739 research outputs found

    Design and development of a wearable inductive textile sensor to monitor back movements

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    This thesis focuses on the design and development of a wireless and wearable platform that employs an inductive sensor to track trunk movements when the user bends forward. The inductive textile sensor was designed based on the anthropometrical dimensions of the trunk’s lumbar area of a healthy female. The chosen shape of the sensor was a rectangular flat coil. The inductance behavior was investigated using theoretical calculations and simulations. Formulas developed by Grover and Terman were used to calculate the inductance to validate the inductive textile design. The simulations were used to analyze the change of the inductance when the area, perimeter, height, and width of the rectangle was modified, as well as the effect of the number of turns of the rectangular flat coil. Results from the theoretical calculations and simulations were compared. The inductive textile sensor was integrated at the lumbar section of a sleeveless garment to create a smart wearable platform. The performance of the smart garment was evaluated experimentally on a healthy participant, and it was shown that the designed sensor can detect forward bending movements. The evaluation scenario was further extended to also include twisting and lateral bending of the trunk, and it was observed that the proposed design can successfully discriminate such movements from forward bending of the trunk. An interference test showed that, although moving a cellphone towards the unworn prototype affected the sensor readings, manipulating the cellphone when wearing the prototype, did not compromise the capability of the sensor to detect forward bends. The proposed platform is a promising step towards developing wearable systems to monitor back posture to prevent or treat low back pain associated with poor posture

    Anti-dumping in New Zealand: A century of protection from "unfair" trade?

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    Political pressures and concerns about 'unfair' trade provide the main rationale for retaining broad anti-dumping provisions in most countries. Almost one hundred years ago, New Zealand was the second country in the world to introduce anti-dumping legislation. Since then New Zealand’s anti-dumping policy and legislation have changed significantly in response to both internal and external pressures. The key issues over the years have remained essentially the same. To what extent should domestic producers be protected from the effects of dumping? To what extent should the interests of other groups, such as consumers and downstream industries, be taken into account? There is a natural tension between the first issue - protection of the private interests of producers - and the second - the public or national interest. The issues of protectionism and the public interest are at the centre of the debate about anti-dumping. The political factors influencing anti-dumping policy are this study’s main focus. The study examines the history of anti-dumping policy in New Zealand, how and why it has been justified and what has shaped it. The study shows that the anti-dumping debate involves the concentrated and organised interests of import-competing industries and their employees, who benefit directly from the protection provided by anti-dumping duties, and other interest groups who bear the more or less widespread costs of anti-dumping action, such as consumers and downstream industries. Manufacturing industries have been able to place significant pressure on governments to retain strong anti-dumping provisions, particularly as other general forms of protection have been removed or reduced and New Zealand has entered into bilateral free trade agreements. Despite this pressure, governments and officials have remained intent on ensuring that anti-dumping does not replace general protection and anti-dumping on trans-Tasman trade was removed in the interests of competition. Recent proposals that competition and wider interests should be considered before taking anti-dumping action have met strong resistance from manufacturers, with pressure from importers, consumers and downstream industries remaining either limited or absent

    Acoustic and Perceptual Effects of Mask-Wearing on Voice and Communication in Healthcare Practitioners

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    The purpose of the present study aims to determine the perceptual and acoustic voice effects experienced by healthcare practitioners following prolonged use of face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. A total of 19 participants were recruited and divided into control and experimental groups. Of these 19, 10 were assigned to the experimental group (E) which required participants to engage in increasing their fluid intake by 1 liter per day, while the remaining 9 were part of the control group (C) and had no additional instructions. To gather perceptual data, a survey was created and conducted via Qualtrics software, and addressed voice perception, mask use, and demographic information. To identify acoustic measure changes, pre and post work week, recordings were collected, analyzed, and compared using PRAAT software. Additionally, comparisons between the acoustic measures of subjects in the control and experimental groups was completed to determine discrepancies that may provide insight on hydration and its role in vocal discomfort. Data is currently being analyzed due to just completing data acquisition; however, it is hypothesized that the results of this study will indicate increased perceptions of vocal discomfort across all participants as per survey responses. Comparison of each subject’s pre and post work week recordings are also hypothesized to express acoustic measure differences correlating with higher instances of vocal fatigue post work week due to prolonged voice use. Lastly, comparisons between the participants in the experimental and control group is expected to indicate less vocal discomfort as a result of increased fluid intake—a common treatment method implemented for patients experiencing vocal discomfort.Findings of this study aim to expand on the current literature regarding perceptual and acoustic effects of masks in the voice of a population that requires 1. extensive use of their voice and 2. has experienced higher requirements of mask use to decrease transmission of infection. Both variables were noted to be exacerbated by the current pandemic which has been shown to impact and increase the demand for quality care by healthcare practitioners

    Stimuli-Responsive Self-Folding Bilayer Polymer Thin Films

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    Families’ degree of satisfaction with pediatric telehomecare: interventional prospective pilot study in Catalonia

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    Home health monitoring; Pediatrics; Telehomecare; Videoconferencing; Satisfaction with care; Remote sensing technology; TelehealthVigilància de la salut domiciliària; Pediatria; Teleassistència domiciliària; Videoconferència; Satisfacció amb la cura; Tecnologia de teledetecció; TelesalutVigilancia de la salud en el hogar; Pediatría; Teleasistencia domiciliaria; Videoconferencia; Satisfacción con la atención; Tecnología de teledetección; TelesaludBackground: Pediatric home hospitalization improves the quality of life of children and their families, involving them in their children's care, while favoring the work-life balance of the family. In this context, technology guarantees accessibility to assistance, which provides security to users. From the perspective of the health care system, this could lower the demand for hospital services and reduce hospitalization costs. Objective: This study aimed to assess families' degree of satisfaction and acceptability of pediatric telehomecare and explore the clinical characteristics of children benefiting from the program. Methods: A total of 95 children and their families participated in the home-hospitalization pilot program operated by Sant Joan de Déu Hospital in Barcelona, Spain. Families were visited once a day and patients were monitored using a kit consisting of a scale, a thermometer, a pulse oximeter, and a blood pressure monitor. Data on parental experience, satisfaction, safety, and preference for care was collected by means of a questionnaire. Data about the children's characteristics were collected from medical records. Descriptive and comparative statistics were used to analyze the data. Results: A total of 65 survey respondents expressed very high levels of satisfaction. Families reported their experiences as being very positive, preferring home hospitalization in 94% (61/65) of cases, and gave high scores regarding the use of telemonitoring devices. The program did not record any readmissions after 72 hours and reported a very low number of adverse incidents. The user profile was very heterogeneous, highlighting a large number of respiratory patients and patients with infections that required endovenous antibiotic therapy. Conclusions: Pediatric home hospitalization through telemonitoring is a feasible and desirable alternative to traditional hospitalization, both from the perspective of families and the hospital. The results of this analysis showed a very high degree of satisfaction with the care received and that the home-based telemonitoring system resulted in few adverse incidents.This study was conducted with the support of the Secretary of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya

    El estrés laboral y su relación con la satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la empresa W & E constructores SRL

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    Un ambiente laboral en el que predomine el estrés puede generar un efecto en la satisfacción laboral. Por ello el interés de este trabajo es estudiar la presencia de una relación entre el estrés y la satisfacción, buscando brindar una mayor comprensión de los factores que pudieran permitir mejoras en el ambiente laboral. El objetivo fue determinar el grado de relación entre el estrés laboral y satisfacción laboral en los colaboradores de la empresa W & E Constructores S.R.L, Chiclayo, 2020. Tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, nivel correlacional y diseño no experimental. Además, se aplicó el cuestionario de estrés laboral desarrollado por Shukla y Srivastav (2016) basados en Parker y DeCotiis (1983) y el cuestionario de satisfacción laboral desarrollado por Chiang, Salazar, Huerta y Núñez (2008) basado en cuestionarios de Meliá et al., (1986-1990), a 60 colaboradores. Se determinó una correlación negativa y moderada entre ambas variables, debido a que los mayores niveles de estrés disminuyen la satisfacción en el trabajo

    Merchandising y ventaja competitiva de la empresa Toques y Estilos S.A.C., Breña 2019

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivos determinar la relación entre merchandising y ventaja competitiva de la empresa toques y estilos S.A.C., Breña 2019. Apoyada con teorías científicas para la variable 1 Merchandising con el autor Palomares (2015) Es un conjunto de técnicas usadas por los fabricantes y distribuidores con el objetivo de aumentar la rentabilidad en el punto de venta, por medio de una apropia presentación de los productos (p.16). Para la teoría de la variable 2 ventaja competitiva según Porter (2015) La ventaja competitiva se da cuando una empresa logra crear un valor que lo diferencia ante todas y ese valor supere los costó de ello. Logrando tener una rentabilidad y una mejor posición para competir (p.19). La importancia de esta investigación es mostrar cómo mejorar el punto de venta de la empresa toques y estilos S.A.C. para tener mejor rentabilidad y más clientes, además servirá como guía para otras empresas que estén pasando por la misma situación ayudándoles a que puedan mejorar sus ingresos en el punto de venta. Esta investigación es de tipo aplicada y la población de 155 clientes y de muestra 111 clientes, el instrumento de medición fue el cuestionario tipo Likert, el nivel de fiabilidad del cuestionario 0,918 considerando una fiabilidad “alta”. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación reflejan que existe una relación entre la variable Merchandising y la ventaja competitiva de la empresa toques y estilos S.A.C

    Influencia Del Clima Organizacional En La Satisfacción Laboral De Los Colaboradores De La Ong Finca Perú Distrito De San Juan De Miraflores 2014

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    El propósito de este estudio es determinar el grado de relación entre el clima organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de la ONG Finca Perú. Con este fin se aplicó un cuestionario de Clima Organizacional y satisfacción laboral a un grupo de 24 colaboradores de la ONG Finca Perú San Juan de Miraflores. Los cuestionarios constan de 10 ítems y tienen un coeficiente de Alpha de Cronbach para el clima organizacional de 0.726 considerado como “aceptable” y un coeficiente de 0.819 para satisfacción laboral considerado como “bueno”, dando una buena fiabilidad a estos instrumentos. En el proyecto se concluye que existe relación positiva entre el clima organizacional y la satisfacción laboral de los colaboradores de la ONG Finca Perú; asimismo, se concluye que la percepción de los colaboradores hacia el clima organizacional tiene como mayor porcentaje “casi siempre” favorable con un 30%, lo mismo para la satisfacción laboral que tiene como mayor porcentaje “casi siempre” satisfechos con un 53%Trabajo de suficiencia profesiona

    Ileoileal intussusception secondary to angiofibrolipoma

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    Intussusception is an uncommon cause of intestinal occlusion in adults, accounting for 1-5% of the causes. In this group it is important to rule out malignant tumors as the primary cause of intussusception. This pathology is explained by the invagination of a segment of the intestine onto itself. The clinical manifestations are those typical of intestinal occlusion. Within the study protocol, the CT scan shows the target sign or sausage image depending on the slice. Surgical management will be necessary in order to re-establish intestinal transit and remove tumors. We present the case of a 45-year-old woman with upper intestinal occlusion secondary to ileoileal intussusception due to submucosal angiofibrolipoma