421 research outputs found


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    large body of research highlights the key-role of human resources in the new service economy. The service-dominant logic considers them as operant resources in value co-creation. Internal marketing policies, total rewards strategies and corporate welfare initiatives underline the importance of getting employees motivated, engaged, and satisfied. By combining HRM, IT and service systems issues, this paper aims to explore the emergence of new professional services providers in the Italian context and their innovative solutions in managing corporate welfare programs through integrated service systems. Through a systematic review, our findings describe the common features of emerging corporate welfare service systems and suggest several future paths of research in order to advance empirical knowledge in this high-potential field

    classification of oncologic data with genetic programming

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    Discovering the models explaining the hidden relationship between genetic material and tumor pathologies is one of the most important open challenges in biology and medicine. Given the large amount of data made available by the DNA Microarray technique, Machine Learning is becoming a popular tool for this kind of investigations. In the last few years, we have been particularly involved in the study of Genetic Programming for mining large sets of biomedical data. In this paper, we present a comparison between four variants of Genetic Programming for the classification of two different oncologic datasets: the first one contains data from healthy colon tissues and colon tissues affected by cancer; the second one contains data from patients affected by two kinds of leukemia (acute myeloid leukemia and acute lymphoblastic leukemia). We report experimental results obtained using two different fitness criteria: the receiver operating characteristic and the percentage of correctly classified instances. These results, and their comparison with the ones obtained by three nonevolutionary Machine Learning methods (Support Vector Machines, MultiBoosting, and Random Forests) on the same data, seem to hint that Genetic Programming is a promising technique for this kind of classification

    A Vegetation Indicator To Assess Mediterranean Pinewood Affected By Bast Scale (Matsucoccus FeytaudiI)

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    The bast scale (Matsucoccus feytaudi) is responsible for the destruction of most of the Pinus pinaster forests in the Mediterranean area, causing resination, defoliation and subsequent death of the tree. Questions: is it possible to estimate pinewood health by analysing understory vegetation? Does the health status of pine forests changes during time? Do such variations involve understorey vegetation? What species in the understory vegetation better describe different conditions? What are the most relevant variables (defoliation and resination) influencing pine stands' condition. Location: The study area is located in the eastern part of Liguria (Italy) in pinewood affected by the bast scale Matsucoccus feytaudi. Method: we used: (1) hierarchical cluster analysis to discriminate pinewood health conditions (good and bad); (2) non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) to detect the most important variables influencing the pine stands' condition and understory vegetation; and (3) indicator species analysis (ISA) to determine indicator species corresponding to health conditions at the plot level. Our aim was to find a relationship between pines' health status and the variation in pinewood understory vegetation communities. Results: we found that understory vegetation composition depends on both pine stand health status and environment-related factors. Geographic variables (in particular latitude and altitude) and tree-related variables (percentage of resinated and defoliated trees) were associated with the main axes of variability of the understory vegetation. Three indicator species (Erica arborea, Quercus ilex and Castanea sativa), which were closely linked to pine stands health status, were significantly associated with different stages of pinewood dieback caused by bast scale. Conclusion: this study provides useful information and a good operational tool for technicians working in the forestry sector, and for public administrations and land managers to start good land-use planning


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    Compliance’ is an instrument used by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for national agencies to adhere to the requirements of the captor. Based on pragmatic sociology, we describe the actions of actors working on ‘compliance’ at the Brazilian Anti-Doping Agency (ABCD), in view of the Rio 2016 Olympics and Paralympics, and the development of an ‘anti-doping culture.’ Using multi-situated ethnography, we describe the work of mediators that transform, translate, distort and modify their interests. As sources of controversies, we chose ABCD’s creation and operation; the approval of the Brazilian Anti-Doping Code; and the establishment and operation of the Anti-Doping Sports Justice. ABCD’s social work in achieving ‘compliance’ reflects a process of translation to stabilize this national anti-doping community led by a state agency and, therefore, in the making of a Public Policy. La `conformidad’ es un instrumento utilizado por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (WADA) para que las agencias nacionales se adhieran a las exigencias del captor. En este artículo describimos, con base en la sociología pragmática, las acciones de los actores en el trabajo de constitución de la 'conformidad' de la Autoridad Brasileña de Control de Dopaje (ABCD), teniendo en vista la realización de los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de Río 2016 y el desarrollo de una 'cultura antidopaje'. A partir de una etnografía multisituada, buscamos describir el trabajo de los mediadores, transformando, traduciendo, distorsionando y modificando intereses. Escogimos como fuentes de controversias la creación y el funcionamiento de la ABCD; la aprobación del Código Brasileño Antidopaje; y la constitución y funcionamiento de la Justicia Deportiva Antidopaje. El trabajo social de conquista de la `conformidad’ de la ABCD refleja un proceso de traslación para la estabilización de esta comunidad nacional antidopaje, protagonizada por una agencia del Estado y, por lo tanto, en la composición de una Política Pública. A “conformidade” é um instrumento utilizado pela Agência Mundial Antidopagem (WADA) para a aderência das agências nacionais às exigências do capturador. No presente artigo, descrevemos, com base na sociologia pragmática, as ações de atores no trabalho de constituição da “conformidade” da Autoridade Brasileira de Controle de Dopagem (ABCD), tendo em vista a realização dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos Rio 2016 e o desenvolvimento de uma “cultura antidopagem”. A partir de uma etnografia multissituada, procuramos descrever os trabalhos dos mediadores, transformando, traduzindo, distorcendo e modificando os seus interesses. Elegemos como fontes de controvérsias a criação e funcionamento da ABCD; a aprovação do Código Brasileiro Antidopagem; e a constituição e funcionamento do Justiça Desportiva Antidopagem. O trabalho social de conquista da “conformidade” da ABCD reflete um processo de translação para a estabilização dessa comunidade nacional antidopagem protagonizada por uma agência de Estado e, portanto, na composição de uma política pública.

    Quantum state engineering using one-dimensional discrete-time quantum walks

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    Quantum state preparation in high-dimensional systems is an essential requirement for many quantum-technology applications. The engineering of an arbitrary quantum state is, however, typically strongly dependent on the experimental platform chosen for implementation, and a general framework is still missing. Here we show that coined quantum walks on a line, which represent a framework general enough to encompass a variety of different platforms, can be used for quantum state engineering of arbitrary superpositions of the walker's sites. We achieve this goal by identifying a set of conditions that fully characterize the reachable states in the space comprising walker and coin, and providing a method to efficiently compute the corresponding set of coin parameters. We assess the feasibility of our proposal by identifying a linear optics experiment based on photonic orbital angular momentum technology.Comment: 9 + 2 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamical learning of a photonics quantum-state engineering process

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    Abstract. Experimental engineering of high-dimensional quantum states is a crucial task for several quantum information protocols. However, a high degree of precision in the characterization of the noisy experimental apparatus is required to apply existing quantum-state engineering protocols. This is often lacking in practical scenarios, affecting the quality of the engineered states. We implement, experimentally, an automated adaptive optimization protocol to engineer photonic orbital angular momentum (OAM) states. The protocol, given a target output state, performs an online estimation of the quality of the currently produced states, relying on output measurement statistics, and determines how to tune the experimental parameters to optimize the state generation. To achieve this, the algorithm does not need to be imbued with a description of the generation apparatus itself. Rather, it operates in a fully black-box scenario, making the scheme applicable in a wide variety of circumstances. The handles controlled by the algorithm are the rotation angles of a series of waveplates and can be used to probabilistically generate arbitrary four-dimensional OAM states. We showcase our scheme on different target states both in classical and quantum regimes and prove its robustness to external perturbations on the control parameters. This approach represents a powerful tool for automated optimizations of noisy experimental tasks for quantum information protocols and technologies. Keywords: orbital angular momentum; state engineering; black-box optimization; algorithm; quantum

    El antidopaje frente a las demandas de la agencia mundial: una etnografía de la ‘conformidad’ en acción

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    A “conformidade” é um instrumento utilizado pela Agência Mundial Antidopagem (WADA) para a aderência das agências nacionais às exigências do capturador. No presente artigo, descrevemos, com base na sociologia pragmática, as ações de atores no trabalho de constituição da “conformidade” da Autoridade Brasileira de Controle de Dopagem (ABCD), tendo em vista a realização dos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos Rio 2016 e o desenvolvimento de uma “cultura antidopagem”. A partir de uma etnografia multissituada, procuramos descrever os trabalhos dos mediadores, transformando, traduzindo, distorcendo e modificando os seus interesses. Elegemos como fontes de controvérsias a criação e funcionamento da ABCD; a aprovação do Código Brasileiro Antidopagem; e a constituição e funcionamento do Justiça Desportiva Antidopagem. O trabalho social de conquista da “conformidade” da ABCD reflete um processo de translação para a estabilização dessa comunidade nacional antidopagem protagonizada por uma agência de Estado e, portanto, na composição de uma política pública.‘Compliance’ is an instrument used by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) for national agencies to adhere to the requirements of the captor. Based on pragmatic sociology, we describe the actions of actors working on ‘compliance’ at the Brazilian Anti-Doping Agency (ABCD), in view of the Rio 2016 Olympics and Paralympics, and the development of an ‘anti-doping culture.’ Using multi-situated ethnography, we describe the work of mediators that transform, translate, distort and modify their interests. As sources of controversies, we chose ABCD’s creation and operation; the approval of the Brazilian Anti-Doping Code; and the establishment and operation of the Anti-Doping Sports Justice. ABCD’s social work in achieving ‘compliance’ reflects a process of translation to stabilize this national anti-doping community led by a state agency and, therefore, in the making of a Public Policy.La `conformidad’ es un instrumento utilizado por la Agencia Mundial Antidopaje (WADA) para que las agencias nacionales se adhieran a las exigencias del captor. En este artículo describimos, con base en la sociología pragmática, las acciones de los actores en el trabajo de constitución de la ‘conformidad’ de la Autoridad Brasileña de Control de Dopaje (ABCD), teniendo en vista la realización de los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de Río 2016 y el desarrollo de una ‘cultura antidopaje’. A partir de una etnografía multisituada, buscamos describir el trabajo de los mediadores, transformando, traduciendo, distorsionando y modificando intereses. Escogimos como fuentes de controversias la creación y el funcionamiento de la ABCD; la aprobación del Código Brasileño Antidopaje; y la constitución y funcionamiento de la Justicia Deportiva Antidopaje. El trabajo social de conquista de la `conformidad’ de la ABCD refleja un proceso de traslación para la estabilización de esta comunidad nacional antidopaje, protagonizada por una agencia del Estado y, por lo tanto, en la composición de una Política Pública

    The Challenges of O2 Detection in Biological Fluids: Classical Methods and Translation to Clinical Applications

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    Dissolved oxygen (DO) is deeply involved in preserving the life of cellular tissues and human beings due to its key role in cellular metabolism: its alterations may reflect important pathophysiological conditions. DO levels are measured to identify pathological conditions, explain pathophysiological mechanisms, and monitor the efficacy of therapeutic approaches. This is particularly relevant when the measurements are performed in vivo but also in contexts where a variety of biological and synthetic media are used, such as ex vivo organ perfusion. A reliable measurement of medium oxygenation ensures a high-quality process. It is crucial to provide a high-accuracy, real-time method for DO quantification, which could be robust towards different medium compositions and temperatures. In fact, biological fluids and synthetic clinical fluids represent a challenging environment where DO interacts with various compounds and can change continuously and dynamically, and further precaution is needed to obtain reliable results. This study aims to present and discuss the main oxygen detection and quantification methods, focusing on the technical needs for their translation to clinical practice. Firstly, we resumed all the main methodologies and advancements concerning dissolved oxygen determination. After identifying the main groups of all the available techniques for DO sensing based on their mechanisms and applicability, we focused on transferring the most promising approaches to a clinical in vivo/ex vivo settin

    energetic and functional upgrading of school buildings

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    In Italy, currently most schools require improvements to energy performance and indoor air quality. On the other hand, school buildings require structural assessment and strong renovation interventions to maintain their service functionality. Moreover, the use of spaces should be reviewed and redesigned to be more compatible with modern educational models, making the schools unique integrated spaces. Each space should have the same dignity and flexibility, meeting anticipated future needs and expectations and offering a positive environment that should support learning, teaching and recreational activities. The national government has recently launched policies and plans to face up to this situation, imposing some guidelines to incentivise the actions of local municipalities. The challenge as well as the aim of this research is to verify the possibility of combining energy retrofits with functional renovations as a unique approach to taking action, exploring the conditions and measures to create synergy. As a case study, school buildings in a medium-sized city, Castelfranco Veneto, in the north-eastern part of Italy were analyzed with the aim of defining a method of intervention on different functional layouts. In a first phase of the work, all 21 schools present in the area were analyzed. Subsequently, three groups of buildings with homogeneous characteristics in terms of age, construction technologies, and shape factors were identified. Finally, a case study for each group was analyzed in detail and a proposal for improvements to the energy efficiency and functionality was presented. In this chapter, one of the case studies is presented