10 research outputs found

    El humor negro frente a la muerte

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    El sujeto agonizante que utiliza el humor, al cual se le llamarĂĄ “humorante”, cuestiona. ¿CĂłmo puede, en ese punto preciso de su existencia, permitirse tal afrenta? Si lo hace, es a travĂ©s del humor negro, es decir, bajo una forma particular y muy cruda. ApoyĂĄndose en las aportaciones de Freud y de Lacan sobre la cuestiĂłn de la muerte y en el ejercicio clĂ­nico en cuidados paliativos, los autores abordan en el presente artĂ­culo la expresiĂłn de un goce lenguajero de un sujeto que estĂĄ en camino de lo que pacificarĂĄ para siempre sus pulsiones. AhĂ­ donde la influencia conjunta del discurso capitalista y del discurso de la ciencia permite sostener en nuestra modernidad el carĂĄcter accidental de la muerte. Es a la perplejidad ansiosa frente al real traumĂĄtico, en la cual permanecen muchos pacientes agonizantes, que el “humorante” parece ensayar una respuesta.Dying subjects that resort to humor, whom we shall call "humorants", question themselves and especially us. How could they possibly allow themselves such an outrage at this precise moment of their existence?  When they do so, it is through the particular and rather crude form of black humor. On the basis of Freud's and Lacan's contributions regarding the question of death and of the clinical exercise of palliative care, the article addresses the expression of a linguistic jouissance on the part of subjects who are on the way to that which will forever calm their drives - the place in which the joint influence of capitalist and scientific discourse make it possible to affirm the accidental nature of death in our modern world. In this sense, "humorants" seem to be responding to the anxious perplexity of many dying patients when confronted by the traumatic real.Le sujet agonisant se servant de l’humour, Ă  qui on nommera “humourant”, questionne. Comment peut-il, dans ce point prĂ©cis de son existence, se permettre un tel affront? S’il le fait, c’est au moyen de l’humour noir, c’est-Ă -dire, sous une forme particuliĂšre et trĂšs crue. S’appuyant sur les contributions de Freud et de Lacan par rapport Ă  la question de la mort et sur l’exercice clinique en soins palliatifs, les auteurs abordent dans cet article, l’expression d’une jouissance langagiĂšre d’un sujet qui est sur la voie de ce qui apaisera Ă  jamais ses pulsions. LĂ  oĂč l’influence conjointe du discours capitaliste et du discours de la science permet d’avancer dans notre modernitĂ© le caractĂšre accidentel de la mort. C’est devant la perplexitĂ© anxieuse face au rĂ©el traumatique, dans laquelle restent plusieurs patients agonisants, que “l’humourant” semble tenter une rĂ©ponse

    El humor negro frente a la muerte

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    Dying subjects that resort to humor, whom we shall call "humorants", question themselves and especially us. How could they possibly allow themselves such an outrage at this precise moment of their existence? When they do so, it is through the particular and rather crude form of black humor. On the basis of Freud's and Lacan's contributions regarding the question of death and of the clinical exercise of palliative care, the article addresses the expression of a linguistic jouissance on the part of subjects who are on the way to that which will forever calm their drives - the place in which the joint influence of capitalist and scientific discourse make it possible to affirm the accidental nature of death in our modern world. In this sense, "humorants" seem to be responding to the anxious perplexity of many dying patients when confronted by the traumatic real.El sujeto agonizante que utiliza el humor, al cual se le llamarĂĄ “humorante”, cuestiona. ÂżCĂłmo puede, en ese punto preciso de su existencia, permitirse tal afrenta? Si lo hace, es a travĂ©s del humor negro, es decir, bajo una forma particular y muy cruda. ApoyĂĄndose en las aportaciones de Freud y de Lacan sobre la cuestiĂłn de la muerte y en el ejercicio clĂ­nico en cuidados paliativos, los autores abordan en el presente artĂ­culo la expresiĂłn de un goce lenguajero de un sujeto que estĂĄ en camino de lo que pacificarĂĄ para siempre sus pulsiones. AhĂ­ donde la influencia conjunta del discurso capitalista y del discurso de la ciencia permite sostener en nuestra modernidad el carĂĄcter accidental de la muerte. Es a la perplejidad ansiosa frente al real traumĂĄtico, en la cual permanecen muchos pacientes agonizantes, que el “humorante” parece ensayar una respuesta

    Training Set Class Distribution Analysis for Deep Learning Model - Application to Cancer Detection

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    International audienceDeep learning models specifically CNNs have been used successfully in many tasks including medical image classification. CNN effectiveness depends on the availability of large training data set to train which is generally costly to obtain for new applications or new cases. However, there is a little concrete recommendation about training set creation. In this research, we analyze the impact of different class distributions in the training data to a CNN model. We consider the case of cancer detection task from histopathological images for cancer diagnosis and derive some useful hypotheses about the distribution of classes in the training data. We found that using all the training data leads to the best recall-precision trade-off, while training with a reduced number of examples from some classes, it is possible to inflect the model toward a desired accuracy on a given class

    A Study on the Impact of Class Distribution on Deep Learning - The Case of Histological Images and Cancer Detection

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    Extended AbstractInternational audienceStudies on deep learning tuning mostly focus on the neural network architectures and algorithms hyperparameters. Another core factor for accurate training is the class distribution of the training dataset. This paper contributes to understanding the optimal class distribution on the case for histological images used in cancer diagnosis. We formulate several hypotheses, which are then tested considering experiments with hundreds of trials. We considered both segmentation and classification tasks considering the U-net and group equivariant CNN (G-CNN). This paper is an extended abstract of another paper published by the authors 1

    Finding a Suitable Class Distribution for Building Histological Images Data Sets Used in Deep Model Training - the Case of Cancer Detection

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    International audienceThe class distribution of a training data set is an important factor which influences the performance of a deep learning-based system. Understanding the optimal class distribution is therefore crucial when building a new training set which may be costly to annotate. This is the case for histological images used in cancer diagnosis where image annotation requires domain experts. In this paper we tackle the problem of finding the optimal class distribution of a training set to be able to train an optimal model that detects cancer in histological images. We formulate several hypotheses which are then tested in scores of experiments with hundreds of trials. The experiments have been designed to account for both segmentation and cla

    Annotating Satellite Images of Forests with Keywords from a Specialized Corpus in the Context of Change Detection

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    International audienceThe Amazon rain forest is a vital ecosystem that plays a crucial role in regulating the Earth’s climate and providing habitat for countless species. Deforestation in the Amazon is a major concern as it has a significant impact on global carbon emissions and biodiversity. In this paper, we present a method for detecting deforestation in the Amazon using image pairs from Earth observation satellites. Our method leverages deep learning techniques to compare the images of the same area at different dates and identify changes in the forest cover. We also propose a visual semantic model that automatically annotates the detected changes with relevant keywords. The candidate annotation for images are extracted from scientific documents related to the Amazon region. We evaluate our approach on a dataset of Amazon image pairs and demonstrate its effectiveness in detecting deforestation and generating relevant annotations. Our method provides a useful tool for monitoring and studying the impact of deforestation in the Amazon. While we focus on environment applications of our work by using images of deforestation in the Amazon rain forest to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, it is generic enough to be applied to other domains

    Finding a Suitable Class Distribution for Building Histological Images Data Sets Used in Deep Model Training - the Case of Cancer Detection

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    International audienceThe class distribution of a training data set is an important factor which influences the performance of a deep learning-based system. Understanding the optimal class distribution is therefore crucial when building a new training set which may be costly to annotate. This is the case for histological images used in cancer diagnosis where image annotation requires domain experts. In this paper we tackle the problem of finding the optimal class distribution of a training set to be able to train an optimal model that detects cancer in histological images. We formulate several hypotheses which are then tested in scores of experiments with hundreds of trials. The experiments have been designed to account for both segmentation and cla


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    Pour vous, ou dans votre domaine, de quoi l’annĂ©e 1980 est-elle le nom? Telle est ici la question posĂ©e aux chercheuses et chercheurs de la FacultĂ© des lettres de l’UniversitĂ© de Lausanne. Cette aventure interdisciplinaire interroge le possible seuil que reprĂ©sente 1980 tant pour les historiens de la littĂ©rature qui retiennent usuellement cette date comme l’an zĂ©ro de notre contemporanĂ©itĂ© que pour bien des sociologues qui font naĂźtre en 1980 les premiers enfants de la «gĂ©nĂ©ration Y», celle qui dicte aujourd’hui la norme esthĂ©tique et idĂ©ologique. La mosaĂŻque des rĂ©ponses apportĂ©es Ă  cette question dessine une sorte de portrait chinois de l’an huitante en une cinquantaine de tesselles littĂ©raires, artistiques, culturelles, sociales, politiques, scientifiques, technologiques, philosophiques et intellectuelles