2,523 research outputs found

    Disease activity in inflammatory bowel disease is associated with arterial vascular disease

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    Background and Aims: There is evidence that several inflammatory diseases are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Whether this is true for inflammatory bowel diseases remains controversial. We aimed to assess this risk corrected for the effects of conventional vascular risk factors, and IBD disease activity.Methods: We conducted a cohort study in British general practice and hospital records from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. We extracted the records of subjects with IBD and matched controls from 1997 to 2017. We conducted Cox proportional hazards and self-controlled case series analyses to examine the associations of IBD, disease activity and hospitalisation with the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and cardiovascular death in a manner attempting to remove the effect of likely confounders.Results: We identified 31,175 IBD patients (16,779 UC, 10,721 Crohn’s disease and 3,675 unclassifiable cases) and 154,412 matched controls. 532 myocardial infarctions, 555 strokes and 469 cardiovascular deaths were observed in IBD cases. Our Cox regression models adjusted for potential confounders, showed no significant excess of vascular events for IBD patients overall. There was however an increased hazard of MI in ambulatory patients for acute disease (Hazard Ration 1.83 (1.28-2.62)) and chronic activity (Hazard Ratio 1.69 (1.24-2.30)). This effect of disease activity was confirmed in our case series analysis.Conclusions:Though we have found no evidence of an overall excess of vascular events in IBD patients, our findings of increased risk with more active disease suggest the potential for anti-inflammatory therapies to reduce cardiovascular risk in this patient group

    Deferoxamine Preconditioning of Irradiated Tissue Improves Perfusion and Fat Graft Retention

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    BackgroundRadiation therapy is a mainstay in the treatment of many malignancies, but collateral damage to surrounding tissue, with resultant hypovascularity, fibrosis, and atrophy, can be difficult to reconstruct. Fat grafting has been shown to improve the quality of irradiated skin, but volume retention of the graft is significantly decreased. Deferoxamine is a U.S. Food and Drug Administration-approved iron-chelating medication for acute iron intoxication and chronic iron overload that has also been shown to increase angiogenesis. The present study evaluates the effects of deferoxamine treatment on irradiated skin and subsequent fat graft volume retention.MethodsMice underwent irradiation to the scalp followed by treatment with deferoxamine or saline and perfusion and were analyzed using laser Doppler analysis. Human fat grafts were then placed beneath the scalp and retention was also followed up to 8 weeks radiographically. Finally, histologic evaluation of overlying skin was performed to evaluate the effects of deferoxamine preconditioning.ResultsTreatment with deferoxamine resulted in significantly increased perfusion, as demonstrated by laser Doppler analysis and CD31 immunofluorescent staining (p < 0.05). Increased dermal thickness and collagen content secondary to irradiation, however, were not affected by deferoxamine (p > 0.05). Importantly, fat graft volume retention was significantly increased when the irradiated recipient site was preconditioned with deferoxamine (p < 0.05).ConclusionsThe authors' results demonstrated increased perfusion with deferoxamine treatment, which was also associated with improved fat graft volume retention. Preconditioning with deferoxamine may thus enhance fat graft outcomes for soft-tissue reconstruction following radiation therapy

    Co-Operative Biofilm Interactions between Aspergillus fumigatus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa through Secreted Galactosaminogalactan Exopolysaccharide

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    The mold Aspergillus fumigatus and bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa form biofilms in the airways of individuals with cystic fibrosis. Biofilm formation by A. fumigatus depends on the self-produced cationic exopolysaccharide galactosaminogalactan (GAG), while P. aeruginosa biofilms can contain the cationic exopolysaccharide Pel. GAG and Pel are rendered cationic by deacetylation mediated by either the secreted deacetylase Agd3 (A. fumigatus) or the periplasmic deacetylase PelA (P. aeruginosa). Given the similarities between these polymers, the potential for biofilm interactions between these organisms were investigated. P. aeruginosa were observed to adhere to A. fumigatus hyphae in a GAG-dependent manner and to GAG-coated coverslips of A. fumigatus biofilms. In biofilm adherence assays, incubation of P. aeruginosa with A. fumigatus culture supernatants containing de-N-acetylated GAG augmented the formation of adherent P. aeruginosa biofilms, increasing protection against killing by the antibiotic colistin. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated incorporation of GAG within P. aeruginosa biofilms, suggesting that GAG can serve as an alternate biofilm exopolysaccharide for this bacterium. In contrast, Pel-containing bacterial culture supernatants only augmented the formation of adherent A. fumigatus biofilms when antifungal inhibitory molecules were removed. This study demonstrates biofilm interaction via exopolysaccharides as a potential mechanism of co-operation between these organisms in chronic lung disease

    Exhaled nitric oxide: a marker of pulmonary hemodynamics in heart failure

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    AbstractObjectivesWe sought to test the hypothesis that patients with decompensated heart failure (HF) lose a compensatory process whereby nitric oxide (NO) maintains pulmonary vascular tone.BackgroundExhaled nitric oxide (eNO) partially reflects vascular endothelial NO release. Levels of eNO are elevated in patients with compensated HF and correlate inversely with pulmonary artery pressures (PAP), reflecting pulmonary vasodilatory activity.MethodsWe measured the mean mixed expired NO content of a vital-capacity breath using chemiluminescence in patients with compensated HF (n = 30), decompensated HF (n = 7) and in normal control subjects (n = 90). Pulmonary artery pressures were also measured in patients with HF. The eNO and PAP were determined sequentially during therapy with intravenous vasodilators in patients with decompensated HF (n = 7) and in an additional group of patients with HF (n = 13) before and during administration of milrinone.ResultsThe eNO was higher in patients with HF than in control subjects (9.9 ± 1.1 ppb vs. 6.2 ± 0.4 ppb, p = 0.002) and inversely correlated with PAP (r = −0.81, p < 0.00001). In marked contrast, patients with decompensated HF exhibited even higher levels of eNO (20.4 ± 6.2 ppb) and PAP, but there was a loss of the inverse relationship between these two variables. During therapy (7.3 ± 6 days) with sodium nitroprusside and diuresis, hemodynamics improved, eNO concentrations fell (11.2 ± 1.2 ppb vs. before treatment, p < 0.05), and the relationship between eNO and PAP was restored. After milrinone, eNO rose proportionally with decreased PAP (p < 0.05).ConclusionsElevated eNO may reflect a compensatory circulatory mechanism in HF that is lost in patients with clinically decompensated HF. The eNO may be an easily obtainable and quantifiable measure of the response to therapy in advanced HF

    Health-state utilities in a prisoner population : a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: Health-state utilities for prisoners have not been described. Methods: We used data from a 1996 cross-sectional survey of Australian prisoners (n = 734). Respondent-level SF-36 data was transformed into utility scores by both the SF-6D and Nichol's method. Socio-demographic and clinical predictors of SF-6D utility were assessed in univariate analyses and a multivariate general linear model. Results: The overall mean SF-6D utility was 0.725 (SD 0.119). When subdivided by various medical conditions, prisoner SF-6D utilities ranged from 0.620 for angina to 0.764 for those with none/mild depressive symptoms. Utilities derived by the Nichol's method were higher than SF-6D scores, often by more than 0.1. In multivariate analysis, significant independent predictors of worse utility included female gender, increasing age, increasing number of comorbidities and more severe depressive symptoms. Conclusion: The utilities presented may prove useful for future economic and decision models evaluating prison-based health programs

    Heightened immune response to autocitrullinated porphyromonas gingivalis peptidylarginine deiminase: a potential mechanism for breaching immunologic tolerance in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is characterised by autoimmunity to citrullinated proteins, and there is increasing epidemiologic evidence linking Porphyromonas gingivalis to RA. P gingivalis is apparently unique among periodontal pathogens in possessing a citrullinating enzyme, peptidylarginine deiminase (PPAD) with the potential to generate antigens driving the autoimmune response. Objectives: To examine the immune response to PPAD in patients with RA, individuals with periodontitis (PD) and controls (without arthritis), confirm PPAD autocitrullination and identify the modified arginine residues. Methods: PPAD and an inactivated mutant (C351A) were cloned and expressed and autocitrullination of both examined by immunoblotting and mass spectrometry. ELISAs using PPAD, C351A and another P gingivalis protein arginine gingipain (RgpB) were developed and antibody reactivities examined in patients with RA (n=80), individuals with PD (n=44) and controls (n=82). Results: Recombinant PPAD was a potent citrullinating enzyme. Antibodies to PPAD, but not to Rgp, were elevated in the RA sera (median 122 U/ml) compared with controls (median 70 U/ml; p&#60;0.05) and PD (median 60 U/ml; p&#60;0.01). Specificity of the anti-peptidyl citrullinated PPAD response was confirmed by the reaction of RA sera with multiple epitopes tested with synthetic citrullinated peptides spanning the PPAD molecule. The elevated antibody response to PPAD was abolished in RA sera if the C351A mutant was used on ELISA. Conclusions: The peptidyl citrulline-specific immune response to PPAD supports the hypothesis that, as a bacterial protein, it might break tolerance in RA, and could be a target for therapy

    The genome-wide multi-layered architecture of chromosome pairing in early Drosophila embryos

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    Genome organization involves cis and trans chromosomal interactions, both implicated in gene regulation, development, and disease. Here, we focus on trans interactions in Drosophila, where homologous chromosomes are paired in somatic cells from embryogenesis through adulthood. We first address long-standing questions regarding the structure of embryonic homolog pairing and, to this end, develop a haplotype-resolved Hi-C approach to minimize homolog misassignment and thus robustly distinguish trans-homolog from cis contacts. This computational approach, which we call Ohm, reveals pairing to be surprisingly structured genome-wide, with trans-homolog domains, compartments, and interaction peaks, many coinciding with analogous cis features. We also find a significant genome-wide correlation between pairing, transcription during zygotic genome activation, and binding of the pioneer factor Zelda. Our findings reveal a complex, highly structured organization underlying homolog pairing, first discovered a century ago in Drosophila. Finally, we demonstrate the versatility of our haplotype-resolved approach by applying it to mammalian embryos

    Tranexamic acid for intracerebral haemorrhage within 2 hours of onset : protocol of a phase II randomised placebo-controlled double-blind multicentre trial

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    Rationale Haematoma growth is common early after intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH), and is a key determinant of outcome. Tranexamic acid, a widely available antifibrinolytic agent with an excellent safety profile, may reduce haematoma growth. Methods and design Stopping intracerebral haemorrhage with tranexamic acid for hyperacute onset presentation including mobile stroke units (STOP-MSU) is a phase II double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, multicentre, international investigator-led clinical trial, conducted within the estimand statistical framework. Hypothesis In patients with spontaneous ICH, treatment with tranexamic acid within 2 hours of onset will reduce haematoma expansion compared with placebo. Sample size estimates A sample size of 180 patients (90 in each arm) would be required to detect an absolute difference in the primary outcome of 20% (placebo 39% vs treatment 19%) under a two-tailed significance level of 0.05. An adaptive sample size re-estimation based on the outcomes of 144 patients will allow a possible increase to a prespecified maximum of 326 patients. Intervention Participants will receive 1 g intravenous tranexamic acid over 10 min, followed by 1 g intravenous tranexamic acid over 8 hours; or matching placebo. Primary efficacy measure The primary efficacy measure is the proportion of patients with haematoma growth by 24 +/- 6 hours, defined as either >= 33% relative increase or >= 6 mL absolute increase in haematoma volume between baseline and follow-up CT scan. Discussion We describe the rationale and protocol of STOP-MSU, a phase II trial of tranexamic acid in patients with ICH within 2 hours from onset, based in participating mobile stroke units and emergency departments.Peer reviewe

    Intrinsic myocardial defects underlie an Rbfox-deficient zebrafish model of hypoplastic left heart syndrome

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    Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is characterized by underdevelopment of left sided structures including the ventricle, valves, and aorta. Prevailing paradigm suggests that HLHS is a multigenic disease of co-occurring phenotypes. Here, we report that zebrafish lacking two orthologs of the RNA binding protein RBFOX2, a gene linked to HLHS in humans, display cardiovascular defects overlapping those in HLHS patients including ventricular, valve, and aortic deficiencies. In contrast to current models, we demonstrate that these structural deficits arise secondary to impaired pump function as these phenotypes are rescued when Rbfox is specifically expressed in the myocardium. Mechanistically, we find diminished expression and alternative splicing of sarcomere and mitochondrial components that compromise sarcomere assembly and mitochondrial respiration, respectively. Injection of human RBFOX2 mRNA restores cardiovascular development in rbfox mutant zebrafish, while HLHS-linked RBFOX2 variants fail to rescue. This work supports an emerging paradigm for HLHS pathogenesis that centers on myocardial intrinsic defects

    Pain Squad+ smartphone app to support real-time pain treatment for adolescents with cancer: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

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    INTRODUCTION: Pain negatively affects the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of adolescents with cancer. The Pain Squad+ smartphone-based application (app), has been developed to provide adolescents with real-time pain self-management support. The app uses a validated pain assessment and personalised pain treatment advice with centralised decision support via a registered nurse to enable real-time pain treatment in all settings. The algorithm informing pain treatment advice is evidence-based and expert-vetted. This trial will longitudinally evaluate the impact of Pain Squad+, with or without the addition of nurse support, on adolescent health and cost outcomes. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This will be a pragmatic, multicentre, waitlist controlled, 3-arm parallel-group superiority randomised trial with 1:1:1 allocation enrolling 74 adolescents with cancer per arm from nine cancer centres. Participants will be 12 to 18 years, English-speaking and with ≥3/10 pain. Exclusion criteria are significant comorbidities, end-of-life status or enrolment in a concurrent pain study. The primary aim is to determine the effect of Pain Squad+, with and without nurse support, on pain intensity in adolescents with cancer, when compared with a waitlist control group. The secondary aims are to determine the immediate and sustained effect over time of using Pain Squad+, with and without nurse support, as per prospective outcome measurements of pain interference, HRQL, pain self-efficacy and cost. Linear mixed models with baseline scores as a covariate will be used. Qualitative interviews with adolescents from all trial arms will be conducted and analysed. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: This trial is approved by the Hospital for Sick Children Research Ethics Board. Results will provide data to guide adolescents with cancer and healthcare teams in treating pain. Dissemination will occur through partnerships with stakeholder groups, scientific meetings, publications, mass media releases and consumer detailing. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT03632343