2,034 research outputs found

    Detecting the gravitational wave background from primordial black hole dark matter

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    The black hole merging rates inferred after the gravitational-wave detection by Advanced LIGO/VIRGO and the relatively high mass of the progenitors are consistent with models of dark matter made of massive primordial black holes (PBH). PBH binaries emit gravitational waves in a broad range of frequencies that will be probed by future space interferometers (LISA) and pulsar timing arrays (PTA). The amplitude of the stochastic gravitational-wave background expected for PBH dark matter is calculated taking into account various effects such as initial eccentricity of binaries, PBH velocities, mass distribution and clustering. It allows a detection by the LISA space interferometer, and possibly by the PTA of the SKA radio-telescope. Interestingly, one can distinguish this background from the one of non-primordial massive binaries through a specific frequency dependence, resulting from the maximal impact parameter of binaries formed by PBH capture, depending on the PBH velocity distribution and their clustering properties. Moreover, we find that the gravitational wave spectrum is boosted by the width of PBH mass distribution, compared with that of the monochromatic spectrum. The current PTA constraints already rule out broad-mass PBH models covering more than three decades of masses, but evading the microlensing and CMB constraints due to clustering.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Cosmic troublemakers: the Cold Spot, the Eridanus Supervoid, and the Great Walls

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    The alignment of the CMB Cold Spot and the Eridanus supervoid suggests a physical connection between these two relatively rare objects. We use galaxy cata\-logues with photometric (2MPZ) and spectroscopic (6dF) redshift measurements, supplemented by low-redshift compilations of cosmic voids, in order to improve the 3D mapping of the matter density in the Eridanus constellation. We find evidence for a supervoid with a significant elongation in the line-of-sight, effectively spanning the total redshift range z<0.3z<0.3. Our tomographic imaging reveals important substructure in the Eridanus supervoid, with a potential interpretation of a long, fully connected system of voids. We improve the analysis by extending the line-of-sight measurements into the antipodal direction that interestingly crosses the Northern Local Supervoid at the lowest redshifts. Then it intersects very rich superclusters like Hercules and Corona Borealis, in the region of the Coma and Sloan Great Walls, as a possible compensation for the large-scale matter deficit of Eridanus. We find that large-scale structure measurements are consistent with a central matter underdensity δ0≈−0.25\delta_0 \approx -0.25, projected transverse radius r0⊥≈195r_{0}^{\perp}\approx 195 Mpc/h with an extra deepening in the centre, and line-of-sight radius r0∥≈500r_{0}^{\parallel}\approx500 Mpc/h, i.e. an ellipsoidal supervoid. The expected integrated Sachs-Wolfe imprint of such an elongated supervoid is at the ΔTISW≈−40μK\Delta T_{\rm ISW} \approx -40 \mu K level, thus inappropriate to accounting for the Cold Spot pattern in the CMB.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Accepted by MNRAS in this for

    Massive Primordial Black Holes from Hybrid Inflation as Dark Matter and the seeds of Galaxies

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    In this paper we present a new scenario where massive Primordial Black Holes (PBH) are produced from the collapse of large curvature perturbations generated during a mild waterfall phase of hybrid inflation. We determine the values of the inflaton potential parameters leading to a PBH mass spectrum peaking on planetary-like masses at matter-radiation equality and producing abundances comparable to those of Dark Matter today, while the matter power spectrum on scales probed by CMB anisotropies agrees with Planck data. These PBH could have acquired large stellar masses today, via merging, and the model passes both the constraints from CMB distortions and micro-lensing. This scenario is supported by Chandra observations of numerous BH candidates in the central region of Andromeda. Moreover, the tail of the PBH mass distribution could be responsible for the seeds of supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies, as well as for ultra-luminous X-rays sources. We find that our effective hybrid potential can originate e.g. from D-term inflation with a Fayet-Iliopoulos term of the order of the Planck scale but sub-planckian values of the inflaton field. Finally, we discuss the implications of quantum diffusion at the instability point of the potential, able to generate a swiss-cheese like structure of the Universe, eventually leading to apparent accelerated cosmic expansion.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, comments welcom

    Quantum diffusion beyond slow-roll: implications for primordial black-hole production

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    Primordial black-holes (PBH) can be produced in single-field models of inflation with a quasi-inflection point in the potential. In these models, a large production of PBHs requires a deviation from the slow-roll (SR) trajectory. In turn, this SR violation can produce an exponential growth of quantum fluctuations. We study the back-reaction of these quantum modes on the inflationary dynamics using stochastic inflation in the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. We develop a methodology to solve quantum diffusion beyond SR in terms of the statistical moments of the probability distribution. We apply these techniques to a toy model potential with a quasi-inflection point. We find that there is an enhancement of the power spectrum due to the dominance of the stochastic noise in the phase beyond SR. Moreover, non-Gaussian corrections become as well relevant with a large positive kurtosis. Altogether, this produces a significant boost of PBH production. We discuss how our results extend to other single-field models with similar dynamics. We conclude that the abundance of PBHs in this class of models should be revisited including quantum diffusion.Comment: 17+7 pages, 5 figures. Matches JCAP versio

    Primordial black holes from the QCD epoch: Linking dark matter, baryogenesis and anthropic selection

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    If primordial black holes (PBHs) formed at the quark-hadron epoch, their mass must be close to the Chandrasekhar limit, this also being the characteristic mass of stars. If they provide the dark matter (DM), the collapse fraction must be of order the cosmological baryon-to-photon ratio ∼10−9\sim 10^{-9}, which suggests a scenario in which a baryon asymmetry is produced efficiently in the outgoing shock around each PBH and then propagates to the rest of the Universe. We suggest that the temperature increase in the shock provides the ingredients for hot spot electroweak baryogenesis. This also explains why baryons and DM have comparable densities, the precise ratio depending on the size of the PBH relative to the cosmological horizon at formation. The observed value of the collapse fraction and baryon asymmetry depends on the amplitude of the curvature fluctuations which generate the PBHs and may be explained by an anthropic selection effect associated with the existence of galaxies. We propose a scenario in which the quantum fluctuations of a light stochastic spectator field during inflation generate large curvature fluctuations in some regions, with the stochasticity of this field providing the basis for the required selection. Finally, we identify several observational predictions of our scenario that should be testable within the next few years. In particular, the PBH mass function could extend to sufficiently high masses to explain the black hole coalescences observed by LIGO/Virgo.Comment: 37 pages, 3 figures, published in MNRA

    Reconstruction of the null-test for the matter density perturbations

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    We systematically study the null-test for the growth rate data first presented in [S. Nesseris and D. Sapone, arXiv:1409.3697] and we reconstruct it using various combinations of data sets, such as the fσ8f\sigma_8 and H(z)H(z) or Type Ia supernovae (SnIa) data. We perform the reconstruction in two different ways, either by directly binning the data or by fitting various dark energy models. We also examine how well the null-test can be reconstructed by future data by creating mock catalogs based on the cosmological constant model, a model with strong dark energy perturbations, the f(R)f(R) and f(G)f(G) models, and the large void LTB model that exhibit different evolution of the matter perturbations. We find that with future data similar to an LSST-like survey, the null-test will be able to successfully discriminate between these different cases at the 5σ5\sigma level.Comment: 15 pages; 10 figures; 5 table

    Detecting the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from Primordial Black Hole Formation

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    Primordial Black Holes (PBH) from peaks in the curvature power spectrum could constitute today an important fraction of the Dark Matter in the Universe. At horizon reentry, during the radiation era, order one fluctuations collapse gravitationally to form black holes and, at the same time, generate a stochastic background of gravitational waves coming from second order anisotropic stresses in matter. We study the amplitude and shape of this background for several phenomenological models of the curvature power spectrum that can be embedded in waterfall hybrid inflation, axion, domain wall, and boosts of PBH formation at the QCD transition. For a broad peak or a nearly scale invariant spectrum, this stochastic background is generically enhanced by about one order of magnitude, compared to a sharp feature. As a result, stellar-mass PBH from Gaussian fluctuations with a wide mass distribution are already in strong tension with the limits from Pulsar Timing Arrays, if they constitute a non negligible fraction of the Dark Matter. But this result is mitigated by the uncertainties on the curvature threshold leading to PBH formation. LISA will have the sensitivity to detect or rule out light PBH down to 10−14M⊙10^{-14} M_{\odot}. Upcoming runs of LIGO/Virgo and future interferometers such as the Einstein Telescope will increase the frequency lever arm to constrain PBH from the QCD transition. Ultimately, the future SKA Pulsar Timing Arrays could probe the existence of even a single stellar-mass PBH in our Observable Universe.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, comments welcom

    Towards the most general scalar-tensor theories of gravity: a unified approach in the language of differential forms

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    We use a description based on differential forms to systematically explore the space of scalar-tensor theories of gravity. Within this formalism, we propose a basis for the scalar sector at the lowest order in derivatives of the field and in any number of dimensions. This minimal basis is used to construct a finite and closed set of Lagrangians describing general scalar-tensor theories invariant under Local Lorentz Transformations in a pseudo-Riemannian manifold, which contains ten physically distinct elements in four spacetime dimensions. Subsequently, we compute their corresponding equations of motion and find which combinations are at most second order in derivatives in four as well as arbitrary number of dimensions. By studying the possible exact forms (total derivatives) and algebraic relations between the basis components, we discover that there are only four Lagrangian combinations producing second order equations, which can be associated with Horndeski's theory. In this process, we identify a new second order Lagrangian, named kinetic Gauss-Bonnet, that was not previously considered in the literature. However, we show that its dynamics is already contained in Horndeski's theory. Finally, we provide a full classification of the relations between different second order theories. This allows us to clarify, for instance, the connection between different covariantizations of Galileons theory. In conclusion, our formulation affords great computational simplicity with a systematic structure. As a first step we focus on theories with second order equations of motion. However, this new formalism aims to facilitate advances towards unveiling the most general scalar-tensor theories.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, version published in PRD (minor changes

    Gravitational wave production from the decay of the Standard Model Higgs field after inflation

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    During or towards the end of inflation, the Standard Model (SM) Higgs forms a condensate with a large amplitude. Following inflation, the condensate oscillates, decaying non-perturbatively into the rest of the SM species. The resulting out-of-equilibrium dynamics converts a fraction of the energy available into gravitational waves (GW). We study this process using classical lattice simulations in an expanding box, following the energetically dominant electroweak gauge bosons W±W^\pm and ZZ. We characterize the GW spectrum as a function of the running couplings, Higgs initial amplitude, and post-inflationary expansion rate. As long as the SM is decoupled from the inflationary sector, the generation of this background is universally expected, independently of the nature of inflation. Our study demonstrates the efficiency of GW emission by gauge fields undergoing parametric resonance. The initial energy of the Higgs condensate represents however, only a tiny fraction of the inflationary energy. Consequently, the resulting background is very suppressed, with an amplitude h2ΩGW(o)≲10−29h^2 \Omega_{\rm GW}^{(o)} \lesssim 10^{-29} today. The amplitude can be boosted to h2ΩGW(o)≲10−16h^2 \Omega_{\rm GW}^{(o)} \lesssim 10^{-16}, if following inflation the universe undergoes a kination-domination stage; however the background is shifted in this case to high frequencies fp≲1011Hzf_p \lesssim 10^{11} {\rm Hz}. In all cases the signal is out of the range of current or planned GW detectors. This background will therefore remain, most likely, as a curiosity of the SM.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. Minor changes to match version published in PR
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