35,793 research outputs found

    Vietnamese Women and Children Refugees in Hong Kong: An Argument against Arbitrary Detention

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    Anteckningar från Sundre, Gotland sydligaste socken. Onsdag 11 april 2012 Rivet, en smal udde av grus. Stark vind, öppen horisont. Vatten på nära nog alla håll. Här, längst ut, drabbades jag av fasa när havet ville döda mig, sluka min kropp. Letade efter gravarna men fann inget. Gick upp till Arendt i fyren. --- Mitt examensprojekt är min promenad tillsammans med historia, tempo, minne, tröghet, förflyttningar och förändringar, ruiner, myter samt högst personliga reflektioner. Det finns platser man verkligen tycker om, som man älskar. Jag vet flera platser som jag älskar att vara på, det här är en av dem. Få stannar till här, det är ett ställe man passerar. Jag vill vara ensam här. Vid mina besök, som på senare tid under projektets gång har varit mycket riktade, blir jag extremt fokuserad på platsen och bara platsen. Också som att kliva ur tjockan.Notes from the parish of Sundre, at the very south of Gotland. Wednesday April 11, 2012 Rivet, a small cpe of gravel. Strong wind, open horizon. Water in almost all directions. Here, at the nab, fright hit me when the sea wanted to liquidate me, swallow my body. Searched for the tombs but found nothing. Visited Arendt in the lighthouse. --- My degree project is my promenade together with history, tempo, memory, inertia, movements, ruins, myths and my very personal reflections. There are places you really like, that you love. There are several places that I love to be at, this is one of them. Few people halt here, this is a place you pass. I want to be alone here. At my visits, that during the project became more and more addressed, I become extremely focused at the place and the place only. Like stepping out of the mist

    The effect of the solar field reversal on the modulation of galactic cosmic rays

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    There is now a growing awareness that solar cycle related changes in the large-scale structure of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) may play an important role in the modulation of galactic cosmic rays. To date, attention focussed on two aspects of the magnetic field structure: large scale compression regions produced by fast solar wind streams and solar flares, both of which are known to vary in intensity and number over the solar cycle, and the variable warp of the heliospheric current sheet. It is suggested that another feature of the solar cycle is worthy of consideration: the field reversal itself. If the Sun reverses its polarity by simply overturning the heliospheric current sheet (northern fields migrating southward and vice-versa) then there may well be an effect on cosmic ray intensity. However, such a simple picture of solar reversal seems improbable. Observations of the solar corona suggest the existence of not one but several current sheets in the heliosphere at solar maximum. The results of a simple calculation to demonstrate that the variation in cosmic ray intensities that will result can be as large as is actually observed over the solar cycle are given

    Ion mass spectrometer

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    An ion mass spectrometer is described which detects and indicates the characteristics of ions received over a wide angle, and which indicates the mass to charge ratio, the energy, and the direction of each detected ion. The spectrometer includes a magnetic analyzer having a sector magnet that passes ions received over a wide angle, and an electrostatic analyzer positioned to receive ions passing through the magnetic analyzer. The electrostatic analyzer includes a two dimensional ion sensor at one wall of the analyzer chamber, that senses not only the lengthwise position of the detected ion to indicate its mass to charge ratio, but also detects the ion position along the width of the chamber to indicate the direction in which the ion was traveling

    Variance Reduction For A Discrete Velocity Gas

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    We extend a variance reduction technique developed by Baker and Hadjiconstantinou [1] to a discrete velocity gas. In our previous work, the collision integral was evaluated by importance sampling of collision partners [2]. Significant computational effort may be wasted by evaluating the collision integral in regions where the flow is in equilibrium. In the current approach, substantial computational savings are obtained by only solving for the deviations from equilibrium. In the near continuum regime, the deviations from equilibrium are small and low noise evaluation of the collision integral can be achieved with very coarse statistical sampling. Spatially homogenous relaxation of the Bobylev-Krook-Wu distribution [3,4], was used as a test case to verify that the method predicts the correct evolution of a highly non-equilibrium distribution to equilibrium. When variance reduction is not used, the noise causes the entropy to undershoot, but the method with variance reduction matches the analytic curve for the same number of collisions. We then extend the work to travelling shock waves and compare the accuracy and computational savings of the variance reduction method to DSMC over Mach numbers ranging from 1.2 to 10.Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanic

    Simplified method introduces drift fields into cells

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    Drift fields are simply introduced into solar cells at low temperatures in short periods. This is done after their rectifying junctions and output contacts are applied

    Energetic particles of the outer regions of planetary magnetospheres

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    High energy particles, with energies above those attainable by adiabatic or steady-state electric field acceleration, have been observed in and around the outer regions of planetary magnetospheres. Acceleration by large amplitude sporadic cross-tail electric fields over an order of magnitude greater than steady-state convection fields is proposed as a source of these particles. It is suggested that such explosive electric fields will occur intermittently in the vicinity of the tail neutral line in the expansive phase of substorms. Laboratory and satellite evidence are used to estimate this electric potential for substorms at earth; values of 500 kilovolts to 2 megavolts are calculated, in agreement with particle observations. It is further suggested that these particles, which have been accelerated in the night side magnetosphere, drift to the dayside on closed field lines, and under certain interplanetary conditions can escape to regions upstream of the bow shock

    A stability bound for relay control systems in non-phase variable form

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    Stability bound for relay control systems using similarity transformation for each parameter set within parameter spac

    Ground Band and a Generalized GP-equation for Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    For the spinor Bose-Einstein condensates both the total spin SS and its Z-component SZS_{Z} should be conserved. However, in existing theories, only the conservation of SzS_{z} has been taken into account. To remedy, this paper is the first attempt to take the conservation of both % S and SZS_{Z} into account. For this purpose, a total spin-state with the good quantum numbers SS and SZS_{Z} is introduced in the trial wave function, thereby a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation has been derived. With this new equation, the ground bands of the 23^{23}Na and % ^{87}Rb condensates have been studied, where the levels distinct in SS split. It was found that the level density is extremely dense in the bottom of the ground band of 23^{23}Na, i.e., in the vicinity of the ground state. On the contrary, for 87^{87}Rb, the levels are extremely dense in the top of the ground band,Comment: 7 page, 5 figure

    Fibrous refractory composite insulation

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    A refractory composite insulating material was prepared from silica fibers and aluminosilicate fibers in a weight ratio ranging from 1:19 to 19:1, and about 0.5 to 30% boron oxide, based on the total fiber weight. The aluminosilicate fiber and boron oxide requirements may be satisfied by using aluminoborosilicate fibers and, in such instances, additional free boron oxide may be incorporated in the mix up to the 30% limit. Small quantities of refractory opacifiers, such as silicon carbide, may be also added. The composites just described are characterized by the absence of a nonfibrous matrix