19 research outputs found

    Children's exposure assessment of radiofrequency fields: comparison between spot and personal measurements

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    Radiofrequency (RF) fields are widely used and, while it is still unknown whether children are more vulnerable to this type of exposure, it is essential to explore their level of exposure in order to conduct adequate epidemiological studies. Personal measurements provide individualized information, but they are costly in terms of time and resources, especially in large epidemiological studies. Other approaches, such as estimation of time-weighted averages (TWAs) based on spot measurements could simplify the work.; The aims of this study were to assess RF exposure in the Spanish INMA birth cohort by spot measurements and by personal measurements in the settings where children tend to spend most of their time, i.e., homes, schools and parks; to identify the settings and sources that contribute most to that exposure; and to explore if exposure assessment based on spot measurements is a valid proxy for personal exposure.; When children were 8 years old, spot measurements were conducted in the principal settings of 104 participants: homes (104), schools and their playgrounds (26) and parks (79). At the same time, personal measurements were taken for a subsample of 50 children during 3 days. Exposure assessment based on personal and on spot measurements were compared both in terms of mean exposures and in exposure-dependent categories by means of Bland-Altman plots, Cohen's kappa and McNemar test.; Median exposure levels ranged from 29.73 (in children's bedrooms) to 200.10 μW/m; 2; (in school playgrounds) for spot measurements and were higher outdoors than indoors. Median personal exposure was 52.13 μW/m; 2; and median levels of assessments based on spot measurements ranged from 25.46 to 123.21 μW/m; 2; . Based on spot measurements, the sources that contributed most to the exposure were FM radio, mobile phone downlink and Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial, while indoor and personal sources contributed very little (altogether <20%). Similar distribution was observed with personal measurements. There was a bias proportional to power density between personal measurements and estimates based on spot measurements, with the latter providing higher exposure estimates. Nevertheless, there were no systematic differences between those methodologies when classifying subjects into exposure categories. Personal measurements of total RF exposure showed low to moderate agreement with home and bedroom spot measurements and agreed better, though moderately, with TWA based on spot measurements in the main settings where children spend time (homes, schools and parks; Kappa = 0.46).; Exposure assessment based on spot measurements could be a feasible proxy to rank personal RF exposure in children population, providing that all relevant locations are being measured

    Perceção do risco de exposição a campos eletromagnéticos de radiofrequência na coorte INMA-Guipúscoa

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    Perception of environmental risks to the population is a priority issue for the bodies and administrations responsible for managing them. There are few studies on the perception of the risk to RF, but all of them report high levels of concern. This study describes and analyzes the RF risk perception of mothers belonging to the INMA-Gipuzkoa project.Data on perception were collected by means of two questionnaires given to mothers in two different periods. During pregnancy, 625 mothers chose the five relevant environmental issues in their place of residence from a list of 16. When their children were 8, 386 mothers rated, on a scale from 0 to 10, their perception of their levels of exposure to RF and the health risk derived from such exposure.During pregnancy, 31.8 % of mothers chose proximity to RF antennas as one of the 5 most important environmental problems. When their children were 8, 98.0 % and 90.3 % of women reported medium or high perception values (between 5 and 10) regarding exposure and health risk, respectively. A moderate correlation was found between exposure perception and risk perception (0.5). There is no association between RF exposure perception and actual levels measured inside homes.Knowing the factors associated with the perception of risks by the population will be useful to manage them properly.La percepción sobre los riesgos ambientales en la población es un tema prioritario para los organismos y administraciones responsables de su gestión. Los pocos estudios que han evaluado la percepción del riesgo a radiofrecuencias (RF), apuntan a unos niveles altos de preocupación. Este estudio describe y analiza la percepción del riesgo a RF en las mujeres del proyecto INMAGipuzkoa.Los datos sobre percepción se recogieron mediante cuestionarios en dos diferentes periodos. Durante el embarazo 625 madres seleccionaron 5 problemas ambientales relevantes en su lugar de residencia de una lista de 16. A los 8 años de edad de los niños, 386 madres puntuaron, en una escala de 0 a 10, su percepción sobre el nivel de exposición a RF y el riesgo para la salud derivado de esa exposición.Durante el embarazo un 31,8 % de madres eligieron la cercanía a antenas de RF como uno de los 5 problemas ambientales más importantes. A los 8 años de edad de los niños el 98,0 % y el 90,3 % de las mujeres referían niveles de percepción medios o altos (entre 5 y 10) respecto a la exposición y el riesgo para la salud, respectivamente. Se encontró una correlación moderada entre percepción de exposición y de riesgo (0,5). No existe relación entre percepción de la exposición a RF y los niveles reales obtenidos mediante mediciones en las viviendas.Conocer los factores asociados con la percepción de los riesgos por la ciudadanía ayudará a gestionarlos de forma adecuada.A perceção da população sobre os riscos ambientais é um assunto prioritário para os organismos e administrações responsáveis pela sua gestão. Os poucos estudos que avaliaram a perceção do risco de exposição a radiofrequências (RF) indicam níveis altos de preocupação. Este estudo descreve e analisa a perceção de risco de exposição a RF em mulheres do projeto INMA-Guipúscoa.Os dados sobre a perceção foram obtidos através de questionários em dois períodos diferentes. Durante a gravidez 625 mães selecionaram 5 problemas ambientais relevantes no seu local de residência de entre uma lista de 16. Aos 8 anos de idade das crianças, 386 mães pontuaram, numa escala de 0 a 10, a sua perceção sobre o nível de exposição a RF e o risco para a saúde derivado dessa exposição.Durante a gravidez 31.8% das mães elegeram a proximidade a antenas de RF como um dois 5 problemas ambientais mais importantes. Aos 8 anos de idade das crianças 98,0 % e 90,3% das mulheres referiram níveis de perceção médios ou altos (entre 5 e 10) relativos à exposição e ao risco para a saúde, respetivamente. Encontrou-se uma correlação moderada entre a perceção de exposição e de risco (0,5). Não existe uma relação entre a perceção da exposição a RF e os níveis reais obtidos através de medições nas habitações.Conhecer os fatores associados à perceção de risco por parte dos cidadãos ajudará a geri-los de forma adequada

    Spatial and temporal variability of personal environmental exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in children in Europe

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    Exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) has rapidly increased and little is known about exposure levels in children. This study describes personal RF-EMF environmental exposure levels from handheld devices and fixed site transmitters in European children, the determinants of this, and the day-to-day and year-to-year repeatability of these exposure levels.; Personal environmental RF-EMF exposure (μW/m; 2; , power flux density) was measured in 529 children (ages 8-18 years) in Denmark, the Netherlands, Slovenia, Switzerland, and Spain using personal portable exposure meters for a period of up to three days between 2014 and 2016, and repeated in a subsample of 28 children one year later. The meters captured 16 frequency bands every 4 s and incorporated a GPS. Activity diaries and questionnaires were used to collect children's location, use of handheld devices, and presence of indoor RF-EMF sources. Six general frequency bands were defined: total, digital enhanced cordless telecommunications (DECT), television and radio antennas (broadcast), mobile phones (uplink), mobile phone base stations (downlink), and Wireless Fidelity (WiFi). We used adjusted mixed effects models with region random effects to estimate associations of handheld device use habits and indoor RF-EMF sources with personal RF-EMF exposure. Day-to-day and year-to-year repeatability of personal RF-EMF exposure were calculated through intraclass correlations (ICC).; Median total personal RF-EMF exposure was 75.5 μW/m; 2; . Downlink was the largest contributor to total exposure (median: 27.2 μW/m; 2; ) followed by broadcast (9.9 μW/m; 2; ). Exposure from uplink (4.7 μW/m; 2; ) was lower. WiFi and DECT contributed very little to exposure levels. Exposure was higher during day (94.2 μW/m; 2; ) than night (23.0 μW/m; 2; ), and slightly higher during weekends than weekdays, although varying across regions. Median exposures were highest while children were outside (157.0 μW/m; 2; ) or traveling (171.3 μW/m; 2; ), and much lower at home (33.0 μW/m; 2; ) or in school (35.1 μW/m; 2; ). Children living in urban environments had higher exposure than children in rural environments. Older children and users of mobile phones had higher uplink exposure but not total exposure, compared to younger children and those that did not use mobile phones. Day-to-day repeatability was moderate to high for most of the general frequency bands (ICCs between 0.43 and 0.85), as well as for total, broadcast, and downlink for the year-to-year repeatability (ICCs between 0.49 and 0.80) in a small subsample.; The largest contributors to total personal environmental RF-EMF exposure were downlink and broadcast, and these exposures showed high repeatability. Urbanicity was the most important determinant of total exposure and mobile phone use was the most important determinant of uplink exposure. It is important to continue evaluating RF-EMF exposure in children as device use habits, exposure levels, and main contributing sources may change

    Characterization of children's exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields.

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    276 p.Tesi hau erradiazio ez-ionizatzaileko eremu elekromagnetikoen (EEI-EEM) esposizioaren ezaugarritzean zentratu da, 8 urteko umeek oso maiztasun txikiekiko (ELF), bitarteko maiztasunekiko eta irrati-maiztasunekiko duten esposizioaren (IM) ezaugarritzea burutuz. Ikerketa INMA (Ingurumena eta haurtzaroa) kohortearen parte izan da, zeina ingurumen eragileekiko esposizio goiztiarrek haurren garapenean eta osasunean duten eragina ikertzen duen ikerketa epidemiologiko prospektiboa da. Hasiera batean, 638 ama eta seme-alaba bikotez osatua zegoen. Laburbilduz, tesi honetan EEI-EEMen maiztasun tarte guztiak kontuan izan dituen metodologia aurkeztu da. Era ezberdinetako neurketak egin ziren umeek egunean zehar denbora gehien ematen duten lekuetan, hots, etxe, eskola eta parkeetan, lagin batean IMen neurketa pertsonalak egiteaz gain. Metodologien arteko konparazioa gauzatu da, komunitate zientifikoak egokienentzat dituen metodologiak (baina denbora edo ditu iturri handiak eskatzen dituztenak) esfortzu (ekonomiko edo bestelakoa) gutxiago eskatzen duten batzuengatik ordezkatu daitezkeen edo ez ikertzeko asmoz. Gainera, umeen amek EEI-EEMen inguruan zuten pertzepzioa jaso zen tesi honetan. Halaber, informazioa emateak pertzepzio mailetan zelako eragina zuen eta pertzepzio mailak zein aldagai soziodemografikorekin erlazionatuta zeuden aztertu ziren.Tesi honek ikerketa epidemiologikoak gauzatzea ahalbidetuko du, esposizioaren deskribapena detaile handiz egin izanaren abantailarekin.BioDonosti

    Characterization of children's exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic fields.

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    276 p.Tesi hau erradiazio ez-ionizatzaileko eremu elekromagnetikoen (EEI-EEM) esposizioaren ezaugarritzean zentratu da, 8 urteko umeek oso maiztasun txikiekiko (ELF), bitarteko maiztasunekiko eta irrati-maiztasunekiko duten esposizioaren (IM) ezaugarritzea burutuz. Ikerketa INMA (Ingurumena eta haurtzaroa) kohortearen parte izan da, zeina ingurumen eragileekiko esposizio goiztiarrek haurren garapenean eta osasunean duten eragina ikertzen duen ikerketa epidemiologiko prospektiboa da. Hasiera batean, 638 ama eta seme-alaba bikotez osatua zegoen. Laburbilduz, tesi honetan EEI-EEMen maiztasun tarte guztiak kontuan izan dituen metodologia aurkeztu da. Era ezberdinetako neurketak egin ziren umeek egunean zehar denbora gehien ematen duten lekuetan, hots, etxe, eskola eta parkeetan, lagin batean IMen neurketa pertsonalak egiteaz gain. Metodologien arteko konparazioa gauzatu da, komunitate zientifikoak egokienentzat dituen metodologiak (baina denbora edo ditu iturri handiak eskatzen dituztenak) esfortzu (ekonomiko edo bestelakoa) gutxiago eskatzen duten batzuengatik ordezkatu daitezkeen edo ez ikertzeko asmoz. Gainera, umeen amek EEI-EEMen inguruan zuten pertzepzioa jaso zen tesi honetan. Halaber, informazioa emateak pertzepzio mailetan zelako eragina zuen eta pertzepzio mailak zein aldagai soziodemografikorekin erlazionatuta zeuden aztertu ziren.Tesi honek ikerketa epidemiologikoak gauzatzea ahalbidetuko du, esposizioaren deskribapena detaile handiz egin izanaren abantailarekin.BioDonosti

    Erradiazio ezionizatzaileko eremu elektromagnetikoen eraginak osasunean: ezagutza-egoeraz egun dakiguna

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    Gure bizimoduan gero eta ohikoagoak dira erradiazio ezionizatzaileko eremu elektromagnetikoak (EEI-EEM) sortzen dituzten iturriak, eta bere horretan dirau eremu horiek osasunean izan ditzaketen efektuen inguruko eztabaidak. Artikulu honetan laburbildu egin nahi ditugu EEI-EEMen eraginen inguruko ikerketa esperimentalen eta epidemiologikoen bidez lortu diren emaitzak. Nahiz eta ikerketa eta proiektu ugari egon gaiaren inguruan, kontu ugari daude argitzeke, batez ere metodologia-mugek sortzen dituzten arazoek ez dutelako ondorio argirik ateratzeko aukera ematen. Aurrerantzean, ahalegin handiagoak egin beharko lirateke eremu elektromagnetikoen esposizioaren estimazio egokiagoa egite aldera.; Sources of electromagnetic fields of non-ionising radiation (EMF-NIR) are increasingly common in our life style, while discussion regards their potential health effects remains unclear. The aim of this study is to collect and summarize experimental and epidemiological studies published concerning health effects of EMF-NIR. Although there are plenty studies and projects on this subject, there are several unclear issues, especially because problems arising from methodological limitations preclude getting a clear conclusion. Greater effort should be made in the future in order to estimate better the exposure

    Exposure to extremely low and intermediate-frequency magnetic and electric fields among children from the INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort

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    Detailed assessment of exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) and intermediate frequency (IF) fields is essential in order to conduct informative epidemiological studies of the health effects from exposure to these fields. There is limited information available regarding ELF electric fields and on both magnetic and electric field exposures of children in the IF range. The aim of this study was to characterize ELF and IF exposure of children in the Spanish INMA cohort. A combination of spot and fixed measurements was carried out in 104 homes, 26 schools and their playgrounds and 105 parks. Low levels of ELF magnetic fields (ELF-MF) were observed (with the highest 24-h time-weighted average (TWA) exposure being 0.15μT in one home). The interquartile range (IQR) of ELF electric fields (ELF-EF) ranged from 1 to 15V/m indoors and from 0.3 to 1.1V/m outdoors and a maximum value observed was 55.5V/m in one school playground. IQR ranges for IF magnetic and electric fields were between 0.02 and 0.23μT and 0.2 and 0.5V/m respectively and maximum values were 0.03μT and 1.51V/m in homes. Correlations between magnetic and electric fields were weak for ELF (Spearman 0.04-0.36 in different settings) and moderate for IF (between 0.28 and 0.75). Children of INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort were exposed to very low levels of ELF-MF in all settings and to similar levels of ELF-EF compared to the range of previously reported levels, although somewhat higher exposures occurred at home. Children enrolled to our study were similarly exposed to IF in all settings

    Exposure to extremely low and intermediate-frequency magnetic and electric fields among children from the INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort

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    Detailed assessment of exposure to extremely low frequency (ELF) and intermediate frequency (IF) fields is essential in order to conduct informative epidemiological studies of the health effects from exposure to these fields. There is limited information available regarding ELF electric fields and on both magnetic and electric field exposures of children in the IF range. The aim of this study was to characterize ELF and IF exposure of children in the Spanish INMA cohort. A combination of spot and fixed measurements was carried out in 104 homes, 26 schools and their playgrounds and 105 parks. Low levels of ELF magnetic fields (ELF-MF) were observed (with the highest 24-h time-weighted average (TWA) exposure being 0.15μT in one home). The interquartile range (IQR) of ELF electric fields (ELF-EF) ranged from 1 to 15V/m indoors and from 0.3 to 1.1V/m outdoors and a maximum value observed was 55.5V/m in one school playground. IQR ranges for IF magnetic and electric fields were between 0.02 and 0.23μT and 0.2 and 0.5V/m respectively and maximum values were 0.03μT and 1.51V/m in homes. Correlations between magnetic and electric fields were weak for ELF (Spearman 0.04-0.36 in different settings) and moderate for IF (between 0.28 and 0.75). Children of INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort were exposed to very low levels of ELF-MF in all settings and to similar levels of ELF-EF compared to the range of previously reported levels, although somewhat higher exposures occurred at home. Children enrolled to our study were similarly exposed to IF in all settings

    Perception of the risk to electromagnetic RF fields in INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort

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    La percepción sobre los riesgos ambientales en la población es un tema prioritario para los organismos y administraciones responsables de su gestión. Los pocos estudios que han evaluado la percepción del riesgo a radiofrecuencias (RF), apuntan a unos niveles altos de preocupación. Este estudio describe y analiza la percepción del riesgo a RF en las mujeres del proyecto INMAGipuzkoa.Los datos sobre percepción se recogieron mediante cuestionarios en dos diferentes periodos. Durante el embarazo 625 madres seleccionaron 5 problemas ambientales relevantes en su lugar de residencia de una lista de 16. A los 8 años de edad de los niños, 386 madres puntuaron, en una escala de 0 a 10, su percepción sobre el nivel de exposición a RF y el riesgo para la salud derivado de esa exposición.Durante el embarazo un 31,8 % de madres eligieron la cercanía a antenas de RF como uno de los 5 problemas ambientales más importantes. A los 8 años de edad de los niños el 98,0 % y el 90,3 % de las mujeres referían niveles de percepción medios o altos (entre 5 y 10) respecto a la exposición y el riesgo para la salud, respectivamente. Se encontró una correlación moderada entre percepción de exposición y de riesgo (0,5). No existe relación entre percepción de la exposición a RF y los niveles reales obtenidos mediante mediciones en las viviendas.Conocer los factores asociados con la percepción de los riesgos por la ciudadanía ayudará a gestionarlos de forma adecuada.A perceção da população sobre os riscos ambientais é um assunto prioritário para os organismos e administrações responsáveis pela sua gestão. Os poucos estudos que avaliaram a perceção do risco de exposição a radiofrequências (RF) indicam níveis altos de preocupação. Este estudo descreve e analisa a perceção de risco de exposição a RF em mulheres do projeto INMA-Guipúscoa.Os dados sobre a perceção foram obtidos através de questionários em dois períodos diferentes. Durante a gravidez 625 mães selecionaram 5 problemas ambientais relevantes no seu local de residência de entre uma lista de 16. Aos 8 anos de idade das crianças, 386 mães pontuaram, numa escala de 0 a 10, a sua perceção sobre o nível de exposição a RF e o risco para a saúde derivado dessa exposição.Durante a gravidez 31.8% das mães elegeram a proximidade a antenas de RF como um dois 5 problemas ambientais mais importantes. Aos 8 anos de idade das crianças 98,0 % e 90,3% das mulheres referiram níveis de perceção médios ou altos (entre 5 e 10) relativos à exposição e ao risco para a saúde, respetivamente. Encontrou-se uma correlação moderada entre a perceção de exposição e de risco (0,5). Não existe uma relação entre a perceção da exposição a RF e os níveis reais obtidos através de medições nas habitações.Conhecer os fatores associados à perceção de risco por parte dos cidadãos ajudará a geri-los de forma adequada.Perception of environmental risks to the population is a priority issue for the bodies and administrations responsible for managing them. There are few studies on the perception of the risk to RF, but all of them report high levels of concern. This study describes and analyzes the RF risk perception of mothers belonging to the INMA-Gipuzkoa project.Data on perception were collected by means of two questionnaires given to mothers in two different periods. During pregnancy, 625 mothers chose the five relevant environmental issues in their place of residence from a list of 16. When their children were 8, 386 mothers rated, on a scale from 0 to 10, their perception of their levels of exposure to RF and the health risk derived from such exposure.During pregnancy, 31.8 % of mothers chose proximity to RF antennas as one of the 5 most important environmental problems. When their children were 8, 98.0 % and 90.3 % of women reported medium or high perception values (between 5 and 10) regarding exposure and health risk, respectively. A moderate correlation was found between exposure perception and risk perception (0.5). There is no association between RF exposure perception and actual levels measured inside homes.Knowing the factors associated with the perception of risks by the population will be useful to manage them properly

    Children's exposure assessment of radiofrequency fields: Comparison between spot and personal measurements

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    INTRODUCTION: Radiofrequency (RF) fields are widely used and, while it is still unknown whether children are more vulnerable to this type of exposure, it is essential to explore their level of exposure in order to conduct adequate epidemiological studies. Personal measurements provide individualized information, but they are costly in terms of time and resources, especially in large epidemiological studies. Other approaches, such as estimation of time-weighted averages (TWAs) based on spot measurements could simplify the work. OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to assess RF exposure in the Spanish INMA birth cohort by spot measurements and by personal measurements in the settings where children tend to spend most of their time, i.e., homes, schools and parks; to identify the settings and sources that contribute most to that exposure; and to explore if exposure assessment based on spot measurements is a valid proxy for personal exposure. METHODS: When children were 8 years old, spot measurements were conducted in the principal settings of 104 participants: homes (104), schools and their playgrounds (26) and parks (79). At the same time, personal measurements were taken for a subsample of 50 children during 3 days. Exposure assessment based on personal and on spot measurements were compared both in terms of mean exposures and in exposure-dependent categories by means of Bland-Altman plots, Cohen's kappa and McNemar test. RESULTS: Median exposure levels ranged from 29.73 (in children's bedrooms) to 200.10 μW/m2 (in school playgrounds) for spot measurements and were higher outdoors than indoors. Median personal exposure was 52.13 μW/m2 and median levels of assessments based on spot measurements ranged from 25.46 to 123.21 μW/m2. Based on spot measurements, the sources that contributed most to the exposure were FM radio, mobile phone downlink and Digital Video Broadcasting-Terrestrial, while indoor and personal sources contributed very little (altogether <20%). Similar distribution was observed with personal measurements. There was a bias proportional to power density between personal measurements and estimates based on spot measurements, with the latter providing higher exposure estimates. Nevertheless, there were no systematic differences between those methodologies when classifying subjects into exposure categories. Personal measurements of total RF exposure showed low to moderate agreement with home and bedroom spot measurements and agreed better, though moderately, with TWA based on spot measurements in the main settings where children spend time (homes, schools and parks; Kappa = 0.46). CONCLUSIONS: Exposure assessment based on spot measurements could be a feasible proxy to rank personal RF exposure in children population, providing that all relevant locations are being measured