633 research outputs found

    Políticas de Educação Especial numa perspectiva inclusiva em Angola: contexto, avanços e necessidades emergentes (1979-2017)

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    Partindo da tese universal de que toda a criança tem o direito à educação, inclusive as com deficiência, a pesquisa remete-nos a uma análise das Políticas de Educação Especial desde uma perspectiva inclusiva em Angola, acreditando que todo um conjunto de fatores multifacetados e contextuais tenham implicações na sua prática. Com o objetivo de analisar o percurso da atual política de educação especial angolana, os contextos da tardia Proclamação da Independência, da guerra civil e da pobreza extrema do país que o influenciaram em grande escala, a sua implementação é também impactada pela diversidade cultural do país. O recorte temporal do estudo abrange o período que vai do ano de implementação da educação especial (Decreto 56/79, em 1979) ao da criação da primeira Política de Educação Especial (Decreto Presidencial nº187/17, em 2017). Com base em uma abordagem qualitativa de matriz documental e bibliográfica, primando fundamentalmente documentos da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) que defendem um enfoque de promoção dos Direitos Humanos e autores que enfatizam o reconhecimento das diferenças, da diversidade e de como a realidade local pode influenciar na política educativa (AINSCOW, 2001; SACRISTÁN, 2000; QUIROGA, 2010; ARTILES; KOZLESKI; 2019, entre outros), os resultados levaram-nos a aferir que a educação especial em Angola é concebida como uma área específica e diferenciada da educação geral, fundamentada em um modelo médico da deficiência. Contudo, ficou igualmente evidente no discurso político a intenção de fazer o sistema educativo cada vez mais inclusivo, apesar de as práticas revelarem um longo caminho por ser percorrido para que o discurso assumido esteja mais próximo das práticas

    Metodología para el plan de marketing internacional en la exportación de la empresa CubaRon, S.A

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    Aim: To design a methodology for implementation of an international business plan of CubaRon Ltd. Methods: The theoretical research methods included historic-logical, analysis-synthesis, and induction-deduction. The empirical methods included surveys and scientific observation; and the statistical methods used were simple regression analysis, the Kendall and Cronbach Alpha coefficients, goodness of fit, Chi square test, and SPSS, version 2. Some of the tools used were BCG and SWOT analyses. Main result: A new methodology was designed for implementation of an international business plan of the company. Conclusions: After implementation of Cubay rum production, strategies of growth, differentiation, ranking, and marketing mix oriented to the Spanish market, were achieved.Objetivo: Diseñar una metodología para el plan de marketing internacional de la empresa CubaRon, S.A. Métodos: Entre los métodos teóricos de investigación empleados se encuentran el histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción; entre los empíricos: encuestas y observación científica; entre los estadísticos: el análisis de regresión simple, los coeficientes de Kendall y Alfa de Cronbach, la bondad de ajuste Chi cuadrado, mediante el empleo del software estadístico SPSS versión 2; entre las herramientas: las matrices de motricidad, BCG y Dafo. Principal resultado: Se diseñó una metodología para el plan de marketing internacional propio de esa empresa. Conclusiones: Con su aplicación para el ron Cubay, se obtuvieron estrategias de crecimiento, de diferenciación, de posicionamiento y de marketing-mix, enfocadas al mercado español

    Trends in Autism Spectrum-Related Motherhood Research: A Bibliometric Study

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    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by difficulties in socialization. The amount of scientific research results on motherhood related to ASD has grown exponentially; however, there are no bibliometric studies in this field. Objective: This article aimed to analyze scientific research on motherhood related to the autism spectrum published in WoS. Articles on motherhood related to ASD were retrieved from the Web of Science (WoS). The advanced search interface used was 'Title of the article, Abstract, Keywords'. The analysis and visualization of the selected documents and their data were performed using a wide range of tools and software such as MS Excel (v16.0), VOS viewer (version 1.6.15), and R packages (Biblioshiny, version 2.0). A total of 1660 articles were included in this study. Most of the publications were original articles. The United States published the most significant number of articles among the countries identified. P.R. Hastings, M.M. Seltzer, and J. Van de Water were the main authors. The Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders was the most productive and impactful journal. The main research topics were related to mental health and social support in the role of motherhood. This desk study provides researchers with a comprehensive understanding of ASD-related maternity research trends by evaluating relevant publications in recent decades. The results of this bibliometric analysis can serve as a basis and orientation for new studies

    Analysis of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Knowledge of Cuban Teachers in Primary Schools and Preschools

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    Teachers' knowledge of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) plays a key role in the successful inclusion of children with ASD in regular schools. The objective of this study was to analyze Cuban teachers' knowledge of ASD of at inclusive primary schools and preschools and to compare it with the results obtained in previous studies carried out at an international level. To do this, a cross-sectional study was conducted with Cuban teachers from urban and rural areas throughout the country. The sample was selected using a non-probabilistic technique. In total, 131 primary school and preschool teachers participated. Data were collected by applying the Autism Knowledge Questionnaire (AKQ) that measures ASD knowledge. The results indicated that Cuban teachers had an acceptable knowledge regarding ASD (0.57). Primary education teachers (17.58 ± 4.06) showed a higher level of knowledge than preschool teachers (15.35 ± 2.74). Regarding previous training, teachers who claimed to have received some type of specific ASD training (10.88 ± 3.29) made a greater number of errors than teachers who had not received specific training on ASD (8.91 ± 3.06). At the international level, Cuban teachers were observed to have similar knowledge about ASD when compared to active teachers or pre-service teachers from other countries where similar studies have been carried out. The results suggest that the training of Cuban teachers is not yet optimal to educate students with ASD in primary schools and preschools which are open to diversity

    The childbearing and mental health experiences of autistic mothers:A systematic review

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    It is recognized that diagnostic rates of autism in women is increasing and with this, areas such as pregnancy and childbearing need to be viewed through a neurodivergent lense. As autistic women have children and take on the challenges of motherhood, systematic reviews are needed to provide an orderly and up-to-date base highlighting the existing research gaps. This study aims to identify and analyze research that has addressed the childbearing experiences and mental health of autistic mothers, delineate trends in research, and identify areas for future studies. The protocol of this systematic review was registered in the international database of systematic reviews PROSPERO (registration number: CRD42022368244). In this work, the guidelines of standards for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) were followed at all stages. The review identified 15 studies that explored the childbearing experiences and mental health of autistic mothers. Results indicate that autistic mothers are more likely to experience parenting difficulties, intense sensory experiences during prenatal, perinatal and postnatal periods, and mental health problems. However, there are studies that highlight that autistic mothers can receive the same social support and experience marital satisfaction. The findings of this review suggest that, to improve our understanding of the childbearing and mental health experiences of autistic mothers, studies should include multiple informants and mixed methodologies. Additionally training programs need to be co-produced to raise awareness in health care personnel

    Comprensión y contención de la depresión durante el distanciamiento social por COVID-19

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    Introduction: the high contagiousness of COVID-19, the increase of confirmed cases and deaths, and the social isolation have caused negative emotions and thoughts, threatening the mental health of the elderly population. Objective: to identify the emotional states of seniors in social isolation during COVID-19. Method: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out between May to June 2020, in the health area part of the Policlínico Universitario “Dr. Rudesindo Antonio García del Rijo”, in Sancti Spíritus. The study population was made of 100 seniors. The variables evaluated were: age, gender, marital status, coexistence, occupation, comorbidity, anxiety, depression, irritability, stress. The information was obtained through semi-structured interview, observation and psychological tests. Results: 61.0% were female; 57.0% in the 70-79 age group; most of them lived with their partner, a minor or a disabled person (64.0%), only 36.0% actually lived alone. 65.0% had no employment relationship. 89.0% had pathologies considered risky for COVID-19. A normal level of irritability prevailed, both external (68.0%) and internal (70.0%), a mild level of anxiety (73.0%) and a mild level of depression (50.0%). 47.0% showed alteration in stress levels. Conclusions: social isolation as a measure to avoid contagion by COVID-19 has had an impact on the mental health of the elderly.Introducción: la alta contagiosidad de la COVID-19, el crecimiento de casos confirmados, las muertes y el aislamiento social han ocasionado que las emociones y pensamientos negativos se extiendan, con amenaza a la salud mental de la población adulta mayor. Objetivo: identificar los estados emocionales de adultos mayores en aislamiento social durante la COVID-19. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, entre mayo y junio de 2020, en el área de salud perteneciente al Policlínico Universitario “Dr. Rudesindo Antonio García del Rijo”, Sancti Spíritus. La población de estudio fue de 100 adultos mayores. Se evaluaron las variables: edad, sexo, estado civil, convivencia, ocupación, comorbilidad, ansiedad, depresión, irritabilidad, estrés. La información se obtuvo mediante la entrevista semiestructurada, la observación y test psicológicos. Resultados: el 61,0 % correspondió al sexo femenino; el 57,0 % pertenecía al grupo de 70-79 años; la mayoría de los ancianos vivía acompañado con su pareja, un menor de edad o un discapacitado (64,0 %), solo el 36,0 % vivía efectivamente solo. El 65,0 % no tenía vínculo laboral. El 89,0 % presentaba patologías consideradas de riesgo para la COVID-19. Predominó un nivel de irritabilidad normal, tanto externa (68,0 %) como interna (70,0 %), un nivel leve de ansiedad (73,0 %) y un nivel leve de depresión (50,0 %). El 47,0 % mostró alteración en los niveles de estrés. Conclusiones: el aislamiento social como medida para evitar el contagio por COVID-19 ha repercutido en la salud mental de los adultos mayores.Introdução: a alta contagiosidade do COVID-19, o crescimento de casos confirmados, mortes e isolamento social têm causado a disseminação de emoções e pensamentos negativos, ameaçando a saúde mental da população idosa. Objetivo: identificar os estados emocionais de idosos em isolamento social durante o COVID-19. Método: estudo descritivo, transversal, realizado entre maio e junho de 2020, na área de saúde pertencente ao Policlínico Universitario “Dr. Rudesindo Antonio García del Rijo”, Sancti Spíritus. A população do estudo foi de 100 idosos. As variáveis avaliadas foram: idade, sexo, estado civil, convivência, ocupação, comorbidade, ansiedade, depressão, irritabilidade, estresse. As informações foram obtidas por meio da entrevista semiestruturada, observação e testes psicológicos. Resultados: 61,0% corresponderam ao sexo feminino; 57,0% pertenciam à faixa dos 70-79 anos; A maioria dos idosos morava com o companheiro, menor de idade ou com deficiência (64,0%), apenas 36,0% morava realmente sozinho. 65,0% não tinham vínculo empregatício. 89,0% tinham patologias consideradas de risco para COVID-19. Prevaleceu nível normal de irritabilidade, tanto externa (68,0%) quanto interna (70,0%), nível leve de ansiedade (73,0%) e nível leve de depressão (50,0%). 47,0% apresentaram alteração nos níveis de estresse. Conclusões: o isolamento social como medida para evitar o contágio pelo COVID-19 tem repercussões na saúde mental dos idosos

    Consideraciones esenciales sobre el tema ético en la investigación educativa

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    Ethics is a complex field that has gained a lot of strength in the last five years of educational research, due to its relevance to trust in the trust, dignity, privacy, confidentiality and anonymity of those who participate in it. This article seeks to highlight some necessary opinions about the main ethical dilemmas that arise in educational research to live up to contemporary social development.La ética es un campo complejo que ha ido cobrando mucha fuerza en el último tiempo en la investigación educativa, por su relevancia para garantizar la confianza, la dignidad, la privacidad, la confidencialidad y el anonimato de quienes participan en ella. Este artículo busca poner de relieve algunas consideraciones necesarias sobre los principales dilemas éticos que se presentan en la investigación educativa para estar a la altura del desarrollo social contemporáneo

    Metodología para el plan de marketing internacional en la exportación de la empresa CubaRon, S.A.

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    Objetivo: Diseñar una metodología para el plan de marketing internacional de la empresa CubaRon, S.A. Métodos: Entre los métodos teóricos de investigación empleados se encuentran el histórico-lógico, análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción; entre los empíricos: encuestas y observación científica; entre los estadísticos: el análisis de regresión simple, los coeficientes de Kendall y Alfa de Cronbach, la bondad de ajuste Chi cuadrado, mediante el empleo del software estadístico SPSS versión 2; entre las herramientas: las matrices de motricidad, BCG y Dafo. Principal resultado: Se diseñó una metodología para el plan de marketing internacional propio de esa empresa. Conclusiones: Con su aplicación para el ron Cubay, se obtuvieron estrategias de crecimiento, de diferenciación, de posicionamiento y de marketing-mix, enfocadas al mercado español

    Violencia filio – parental: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    Child to-parent-aggression (CPA) is a growing social problem that has been difficult to define, and that in recent years has become a research topic with increasing publications. This article aims to review the results of research that has explicitly addressed VFP. Initially, 121 publications were identified in WoS, Scopus, Proquest and Scielo databases, where with the selection criteria, only 27 were analyzed. The results indicate that descriptive and non-explanatory definitions exist, while some do not detail it. In the associated variables, there are the adolescent psychological, the contextual and the sociodemographic variables. In the methodological approaches, at the level of focus the quantitative is predominant, with excessive use of psychometric scales and some qualitative ones that allow greater understanding. Our review stands out in proposing as a conceptual framework a bioecological approach that allows to establish status in the variables.La Violencia Filio-Parental (VFP) puede ser descrita como comportamientos agresivos que dirige un niño/adolescente hacia sus cuidadores. La literatura que ha abordado la VFP evidencia divergencias respecto a su conceptualización, a las variables asociadas, y la utilización de distintas aproximacionesmetodológicas. Con el propósito de responder a esta necesidad, el objetivo de este artículo fue realizar una revisión de las investigaciones que han abordado explícitamente la VFP. Mediante la aplicación de un protocolo basado en PRISMA, se identificaron 121 publicaciones en bases de datos WoS, Scopus, Proquest y Scielo, donde finalmente 27 fueron analizados. Los resultados indican una diversidad deconceptualizaciones de VFP. En las variables asociadas, se evidencian factores psicológicos del adolescente, variables contextuales relacionadas con los cuidadores y sociodemográficos. La aproximación metodológica predominante es cuantitativa. Los resultados muestran la necesidad de enriquecer la conceptualización de la VFP y contar con un marco comprensivo para abordar su complejidad

    Bayesian entropy estimation applied to non-gaussian robust image segmentation

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    We introduce a new approach for robust image segmentation combining two strategies within a Bayesian framework. The first one is to use a Markov random field (MRF) which allows to introduce prior information with the purpose of image edges preservation. The second strategy comes from the fact that the probability density function (pdf) of the likelihood function is non-Gaussian or unknown, so it should be approximated by an estimated version, which is obtained by using the classical non-parametric or kernel density estimation. This lead us to the definition of a new maximum a posteriori (MAP) estimator based on the minimization of the entropy of the estimated pdf of the likelihood function and the MRF at the same time, named MAP entropy estimator (MAPEE). Some experiments were made for different kind of images degraded with impulsive noise (salt & pepper) and the segmentation results are very satisfactory and promising