92 research outputs found

    Impacto de depredadores y niveles de recursos sobre rasgos fisiológicos de Fissurella crassa (Archeogastropoda

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    Indexación: Web of Science; RedalycThe effects of predators on the density of prey and their resources have been widely studied; however, there is little evidence on the effects of the predators in conjunction with the availability of resources on the traits of the prey, which could affect foraging activities. In this study, the physiological state and the escape response of the intertidal herbivore Fissurella crassa were evaluated in two sites which differ in terms of the abundance of its predator Heliaster helianthus. The results suggest that the escape response of F. crassa in the site with greater predator density and lower resource availability could require a better body condition that is compensated with increments in foraging. The results highlight the need to address the physiological perspective in community ecology in order to understand the interactions within these communities.Los efectos de los depredadores sobre la densidad de presas y sus recursos ha sido ampliamente estudiado, sin embargo existe escasa evidencia sobre los efectos de los depredadores en combinación con la disponibilidad de recursos relacionados con los rasgos de las presas que pueden afectar la actividad de forrajeo. En este estudio se evaluó el estado fisiológico y la respuesta de escape del herbívoro intermareal Fissurella crassa en dos sitios con diferencias en la abundancia de su depredador Heliaster helianthus. Los resultados sugieren que la respuesta de escape de F. crassa en el sitio de mayor densidad del depredador y baja disponibilidad de recursos, podría requerir una mejor condición corporal que se compensé con un incremento en el forrajeo. Los resultados destacan la necesidad de abordar la perspectiva fisiológica en ecología de comunidades para entender mejor las interacciones dentro de estas comunidades.http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=5784430400

    Depredación e impacto antropogénico sobre la estructura comunitaria de playas de bolones

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    Predator impacts on intertidal community structure have been studied for rocky platforms, but intertidal boulder fields, a habitat with a greater extension and heterogeneity, have not yet been considered. Keeping in mind that disturbances are considered an important force in determining intertidal habitat diversity, the aims of this work were to describe and quantify boulder field community structure and to assess boulder field community dynamics by proposing possible food webs, taking into consideration predatory and anthropogenic impacts. These aims were achieved by installing predator-exclusion cages outfitted with rocks that were monitored monthly over one year in two study zones, a Management and Exploitation Area for Benthic Resources (MEABR, Playa Chica) and open-access area (OAA, Playa Grande). For both study zones, juveniles were the dominant observed ontogenetic state and invertebrate richness and density were higher inside exclusion cages. Furthermore, the MEABR had a differentiated impact on community structure and dynamics in comparison with the OAA. In conclusion, the roles played by boulder fields in intertidal diversity, especially in recruitment and as a nursery zone, are important to consider in management plans.El impacto depredador sobre la estructura comunitaria intermareal ha sido estudiado para plataformas rocosas, pero no ha sido abordado en campos de bolones intermareales, un hábitat de mayor extensión y heterogeneidad. Considerando que las perturbaciones son una fuerza importante en determinar la diversidad del hábitat intermareal, los objetivos de este trabajo fueron describir y cuantificar la estructura comunitaria de campos de bolones, y evaluar la dinámica comunitaria de este hábitat proponiendo posibles tramas tróficas; considerando el impacto de depredadores y antropogénico. Estos objetivos se lograron mediante la instalación de jaulas de exclusión de depredadores equipadas con rocas, que fueron monitoreadas mensualmente durante un año en dos zonas de estudio, un Área de Manejo y Exclusión de Recursos Bentónicos (AMERB, Playa Chica) y un área de acceso abierto (AAA, Playa Grande). Para ambas zonas de estudio, los juveniles fueron el estado ontogenético dominante, y la riqueza y densidad de invertebrados fueron mayores dentro de las jaulas de exclusión. Además, el AMERB tuvo un impacto diferenciado sobre la estructura y dinámica comunitaria comparado al AAA. En conclusión, el rol que cumplen los campos de bolones en la diversidad intermareal, especialmente en el reclutamiento y área de crianza, son importantes y debiesen ser considerados en los planes de manejo

    Tramo 6 Barnechea Balneario y Minero

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    Centro Comercial Providencia

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    Crítica de libros

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    Host-parasite dialogue: fecundity compensation mechanisms of Fissurella crassa

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    Parasites can alter the reproductive performance of their hosts, and to avoid or mitigate the resulting fitness loss, hosts may increase their current reproductive output to compensate for the future loss due to the parasitic infection. Fecundity compensation can be exploited by parasites for their own transmission (exploitation of host compensatory responses by parasites). However, this phenomenon has rarely been reported in second intermediate hosts of trematodes and its mechanisms and consequences largely unexplored. Along the east coast of the South Pacific, the second intermediate host, the mollusk Fissurella crassa, has been observed to display higher muscular foot, greater shell length and weight, and a higher gonadosomatic index when parasitized by metacercariaes of Proctoeces humboldti compared to non-parasitized hosts. In this study, we examined the histology, biochemistry (glucose, lipids, and proteins), and levels of sex hormones (estradiol and progesterone) in both parasitized and non-parasitized female individuals of F. crassa. Our findings revealed that the gonad of parasitized limpets had a higher density of oocytes, but these had a smaller individual area. Additionally, the gonadal tissue of parasitized limpets exhibited lower glucose content but higher lipid content. Notably, the levels of progesterone increased with parasite intensity. These results suggest that F. crassa possesses the ability to compensate for the negative effects of parasites by increasing the number of oocytes through biochemical and hormonal mechanisms. Our study contributes to the limited research on the impact of metacercariae on the reproduction of second intermediate hosts. Furthermore, we discuss how these changes in parasitized limpets could benefit parasite transmission

    Tramo 2 Parque Las Américas

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    Impact of predators and resource abundance levels on physiological traits of Fissurella crassa (Archeogastropoda)

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    The effects of predators on the density of prey and their resources have been widely studied; however, there is little evidence on the effects of the predators in conjunction with the availability of resources on the traits of the prey, which could affect foraging activities. In this study, the physiological state and the escape response of the intertidal herbivore Fissurella crassa were evaluated in two sites which differ in terms of the abundance of its predator Heliaster helianthus. The results suggest that the escape response of F. crassa in the site with greater predator density and lower resource availability could require a better body condition that is compensated with increments in foraging. The results highlight the need to address the physiological perspective in community ecology in order to understand the interactions within thesecommunities

    Estimation of Individual Neonatal Survival Using Birthweight and Gestational Age: A Way to Improve Neonatal Care

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    The study was conducted to determine the combined effect of birthweight and gestational age at birth on neonatal mortality using individually-identified livebirths. Logistic regression was used for studying the interactive effect of birthweight and gestational age on the individual probability of neonatal death. All livebirths from Chile in 2000 were included in a linked file. Odds ratio models for birthweight and gestational age were developed for each sex. The probability of neonatal death by sex was presented using contour plots. The models were statistically significant, and odds ratios were different and non-linear for the effects of birthweight and gestational age. Contour plots of constant neonatal mortality according to birthweight and gestational age were presented; they were similar for each sex. A single graph for both sexes that estimates the survival potential of infants born too early or too small would improve neonatal care in developing countries