90 research outputs found

    Verb movement and negation in Övdalian

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    Word Order in Övdalian : A Study in Variation and Change.

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    This dissertation discusses aspects of the syntax of Övdalian, a variety spoken by ca. 2,500 people in the province of Dalecarlia in Sweden. Initially, an overview of the history and current status of the language of Älvdalen is given, and the focus of the dissertation is on certain syntactic phenomena that have been well studied from a comparative and diachronic perspective in other Scandinavian languages but not in Övdalian. The examined variant of Övdalian is the one spoken by people born between the 1920’s and the 1940’s and it is called Traditional Övdalian. The empirical data were collected by means on elicitation of grammaticality judgements from twelve native speakers of Traditional Övdalian. These new data are analysed within a general Principal and Parameters approach and the point of departure is the framework of Holmberg & Platzack (1995) who argue that a number of word order phenomena depend on two morphological parameters: subject-verb agreement and morphological case. Övdalian word order is also compared with the word order of the other Scandinavian languages and an underlying syntactic structure of Övdalian is proposed. The main focus of the dissertation lies on two phenomena that have often been connected to verbal morphology, that is V-to-I movement and Stylistic Fronting, which were both present in Övdalian at the beginning of the 20th century. It is shown that V-to-I movement has become optional in Övdalian during the last hundred years in absence of any change in the verbal morphology, and the ongoing loss of V-to-I movement is argued to be triggered by a high, pre-subject negation (and sentential adverbial) placement. This placement gives no clue to the speakers as to whether the finite verb is raised to I or not. Stylistic Fronting is lost in Traditional Övdalian and it is maintained that this loss is connected to the changed status of the landing site of Stylistic Fronting, that is Spec,TP. While Spec,TP was a position accessible to many syntactical constituents in older Övdalian, it has later become a position to which only the subject may move. This explains the loss of SF in the absence of changes in the verbal morphology

    Bisatsstrukturer som ”man kan inte” bortse frĂ„n (om bisatsorföljd i de fastlandsskandinaviska sprĂ„ken)

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    Tema för denna uppsats Àr ordningen mellan negation och det finita verbet i bisatser i de tre fastlandsskandinaviska sprÄken, danska, norska (bokmÄl och nynorsk) och svenska. Uppsatsen Àr baserad pÄ omfattande undersökningar i tal- och skriftsprÄkskorpusar. Jag utgÄr ifrÄn att den för samtliga sprÄken gÀllande bisatsordföljden Àr den raka ordföljden med negationen efter subjektet men framför finitet. I denna uppsats koncentrerar jag mig först och frÀmst pÄ avvikelser frÄn en sÄdan ledföljd. Jag försöker ocksÄ finna förklaringar till varför sÄdana avvikelser förekommer

    Dialekter i Norge og i Polen Ăą forskjellig status?

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    I denne artikkelen presenteres bÄde dialektenes status i henholdsvis Polen og Norge og holdninger til dialekter i disse to landene. Norge er et land der dialektvariasjonen er stor, og der dialektene aksepteres i sÄ godt som alle kommunikasjonssituasjoner. I Polen finnes det fÊrre dialekter og disse har tydelig lag status i samfunnet. I artikkelen berÞres ogsÄ begrepet standardsprÄk. Hvorvidt det er legitimt Ä snakke om standardtalemÄl i Norge har blitt diskutert, og mange norske lingvister har ment at det kun finnes dialekter i Norge, men ikke noe norsk standardtalesprÄk. I Polen har det for de fleste lingvistene vÊrt en selvfÞlge Ä snakke om bÄde talt og skrevet standardsprÄk. Med tanke pÄ de store forskjellene mellom den polske og den norske sprÄksituasjonen kan en forvente at polske innvandrere til Norge kommer til Ä se pÄ dialektene fra sitt polske stÄsted. Selv om dette temaet er lite utforsket, finnes det tegn pÄ at det faktisk er tilfelle. Denne strategien kan imidlertid vÊre et hinder i Ä (sprÄklig) integreres blant nordmenn

    Ursprungsbetecknande prepositioner efter verbet fÄ i norska dialekter

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    Den preposition som anvÀnds för att uttrycka ursprung eller upphov i en konstruktion med verbet ññ¬ËfÄùùù¹ i skriftlig norska Àr prepositionen av. I norska dialekter blir dock Àven flera andíra prepositioner anvÀnda för att uttrycka denna relation. Förutom tĂ„, som kan rÀknas som en variant av av, finner man hos, hjĂ„ och med. Den nyligen fÀrdigstÀllda forskningsíinfraístrukturen, Nordisk dialektkorpus och Nordisk syntaxdatabas, ger oss en möjlighet att nÀrmare undersöka anvÀndningen av de ovannÀmnda prepositionerna i norska dialekter. Vi finner ett tydligt geografiskt mönster: vid verbet fĂ„ anvÀnds prepositionen hos som ursprungsmarkör i norra Norge, preposiítionen hjĂ„ i en del dialekter i vÀstra och centrala Norge, prepositionen med i nordvÀstra Norge, medan av anvÀnds i de sydligaste delarna av landet. I TrĂžndelag Àr variationen stor, och prepositionerna av, tĂ„, med, och Àven te anvÀnds. Dessíutom visar det sig att det rĂ„der olika typer av synkretism mellan uttryck för lokation, ursprung och mĂ„l i det norska prepositionsísystemet: nĂ„gra av dessa typer har pĂ„stĂ„tts vara ytterst sÀllsynta utifrĂ„n det typologiska perspektivet, eller till och med icke-belagda i vÀrldens sprĂ„k

    Melts of octaacetyl sucrose as oral-modified release dosage forms for delivery of poorly soluble compound in stable amorphous form

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    The presented work describes the formulation and characterization of modified release glassy solid dosage forms (GSDFs) containing an amorphous nifedipine, as a model BCS (Biopharmaceutical Classification System) class II drug. The GSDFs were prepared by melting nifedipine together with octaacetyl sucrose. Dissolution profiles, measured under standard and biorelevant conditions, were compared to those obtained from commercially available formulations containing nifedipine such as modified release (MR) tablets and osmotic release oral system (OROS). The results indicate that the dissolution profiles of the GSDFs with nifedipine are neither affected by the pH of the dissolution media, type and concentration of surfactants, nor by simulated mechanical stress of biorelevant intensity. Furthermore, it was found that the dissolution profiles of the novel dosage forms were similar to the profiles obtained from the nifedipine OROS. The formulation of GSDFs is relatively simple, and the dosage forms were found to have favorable dissolution characteristics
