36 research outputs found

    Método de identificación de activos de información y conocimiento críticos para la gestión y gobierno de las organizaciones en la era digital

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    El presente documento ha sido estructurado en seis secciones, donde: Sección 1, presenta una introducción a este trabajo de tesis doctoral donde se indica lo que ha motivado a sus autores a desarrollarla, los objetivos que persigue y las aportaciones que brinda a las organizaciones o grupos de investigación. Sección 2, presenta un estado de la cuestión en el que se examinan las principales contribuciones en áreas relacionadas con esta investigación. Sección 3, presenta el desarrollo de la solución propuesta, donde se describen los materiales y métodos que se han examinado y utilizado. Sección 4, presenta un análisis de la aplicación de esta propuesta en dos casos reales con información accesible. Sección 5, presenta las conclusiones y trabajos futuros relacionados con esta investigación. La sección 6 presenta las referencias bibliográficas utilizadas en este documentoPrograma de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: Ana María Moreno Sánchez-Capuchino.- Secretario: Germán Lenin Dugarte Peña.- Vocal: Francisco Javier Gil Rubi

    Valuable Business Knowledge Asset Discovery by Processing Unstructured Data.

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    Modern organizations are challenged to enact a digital transformation and improve their competitiveness while contributing to the ninth Sustainable Development Goal (SGD), “Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”. The discovery of hidden process data’s knowledge assets may help to digitalize processes. Working on a valuable knowledge asset discovery process, we found a major challenge in that organizational data and knowledge are likely to be unstructured and undigitized, constraining the power of today’s process mining methodologies (PMM). Whereas it has been proved in digitally mature companies, the scope of PMM becomes wider with the complement proposed in this paper, embracing organizations in the process of improving their digital maturity based on available data. We propose the C4PM method, which integrates agile principles, systems thinking and natural language processing techniques to analyze the behavioral patterns of organizational semi-structured or unstructured data from a holistic perspective to discover valuable hidden information and uncover the related knowledge assets aligned with the organization strategic or business goals. Those assets are the key to pointing out potential processes susceptible to be handled using PMM, empowering a sustainable organizational digital transformation. A case study analysis from a dataset containing information on employees’ emails in a multinational company was conducted.post-print5352 K

    Caracterización de tuberculosis en provincia Guantánamo, 2012-2019

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    Introduction: facing tuberculosis is a social and professional responsibility that requires characterization of the disease, not quite achieved in Guantanamo in the last decade. Objective: to characterize tuberculosis in patients in the province of Guantanamo in the period from 2012 to 2019. Method: the research population was the total of patients diagnosed with the disease (n=136). The following variables were taken into account: age, gender, location of the infection, results on the smear microscopy, categorization of the patient at the time of discharge and the risk groups for tuberculosis. The information was gathered through the records on the every year list of notifiable diseases, and epidemiologic surveys in the areas of infection, and it was summed up in absolute values and percentage. Results: in the 80.1 % of the cases of tuberculosis, the infection was located in the lungs, and the diagnose by positive smear microscopy (63.2 %) was more common. The 76.7 % of the patients with a positive smear microscopy were male. The most common risk groups for tuberculosis were: smokers (26.4 %), immunosuppressed patients (21.6 %) and alcoholism (19.1 %). Conclusions: In Guantanamo province, the lung-located tuberculosis prevails; and also the patients with a positive smear microscopy. Patients are mostly male, with ages ranging from 45 to 54 years old, all of them with a recent diagnosis. The disease has a greater incidence rate on those with an immunosuppression, smoking or alcoholism background.Introducción: la lucha contra la tuberculosis es una responsabilidad social y profesional que requiere de su caracterización, la que no se ha realizado en Guantánamo en la última década.Objetivo: caracterizar la tuberculosis en pacientes de la provincia Guantánamo durante el periodo comprendido entre 2012 y 2019. Método: El universo se constituyó por el total de pacientes diagnosticados (n=136). Se estudiaron las siguientes variables: edad, sexo, localización de la enfermedad, resultados de la baciloscopia, categoría al egreso y grupos de riesgo de tuberculosis. La información se obtuvo mediante los registros de enfermedades de declaración obligatoria cada año, y las encuestas epidemiológicas de los controles de focos realizados, y se resumió en números absolutos y porcentajes. Resultados: en el 80,1 % de los casos la tuberculosis se localizó en los pulmones, y fue más común el diagnóstico de pacientes con baciloscopia positiva (63,2 %). El 76,7 % de los pacientes con baciloscopia positiva fueron masculinos. Los grupos de riesgos para tuberculosis más usuales fueron: fumadores (26.4 %), inmunodeprimidos (21,6 %) y el alcoholismo (19,1 %). Conclusiones: en la provincia Guantánamo prevalece la tuberculosis de localización pulmonar y los pacientes con bacteriología positiva. Los afectados sobre todo son hombres, tienen edad entre 45 a 54 años y son de reciente diagnóstico. La enfermedad incide más en aquellos con antecedente de ser fumadores, inmunodeprimidos y los alcohólicos

    Cytotoxicity induced by carbon nanotubes in experimental malignant glioma

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    "Despite multiple advances in the diagnosis of brain tumors, there is no effective treatment for glioblastoma. Multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), which were previously used as a diagnostic and drug delivery tool, have now been explored as a possible therapy against neoplasms. However, although the toxicity profile of nanotubes is dependent on the physicochemical characteristics of specific particles, there are no studies exploring how the effectivity of the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is affected by different methods of production. In this study, we characterize the structure and biocompatibility of four different types of MWCNTs in rat astrocytes and in RG2 glioma cells as well as the induction of cell lysis and possible additive effect of the combination of MWCNTs with temozolomide. We used undoped MWCNTs (labeled simply as MWCNTs) and nitrogen-doped MWCNTs (labeled as N-MWCNTs). The average diameter of both pristine MWCNTs and pristine N-MWCNTs was ~22 and ~35 nm, respectively. In vitro and in vivo results suggested that these CNTs can be used as adjuvant therapy along with the standard treatment to increase the survival of rats implanted with malignant glioma.

    Desarrollo del derecho humano a un medio ambiente sano

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    Los motivos que impulsaron la presente investigación fue la carta emitida por el Comisariado Ejidal, quien nos expuso la problemática actual en la que se ven inmersos, como lo es la falta de aprovechamientos de recursos naturales y a su vez la falta de presupuesto para su cuidado y su preservación, lo cual trae como consecuencia diversos impactos ambientales.ITESO, A.C


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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objeto la creación y comercialización de una bolsa ecológica reutilizable; la cual cuenta con un forro impermeable que permite multifuncionalidad siendo así, de fácil transporte y limpieza. Además, un cierre impermeable que asegura los productos dentro de la bolsa. Diseñada principalmente para el transporte de diversos productos frescos o que estén helados. Este producto contribuirá con la disminución de bolsas plásticas de uso único, ayudando al cuidado del medio ambiente y la adecuada conservación de los alimentos. Esta idea de negocio nace de la necesidad de una opción eco amigable, ya que el uso de bolsas plásticas en nuestro país no ha cesado a pesar de que su uso ha sido restringido. Añadido a esto, los productos actuales que ofrecen las empresas no son adecuados, ya que se enfocan principalmente en cubrir necesidades de transporte, como son las grandes bolsas de rafia o tela, las cuales se mojan y ensucian fácilmente.  En los primeros puntos, se desarrollan los aspectos generales del proyecto que comprenden la ideación, las validaciones y el estudio de investigación acerca del mercado local actual para determinar el producto final. A continuación, se explica el concierge y se desarrolla el plan estratégico con la cadena de valor, las fuerzas del entorno, análisis FODA, estrategias, entre otros. También están definidos por área los planes presupuestales de operaciones, RRHH, RSE, marketing y el financiero del proyecto.  Por último, se desarrollan las conclusiones, recomendaciones, anexos y la bibliografía.The purpose of this research is to create and commercialize a reusable ecological bag; which has a waterproof lining that allows multifunctionality thus being easy to transport and clean. In addition, a waterproof closure that secures the products inside the bag. Designed primarily for the transport of various fresh or frozen products. This product will contribute to the reduction of single-use plastic bags, helping to care for the environment and proper food preservation. This business idea stems from the need for an eco-friendly option, since the use of plastic bags in our country has not ceased despite the fact that its use has been restricted. Added to this, the current products offered by companies are not suitable, since they mainly focus on covering transport needs, such as large raffia or cloth bags, which get wet and easily dirty. In the first points, the general aspects of the project that include the ideation, the validations and the research study about the current local market to determine the final product are developed. Next, the concierge is explained and the strategic plan is developed with the value chain, the environmental forces, SWOT analysis, and strategies among others. The budget plans of operations, HR, CSR, marketing and financial of the project are also defined by area. Finally, the conclusions, recommendations, annexes and bibliography are developed.Trabajo de investigació

    Systemic pro-inflammatory response identifies patients with cancer with adverse outcomes from SARS-CoV-2 infection: the OnCovid Inflammatory Score

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    Background: Patients with cancer are particularly susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The systemic inflammatory response is a pathogenic mechanism shared by cancer progression and COVID-19. We investigated systemic inflammation as a driver of severity and mortality from COVID-19, evaluating the prognostic role of commonly used inflammatory indices in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients with cancer accrued to the OnCovid study. Methods: In a multicenter cohort of SARS-CoV-2-infected patients with cancer in Europe, we evaluated dynamic changes in neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio (NLR); platelet:lymphocyte ratio (PLR); Prognostic Nutritional Index (PNI), renamed the OnCovid Inflammatory Score (OIS); modified Glasgow Prognostic Score (mGPS); and Prognostic Index (PI) in relation to oncological and COVID-19 infection features, testing their prognostic potential in independent training (n=529) and validation (n=542) sets. Results: We evaluated 1071 eligible patients, of which 625 (58.3%) were men, and 420 were patients with malignancy in advanced stage (39.2%), most commonly genitourinary (n=216, 20.2%). 844 (78.8%) had ≥1 comorbidity and 754 (70.4%) had ≥1 COVID-19 complication. NLR, OIS, and mGPS worsened at COVID-19 diagnosis compared with pre-COVID-19 measurement (p<0.01), recovering in survivors to pre-COVID-19 levels. Patients in poorer risk categories for each index except the PLR exhibited higher mortality rates (p<0.001) and shorter median overall survival in the training and validation sets (p<0.01). Multivariable analyses revealed the OIS to be most independently predictive of survival (validation set HR 2.48, 95% CI 1.47 to 4.20, p=0.001; adjusted concordance index score 0.611). Conclusions: Systemic inflammation is a validated prognostic domain in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients with cancer and can be used as a bedside predictor of adverse outcome. Lymphocytopenia and hypoalbuminemia as computed by the OIS are independently predictive of severe COVID-19, supporting their use for risk stratification. Reversal of the COVID-19-induced proinflammatory state is a putative therapeutic strategy in patients with cancer

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    Innovación, desarrollo tecnológico y gestión : una construcción desde la investigación

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    Libro que compila investigaciones de carácter aplicadas y descriptivas en materia de innovación y desarrollo tecnológico, gestión organizacional y empresarial orientada a productividad, rentabilidad, competitividad y sostenibilidadBook that compiles researches of applied and descriptive character in the matter of innovation and technological development, organizational and business management oriented to productivity, profitability, competitiveness and sustainabilityCapítulo 1. Material compuesto para la construcción a partir de la celulosa del papel y cartón reciclado / Carlos Arturo Tamayo S; Nicolás Montero Camacho; Fredy Antonio Herrera -- Capítulo 2. Tecnologías de conservación para base de sopa de frijol rojo (phaseolus vulgaris) y vegetales / Yaceris Castro Escorcia; Teresa Altamar Pérez; Enedys Florez Cortés; Ángela Ortiz Ruiz. Capítulo 3. Utilización de harina compuesta de frijol caupi (vigna unguiculata) en masas para alimentos congelados / Marcela Villalba Cadavid; Matilde Rodríguez Muñoz; Beatriz Fernández; Juan Mendoza Combatt -- Capítulo 4. Elaboración de biorrecubrimiento comestible para carne de hamburguesa como alternativa de conservación y condimento natural / Camila Andrea Ubaque Beltrán. CAPÍTULO 5. Identificación de alternativas de industrialización de productos y subproductos agroindustriales en nuevos materiales bio poliméricos / Luz Henao Díaz; Deya Pérez Zúñiga; Herold Arango Gómez. Capítulo 6. SCADA inalámbrico para monitoreo de sistemas de energía solar / Nelson Giovanni Agudelo Cristancho; Juan Carlos Amezquita Tovar; Ángela María Montoya Castro. -- Capítulo 7. Evaluación de la calidad del agua para consumo humano del corregimiento de Jaraquiel, Montería, Córdoba / Carlos Burgos Galeano; Álvaro Aleán Vásquez; Paula Estrada Palencia -- Capítulo 8. Optimización del sistema de abastecimiento de agua en la comunidad de Jaraquel, Montería Colombia / Carlos Burgos Galeano; Pedro Ramos Tejada; Paula Estrada Palencia; Jhon Sánchez Correa. -- Capítulo 9. Ejecución y sostenibilidad de proyectos productivos en la microrregión cafetera del municipio de Ciénaga, Magdalena / Sugey Issa Fontalvo; Eduardo Robles Panetta; Freddy González Castillo. -- Capítulo 10. Aplicación del método cualitativo por puntos para determinar aspirante favorito a cargos directivos en IES / Zamir Martelo Ballesteros; Raúl Martelo Gómez; Luis Tovar Garrido; Natividad Villabona Gómez; David Franco Borré. -- Capítulo 11 Responsabilidad social en comunidades indígenas orientada al diseño de automatización de válvulas del gasoducto Riohacha-Maicao / Gelvis Melo Freile; César Rivera Romero; Jesús García Guiliany. -- Capítulo 12 Fortalecimiento de la gestión económica de las Mipymes a través de la consultoría / Gloria Amparo Acosta Romero; Mónica Andrade Ríos; Karen Roxana Sánchez. -- Capítulo 13. El compromiso como valor en la responsabilidad social universitaria / Maura Quintero Gutiérrez, Dubys Villarreal Torres; Jesús García Guiliany; Annherys Paz Marcano; Marieth Orcasitas Peñaloza. -- Capítulo 14. Educación financiera como alternativa de desarrollo económico y social para el distrito de Riohacha / Henitzo Martínez Pinedo; Darcy Luz Mendoza; Martha Jaramillo Acosta; Edwin Salas Solano. -- Capítulo 15. Tecnologías de información y comunicación en proceso contable y financiero en pymes del sector turístico / Martha Josefina Castrillón Rois; Edilberto Rafael Santos Moreno; Lorena Esther Gómez Bermúdez; Génesis Barros González. -- Capítulo 16. Aplicación de brainstorming y problem trees para determinar factores que inciden en enseñanza del inglés / Jesús Llerena; Raúl J. Martelo; Jhon Cuesta; Javier Pinedo; David Franco.-- Capítulo 17. Incidencia del marketing en las microempresas del sector comercio en Rionegro Antioquia: conceptualización / Santiago Álzate Carmona; María Yamile Mazo Gil; Leidy García Jaramillo. -- Capítulo 18. Turismo en el Cabo de la Vela: un acercamiento entre los imaginarios turísticos de los visitantes y la creencia de Jepirra, territorio sagrado / María Laura Aponte Aarón; Esmerlis Camargo Torres. -- Capítulo 19. Caracterización de la actividad turística en buenaventura y su integración con las comunidades locales / Víctor Cándelo Aragón; Henry Orobio García; Luis Montaño Aguilar. -- Capítulo 20. Plataforma de comercialización electrónica de un centro de abastos / Karen Ávila Suarez; Mauro Reyes Ortiz. -- Capítulo 21. El teletrabajo en la gestión administrativa / Estefanía Sandoval Cruz; René Alexander Guerrero Vergel. -- Capítulo 22. Gestión del conocimiento y alianzas estratégicas en los procesos de innovación tecnológica / Elder Rivero Gutiérrez; Fátima Bolaño Mendoza. -- Capítulo 23. Competitividad e innovación en el aprendiz SENA: perspectivas de formación / Elizabeth Tuberquia Vanegas; René Alexander Guerrero Vergel. -- Capítulo 24. Bomba de riego por goteo solar, una alternativa para aumentar la eficiencia energética en las unidades acuícolas / Sergio Gabriel Brito Brito; Daldo Ricardo Araujo Vidal; Nicolás Annicharico Jiménez. -- Capítulo 25. Herramienta digital de consultas contables y tributarias para unidades productivas creadas en el fondo emprender / Elkin Fuentes Jiménez; Alda Pérez Campuzano; Marieth Orcasitas Peñaloza; Olga Elena Guerra ArmentaPrimera ediciónna347 página

    The Helicobacter pylori Genome Project : insights into H. pylori population structure from analysis of a worldwide collection of complete genomes

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    Helicobacter pylori, a dominant member of the gastric microbiota, shares co-evolutionary history with humans. This has led to the development of genetically distinct H. pylori subpopulations associated with the geographic origin of the host and with differential gastric disease risk. Here, we provide insights into H. pylori population structure as a part of the Helicobacter pylori Genome Project (HpGP), a multi-disciplinary initiative aimed at elucidating H. pylori pathogenesis and identifying new therapeutic targets. We collected 1011 well-characterized clinical strains from 50 countries and generated high-quality genome sequences. We analysed core genome diversity and population structure of the HpGP dataset and 255 worldwide reference genomes to outline the ancestral contribution to Eurasian, African, and American populations. We found evidence of substantial contribution of population hpNorthAsia and subpopulation hspUral in Northern European H. pylori. The genomes of H. pylori isolated from northern and southern Indigenous Americans differed in that bacteria isolated in northern Indigenous communities were more similar to North Asian H. pylori while the southern had higher relatedness to hpEastAsia. Notably, we also found a highly clonal yet geographically dispersed North American subpopulation, which is negative for the cag pathogenicity island, and present in 7% of sequenced US genomes. We expect the HpGP dataset and the corresponding strains to become a major asset for H. pylori genomics