56 research outputs found

    Etilen luka, aktivitas enzim peroksidase, polifenol oksidase, dan fenil alanin liasepeda irisan mesokarp labu kuning= Wound Ethylene, Activity of Peroxidase, Polyphenol Oxidase, and Phenyl Alanine Amonia Lyase Enzymes

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    Winter squash fruit is a non-climateric fruit which produced very low ethylene as intact fruit but peeled or sliced mesocarp produced a considerably high wound-ethylene. In certain level of concentration, ethylene could induce various reaction in the wound tissue. This study has objectives of obtaining informations on the influence of wound ethylene on the activities of peroxidase (POD), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), and phenyl alanine ammonia lyase (PAL) which catalyze some physiological process related with the changes in colour, flavour, and taste in the wound fruit tissue or its products. Experiments in this study were conducted in continous phase of 44 hours using flowlhrough system at 25 °C. Analysis and measuremets were done for ethylene, POD, PPO, and PAL enzymes at certain time interval. The sample used were disks of 9 mm in deameter and 2 mm thickness and cylinders of 14 mm in deameter and 2 cm in heihgt. The Results of this study indicated that the presence of wound combined with the certain level of wound ethylene formation induced the POD enzyme activity. The PPO activity increased proportionally with the increased surface area ratio to the fresh weight of wounded tissue. PAL activity was only evident 3 hours after wounding. The PAL activity increased following the same pattern of wound ethylene formation. The larger the woundsurface area ratio to the fresh weight of the tissue, the more ethylene were produced, and the higher the activities of those enzymes. Various pretreatments could effectively suppress the formation of wound ethylene and lowered activities of those enzymes. Keywords : wound ethylene, peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, phenyl alanine ammonia lyase, winter squash frui

    Evaluation of inhibitory effect of Green Tea effervescent tablet on linoleic acid oxidation

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    Evaluation of the inhibitory effect of green tea effervescent tablet (TETH) on linoleic acid oxidation was carried out. TETH had the highest inhibitory effect on linoleic acid as compared with BHA, BHT, α-tocopherol and TETH-C. On tenth days incubation, TETH inhibited of linoleic acid oxidation is 50.64% followed by TETH-C, α-tocopherol, BHT and BHA as 33.83%; 33.40%; 29.51% and 26.39% respectivelly. TETH had a inhibitory effect is 1.5 times more than TETH-C and α-tocopherol or 1.7 and 1.9 times more than BHT and BHA respectivelly.Key words: inhibitory effect, green tea effervescent tablet, linoleic acid oxidatio

    Biosintesis etilen luka pada irisan mesokarp labu kuning= Wound Ethylene Biosinthesis in Wounded Winter Squash Fruit Mesocarp Tissue

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    ...The objectives of this study w to obtain new informations to complete the pathway in wounded ethylene biosynthesis and metabolism in the wound tissue of the mesocarp of the winter squash fruit. The samples were in the term of mesocarp cylinder showing the ratio of wound area and the tissue weight of 4.5 cm2/g and mesocarp disk for the ratio of 15.5 cne/g respectively. Experiments in this study were conducted in continuous phase of 44 hours using flowthrough system at 25°C. Analyses and measuremets were done for ethylene, 1 amino cyclopropane- 1 -carboxylic acid (ACC), malonil-ACC (MACC), HCN, phenolics, 1 amino cyclopropane-1 -carboxylic acid oxidase (ACC-oxidase), and a cyano alanine sythase (b-CAS) enzymes at certain time interval. The extent of ethylene production was directly related to the availability of its precusor (ACC) and ethylene-forming enzyme or ACC-oxidase. It was also found that no malonization of ACC occured during biosynthesis of wound ethylene. The result also indicated that the formation of wound ethylene was followed by the formation of cyanide-containing compounds with the similar pattern and an incrase in b-CAS activity suggesting cyanide detoxification in the tissue. Larger wound surface area ratio made the b-CAS activity was higher. Keywords: biosynthesis, wound ethylene, mesocarp winter squash frui

    Ekstrasi Pigmen dari Biji Annatto (Bixa orellana Linn) Menggunakan Pelarut Organik : Pengaruh Polaritas Pelarut dan Suhu Ekstrasi = Pigment Extraction from Annatto Bixa orellana Linn Seed

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    This experiment was designed to study the different effect of the various solvents and extraction temperature against yield as well as total pigment collected and the total extracted bixin from annattb seed. Pigment extraction was done utilizing chloroform, acetone and ethanol as solvents, at temperature of 30°C, 40°C, and 50°C on local annatto seed, which were dried by cabinet dryer and freeze dryer and on untreated imported annatto seed. The resulted extraction substance, which was dried by rotary vacuum evaporator, was then anah/sed for its yield, total pigment and total bixin. In this experiment, variation in solvent and temperature had no notable effect on the yield of imported annatto seed. However, cabinet dried local annatto (LCD) seed and freeze-dried local annatto (LFD) seed yield increased as temperature raised and solvent polarity reduced. On all three LCD, LFD, and imported annatto seed, the varieties in solvent and temperature, was affecting total pigment and total bixin of the seed dried weight. When utilizing the same solvent, it was observed that as extraction temperature raised, yield was increasing. However, total pigment and total bixin was increased, was depending upon the solvent and the type of annatto seed (local or import), but not on the rising temperature. At the same temperature, as the solvent polarity increased, the less total pigment and total bixin recovered. From this experiment, it was concluded that the best organic solvent was chloroform. The best yield (14,22%) was of imported annatto seed treated at 50°C. The highest recovered total pigment (4,53 g/lOOg) was found on freeze-dried local annatto seed treated at 50°C. And the highest acquired total bixin (2,49g/100g) was found on freeze-dried local annatto seed treated at 30°C. Thus, extraction of freeze-dried local annatto seed was obtained the highest recovered total pigment and total bixin, but had the lowest yield. Keywords: Annatto f Bixa orellana) -extraction -yield - total pigment â total bixin

    Kandungan Fenolik Ekstrak Daun Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb) dan Aktivitas Antibakterinya

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    Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengolahan daun gambir muda, sedang, dan tua menjadi gambir dengan dua cara yaitu cara basah (perebusan-pengepresan-pengendapan-pengeringan) dan cara kering (pengeringan- penghancuran-penyeduhan-pengambilan padatan-pengeringan). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa daun muda menghasilkan rendemen produk gambir paling tinggi baik pada pengolahan basah maupun kering. Pada pengolahan basah, untuk daun muda, sedang, dan tua secara berurut-urut memberikan rendemen sebesar 10,03±0,11, 9,46±0,15, dan 9,03±0,19 %. Selanjutnya, rendemen produk dengan pengolahan cara kering dari daun muda, sedang, dan tua adalah 7,15±0,32, 6,82±0,32, dan 6,13±0,18 %. Namun demikian, senyawa yang termasuk dalam golongan fenolik, seperti; ekstrak polifenol, total fenol, (+)-katekin paling tinggi pada daun sedang. Pada pengolahan basah, ekstrak polifenol (dengan etil asetat), total fenol, dan (+)-katekin pada daun sedang secara berurut-urut adalah 64,96±0,41 %, 51,08±0,17 %, dan 39,17 % dan pada pengolahan kering adalah 62,73±1,14%, 50,10±0,1 %, dan 16,90%. Selain itu, pada pengolahan basah, produk dan ekstrak polifenol dari daun sedang menghasilkan sifat antibakteri (dinyatakan sebagai diameter daerah hambat, DDH) terhadap Staphylococcus aureus paling tinggi, yakni 6,89±0,10 mm dan 9,45±0,25 mm. Pengolahan kering memiliki DDH lebih rendah yaitu 5,39±0,10 mm dan 6,39±0,10 mm. Baik produk maupun ekstrak polifenol tidak menghambat Escherichia coli

    Kandungan Fenolik Ekstrak Daun Gambir (Uncaria gambir Roxb) dan Aktivitas Antibakterinya

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    Research about processing gambir leaves (young, midle, and old shoots) to gambir products with two methods, wet method (boilling-pressing-setling-drying) and dry method (drying- grinding-infusion-setling-drying) had been done. The results showed that young leaf gave the highest gambir product both for wet and dry process. For the wet process, for young, midle, and old leaves gave the yields 10,03±0,11, 9,46±0,15, and 9,03±0,19 %, respectivelly. Furthermore, dry process for young, midle, and old leaves gave the products 7,15±0,32, 6,82±0,32, and 6,13±0,18 %, respectivelly. The highest phenolic contents such as polyphenol extract (with ethyl acetate), total phenol, and (+)-catechin found in the product from the midle leaves. On the wet process, polyphenol, total phenol, and (+)- catechin content were 64,96±0,41 %, 51,08±0,17 %, and 39,17 %, while on the dry process were 62,73±1,14%, 50,10±0,1 %, and 16,90%, respectivelly. Gambir products and their polyphenols had shwon antibacterial activities both produced by wet and dry methods. Using Staphylococcus aureus, the midle leave product and polyphenols from wet process gave clear zone as high as 6,89±0,10 mm and 9,45±0,25 mm. (in diameter) as well as dry process 5,39±0,10 mm and 6,39±0,10 mm, respectivelly. Both gambir product and polyphenol had not shown an antibacterial activities for Escherichia coli.ABSTRAKDalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengolahan daun gambir muda, sedang, dan tua menjadi gambir dengan dua cara yaitu cara basah (perebusan-pengepresan-pengendapan-pengeringan) dan cara kering (pengeringan- penghancuran-penyeduhan-pengambilan padatan-pengeringan). Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa daun muda menghasilkan rendemen produk gambir paling tinggi baik pada pengolahan basah maupun kering. Pada pengolahan basah, untuk daun muda, sedang, dan tua secara berurut-urut memberikan rendemen sebesar 10,03±0,11, 9,46±0,15, dan 9,03±0,19 %. Selanjutnya, rendemen produk dengan pengolahan cara kering dari daun muda, sedang, dan tua adalah 7,15±0,32, 6,82±0,32, dan 6,13±0,18 %. Namun demikian, senyawa yang termasuk dalam golongan fenolik, seperti; ekstrak polifenol, total fenol, (+)-katekin paling tinggi pada daun sedang. Pada pengolahan basah, ekstrak polifenol (dengan etil asetat), total fenol, dan (+)-katekin pada daun sedang secara berurut-urut adalah 64,96±0,41 %, 51,08±0,17 %, dan 39,17 % dan pada pengolahan kering adalah 62,73±1,14%, 50,10±0,1 %, dan 16,90%. Selain itu, pada pengolahan basah, produk dan ekstrak polifenol dari daun sedang menghasilkan sifat antibakteri (dinyatakan sebagai diameter daerah hambat, DDH) terhadap Staphylococcus aureus paling tinggi, yakni 6,89±0,10 mm dan 9,45±0,25 mm. Pengolahan kering memiliki DDH lebih rendah yaitu 5,39±0,10 mm dan 6,39±0,10 mm. Baik produk maupun ekstrak polifenol tidak menghambat Escherichia coli

    Sensitivitas Bakteri Gram Positif Terhadap Katekin Yang Diekstraksi Dari Gambir (Uncaria Gambir)

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    Research about sensitivity of Gram-possitive bacteria toward catechin extracted from gambir product has been con-ducted. The results showed that treatment with 6 % catechin extracts affects the growth of Gram-possitive bacteria (Staphylococcus mutans, S. aureus, and B. subtilis). Both S. mutans and S. aureus were inhibited significantly by the extract. Antibacterial activities of (+)-catechin extracted from gambir caused the cell damage irreversibly. Even by ad4bactericidal property. Furthermore, addition of 4, 6, and 8 % (w/v) of the extracts to the media had been carried out toinvestigate the rate of inhibition. The results showed that the addition of 4 % of the extracts slightly inhibit the Gram- possitive bacteria. The addition of 6 and 8 % of the extract showed that the growth of both S. mutans and S. aureus decline during one hour, while B. subtillis still resistant to the catechin. It could be concluded that S. mutans was the most sensitive bacteria to the catechin extracted from gambir followed by S. aureus and B. subtilis

    Efektivitas Poliamin Terhadap Penghambatan Chilling Injury Pada Beberapa Tingkat Kematangan Dan Kemasakan Buah Pisang Mas (Musa Paradisiaca, L.)

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    A study on the effectiveness of polyamines on chilling injury inhibition of banana (Musa paradisiaca, L.) cv. Mas was conducted. It was aimed to identify the effectiveness of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) on chilling injury at various levels of maturities and ripeness of banana cv. Mas. The present study exploited banana cv. Mas at 85 % of maturity, full ripe, over ripe, and soaking condition in polyamine solutions, i.e. putrescine (put), spermidine (spd), spermine (spm). The fruits were stored at 10 oC for 10 days and daily real time observations for emitted ethylene were conducted using photo-accoustic spectrometer, while espiration rate, reducing sugar content, textures, chilling injury index (necrosis and pitting) were observed every two days at room temperature after the fruits were keep out from cold storage. Result indicated that soaking in polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) was able to inhibit emitted ethylene, respiration rate, chilling injury index (necrosis and pitting) and textures softness of banana fruits. The most effective polyamines to inhibit chilling injury in banana cv. Mas fruits at any maturaties and ripeness level was putrescine compound. Putrescine was highly effective to inhibit the chilling injury of banana cv. Mas fruits at 85% maturity

    Sensitivitas Bakteri Gram Positif terhadap Katekin yang Diekstraksi dari Gambir (Uncaria gambir)

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    Research about sensitivity of Gram-possitive bacteria toward catechin extracted from gambir product has been con-ducted. The results showed that treatment with 6 % catechin extracts affects the growth of Gram-possitive bacteria (Staphylococcus mutans, S. aureus, and B. subtilis). Both S. mutans and S. aureus were inhibited significantly by the extract. Antibacterial activities of (+)-catechin extracted from gambir caused the cell damage irreversibly. Even by ad4bactericidal property. Furthermore, addition of 4, 6, and 8 % (w/v) of the extracts to the media had been carried out toinvestigate the rate of inhibition. The results showed that the  addition of 4 % of the extracts slightly inhibit the Gram- possitive bacteria. The addition of 6 and 8 % of the extract showed that the growth of  both S. mutans and S. aureus decline during one hour, while B. subtillis still resistant to the catechin. It could be concluded that S. mutans was the most sensitive bacteria to the catechin extracted from gambir followed by S. aureus and B. subtilis.ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang sensitivitas bakteri Gram positif terhadap katekin yang diekstraksi dari gambir.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan dengan ekstrak ketekin 6 % mempengaruhi pertumbuhan bakteri Gram positif (Staphylococcus mutans, S. aureus, and B. subtilis). S. mutans dan S. aureus dihambat oleh ekstrak secara nyata. Aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak katekin dari gambir menyebabkan kerusakan sel secara permanen. Sel tetap tidak dapat tumbuh meskipun ke dalam medium ditambahkan MgSO . Hal itu berarti bahwa ekstrak ketein dari gambir mempunyai sifat bakterisidal. Penambahan ekstrak katekin ke dalam medium dengan konsentrasi 4, 6 dan 8 % sudah dilakukan un-tuk melihat laju penghambatan pertumbuhan bakteri. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penambahan 4 % ekstrak ketekin sedikit menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Gram positif. Penambahan 6 dan 8 % ekstrak ketekin ke dalam medium menyebabkan pertumbuhan S. mutans dan S. aureus menurun setelah satu jam, sedangkan B. subtillis tetap tahan terhadap ekstrak ketekin. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa S. mutants paling sensitif terhadap ekstrak katekin dari gambir, diikuti oleh S. aureus dan B. subtilis

    Efektivitas Poliamin terhadap Penghambatan Chilling Injury pada Beberapa Tingkat Kematangan dan Kemasakan Buah Pisang Mas (Musa paradisiaca, L.)

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    A study on the effectiveness of polyamines on chilling injury inhibition of banana (Musa paradisiaca, L.) cv. Mas was conducted. It was aimed to identify the effectiveness of polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) on chilling injury at various levels of maturities and ripeness of banana cv. Mas. The present study exploited banana cv. Mas at 85 % of maturity, full ripe, over ripe, and soaking condition in polyamine solutions, i.e. putrescine (put), spermidine (spd), spermine (spm). The fruits were stored at 10 oC for 10 days and daily real time observations for emitted ethylene were conducted using photo-accoustic spectrometer, while espiration rate, reducing sugar content, textures, chilling injury index (necrosis and pitting) were observed every two days at room temperature after the fruits were keep out from cold storage. Result indicated that soaking in polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) was able to inhibit emitted ethylene, respiration rate, chilling injury index (necrosis and pitting) and textures softness of banana fruits. The most effective polyamines to inhibit chilling injury in banana cv. Mas fruits at any maturaties and ripeness level was putrescine compound. Putrescine was highly effective to inhibit the chilling injury of banana cv. Mas fruits at 85% maturity.ABSTRAKTelah dilakukan penelitian tentang efektivitas poliamin terhadap penghambatan kerusakan suhu dingin (chilling in- jury) pada buah pisang Mas (Musa paradisiaca, L.), dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas poliamin (putresin, spermidin, spermin) terhadap penghambatan chilling injury pada beberapa tingkat kematangan dan kemasakan buah pisang Mas. Penelitian ini menggunakan buah pisang Mas tingkat kematangan 85 %, masak penuh, lewat masak dan perendaman dalam larutan poliamin yaitu putresin (put), spermidin (spd), spermin (spm) dengan konsentrasi 1,5 mM selama 8 menit Buah pisang disimpan selama 10 hari pada suhu 10 oC dan dilakukan pengamatan emisi etilen setiap hari secara real time menggunakan spektrometer fotoakustik, sedangkan laju respirasi, indeks chilling injury (nekrosis dan pitting) dan tekstur dilakukan setiap 2 hari pada suhu kamar setelah buah pisang dikeluarkan dari ruang pend- ingin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perendaman buah dalam larutan poliamin (putresin, spermidin, spermin) mampu menghambat laju respirasi, emisi etilen, indeks chilling injury (nekrosis dan pitting), dan pelunakan tekstur buah pisang Mas.  Jenis poliamin yang paling efektif untuk menghambat chilling injury pada buah pisang Mas untuk semua tingkat kematangan dan kemasakan buah adalah senyawa putresin (put), kemudian berikutnya spermidin (spd), spermin (spm). Senyawa putresin sangat efektif menghambat chilling injury buah pisang Mas pada tingkat kematangan85 %