3,631 research outputs found

    Bases of the right to the education: The social justice and the democracy

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    Han sido muchos los debates que se han producido y que se siguen produciendo en torno a los derechos humanos, a los que se aluden para denunciar realidades diversas y al mismo tiempo para demandar y justificar acciones y políticas que logren que estos no queden en una mera declaración. El presente artículo es una reflexión sobre el concepto y práctica del derecho a la educación, partiendo de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos, considerando que este no puede limitarse al derecho a acceder a una institución educativa, sino que este está ligado al concepto de igualdad de oportunidades educativas. Hacer real este principio implica una serie de acciones necesarias en los contextos escolares. Dichas acciones las abordamos a partir de los conceptos de justicia social en educación y escuelas democráticas. Las escuelas democráticas son proyectos colectivos que posibilitan la justicia social al dirigir su acción educativa a las estructuras de opresión, dominación y exclusión, por lo que es necesario que las concreciones que se realicen desde las políticas y administraciones públicas del derecho a la educación lo haganThere have been many debates that have taken place and continue to take place around human rights, which are referred to denounce different realities and at the same time to demand and justify actions and policies that achieve that these are not a mere declaration. The present article is a reflection on the concept and practice of the right to education, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, considering that this cannot be limited to the right to access an educational institution, but it is linked to the concept of equality of educational opportunities. Realizing this principle implies a series of necessary actions in school contexts to ensure this right and principle to the entire population. We address these actions based on the concepts of social justice in education and democratic schools. The democratic schools are collective projects that enable social justice by directing their educational action to the structures of oppression, domination and exclusion, so it is necessary that the concretions made from the public policies and administrations of the right to education do s

    Games as Political Actors in Digital Journalism

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    The goal of this study is to explore the role of digital games as political actors in digital journalism. The development of digital games designed to frame journalistic messages led to the emergence of newsgames. This trend impacts online mass media outlets’ performance as political actors in democratic polities. In this article, we explore the current relationship between political communication and newsgames by answering the following research question: How do online mass media outlets use newsgames to report, interpret, and critically analyze democratic polities? In this study, an inductive grounded theory approach was used to analyze 29 political newsgames published in 25 mass-media digital outlets across 11 different countries. The findings reveal that mass media outlets employ political newsgames to perform four distinct functions when covering political events: analytical reportage, commentary, critical scrutiny, and representation

    Propuesta de formación inicial docente para la democracia y la justicia social basada en el aprendizaje servicio

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    Este artículo presenta una propuesta de formación inicial docente como proyecto pedagógico político para la educación democrática y la justicia social, resultado de una revisión y reflexión teórica. Se definen, en primer lugar, los conceptos sobre los que se sustenta dicha propuesta de formación: pedagogía, democracia y justicia social. Posteriormente, se propone la concientización para el desarrollo de dicho proyecto, entendida como el proceso que permitirá desarrollar la conciencia crítica a través de la praxis concreta, pero para ello es necesario superar una serie de dualidades, tales como: teoría y práctica, investigación y docencia, enseñanza y aprendizaje, aprendizaje individual y aprendizaje cooperativo, docente y alumnado, educación bancaria y educación problematizadora, y universidad y escuela. Por último, se propone el desarrollo de dicha praxis por medio de la metodología de aprendizaje servicio en el marco de un proyecto de investigación acción

    La endogamia profesional en el ámbito del magisterio docente en España

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    This article depicts a study of the professional endogamy within the sphere of teaching, which has been barely examined in Spain. It also illustrates how marriages inside this professional area (focussing on primary education) imitate the sexual division remaining in the family circle in the educational establishments. Thus, making it more difficult for schoolmistresses to attain a managerial position. This conclusion has been reached after analysing in depth the information obtained by using qualitative and quantitative techniques.Este artículo recoge el estudio de un hecho escasamente investigado en España: la endogamia profesional en el ámbito del Magisterio docente. Además, constata cómo los matrimonios dentro de este campo profesional (centrándonos en el nivel educativo de la educación primaria) reproducen en los centros educativos la división sexual, que pervive en la esfera familiar, limitando a las maestras sus posibilidades de acceso al ejercicio de la dirección. Se ha llegado a esta conclusión tras analizar en profundidad los datos obtenidos mediante el empleo de técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas

    Professional pathways committed to democratic education

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    This work reconstructs the professional pathways of two primary school teachers committed to other forms of schooling. The objective of the study was to learn about their contributions to the construction and development of a democratic educational model – a model that would rank as a democratic educational alternative, and which we first define in order to contextualize the educational practices of these two teachers. The study used a qualitative methodology based on biographical interviews to construct the life stories of two teachers, both of whom have dedicated part of their lives to alternative educational projects. The findings show two pathways that differ in the way in which each of the teachers became involved in alternative educational projects: the first, after participating in a democratic project that led to awareness, and the second, moved by awareness to seek a project that would allow her to participate in a critical, transforming education

    ¿Qué profesional de la educación para qué escuela y para qué sociedad?

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    This article, resulting from theoretical review and reflection, answers the question that every education professional should ask themselves: what human being is to be trained for what society. If our ambition is for a fairer and more humane society, a convivial society made up of free and emancipated subjects, which is the approach of this work, there is a need to train teachers, from critical pedagogy, as agents of change or transformative intellectuals so that they help towards the development of democratic schools. That is to say, teachers who shape a counterhegemonic curriculum in the context of a participatory organisation in collaboration with the community, authorities and sociopolitical movements.Este artículo, resultado de la revisión y reflexión teórica, responde a la pregunta que todo profesional de la educación debería formularse: qué ser humano se desea formar para qué sociedad. Si aspiramos a una sociedad más justa y más humana, una sociedad convivencial, constituida por sujetos libres y emancipados, que es el planteamiento de este trabajo, necesitamos formar docentes, desde la pedagogía crítica, como agentes de cambio e intelectuales transformadores para que contribuyan al desarrollo de escuelas democráticas. Es decir, docentes que configuren un currículum contrahegemónico en el marco de una organización participativa en colaboración con la comunidad, instancias y movimientos sociopolíticos

    El movimiento de planificación familiar en la ciudad de Sevilla durante la transición democrática (1975-1983)

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    Tras la muerte de Franco tuvo lugar en España una movilización social por mejorar la salud y la atención sanitaria de la población. Dos importantes campos de acción son la reforma de la atención primaria y la legalización de la planificación familiar (PF). En ambos casos, son movimientos con un fuerte carácter vindicativo y se plantean como objetivo mejorar y transformar el sistema sanitario público de salud. En esta comunicación nos centraremos en el movimiento por la PF que se organiza en la ciudad de Sevilla durante la transición democrática (1975-1982). Los datos provienen de publicaciones, prensa general y feminista de la época y de entrevistas realizadas a activistas del movimiento de planificación familiar tanto del ámbito sanitario como de grupos feministas

    The link between water access and subjective well-being: some methods and proposals

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    The study of happiness or subjective well-being has traditionally been studied within the disciplines of psychology or sociology. Although economics has contemplated happiness in research terms, it has only recently been studied in any depth. In this paper we offer several proposals in order to investigate the relationship between water access and happiness, suggesting some situations that would merit further research. Moreover, we have included some methodological notes in order to achieve this objective. This relationship can be useful in two ways. Firstly, it can favour the contemplation of water access as a human right. Secondly, it can serve as a framework for the decision-making process carried out by Governments and NGOs in developing countries

    Sol–gel copper chromium delafossite thin films as stable oxide photocathodes for water splitting

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    Significant effort is being devoted to the study of photoactive electrode materials for artificial photosynthesis devices. In this context, photocathodes promoting water reduction, based on earth-abundant elements and possessing stability under illumination, should be developed. Here, the photoelectrochemical behavior of CuCrO2 sol–gel thin film electrodes prepared on conducting glass is presented. The material, whose direct band gap is 3.15 eV, apparently presents a remarkable stability in both alkaline and acidic media. In 0.1 M HClO4 the material is significantly photoactive, with IPCE values at 350 nm and 0.36 V vs. RHE of over 6% for proton reduction and 23% for oxygen reduction. This response was obtained in the absence of charge extraction layers or co-catalysts, suggesting substantial room for optimization. The photocurrent onset potential is equal to 1.06 V vs. RHE in both alkaline and acidic media, which guarantees the combination of the material with different photoanodes such as Fe2O3 or WO3, potentially yielding bias-free water splitting devices.We are grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Education and Competitiveness for financial support through project MAT2012-37676 (co-financed with FEDER funds by the European Union). A. K. D.-G. thanks the Mexican government (CONACYT) for the award of a doctoral grant