181 research outputs found

    Ovulaster protodecimae n. sp. (Echinoidea, Spatangoida) and associated epifauna (Cirripedia, Verrucidae) from the Danian of northeastern Italy

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    A new species of irregular echinoid, Ovulaster protodecimae, is described from the Danian Scaglia Rossa Formation out-cropping in the Venetian Prealps (Southern Alps, northeastern Italy). The new species, belonging to the order Spatangoida, is very distinctive because of its inflated, almost triangular test, the high-positioned peri-proct and the plate arrangement on the oral face. This is the first report of the genus Ovulaster in the Danian of Italy and the first description of an echinoid from the Early Palaeocene of Italy. One test has an epifauna of the sessile verrucid barnacle Verruca sp. cf. V. prisca Bosquet, 1854, attached on all except the oral surface

    Organic Carbon Burial following the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) in the central - western Tethys

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    We present trace metal geochemistry and stable isotope records for the middle Eocene Alano di Piave section, NE Italy, deposited during magnetochron C18n in the marginal Tethys Ocean. We identify a \sim 500 kyr long carbon isotope perturbation event we infer to be the middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) confirming the northern hemisphere expression and global occurrence of MECO. Interpreted peak climatic conditions are followed by the rapid deposition of two organic rich intervals (\le3\% TOC) and contemporaneous positive δ13\delta^{13}C excursions. These two intervals are associated with increases in the concentration of sulphur and redox-sensitive trace metals, and low concentrations of Mn, as well as coupled with the occurrence of pyrite. Together these changes imply low, possibly dysoxic, bottom water O2_{2} conditions promoting increased organic carbon burial. We hypothesize that this rapid burial of organic carbon lowered global {\it p}CO2_{2} following the peak warming and returned the climate system to the general Eocene cooling trend

    High-diversity larger foraminiferal assemblages calibrated with calcareous nannoplankton biozones in the aftermath of EECO (Collio, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, northeastern Italy)

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    The Eocene of Collio (easternmost Friuli-Venezia Giulia, northeastern Italy) contains rich larger foraminiferal assemblages mainly dominated by nummulitids of genera Nummulites and Assilina. Herein, we document, by typological and biometric approaches, upper Ypresian to lower Lutetian taxa, dated by an integrated biostratigraphy combining the Shallow Benthic Zones (SBZ) with the nanno- fossil biozones. A total of seven species of Alveolina, 12 species of Assilina and 33 of Nummulites are described (in Appendix A), some of them left in open nomenclature. The larger foraminiferal assemblages indicate that all the collected samples are assignable to SBZ12 and SBZ13 and their high diversity suggests high resilience of these shallow-water taxa after the Early Eocene Climate Optimum warming event. The occurrence of the calcareous nannofossil Blackites inflatus together with Alveolina violae Nummulites friulanus, N. campesinus, N. quasilaevigatus, Assilina maior maior and A. cuvillieri, typical SBZ12 markers, suggests that SBZ12 extends at least to the basal Lutetian, thus the SBZ12/13 boundary occurs in the lowermost Lutetian instead of at the Ypresian/Lutetian transition

    Mode and tempo of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum in an expanded section from the Venetian pre-Alps.

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    The central part of the Piave River valley in the Venetian pre-Alps of NE Italy exposes an expanded and continuous marine sediment succession that encompasses the Paleocene series and the Paleocene to Eocene transition. The Paleocene through lowermost Eocenemsuccession is >100 m thick and was depositednat middle to lower bathyal depths in a hemipelagic, near-continental setting in the central western Tethys. In the Forada section, the Paleocene succession of limestone-marl couplets is sharply interrupted by an ~3.30- m-thick unit of clays and marls (clay marl unit). The very base of this unit represents the biostratigraphic Paleocene-Eocene boundary, and the entire unit coincides with the main carbon isotope excursion of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum event. Concentrations of hematite and biogenic carbonate, δ13C measurements, and abundance of radiolarians, all oscillate in a cyclical fashion and are interpreted to represent precession cycles. The main excursion interval spans fi ve complete cycles, that is, 105 ± 10 k.y. The overlying carbon isotope recovery interval, which is composed of six distinct limestone-marl couplets, is interpreted to represent six precessional cycles with a duration of 126 ± 12 k.y. The entire carbon isotope excursion interval in Forada has a total duration of ~231 ± 22 k.y., which is 5%–10% longer than previous estimates derived from open ocean sites (210–220 k.y.). Geochemical proxies for redox conditions indicate oxygenated conditions before, during, and after the carbon isotope excursion event. The Forada section exhibits a nonstepped sharp decrease in δ13C (−2.35‰) at the base of the clay marl unit. The hemipelagic, near-continental depositional setting of Forada and the sharply elevated sedimentation rates throughout the clay marl unit argue for continuous rather than interrupted deposition and show that the initial nonstepped carbon isotope shift was not caused by a hiatus. A single sample at the base of the unit lacks biogenic carbonate. Preservation of carbonate thereafter improves progressively up-section in the clay marl unit, which is consistent with a prodigiously abrupt and rapid acidifi cation of the oceans followed by a slower, successive deepening of the carbonate compensation depth. Increased sedimentation rates through the clay marl unit (approximately the main interval of the carbon isotope excursion) are consistent with an intensifi ed hydrological cycle driven by supergreenhouse conditions and enhanced weathering and transport of terrigenous material to this near-continental, hemipelagic environment in the central western Tethys. The sharp transition in lithology from the clay marl unit to the overlying limestonemarl couplets in the recovery interval and the coincident shift toward heavier δ13C values suggest that the silicate pump and continental weathering, the cause of the enhanced terrigenous fl ux to Forada, stopped abruptly. This implies that the source of the light CO2 ceased to be added to the ocean-atmosphere system at the top of the clay marl unit

    Val d’Alpone fra geositi e vigneti per una candidatura UNESCO - Alpone Valley between geosites and vineyards for a UNESCO candidacy

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    Descrizione della proposta di candidatura della Val d'Alpone a sito UNESCO, per la presenza di eccezionali siti fossiliferi eocenici marini

    New insights on Anthracotherium Monsvialense de Zigno, 1888 (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla) from the lower Oligocene of Monteviale (Vicenza, Northeastern Italy)

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    In Italy, anthracotheres are represented by a few fossils, most of them described during the XIX century and without a standardized scientific method. Anthracotherium monsvialense De Zigno, 1888 was originally erected from a fossil discovered in the site of Monteviale (Vicenza, northeastern Italy), whose Rupelian (MP21) lignitic beds yielded the richest lower Oligocene evidence of the genus Anthracotherium in Europe. A. monsvialense ranges from MP21 to MP23 and its small size has been interpreted as a consequence of the insular environment, at least at Monteviale.In this study, we summarize the long history of Italian findings providing new descriptions of dental and postcranial morphological features of A. monsvialense, and comparing such small anthracothere with its Asian and European relatives. Morphometric analyses are also performed on teeth, in order to verify the presence of evolutionary trends of the genus Anthracotherium

    New insights on Anthracotherium Monsvialense de Zigno, 1888 (Mammalia, Cetartiodactyla) from the lower Oligocene of Monteviale (Vicenza, Northeastern Italy)

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    In Italy, anthracotheres are represented by a few fossils, most of them described during the XIX century and without a standardized scientific method. Anthracotherium monsvialense De Zigno, 1888 was originally erected from a fossil discovered in the site of Monteviale (Vicenza, northeastern Italy), whose Rupelian (MP21) lignitic beds yielded the richest lower Oligocene evidence of the genus Anthracotherium in Europe. A. monsvialense ranges from MP21 to MP23 and its small size has been interpreted as a consequence of the insular environment, at least at Monteviale. In this study, we summarize the long history of Italian findings providing new descriptions of dental and postcranial morphological features of A. monsvialense, and comparing such small anthracothere with its Asian and European relatives. Morphometric analyses are also performed on teeth, in order to verify the presence of evolutionary trends of the genus Anthracotherium