20 research outputs found

    Complementarity between CSR dimensions and innovation: behaviour, objective or both?

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    This research assesses the impact of combining the economic, social and environmental dimensions of the corporate social responsibility (CSR) on firm innovation. In particular, we test whether the three dimensions of CSR (economic, social and environmental) are interrelated (behavioural complementarity), and whether their joined adoption will generate super-additive innovation performance effects (objective complementarity). To that end, we draw on the Community Innovation Survey (CIS) for Spain during the period 2009-2014. The analyses confirm behavioural complementarity among the three dimensions of CSR, as well as differences on objective complementarities depending on the innovation performance measure considered. In particular, the combination of the social dimension with any of the two others (economic and environmental) is the one that gives the best results in terms of radical innovation, whereas both the economic and environmental dimensions of CSR seem to be fundamental to foster incremental innovation. These results have implications for academics and practitioners, since they provide useful guidelines for the design of CSR in order to enhance firm innovation

    Knowledge Management Practices and Innovation Outcomes: The Moderating Role of Risk-Taking and Proactiveness

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    This study, by the application of a linear regression by ordinary least squares (OLS), aimed to explore the relationships between knowledge management practices (KMP) and innovation outcomes (product, process, organizational, and commercial), and how they can be moderated by two dimensions of the entrepreneurial orientation (proactiveness and risk taking). This empirical study used survey data from a sample of 288 Spanish family small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The results revealed a positive effect of all the KMPs studied for at least one of the innovation variables studied. Regarding the moderating effect of proactiveness and risk taking on the KMP-innovation outcomes relationship, proactiveness negatively moderated the relationship between knowledge creation and product/process innovation. Moreover, a positive moderating effect was found for the case of knowledge application and process innovation. With regard to risk taking, the evidence found was mixed, and confirmed for some KMPs and all the innovation measures, with the exception of process innovation. The only positive moderating effect found was for knowledge storage and product innovation, whereas, contrary to expected, a negative moderating effect was found for knowledge creation, transfer, and application practices and commercial, product, and organizational innovations, respectively

    Quality management in services: an overview from the management field

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    The objective of this paper is to carry out a review of the quality literature in the service sector in an effort to synthesize and structure existing knowledge and offer suggestions for future research in the field. We mainly focus our review on management studies, written in the context of quality management and having a broad quality management perspective, an approach that should help us to identify interesting aspects which we feel have not been sufficiently treated in the research carried out to date.Quality management, services, service quality, business organization

    Human resource management and environment management systems: an empirical study

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    The present study focuses on understanding and measuring the effect that the implementation of an ISO 14001 environmental management system (EMS) has on human resource (HR) management in a company. The paper proposes and applies a measurement instrument to test the hypotheses derived from the theoretical framework established by Daily & Huang (2001) as well as from the ISO 14001 standards. Data collection was carried out by mailing a survey to the person responsible for environmental affairs of businesses with an ISO 14001 EMS implemented, or in the advanced stages of being implemented, in one autonomous region of Spain. Both reliability analysis and factor analysis, if necessary, were performed for the scales used. The results obtained indicate that the HR factors act as predicted by the hypotheses, except in the case of rewards. Finally, the present study provides empirical evidence in order to test and extend the model proposed by Daily & Huang

    Quality management in services:an overview from the management field

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    El objetivo de este artículo es llevar a cabo una revisión de la literatura sobre calidad en el sector servicios en un esfuerzo por sintetizar y estructurar el conocimiento existente en este campo y plantear una serie de sugerencias sobre posibles futuras investigaciones en el mismo. Principalmente nos hemos centrado en los trabajos que estudian la calidad en los servicios desde la perspectiva del management, una aproximación que entendemos puede ayudarnos a identificar un conjunto de aspectos que consideramos que no han sido lo suficientemente tratados en los estudios realizados hasta la fecha.The objective of this paper is to carry out a review of the quality literature in the service sector in an effort to synthesize and structure existing knowledge and offer suggestions for future research in the field. We mainly focus our review on management studies, written in the context of quality management and having a broad quality management perspective, an approach that should help us to identify interesting aspects which we feel have not been sufficiently treated in the research carried out to date

    Cooperación institucional en I+D+i y patrones de comportamiento empresarial: evidencia de las empresas manufactureras y de servicios en España

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    Este trabajo plantea un doble objetivo. En primer lugar la identificación y análisis, mediante regresiones tipo logit, de las variables determinantes de la propensión de las empresas a establecer acuerdos de cooperación institucionales para la realización de actividades de I+D+i. En segundo lugar, el análisis de las posibles diferencias entre empresas manufactureras y de servicios en dicha propensión a la cooperación institucional, mediante un análisis cluster confirmatorio para la identificación de patrones de comportamiento en función de los determinantes de dicha cooperación. El estudio se realiza a partir de los microdatos de la Encuesta sobre Innovación Tecnológica de las Empresas para el año 2000. Los resultados respecto del primero de los objetivos confirman la importancia de los costes, spillovers, tamaño y realización de actividades propias de I+D+i como determinantes de la cooperación institucional para el conjunto de la muestra, mientras que el estudio separado para manufacturas y servicios muestra que las diferencias entre ambos se limitan fundamentalmente a los supuestos procedentes de la Teoría de los Costes de Transacción, en particular al coste. En cuanto al segundo objetivo, los resultados permiten identificar patrones propios de comportamiento en las empresas españolas.This paper presents a double objective. On the one hand, the identification and analysis, through logit regression models, of the determining factors of the propensity of firms to institutional cooperation for the development of R&D&i activities. On the other hand, the analysis of the existence of differences between manufacturing and service firms, based on a confirmatory cluster analysis for identifying firm?s behaviour patterns taking in mind the determinants of institutional cooperation. The empirical study is carried out using microdata from the Survey on Technological Innovation in Firms conducted by the National Statistics Institute (INE) in 2000. The results regarding to the first objective show the importance of costs, spillovers, firm size and the development of internal R&D&i activities as determining factors of institutional cooperation for the whole sample, while the differences between manufacturing and services are restricted to the variables from the Transaction Costs Economics approach, more precisely to the cost. Regarding to the second objective, the results allow us to identify behaviour patterns for Spanish firms

    How knowledge-based dynamic capabilities relate to firm performance: the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation

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    To examine how knowledge-based dynamic capabilities relate to firm performance through the mediating role of entrepreneurial orientation, we analyzed data of a sample of 1047 Portuguese and Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of all industry sectors. The results reveal that knowledge-based dynamic capabilities are associated with firm performance and that the relationship is partially mediated by a firm’s entrepreneurial orientation. This mediation could be explained by the fact that an entrepreneurial orientation to identify and utilize new opportunities is integral to knowledge value creation and extraction, and to avoid pervasive rigidities. Our study sheds light on the mechanisms through which knowledge-based dynamic capabilities are associated with firm performance and helps to explain performance differences among firms. In addition, we provide management insight on how firms can deploy their knowledge-based dynamic capabilities and extract value from them to face change and promote their entrepreneurial orientation and performance.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of regional innovative capacity: the spanish case.

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    RESUMEN. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar los determinantes de la capacidad de innovación en las regiones españolas. Para ello se utiliza el modelo desarrollado por Furman, Porter y Stern (2002) aplicándolo a nivel regional, lo que permite comprobar si dicho modelo es pertinente para el estudio de los determinantes de la capacidad de innovación regional, configurándose así como un segundo objetivo del trabajo. Para alcanzar dichos objetivos se llevó a cabo un estudio econométrico basado en la metodología de datos de panel, con una estimación de efectos aleatorios, a partir de datos tomados del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). Los resultados del estudio empírico ponen de manifiesto la importancia de la infraestructura común de la innovación y la calidad de los vínculos como principales factores determinantes de la capacidad de innovación regional. Por tanto, los resultados estadísticos sugieren que en el caso español, las dimensiones infraestructura común y calidad de los vínculos juegan un papel fundamental para el desarrollo de las capacidades de innovación de las regiones, mientras que la importancia de la actividad empresarial como motor de generación de innovaciones parece más limitada en el caso de las regiones españolas.ABSTRACT. The paper aims to study determinants for innovative capacity in the spanish regions. To achieve this objective, the model developed by Furman, Porter and Stern (2002) was applied at a regional level, making it possible to test whether or not this model is applicable at the regional level; this constitutes a second objective of this work. To achieve these goals, an econometric study based on panel data methodology was carried out, estimating random effects, based on data from the National Statistics Institute. Empirical results reveal the importance of common innovation infrastructure and the quality of linkages as principal determinants for regional innovative capacity. Therefore, statistical results suggest that for the Spanish case, the dimensions of common infrastructure and the quality of linkages play a fundamental role in developing capacities for innovation in the regions, while the importance of entrepreneurial activity as a motor for generating innovations seems to be more limited in Spanish regions

    An exploratory study of familiness: effects on innovative performance in the family firm.

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    RESUMEN. Una de las cuestiones que las investigaciones sobre empresa familiar se esfuerzan en conocer es la influencia que tiene la familia en la empresa. Generalmente se estudia su efecto sobre las distintas prácticas empresariales. Sin embargo, cuando los investigadores valoren el rendimiento de estas organizaciones deben emplear indicadores que recojan el carácter familiar de estas firmas. Además, se deben tener en consideración las implicaciones derivadas del marco teórico empleado, como puede ser la teoría de la agencia, la de recursos y capacidades u otras. Por ello, tras realizar una revisión del estado de la cuestión, se propone un indicador que recoja todas estas particularidades y sea útil para la medida del rendimiento en estas organizaciones. Finalmente, la escala elaborada se valida aplicándose sobre una muestra de empresas familiares.ABSTRACT. One of the issues that family business research strives to know is the influence of the family in the business practices. When researchers assess the performance of these organizations should use indicators to collect the family character of these firms. On the other hand, we must consider the implications of the theoretical framework employed, such as the agency theory or the resource based view. After a review of the state of affairs, this paper proposes an indicator that includes all these features and is useful for measuring performance in these organizations. Finally, the proposed scale is validated on a sample of family businesses

    Innovative activity sources and its relation with theinnovative performance

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    The paper studies the effect of innovative activities sources on innovation performance. For the empirical study we use data from the Encuesta sobre Innovación Tecnológica de las Empresas for the year 2007. The results suggest that the use of only one innovation activity source (internal or external) has a negative effect on innovation performance and that the best innovative performance is obtained when different innovation activities sources are combined. Finally, internal&external, only external and internal&external&cooperation are the innovative activities sources less dependent on the innovative performance measure