6 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor penentu tahap kualiti pelaporan kewangan tahunan koperasi di Malaysia

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    The main focus of the National Cooperative Policy 2011-2020 is to ensure that the Malaysian cooperatives comply with its cooperative legislation. This study aims to determine the level of quality of annual financial reporting issued by the cooperative sector in Malaysia. Another objective of this study is to test the relationship between the characteristics of cooperatives, and its governance with the level of quality of financial reporting. The moderator variable, industry expertise was introduced to test the relationship between academic qualifications of account officers and the level of quality of financial reporting. The level of quality of financial reporting is measured using unweighted index of mandatory and voluntary information disclosure. The independent variables of cooperative characteristics tested were size, profit ratio, leverage, business type, age and year of the study, while governance variables were the board size, board members’ gender, treasurer's academic qualifications, treasurer profession and account officer’s academic qualification. The data of the study were collected through cooperative annual reports and questionaires. A total of one hundred twenty annual reports for the years 2010 and 2014 were observed. The data was analysed using multivariate regression. The results showed that the average level of financial reporting quality achieved is satisfactory. The results showed that profitability, business types and years of study had significant relationships with the level of financial reporting quality at ninety five percent confidence level. Meanwhile, cooperative size variable was significantly associated at the ninety percent confidence level. However, the results of moderating factor of the industry's expertise is not significant. The contribution of this study is to develop mandatory information disclosure level index for cooperatives in Malaysia. The index is important for measuring mandatory reporting quality among them

    From manual to computerisation: A case study of expenditure cycle at Brainy Bookstore

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    Brainy Book Store (BBS) had been operating successfully for over twenty nine years and had become a major text books provider in Alor Setar.The company had been selling books to nearby universities and college market. Its book lines included general books, academic books and library books. The company has only one retail outlet located in Malaysia Entrepreneur University campus, and employs twenty eight permanent staffs, five contract workers and ten student workers.For more than twenty years the company had enjoyed record profits.But during the last three financial years, the company has recorded net loss.Although market reaction to BBB had been positive from years to years, the overall profitability and efficiency of the company had fallen sharply since 2009,with the recording of an annual trading loss in the year 2012.As the General Manager, Danial feels that he should take immediate action in order to save the company from further losses.Based on his preliminary study, he discovers that there is something wrong with the company purchasing cycle.For the year ended 31 December 2012, it was found that approximately 95% of the books on consignment were not returned and the company had to bear huge ‘badstocks’ problems.Therefore, the management appointed a consultant to review its current purchasing and cash disbursement system as well as to propose a fully computerized purchasing system with the possibility of a web-based purchasing protocol linked to selected suppliers and cash disbursement system.From the investigation, the consultant reveals some flaws in the BBS expenditure cycle. Internal control weaknesses such as no segregation of duties, poor regulation enforcement and incomplete records need to be restored immediately so that the BBS could improve their financial performance in forging for a good profit again

    Adoption of computer-assisted audit tools and techniques (CAATTs): an exploratory study in audit firms

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    This study focuses on exploring the adoption of Computer-Assisted Audit Tool and Techniques (CAATTs) among audit firms in Malaysia.This study also analyzed the reasons for the adoption of CAATTs by audit firms.This study used an interview method to explore what are the type of CAATTs adopted by the respondents of the audit firm.The findings reveal that there are some audit firms in practice adopted the CAATTs.The reasons are availability of financial resources, partners’ expertise and their clients’ nature of operation. The adoption of CAATTs is not compulsory by the law or standards however there is an encouragement from the authorities and accounting bodies for the practitioners to adopted CAATTs in their audit works.The findings should provide some inputs to the policy makers and practitioners into the current practice of auditing process and future regulations.The present study opens up opportunities and provide avenues for more in-depth research on the subject of CAATTs

    Application of Computer-Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques (CAATTs) in audit firms

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    This paper explores the application of Computer-Assisted Audit Tool and Techniques (CAATTs) and the reasons for the use of CAATTs application among audit firms in Malaysia. The study uses survey and interview methods to explore the types of CAATTs applied by the respondent firms. The results demonstrate that the application of CAATTs among audit firms varies by firm size. The application of advanced CAATTs, i.e. Embedded Audit Modules, Parallel Simulation Software, Test Data were the highest in Big-4 firms, as compared to medium and small sized firms. The reasons that influence them to practice the use of CAATTs are availability of financial resources, partners’ expertise and their clients’ nature of operation. The application of CAATTs is not compulsory by the law or standards. However, there is an encouragement from the authorities and accounting bodies for the practitioners to apply CAATTs in their audit works. The findings contribute in providing inputs to the policy makers and practitioners on how to enhance the application of CAATTs into the current practice of auditing process and future regulations. The present study also opens up opportunities and provides avenues for more indepth research on the subject of CAATTs

    Elemen-elemen model tadbir urus koperasi di Malaysia

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    Sumbangan sektor koperasi di Malaysia kepada Keluaran Dalam Negara Kasar (KDNK) negara masih berada pada tahap yang tidak memuaskan. Beberapa laporan menyatakan KDNK negara hanya dicapai antara 3% hingga 4% sehingga 31 Disember 2019 berbanding dengan sasaran 10% seperti yang ditetapkan dalam Dasar Koperasi Negara (DKN) 2011-2020. Berdasarkan DKN 2011-2020, salah satu pencapaian yang menyumbang kepada peningkatan KDNK adalah kawal selia dan tadbir urus baik. Strategi pencapaian yang sama diteruskan dalam cadangan teras strategik keempat DKN 2021-2030 iaitu mewujudkan kawal selia yang berkesan. Oleh itu, bagi merungkai permasalahan kajian, objektif kajian adalah mengenalpasti elemen-elemen model tadbir urus koperasi berdasarkan kepada garis panduan tadbir urus koperasi di Malaysia dan menyiasat kesan model tadbir urus koperasi berpandukan garis panduan tadbir urus koperasi terhadap prestasi koperasi di Malaysia. Kajian ini akan menggunakan kaedah penyelidikan kuantitatif untuk mencapai objektif yang telah ditetapkan iaitu teknik soalselidik dan analisis kandungan. Pengesahan model kerangka kerja kajian akan dijalankan menggunakan teknik analisis kuantitatif menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Jangkaan output kajian adalah Model Tadbir Urus Koperasi yang boleh dirujuk oleh Kementerian Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi (MEDAC) dan agensi kerajaan seperti Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM), Institut Koperasi Malaysia serta koperasi-koperasi. Hasil signifikan kajian ini dijangka boleh memberi input kepada pihak SKM berkaitan elemen-elemen tadbir urus koperasi yang baik serta dapat dijadikan sebagai maklumat tambahan untuk disebarluaskan kepada koperasi-koperasi di Malaysia. Peningkatan pencapaian tadbir urus koperasi dijangka dapat menyumbang kepada peningkatan perolehan koperasi yang seterusnya mencapai sasaran sumbangan kepada KDNK negara

    Hydrogen production from the thermochemical conversion of biomass: issues and challenges

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