2,026 research outputs found

    Middle to late Holocene environmental evolution of the Pisa coastal plain (Tuscany, Italy) and early human settlements

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    A cross-disciplinary (sedimentological, geochemical, micropalaeontological and archaeological) examination of 12 continuous cores, up to 20m long, integrated with stratigraphical, geomorphological and historical investigations, allows for reliable delineation of the middle-late Holocene environmental evolution in the Pisa old town area, with special emphasis on the Etruscan age transition. Depositional facies were identified through integration of sedimentological and micropalaeontological (benthic foraminifers, ostracods, phytoclasts and palynomorphs) data, while sediment dispersal patterns were reconstructed on the basis of geochemical analyses. Facies architecture was chronologically constrained by combined archaeological and radiocarbon dating. The turnaround from early Holocene, transgressive conditions to the ensuing (middle-late Holocene) phase of sea-level highstand is witnessed by a prominent shallowing-upward succession of lagoonal, paludal and then poorly drained floodplain deposits supplied by two river systems (Arno and Serchio). This 'regressive' trend, reflecting coastal progradation under nearly stable sea-level conditions, was interrupted by widespread swamp development close to the Iron-Etruscan age transition. The expansion of vast, low-lying paludal areas across the alluvial plain was mostly induced by the intricate, short-term evolution of the meandering Arno and Serchio river systems. These changes in the fluvial network, which occurred during a period of variable climate conditions, strongly influenced the early Etruscan culture (7th-5th century BC) in terms of human settlement and society behaviour. Conversely, a strong impact of human frequentation on depositional environments is observed at the transition to the Roman age (from the 1st century BC onwards), when the wetlands were drained and the modern alluvial plain started to form. The palaeoenvironmental reconstruction fits in with the original geographical descriptions mentioned in Strabo's Chronicles, and provides chronologically constrained data of fluvial evolution from the Pisa old town area. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA

    MAPPA cores: an interdisciplinary approach

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    In the urban and periurban area of Pisa, 18 cores ranging in depth between 7 and 15 m were performed and analysed through an interdisciplinary approach, which led to an improved stratigraphic log representation. The acquired data also improved our knowledge about the palaeoenvironmental and human settlement evolution of Pisa area over the past 6000 years, evidencing the mutual interaction existing between landscape and human activities


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    G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) play a key role in many complex biological processes, including regulation of stem cell pluripotency and differentiation. Signal transduction pathways that are activated during stem cell renewal and differentiation are shared, cross-activated or synergistic with GPCR stimulation [1]. Regulation of GPCR responses involved the activation of desensitization machinery, which started with phosphorylation of agonist-activated receptor by second messenger-dependent and/or GPCR kinases (GRKs)[1]. Besides controlling receptor responsiveness, GRKs can also act as agonist-regulated scaffolds assembling macromolecular signalosomes in the receptor environment, thereby contributing to signal propagation from cytosol to nucleus, and controlling gene transcription machinery [2]. Recent evidence suggests that the desensitization machinery fulfils a vital role in regulating cellular responses to GPCRs, and that changes in expression/functioning of these regulatory proteins may be crucial in the control of cell differentiation program [3]. These data are consistent with the notion that GPCR responsiveness may be differentially regulated during cell differentiation. In our hands, two different cellular models (oligodendrocyte precursor cells, OPCs, and mesenchymal stem cells, MSCs) were used to investigate the role of the GPCR desensitisation machinery in stem cell differentiation. During OPC differentiation, defective control of the membrane receptor GPR17 has been suggested to block cell maturation and impairs remyelination under demyelinating conditions [4]. Here we show, for the first time, a role for Murine double minute 2 (Mdm2), a ligase previously involved in ubiquitination/degradation of p53 protein. In maturing OPCs, the inhibition of Mdm2-p53 interactions increased GRK2 sequestration by Mdm2, leading to impaired GPR17 down-regulation and OPC maturation block. In MSCs, the A2B adenosine receptor (A2BAR) has been recently emerged as the major AR involved in osteoblastogenesis [5]. Proinflammatory cytokines, such as Tumour Necrosis Factor- (TNF-, have been demonstrated to regulate MSC differentiation and bone remodelling. Herein, we show that TNF- diminished GRK2 levels in MSCs, thus blocking A2BAR desensitization. As a result, TNF- enhanced the A2BAR-mediated responses and favoured MSC differentiation to osteoblasts in response to receptor agonists. The findings get new insights for discovering of the signals at the basis of cell differentiation

    Gross Cystic Disease Fluid Protein-15(GCDFP-15)/Prolactin-Inducible Protein (PIP) as Functional Salivary Biomarker for Primary Sjögren's Syndrome

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    Gross cystic disease fluid protein-15(GCDFP-15)/prolactin-inducible protein (PIP) is a secretory acinar glycoprotein of 14 KDa which we have recently described as significantly lower in salivary samples of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) in comparison to healthy volunteers by proteomic analysis

    New Diagnostic and Prognostic Models for the Development of Alcoholic Cirrhosis Based on Genetic Predisposition and Alcohol History

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    Liver cirrhosis development is a multifactorial process resulting from a combination of environmental and genetic factors. The aim of the study was to develop accurate non-invasive diagnostic and prognostic models for alcoholic cirrhosis. Consecutive subjects with at-risk alcohol intake were retrospectively enrolled (110 cirrhotic patients and 411 non-cirrhotics). At enrollment, the data about lifetime drinking history were collected and all patients were tested for Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 (PNPLA3) rs738409, Transmembrane 6 Superfamily 2 (TM6SF2) rs58542926, and hydroxysteroid 17-beta dehydrogenase 13 (HSD17B13) rs72613567 variants. In cross-sectional analyses, models for the diagnosis of cirrhosis were developed using multivariate logistic regression. A predictive score for cirrhosis development over 24 years was built by evaluating time-dependent AUC curves. The best diagnostic accuracy was demonstrated by the model, which also includes daily alcohol consumption, duration of hazardous alcohol use, and genetic variants, with AUCs of 0.951 (95% CI 0.925–0.977) and 0.887 (95% CI 0.925–0.977) for cirrhosis and compensated cirrhosis, respectively. The predictive model for future cirrhosis development (AUC of 0.836 95% CI: 0.769–0.904) accounted for age at onset of at-risk alcohol consumption and the number of PNPLA3 and HSD17B13 variant alleles. We have developed accurate genetic and alcohol consumption models for the diagnosis of alcoholic cirrhosis and the prediction of its future risk

    Acolhimento no âmbito hospitalar: perspectivas dos acompanhantes de pacientes hospitalizados.

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    The user embracement is one of the main directions guiding the health care production, even though the studies concerning this subject are focused upon primary health care. This paper aimed to understand the way user embracement is experienced by hospitalized patients’ companions and discuss their difficulties while accompanying the patients in a hospital environment. This is a qualitative study, conducted with 77 companions of patients hospitalized in a university hospital in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. The data were collected through interviews and analyzed by content analysis. On the companions’ perception, the user embracement is associated with clarifying rules and routines, as well as the meals delivery; being the main hurdle related to physical structure and noise in the hospital environment. A need for reconsidering the established models for health assistance is pointed, as well as the importance of making better the health care practices based on light technology.La acogida es una de las principales directrices que orientan la producción del cuidado en salud, sin embargo los estudios relacionados con esa temática se concentran en el ámbito de la atención primaria. Esta investigación buscó entender como la acogida es experienciada por los acompañantes de pacientes hospitalizados y discutir sus dificultades durante la permanencia en el ambiente hospitalario. Es un estudio cualitativo, realizado con 77 acompañantes de pacientes internados en un hospital universitario del Rio Grande do Sul – RS. Los datos fueron recolectados por medio de entrevistas y analizados a través del método del análisis de contenido. La percepción de los acompañantes considera que la acogida está relacionada a la aclaración de las normas y rutinas y al suministro de comidas, siendo las principales dificultades relacionadas a la estructura física y a los ruidos en el ámbito hospitalario. Se apunta la necesidad de repensar los modelos asistenciales institucionalizados y perfeccionar las prácticas de cuidado con base en las tecnologías suaves.O acolhimento é umas das principais diretrizes que orientam a produção do cuidado em saúde, entretanto os estudos relacionados a essa temática concentram-se no âmbito da atenção primária. Esta pesquisa buscou compreender como o acolhimento é experienciado pelos acompanhantes de pacientes hospitalizados e discutir suas dificuldades durante a permanência no âmbito hospitalar. É um estudo qualitativo, realizado com 77 acompanhantes de pacientes internados em um hospital universitário do Rio Grande do Sul – RS. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas e analisados mediante análise de conteúdo. Na percepção dos acompanhantes, o acolhimento está associado ao esclarecimento das normas e rotinas e recebimento de refeições, sendo as principais dificuldades relacionadas à estrutura física e aos barulhos no âmbito hospitalar. Aponta-se a necessidade de repensar os modelos assistenciais institucionalizados e aprimorar as práticas de cuidado com base nas tecnologias leves

    Evaluación de acciones de formación y desarrollo profesional docente continuo. Desafíos y oportunidades para la mejora

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    La presente comunicación tiene por finalidad describir una experiencia desarrollada en torno a la evaluación de acciones de formación y desarrollo profesional docente continuo llevadas a cabo durante el período 2008-2009 por el Ministerio de Educación de la Provincia de Córdoba.Dicha evaluación hace foco en la percepción y valoración que los destinatarios realizaron en torno a la oferta estudiada.El estudio se sustenta en principios considerados claves en el diseño de políticas públicas, tales como la generación y uso de información para la toma de decisiones, como así también la instrumentación de estrategias de comunicación con los destinatarios a fin de potenciar procesos de mejora.Se describen aspectos del dispositivo, resultados y algunas reflexiones en torno al proceso realizado. En esta línea, la experiencia permitió constatar el valor que tienen aquellas acciones en las que se pide la palabra a distintos actores del sistema educativo, tanto por el efecto que produce este tipo de consulta en términos de legitimación y comunicación de la política educativa como por el compromiso que pusieron de manifiesto los actores consultados y la riqueza de la información generada

    Oncological treatment administration at end of life: a retrospective study

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    Background: This work evaluated the proportion of patients who continue therapy until their last month of life or initiate a new therapy in the last 3 months of life (end of life [EOL]). Methods: Data for 486 patients were retrospectively collected. Results: In EOL, 205 (42.3%) received systemic therapy. Better performance status (last month OR: 0.39; 95% CI: 0.25-0.60; p < 0.001; last 3 months OR: 0.47; 95% CI: 0.34-0.65; p < 0.001) and lack of activation of palliative care (last month OR: 0.26; 95% CI: 0.13-0.54; p < 0.001; last 3 months OR: 0.18; 95% CI: 0.10-0.32; p < 0.001) were associated with higher probability of EOL therapy. Conclusion: A non-negligible proportion of patients in real-life settings continue to receive systemic treatment in EOL

    I carotaggi MAPPA: un’integrazione interdisciplinare

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    Una consistente campagna di acquisizione di dati di sottosuolo (18 carotaggi con profondità da 7 a 15 m) condotta con approccio interdisciplinare, finalizzato a una rappresentazione integrata del log stratigrafico, ha permesso di incrementare in modo significativo le conoscenze del contesto paleoambientale ed insediativo della zona urbana e suburbana della città di Pisa durante gli ultimi 6000 anni circa e di valutare il reciproco condizionamento fra l’ambiente naturale e le caratteristiche dell’insediamento uman
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