la base de datos de World Climate
Aproximación bioclimática de la serranía de Manacacías (meta) Orinoquía Colombiana
Se anexa el link en el cual se encuentra el libro con acceso libre (La región de la Serranía de Manacacías (Meta) Orinoquía colombiana) donde se ubica el capítulo mencionado:
http://ciencias.bogota.unal.edu.co/menu-principal/publicaciones/biblioteca-digital/colombia-diversidad-biotica/Con base en los registros de las estaciones de campo del Instituto de Hidrología, Meteorología y Estudios Ambientales (IDEAM) y con información extraída de la página WorldClim se realizó la caracterización bioclimática del área de la Serranía de Manacacías (Meta, Colombia
Sistematización bioclimática de la Sierra Madre Occidental (México) y su relación con los pisos de vegetación
Based on bioclimatic diagnosis of 377 meteorological stations throughout the physiographic province of Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) and the floristic and vegetation information collected, have been identified bioclimatic territorial units, of which his geobotánical characterization is performed. The area is included in the Tropical Macrobioclima, where Tropical Desert, Tropical Xeric and Tropical Pluviseasonal bioclimates are presented. To each one, their bioclimatic belts have been identified (19 intotal) of which corresponding geobotánical diagnosis is made through the identification of their respective vegetation belts, emphasizing the structure of the potential natural vegetation, its main floristic markers and its catenal distribution. These results are completed with maps of bioclimates, thermotypes and ombrotypes, and three vegetation transects made at different latitudes.Con base en la diagnosis bioclimática de 377 estaciones meteorológicas repartidas por la provincia fisiográfica de la Sierra Madre Occidental (SMO) y en la información florística y de vegetación recopilada, se han identificado las unidades bioclimáticas del territorio, de las que se efectúa su caracterización geobotánica. El área se incluye en el macrobioclima tropical, estando representados los bioclimas Tropical Desértico, Tropical Xérico y Tropical Pluviestacional. Para cada uno se han identificado sus pisos bioclimáticos (19 en total) de los cuales se efectúa su diagnosis geobotánica a través de la identificación de sus respectivos pisos de vegetación, haciendo énfasis en la estructura de la vegetación natural potencial, sus principales indicadores florísticos y su distribución catenal. Estos resultados se complementan con los mapas de bioclimas, termotipos y ombrotipos y con tres catenas de vegetación realizadas a diferentes latitudes