42 research outputs found

    A Survey of Critical Success Factors in the Malaysia e-Banking: A Perspective of UUM Postgraduate Students

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    The topic of this paper is: A survey of critical success factors in Malaysia e-Banking: An organizational perspective from the view of UUM postgraduate students. The main purpose of this study is to obtain the critical success factors from the organizational perspective in e-banking sectors in Malaysia from the perspective of ULTM Postgraduate students in UUMKL Campus. This study was conducted among 150 postgraduates of UUMKL by using questionnaires. The findings show that in Malaysia, technical capability of the e-banking systems is the critical success factors. Secure website and other related systems and IS integration are the technical capability of the e-banking success in Malaysia as compared to strategic factors. The results indicated that availability of resources and flexible organizational are the least important consideration to be the critical success factors in Malaysia

    Ketidakpatuhan cukai korporat: kajian ke atas industri permotoran, pemborongan dan peruncitan di Malaysia

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    The main issue faced by the tax authorities is to overcome tax non-compliance. In enhancing collection and compliance activities, the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM) has implemented the Tax Audit Programme through desk and field audit compliance activities according to the taxpayer segment, Industry Based Audit. Through this programme focusing on the highest selected industries is from the automotive, wholesale and retailing industries. Therefore, this study is an attempt to investigate which sub-industry among automotive, wholesale and retailing industries involves the highest tax non-compliance and to know whether there are significant diffences in the type of industry, company size, financial liquidity and company location with company tax non-compliance in automotive, wholesale and retailing industries in Malaysia. The target sample was 2,303 cases of field audit from the automotive, wholesale and retailing industries completed in 2015 by LHDNM. Secondary data obtained from IRBM were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics. The findings of the study show that the wholesale sub-industry was found to be a sub-industry with the highest tax non-compliance and there was a significant difference between the size of the company and tax non-compliance. While there is no significant diffences between the types of industry, financial liquidity and the location of the company with company tax non-compliance. The results of this study are expected to add value to the tax literature in assisting tax authorities in enhancing tax compliance strategies among companies

    Production of lotion using neem (Azadirachta Indica A. Juss) extract

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    Nowadays, the most emerging disease which is arthropod borne disease cannot be prevented from vaccines and become a potential threat especially in tropical world such as America, Africa and Asia and has become a trend (Al-Hashemi et al., 2016; Biswas et al., 2002; Brian et al., 2011). One of the preventive measures is by using extracted neem oil blended into lotions for daily usage. According to Ayurveda medicine, neem (AzadirachtinIndica A. Juss) oil is widely used as a pesticide agent in India which reduce insect feeding and acts a repellent (Costa et al., 2017; Dubey et al., 2014). World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) 1989 identified neem as an environmentally powerful natural pesticide, considered to be one of the most promising tress of the 21st Century for its great potential in pest management, environment protection and medicine (Costa et al., 2017)

    A Literature Review on Cooperative Learning to Improve EFL Students’ Learning Motivation

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    Purpose:  The gender-related research discrepancy makes it clear that understanding why cooperative learning effectiveness differs by gender is one of the goals of the current study. Another goal is to investigate the changes in grade-level-based supportive knowledge effectiveness.   Theoretical framework: . A collection project's success is the outcome of the aids made by the participants and the guiding principles that they are all committed to. It may be difficult to include individual contributions in the evaluation and appraisal of the group's overall effort. Second, students with diverse backgrounds may have a range of cultures, values, worldviews, and life experiences.   Design/methodology/approach: A successful educational method that supports such an method is supportive knowledge, which consists of “some related methods of organizing classroom instruction to achieve common knowledge goals via cooperation”. This method to knowledge is based on the idea that individuals actively choose, change, and interpret the information.   Findings:  As a result, they can settle disputes, make required changes, and eventually provide superior results. All learners can benefit from cooperative learning after these conditions have been satisfied, with certain variations owing to particular learner traits. The findings of this study provide educators with more empirical support for the use of effective interactive teaching techniques to boost student motivation and enhance learning outcomes.   Research, Practical & Social implications:  Recent research has demonstrated that training based on constructivism and collaborative principles affects learning results in a variety of academic areas.   Originality/value:  The outcomes of cooperative learning will be more likely and the findings will be more reliable. The gender-related research discrepancy makes it clear that understanding why cooperative learning effectiveness differs by gender is one of the goals of the current study.

    Awareness of computer ergonomic

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    Computer ergonomic is a medium of interaction between human and computer equipment that serves to prevent health problems to users. However, most users do not have formal knowledge on the importance of computer ergonomic. Therefore, a survey on whether computer users are aware of the importance of computer ergonomic had been carried out. The survey was conducted at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM), with a total of 270 respondents which consists of 17 academic staff, 19 non-academic staff and 234 students from Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia. The results of this questionnaire were analysed using SPSS. From part I: The awareness of the correct sitting position, the respondent answered 7 questions for ‘no’ out of 9 questions. For part II: The awareness of computer ergonomic, the respondents answered ‘no’ for 4 questions out of 6 questions. Finally, for part III: The problems face by the respondents, respondents answered ‘no’ to 5 questions out of 8 questions. Many respondents suggested that exposure to computer ergonomic should be started from the primary school level. Most respondents said that the government or company do not provide exposure to computer ergonomic to their employees. They also stated that the lack of knowledge about computer ergonomic is the main cause why the users do not practice the science of ergonomic when using the computer. In conclusion, since users do not know the importance of computer ergonomic and they suggest that the computer ergonomic should be taught from school level

    Measuring meaningful learning experience: confirmatory factor analysis

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    A meaningful learning environment is important in the 21st century educational landscape. Meaningful learning engages students in dynamic instructional activities which can facilitate learning in the 21st century , and thus encourage the growth of holistic human characteristics. However, limited research has explored and measured the factors of meaningful learning. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify the underlying factors that measure meaningful learning experience among university students in Malaysia. The study conceptualises meaningful learning experience in five dimensions (i.e. cooperative learning, active learning, authentic learning, constructive learning, and intentional learning). Data was collected with a 31-item questionnaire, the reliability of which indexes range from 0.838 to 0.885 in dimensions. The study population consists of University students who willingly volunteered to participate in the research (N=1,524). A sample of 603 respondents was drawn through simple random sampling. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) was used to analyse the data. The findings of the study indicates that the measurement model for meaningful learning achieved an acceptable level of fit. All statistics provide empirical evidence towards the fact that the meaningful learning measurement model is also psychometrically sound in terms of validity and reliability. The study concludes that there are five underlying factors measuring meaningful learning experiences, identified as cooperative learning, active learning, authentic learning, constructive learning and intentional learning. The study suggests that these factors are aspects of meaningful learning experiences that require development of the 21st century educational landscape which may lead to a more meaningful teaching and learning process

    Measuring Content Validity: Students’ Self-efficacy and Meaningful Learning in Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Scale

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    The objective of this research is to examine the content validity of students’ self-efficacy and meaningful learning scale in context of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) by using Content Validity Ratio (CVR). The research was conducted through the evaluation among 20 expert panels with purposive sampling technique. Expert panels were divided into two categories which are professional experts and field experts. Nine professional university experts involved with the respective expertise in psychology, psychometric, educational measurement and MOOC. The field experts consisted of eleven doctor of philosophy (PhD) candidates who is studying in public university in Malaysia and specializing in particular fields of study. The scale contains of two aspects which is students’ self-efficacy and meaningful learning. Students’ selfefficacy is conceptualized in four constructs with 35 items. Meanwhile for meaningful learning, there have five construct with 50 items. The results of the research show that the scale has a good content validity and proved that the scale has great potential to be promoted as a good scale of students’ self-efficacy and meaningful learning in context of MOOC. It is suggested to apply more sophisticated statistical analysis, such as the Structural Equation Modelling for elaborating on quality items and model development

    Moderating effect of gender between MOOC-efficacy and meaningful learning

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    This study looks at three key concepts in 21st century e-education: MOOC-efficacy, meaningful learning, and gender among undergraduate students at Malaysian public universities. Its primary goal is to investigate the role of gender as a moderator in the relationship between MOOC-efficacy and meaningful learning. This study uses four criteria to define MOOC-efficacy (information searching, making queries, MOOC learning, and MOOC usability). Meanwhile, five dimensions are used to conceptualise meaningful learning (i.e., cooperative learning, active learning, authentic learning, constructive learning, and intentional learning). A cross-sectional survey design was used in this study. The data were collected using a 52-item questionnaire with reliability indices ranging from 0.822 to 0.890 for the dimensions. University students who volunteered to take part in the study and have prior experience using MOOCs make up the study's population. 603 students were chosen at random to represent the sample. Data analysis included the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) test for moderation. The result indicates a change in the chi-square (Δχ2) value (0.779), which is lower than the chi-square (χ2) critical value (3.841) at p < 0.05. This shows that gender did not emerge as a moderating factor of the relationship between MOOC-efficacy and meaningful learning among these students. An interesting finding includes the fact that males and females are provided an equal exposure and opportunity of education in Malaysia. There were no stereotyping and gaps in the educational treatment, opportunities and learning experience between gender

    Effectiveness of digital learning on students’ higher order thinking skills

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    In the realm of education, learning and instructional activities play a crucial role in cultivating lasting and meaningful comprehension among science students. This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the i-Genius module in enhancing students’ performance in science. The i-Genius module’s development adhered to the ADDIE model, and two specific research questions were formulated: i) is there a statistically significant difference in mean scores between the experimental and control groups? and ii) to what extent can i-Genius contribute to students’ conceptual evolution compared to traditional methods? To address these questions, a sequential mixed-method approach involving interviews, pre-tests, and post-tests was implemented in two distinct schools in the Seremban District. The experimental group comprised 35 participants, and the control group also included 35 students with similar characteristics. Student performance, assessed through pre-test and post-test mean scores, revealed that students exposed to i-Genius achieved significantly higher scores than those exposed to traditional methods in the post-test (t(68)=8.37, p&lt;0.05). This study’s implications lie in its practical application within the school context, offering an alternative instructional tool for teaching science and presenting an instructional model to guide teachers in formulating strategies that encourage problem-posing within the science curriculum

    Predicting teachers’ use of digital technology

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    In recent years, the use of digital technology and its relationship to the ability known as digital competence has become a core concept in discussions about the skills that individuals should possess in a knowledge society. Teachers’ skills in using digital technology are becoming a critical component of developing practical pedagogical knowledge for practice and student learning enhancement. The purpose of this study is to predict the factors that influence secondary school teachers when it comes to using digital technology. This study will establish relationships between personal innovativeness, technology self-efficacy, attitude toward digital technology, and digital competence. In Pahang, Malaysia, a survey was conducted with 493 secondary school teachers from 50 public secondary schools of 11 districts. Proportionate stratified sampling, cluster random sampling, and simple random sampling were used to obtain samples. The findings have established that technology self-efficacy, attitude towards digital technology, and digital competence significantly affect how teachers use digital technology. These findings emphasize the importance of increasing teachers’ digital competence as well as numerous elements that influence teachers’ use of digital technology to fulfill the expectations of future qualified professions and thus prepare students for their future