370 research outputs found

    Political Budget Cycles and Fiscal Decentralization

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    In this paper, we study a model à la Rogoff (1990) where politicians distort fiscal policy to signal their competency, but where fiscal policy can be centralized or decentralized. Our main focus is on how the equilibrium probability that fiscal policy is distorted in any region (the political budget cycle, PBC) differs across fiscal regimes. With centralization, there are generally two effects that change the incentive for pooling behavior and thus the probability of a PBC. One is the possibility of selective distortion: the incumbent can be re-elected with the support of just a majority of regions. The other is a cost distribution effect, which is present unless the random cost of producing the public goods is perfectly correlated across regions. Both these effects work in the same direction, with the general result that overall, the PBC probability is larger under centralization (decentralization) when the rents to office are low (high). Voter welfare under the two regimes is also compared: voters tend to be better off when the PBC probability is lower, so voters may either gain or lose from centralization. Our results are robust to a number of changes in the specification of the model.

    Rugged, Portable, Real-Time Optical Gaseous Analyzer for Hydrogen Fluoride

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    Hydrogen fluoride (HF) is a primary evolved combustion product of fluorinated and perfluorinated hydrocarbons. HF is produced during combustion by the presence of impurities and hydrogen- containing polymers including polyimides. This effect is especially dangerous in closed occupied volumes like spacecraft and submarines. In these systems, combinations of perfluorinated hydrocarbons and polyimides are used for insulating wiring. HF is both highly toxic and short-lived in closed environments due to its reactivity. The high reactivity also makes HF sampling problematic. An infrared optical sensor can detect promptly evolving HF with minimal sampling requirements, while providing both high sensitivity and high specificity. A rugged optical path length enhancement architecture enables both high HF sensitivity and rapid environmental sampling with minimal gaseous contact with the low-reactivity sensor surfaces. The inert optical sample cell, combined with infrared semiconductor lasers, is joined with an analog and digital electronic control architecture that allows for ruggedness and compactness. The combination provides both portability and battery operation on a simple camcorder battery for up to eight hours. Optical detection of gaseous HF is confounded by the need for rapid sampling with minimal contact between the sensor and the environmental sample. A sensor is required that must simultaneously provide the required sub-parts-permillion detection limits, but with the high specificity and selectivity expected of optical absorption techniques. It should also be rugged and compact for compatibility with operation onboard spacecraft and submarines. A new optical cell has been developed for which environmental sampling is accomplished by simply traversing the few mm-thick cell walls into an open volume where the measurement is made. A small, low-power fan or vacuum pump may be used to push or pull the gaseous sample into the sample volume for a response time of a few seconds. The optical cell simultaneously provides for an enhanced optical interaction path length between the environmental sample and the infrared laser. Further, the optical cell itself is comprised of inert materials that render it immune to attack by HF. In some cases, the sensor may be configured so that the optoelectronic devices themselves are protected and isolated from HF by the optical cell. The optical sample cell is combined with custom-developed analog and digital control electronics that provide rugged, compact operation on a platform that can run on a camcorder battery. The sensor is inert with respect to acidic gases like HF, while providing the required sensitivity, selectivity, and response time. Certain types of combustion events evolve copious amounts of HF, very little of other gases typically associated with combustion (e.g., carbon monoxide), and very low levels of aerosols and particulates (which confound traditional smoke detectors). The new sensor platform could warn occupants early enough to take the necessary countermeasures

    Practical UAV Optical Sensor Bench with Minimal Adjustability

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    A multiple-pass optical platform eliminates essentially all optical alignment degrees of freedom, save one. A four-pass absorption spectrometer architecture is made rigid by firmly mounting dielectric-coated mirror prisms with no alignment capability to the platform. The laser diode beam is collimated by a small, custom-developed lens, which has only a rotational degree of freedom along the standard optical "z" axis. This degree is itself eliminated by adhesive after laser collimation. Only one degree of freedom is preserved by allowing the laser diode chip and mount subassembly to move relative to the collimating lens by using over-sized mounting holes. This allows full 360 deg motion of a few millimeters relative to the lens, which, due to the high numerical aperture of the lens, provides wide directional steering of the collimated laser beam

    Digital Architecture for a Trace Gas Sensor Platform

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    A digital architecture has been implemented for a trace gas sensor platform, as a companion to standard analog control electronics, which accommodates optical absorption whose fractional absorbance equivalent would result in excess error if assumed to be linear. In cases where the absorption (1-transmission) is not equivalent to the fractional absorbance within a few percent error, it is necessary to accommodate the actual measured absorption while reporting the measured concentration of a target analyte with reasonable accuracy. This requires incorporation of programmable intelligence into the sensor platform so that flexible interpretation of the acquired data may be accomplished. Several different digital component architectures were tested and implemented. Commercial off-the-shelf digital electronics including data acquisition cards (DAQs), complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs), field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and microcontrollers have been used to achieve the desired outcome. The most completely integrated architecture achieved during the project used the CPLD along with a microcontroller. The CPLD provides the initial digital demodulation of the raw sensor signal, and then communicates over a parallel communications interface with a microcontroller. The microcontroller analyzes the digital signal from the CPLD, and applies a non-linear correction obtained through extensive data analysis at the various relevant EVA operating pressures. The microcontroller then presents the quantitatively accurate carbon dioxide partial pressure regardless of optical density. This technique could extend the linear dynamic range of typical absorption spectrometers, particularly those whose low end noise equivalent absorbance is below one-part-in-100,000. In the EVA application, it allows introduction of a path-length-enhancing architecture whose optical interference effects are well understood and quantified without sacrificing the dynamic range that allows quantitative detection at the higher carbon dioxide partial pressures. The digital components are compact and allow reasonably complete integration with separately developed analog control electronics without sacrificing size, mass, or power draw

    Educación en la libertad para uso del celular y redes sociales en las relaciones interpersonales de estudiantes de secundaria, Chongoyape-2020

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    En la pandemia por la covid-19 los estudiantes de manera imprescindible utilizan el celular y las redes sociales como herramientas pedagógicas y para sus relaciones interpersonales. No obstante, se observa que los alumnos están usando ilimitadamente estos medios, olvidándose de la persona y su auténtica relación con los demás, impidiendo que se desenvuelva con libertad por amor en la búsqueda de su realización personal. Por tal motivo, la investigación tuvo como objetivo diseñar un programa de educación en la libertad para el uso del celular y redes sociales en las relaciones interpersonales de estudiantes de secundaria. Se trató de un estudio con diseño descriptivo de tipo cuantitativo, con una población de 52 estudiantes, entre 11 y 18 años, a quienes se les aplicó el instrumento de investigación, un cuestionario de 20 ítems, con escala Likert. Los resultados muestran que el 92.3% de estudiantes obtuvieron un nivel alto en el uso del celular y redes sociales en sus relaciones interpersonales, lo que significa que la gran mayoría de alumnos usan excesivamente estos medios para comunicarse con los demás observándose una deficiente educación en la libertad; presentando los siguientes problemas: Desconocimiento del uso correcto del celular cayendo en el vicio de la tecnología; observan como único medio para comunicarse las redes sociales; comunicación inadecuada y discusiones entre padres, hijos, hermanos y entre amigos; ensimismamiento de la persona; incomprensión del verdadero valor de pasar tiempo en familia; desconocimiento del verdadero sentido del amor y falta de comunicación presencial

    Analysis of the Psychometric Properties of a Parental Alienation Scale

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    The development of forensic evaluation scales is fundamental. This study's purpose was to explore the psychometric properties of a parental alienation scale. Forensic technicians completed 193 scales concerning parents involved in a lawsuit: 48 families with at least one parent indicated as the alienator (group A) and 48 families with no parental alienation claim (group B). The scale consisted of five categories and 69 items: denying access to the child; derogatory comparisons; emotional manipulation; behavior of parent and child during assessment. The results show Cronbach's alpha = .965 and split-half = .745; KMO = .884 and Bartlett's sphericity test ( p < .001). Concurrent criterion validity applied to data showed that the scale is able to distinguish between the alienator and target parent. The results showed significant and consistent standards in the instrument's psychometric characteristics.El desenvolvimiento de medidas de evaluación forense de alienación parental es fundamental. El objetivo de la investigación fue identificar propiedades psicométricas de una escala de alienación parental. Técnicos forenses (193) calificaron escalas de padres involucrados en demanda judicial: estos pertenecían a 48 familias con al menos uno de los padres identificado como alienador (grupo A) y 48 familias sin pretensión de alienación parental (grupo B). La escala consistió en cinco categorías y 69 ítems: evitar, difamar, manipulación emocional, padre e hijo en la evaluación. Los resultados mostraron un alfa de Cronbach = 0,965 y = 0,745 media de split; KMO = 0,884 y el teste de esfericidad de Bartlett ( p < 0,001). El análisis discriminante mostró que la escala es capaz de discriminar entre padres alienadores y alienados. Los resultados mostraron niveles significativos y consistentes en las características psicométricas del instrumento.O desenvolvimento de instrumentos de avaliação forense da alienação parental é fundamental. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar as propriedades psicométricas da escala de alienação parental. Foram respondidas 193 escalas sobre genitores em processo judicial por técnicos forenses: 48 famílias com ao menos um dos genitores apontados como alienador parental (grupo A) e 48 famílias sem alegação de alienação parental (grupo B). A escala foi composta por cinco categorias e 69 itens: impedir, difamar, manipulação emocional, genitor na avaliação e criança na avaliação. Os resultados mostraram alfa de Cronbach = 0,965 e split half = 0,745; KMO = 0,884 e o teste de esfericidade de Bartlett ( p < 0,001). A validade de critério concorrente aplicada aos dados mostrou que a escala é capaz de discriminar entre genitores alienadores e alvo. Os resultados apontaram padrões consistentes e significativos nas características psicométricas do instrumento

    Propuesta del diseño instruccional modelo ADDIE en la modalidad Blended Learning en el Tecnológico Nacional INATEC Matagalpa Nicaragua

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    El Gobierno de Reconciliación y Unidad Nacional, concibe a la educación como el eje estratégico fundamental del desarrollo humano y sostenible del país. En este contexto, la Educación Técnica y Formación Profesional se presenta como una oportunidad para hacer una transformación integral, desde la conciencia hasta mejorar los niveles y calidad profesional para contribuir al desarrollo económico y social de Nicaragua (SITEAL, 2018). El presente artículo científico tiene como objetivo fortalecer la modalidad blended learning en la educación técnica y formación profesional. La metodología que se implementó en esta investigación es de acuerdo al enfoque filosófico que se fundamenta en la integración sistémica de los métodos y técnicas cualitativas y cuantitativas de investigación. La investigación se desarrolló en el paradigma sociocrítico desde la composición del binomio perfecto de 10 docentes y 68 estudiantes que conformaron el universo y la muestra en estudio. De acuerdo a la clasificación de Hernández, Fernández y Baptista (2014), el tipo de estudio es correlacional. Con esta investigación se determinaron pautas para dar respuesta al eje problemático que se centra en la baja participación de los estudiantes y docentes en el aula virtual, en este proceso se originaron elementos para definir una ruta que complementa una serie de procedimientos pedagógicos, metodológicos y evaluativos en cada una de las etapas del diseño Instruccional modelo ADDIE en la modalidad Blended Learning implementada en el módulo gestión de prácticas profesionales. Este tema es pertinente y perteneciente a los cambios de paradigmas educativos que trae consigo la integración de metodologías focalizadas en el ser humano, en el aprendizaje constructivista y los estilos de aprendizajes de los estudiantes, así como la integración de las Técnica de Información y Comunicación (TIC)

    Biodegradable and non-retrogradable eco-films based onstarch?glycerol with citric acid as crosslinking agent

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    Biodegradable and non-retrogradable starch-glycerol based films were obtained using citric acid (CA) as crosslinking agent at 75 °C. This material allowed decreasing water vapor permeability (WVP) more than 35%, remained amorphous for at least 45 days as a result of the network formed by the CA that avoided starch retrogradation and maintained the degradability in compost, occurring only six days after the films without citric acid. A simulation of the gelatinization process of starch-glycerol with and without CA, using a differential thermal analysis device, showed that the system with CA completed the gelatinization 5 °C before than the other and, CA first reacted with glycerol and then starch-glycerol-CA reaction occurred. The temperature at which the gelatinization process was carried out was critical to obtain the best results. An increase of gelatinization process temperature at 85 °C in system with CA, led to a worsening on WVP and its integrity after a swelling process with dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), compared to the films processed at 75 °C.Fil: Gonzales Seligra, Paula. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Medina Jaramillo, Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Tecnología en Polímeros y Nanotecnología. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Instituto de Tecnología en Polímeros y Nanotecnología; ArgentinaFil: Fama, Lucia Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Goyanes, Silvia Nair. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Física de Buenos Aires; Argentin