16 research outputs found

    Seasonal Correction of Offshore Wind Energy Potential due to Air Density: Case of the Iberian Peninsula

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    A constant value of air density based on its annual average value at a given location is commonly used for the computation of the annual energy production in wind industry. Thus, the correction required in the estimation of daily, monthly or seasonal wind energy production, due to the use of air density, is ordinarily omitted in existing literature. The general method, based on the implementation of the wind speed’s Weibull distribution over the power curve of the turbine, omits it if the power curve is not corrected according to the air density of the site. In this study, the seasonal variation of air density was shown to be highly relevant for the computation of offshore wind energy potential around the Iberian Peninsula. If the temperature, pressure, and moisture are taken into account, the wind power density and turbine capacity factor corrections derived from these variations are also significant. In order to demonstrate this, the advanced Weather Research and Forecasting mesoscale Model (WRF) using data assimilation was executed in the study area to obtain a spatial representation of these corrections. According to the results, the wind power density, estimated by taking into account the air density correction, exhibits a difference of 8% between summer and winter, compared with that estimated without the density correction. This implies that seasonal capacity factor estimation corrections of up to 1% in percentage points are necessary for wind turbines mainly for summer and winter, due to air density changes.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government’s MINECO project CGL2016-76561-R (AEI/FEDER EU) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU funded project GIU17/02). The ECMWF ERA-Interim data used in this study have been obtained from the ECMWF-MARS Data Server. The authors wish to express their gratitude to the Spanish Port Authorities (Puertos del Estado) for being kind enough to provide data for this study. The computational resources used in the project were provided by I2BASQUE. The authors thank the creators of the WRF/ARW and WRFDA systems for making them freely available to the community. NOAA_OI_SST_V2 data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA, through their web-site at http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/ were used in this paper. National Centres for Environmental Prediction/National Weather Service/NOAA/U.S. Department of Commerce. 2008, updated daily. NCEP ADP Global Upper Air and Surface Weather Observations (PREPBUFR format), May 1997—continuing. Research Data Archive at the National Centre for Atmospheric Research, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory. http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds337.0/ were used. All the calculations have been carried out in the framework of R Core Team (2016). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. https://www.R-project.org

    Global estimations of wind energy potential considering seasonal air density changes

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    The literature typically considers constant annual average air density when computing the wind energy potential of a given location. In this work, the recent reanalysis ERA5 is used to obtain global seasonal estimates of wind energy production that include seasonally varying air density. Thus, errors due to the use of a constant air density are quantified. First, seasonal air density changes are studied at the global scale. Then, wind power density errors due to seasonal air density changes are computed. Finally, winter and summer energy production errors due to neglecting the changes in air density are computed by implementing the power curve of the National Renewable Energy Laboratorys 5 MW turbine. Results show relevant deviations for three variables (air density, wind power density, and energy production), mainly in the middle-high latitudes (Hudson Bay, Siberia, Patagonia, Australia, etc.). Locations with variations from −6% to 6% are identified from summers to winters in the Northern Hemisphere. Additionally, simulations with the aeroelastic code FAST for the studied turbine show that instantaneous power production can be affected by greater than 20% below the rated wind speed if a day with realistically high or low air density values is compared for the same turbulent wind speed.This work was funded by the Spanish Government's MINECO project CGL2016-76561-R (AEI/FEDER EU) and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU-funded project GIU17/02). The ECMWFERA-5 data used in this study were obtained from the Copernicus Climate Data Store. All the calculations were carried out in the framework of R Core Team (2016). More can be learnt about R, alanguage and an environment for statistical computing, at the website of the R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna,Austria (https://www.R-project.org/)

    Using 3DVAR data assimilation to measure offshore wind energy potential at different turbine heights in the West Mediterranean

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    In this article, offshore wind energy potential is measured around the Iberian Mediterranean coast and the Balearic Islands using the WRF meteorological model without 3DVAR data assimilation (the N simulation) and with 3DVAR data assimilation (the D simulation). Both simulations have been checked against the observations of six buoys and a spatially distributed analysis of wind based on satellite data (second version of Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform, CCMPv2), and compared with ERA-Interim (ERAI). Three statistical indicators have been used: Pearson’s correlation, root mean square error and the ratio of standard deviations. The simulation with data assimilation provides the best fit, and it is as good as ERAI, in many cases at a 95% confidence level. Although ERAI is the best model, in the spatially distributed evaluation versus CCMPv2 the D simulation has more consistent indicators than ERAI near the buoys. Additionally, our simulation’s spatial resolution is five times higher than ERAI. Finally, regarding the estimation of wind energy potential, we have represented the annual and seasonal capacity factor maps over the study area, and our results have identified two areas of high potential to the north of Menorca and at Cabo Begur, where the wind energy potential has been estimated for three turbines at different heights according to the simulation with data assimilation.This work has been funded by the Spanish Government’s MINECO project CGL2016-76561-R (MINECO/FEDER EU), the University of theBasque Country (project GIU14/03) and the Basque Government (Elkartek 2017 INFORMAR project). SJGR is supported by a FPIPredoctoral Research Grant (MINECO, BES-2014-069977). The ECMWFERA-Interim data used in this study have been obtained from the ECMWF-MARS Data Server thanks to agreements with ECMWF and AEMET. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Port Authorities (Puertos del Estado) for kindly providing data for thisstudy. The computational resources used in the project were providedby I2BASQUE. The authors thank the creators of the WRF/ARW and WRFDA systems for making them freely available to the community. NOAA_OI_SST_V2 data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD,Boulder, Colorado, USA, through their web-site athttp://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/was used in this paper. National Centers for Environmental Prediction/National Weather Service/NOAA/U.S.Department of Commerce. 2008, updated daily. NCEP ADP GlobalUpper Air and Surface Weather Observations (PREPBUFR format), May1997–Continuing. Research Data Archive at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory.http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds337.0/were used. All thecalculations have been carried out in the framework of R Core Team(2016). R: A language and environment for statistical computing. RFoundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URLhttps://www.R-project.org/

    Changes in the simulation of atmospheric instability over the Iberian Peninsula due to the use of 3DVAR data assimilation

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    The ability of two downscaling experiments to correctly simulate thermodynamic conditions over the Iberian Peninsula (IP) is compared in this paper. To do so, three parameters used to evaluate the unstable conditions in the atmosphere are evaluated: the total totals index (TT), convective available potential energy (CAPE), and convective inhibition (CIN). The Weather and Research Forecasting (WRF) model is used for the simulations. The N experiment is driven by ERA-Interim's initial and boundary conditions. The D experiment has the same configuration as N, but the 3DVAR data assimilation step is additionally run at 00:00, 06:00, 12:00, and 18:00 UTC. Eight radiosondes are available over the IP, and the vertical temperature and moisture profiles from the radiosondes provided by the University of Wyoming and the Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (IGRA) were used to calculate three parameters commonly used to represent atmospheric instability by our own methodology using the R package aiRthermo. According to the validation, the correlation, standard deviation (SD), and root mean squared error (RMSE) obtained by the D experiment for all the variables at most of the stations are better than those for N. The different methods produce small discrepancies between the values for TT, but these are larger for CAPE and CIN due to the dependency of these quantities on the initial conditions assumed for the calculation of a lifted air parcel. Similar results arise from the seasonal analysis concerning both WRF experiments: N tends to overestimate or underestimate (depending on the parameter) the variability of the reference values of the parameters, but D is able to capture it in most of the seasons. In general, D is able to produce more reliable results due to the more realistic values of dew point temperature and virtual temperature profiles over the IP. The heterogeneity of the studied variables is highlighted in the mean maps over the IP. According to those for D, the unstable air masses are found along the entire Atlantic coast during winter, but in summer they are located particularly over the Mediterranean coast. The convective inhibition is more extended towards inland at 00:00 UTC in those areas. However, high values are also observed near the southeastern corner of the IP (near Murcia) at 12:00 UTC. Finally, no linear relationship between TT, CAPE, or CIN was found, and consequently, CAPE and CIN should be preferred for the study of the instability of the atmosphere as more atmospheric layers are employed during their calculation than for the TT index.The computational resources were provided by I2BASQUE, and the authors thank the creators of WRF/ARW and WRFDA systems. Authors also thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments, which have helped to improve the paper. Finally, most of the calculations were carried out with R (R Core Team, 2020), and the authors want to thank all the authors of the packages used for it

    The Sailor diagram – A new diagram for the verification of two-dimensional vector data from multiple models

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    A new diagram is proposed for the verification of vector quantities generated by multiple models against a set of observations. It has been designed with the objective, as in the Taylor diagram, of providing a visual diagnostic tool which allows an easy comparison of simulations by multiple models against a reference dataset. However, the Sailor diagram extends this ability to two-dimensional quantities such as currents, wind, horizontal fluxes of water vapour and other geophysical variables by adding features which allow us to evaluate directional properties of the data as well. The diagram is based on the analysis of the two-dimensional structure of the mean squared error matrix between model and observations. This matrix is separated in a part corresponding to the bias and the relative rotation of the two orthogonal directions (empirical orthogonal functions; EOFs) which best describe the vector data. Since there is no truncation of the retained EOFs, these orthogonal directions explain the total variability of the original dataset. We test the performance of this new diagram to identify the differences amongst the reference dataset and a series of model outputs by using some synthetic datasets and real-world examples with time series of variables such as wind, current and vertically integrated moisture transport. An alternative setup for spatially varying time-fixed fields is shown in the last examples, in which the spatial average of surface wind in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere according to different reanalyses and realizations from ensembles of CMIP5 models are compared. The Sailor diagrams presented here show that it is a tool which helps in identifying errors due to the bias or the orientation of the simulated vector time series or fields. The R implementation of the diagram presented together with this paper allows us also to easily retrieve the individual diagnostics of the different components of the mean squared error and additional diagnostics which can be presented in tabular form.This research has been supported by the Spanish Government’s MINECO grant and ERDF (grant no. CGL2016- 76561-R) and the UPV/EHU (grant no. GIU17/02)

    Sensitivity of precipitation in the highlands and lowlands of Peru to physics parameterization options in WRFV3.8.1

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    The data are made available as part of the paper "Sensitivity of precipitation in the highlands and lowlands of Peru to physics parameterization options in WRFV3.8.1", submitted to Geoscientific Model Development. This data set incorporates selected postprocessed files needed to reproduce the results presented in the paper. The files including the monthly means of precipitation for domain 2 (5 km) are named following the same structure: RR-D02-EXPERIMENTNAME-25km3Doms-YYYY_monthly.nc These are the options available in each case: EXPERIMENTNAME: Europe, SouthAmerica, Kenya, Micro13 or NoCumulus. These are the names included in Table 1 from the paper. YYYY: 2008 or 2012. This is only applicable to precipitation. The field means for the northeastern slopes follow this structure: VARIABLE-D02-ERA5-Peru-25-Present-EXPERIMENTNAME-2008.EastLow.fldmean.nc VARIABLE: CLOUDFRA, PW, RH2, RR, SMOIS or T2. This abbreviations represent the following variable from the model respectively: cloud fraction, precipitable water, relative humidity at 2 meters, total precipitation, soil moisture and temperature at 2 meters. EXPERIMENTNAME: Europe, SouthAmerica, Kenya, Micro13 or NoCumulus. These are the names included in Table 1 from the paper. These files contained hourly values so to obtain the monthly means or sums the user must perform the following command: cdo monmean/monsum in.nc out.nc Two .txt files including the information about the stations considered for the validation of the WRF experiments for year 2008 or 2012 are also included. The data is separated with white spaces, and the structure of the columns is the following one: STATION LATITUDE LONGITUDE ELEVATION COUNTRY PROVIDER REGION Finally, two .zip files are provided. Scripts.zip includes all the scripts used to read, process and plot the data from the model, and Namelist_files.zip includes all the namelist files used to run the WRF simulations

    Iberian Summer Surface Temperature and Fluxes for Energy Balance

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    <p>This dataset holds selected postprocessed files for surface temperature and fluxes involved in the surface energy balance.</p><p>Four WRF experiments nested in ERA-Interim were prepared. The first one (N) was configured as in standard numerical downscaling experiments using the Noah LSM. The second one (D), with the same parameterizations, included a step of 3DVAR data assimilation every 6 hours. The third and the fourth ones (S and C) are similar to N and D but use a diffusive soil scheme instead of NOAH LSM. The experiments covered the period 2010-2014 after a year of spin-up (2019). </p><p>The following 3-hourly files are included:</p><ul><li>Tsoil: soil temperature for the first 2 top levels of the surface.</li><li>T2: 2 metre temperature. </li><li>Latent: Latent heat flux.</li><li>Sensible: Sensible heat flux.</li><li>NetSW: net short-wave radiation flux at the surface.</li><li>NetLW: net long-wave radiation flux at the surface.</li><li>GRDFLX: ground flux toward lower layers of the soil.</li></ul><p>The <i>N, D, C or S </i>characters in the file names indicate whether the files come from the WRF N, D, C or S experiments. The files include a table including the 3-hourly data for each grid point over the Iberian Peninsula: year | month | day | hour | V1 | ... | V2058  </p><p>The 2058 grid points included in each file are listed in the same order as in the file WRFmask_points_withoutUrban_withLandType.dat </p><p> </p><p> </p&gt

    Analysis of atmospheric thermodynamics using the R package aiRthermo

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    The publicly available R package aiRthermo is presented in this study, which allows the user to process information relative to atmospheric thermodynamics, ranging from calculating the density of dry or moist air and converting data between moisture indices to processing a full sounding, obtaining factors such as the convective available potential energy, additional instability indices, or adiabatic evolutions of particles. The package also provides the possibility to present information using customisable Stüve diagrams. Many of the functions are written inside a C extension to ensure that the computations are fast. The results of applying this package to five years of real soundings measured over the Iberian Peninsula are also presented as an example. The package considerably extends the capabilities of R to process atmospheric soundings or model results. This will be useful for many practical environmental forecasting applications at different scales, such as statistical downscaling for climate analysis, quantitative precipitation forecasting (particularly precipitation extremes), diagnosing storms, flash floods, and lightning, and in aviation and other fields where computing atmospheric convection and its related parameters is important.The authors acknowledge funding from project CGL2016-76561-Rof the Spanish National Research project (MINECO and FEDER, UE).Santos J. González-Rojí is supported by a FPI postdoctoral researchgrant (MINECO BES-2014-069977). Additional funding was providedby EOLO GIU17/02 (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU). Theupper air reports provided by the server run by the University ofWyoming, Dept. of Atmospheric Science, are greatly acknowledged.Constructive comments by two anonymous reviewers and the editor have improved our manuscrip

    Analysis of atmospheric thermodynamics using the R package aiRthermo

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    This is a non-peer reviewed preprint submitted to EarthArxiv. It corresponds to the version initially submitted to Computers and Geosciences corresponding to final paper "Analysis of atmospheric thermodynamics using the R package aiRthermo", describing a new package for R which has been designed for computations of quantities related to atmospheric thermodynamics. The paper was finally accepted and the readers are encouraged to cite its final version, available as DOI 10.1016/j.cageo.2018.10.00