24 research outputs found

    A Brief Review on Processes for Cartilage Repair

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    The aim of the present review was to highlight some of the available processes for cartilage repair and regeneration. Considering the high impact that cartilage degeneration has in the quality of life, in an aging society, efforts to promote better treatments are crucial. The current available processes have advantages and drawbacks, that should be further investigated, aiming to obtain tailored and successful repair. Finally, some suggestions for tissue engineering strategies are presented, so that the scientific community can debate pros and cons to be investigated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Erradicação, contenção e controlo de espécies invasoras.

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    Os primeiros estudos que procuraram explicar os processos de invasão biológica, incidiram sobre a vulnerabilidade das comunidades biológicas das ilhas e sobre o impacto da fixação de populações humanas, as quais favoreceram a introdução deliberada de uma grande variedade de animais e plantas. Um dos cientistas que mais cedo abordou a problemática das invasões biológicas, e que se pode considerar pioneiro neste domínio, foi Charles Elton. No seu livro “The Ecology of invasions by animals and plants”, publicado em 1958, colocou três questões relativas ao estudo dos processos de invasão que mantêm uma evidente actualidade: 1. Que características convertem uma espécie numa invasora potencial quando introduzida num ambiente novo? 2. Que características tornam um habitat mais ou menos susceptível à invasão? 3. Que estratégias de gestão são mais adequadas para controlar uma espécie invasora? Avaliar o impacto das espécies invasoras na biodiversidade e ecossistemas nativos, perceber as causas e os mecanismos que permitem a sua fixação e sucesso, desenvolver estratégias de prevenção de introdução, gestão e controlo, bem como consciencializar a opinião pública e os decisores políticos para a dimensão e gravidade das invasões biológicas, ao nível dos seus efeitos na biodiversidade, saúde pública e economia, permanecem grandes desafios que se colocam aos cientistas que se dedicam a este problema. O presente livro tem o importante objectivo de apresentar a história e a expressão territorial das invasões biológicas em Portugal, numa análise sistemática e multidimensional, não negligenciando a importância da divulgação, da comunicação, e das metodologias e ferramentas de gestão das espécies mais problemáticas

    Toxicity of seven priority hazardous and noxious substances (HNSs) to marine organisms: Current status, knowledge gaps and recommendations for future research

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    Shipping industry and seaborne trade have rapidly increased over the last fifty years, mainly due to the continuous increasing demand for chemicals and fuels. Consequently, despite current regulations, the occurrence of accidental spills poses an important risk. Hazardous and noxious substances (HNSs) have been raising major concern among environmental managers and scientific community for their heterogeneity, hazardous potential towards aquatic organisms and associated social-economic impacts. A literature review on ecotoxicological hazards to aquatic organisms was conducted for seven HNSs: acrylonitrile, n-butyl acrylate, cyclohexylbenzene, hexane, isononanol, trichloroethylene and xylene. Information on the mechanisms of action of the selected HNS was also reviewed. The main purpose was to identify: i) knowledge gaps in need of being addressed in future research; and ii) a set of possible biomarkers suitable for ecotoxicological assessment and monitoring in both estuarine and marine systems. Main gaps found concern the scarcity of information available on ecotoxicological effects of HNS towards marine species and their poorly understood mode of action in wildlife. Differences were found between the sensitivity of freshwater and seawater organisms, so endpoints produced in the former may not be straightforwardly employed in evaluations for the marine environment. The relationship between sub-individual effects and higher level detrimental alterations (e.g. behavioural, morphological, reproductive effects and mortality) are not fully understood. In this context, a set of biomarkers associated to neurotoxicity, detoxification and anti-oxidant defences is suggested as potential indicators of toxic exposure/effects of HNS in marine organisms. Overall, to support the development of contingency plans and the establishment of environmental safety thresholds, it will be necessary to undertake targeted research on HNS ecotoxicity in the marine environment. Research should address these issues under more realistic exposure scenarios reflecting the prevailing spatial and temporal variability in ecological and environmental conditions

    Antioxidant capacity and toxicological evaluation of pterospartum tridentatum flower extracts

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    Pterospartum tridentatum Willk. (prickled broom) is an autochthonous plant, common in Portuguese territory. The yellow flowers are used in traditional medicine, as a potential cure for all body illnesses, mainly for throat irritation treatment or for diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia therapy.Despite its traditional use, no toxicological assessment has been performed as we know. A high antioxidant activity of P. tridentatum flower water extract was acessed in good agreement with its ESI-MS spectrum that revealed the presence of several flavonoids, as luteolin-O-(O-acetyl)-glucuronide, luteolin-O- glucuronide or isorhamnetin-O-hexoside. Mitocondrial respiratory rates (state 4, state 3 and FCCP-stimulated respiration) and respiratory indexes (respiratory control and P/O ratios) showed no consistent decrease of respiratory and phosphorylative efficiencies for the concentrations tested (up to 500 μg.mL-1). Cytotoxicity evaluation, using MTT assay, was reliable with the previous results. In conclusion, for the concentration range commonly used P. tridentatum flowers usage can be regarded as harmless and trustworthy

    Can Biofluids Metabolic Profiling Help to Improve Healthcare during Pregnancy?

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    This paper describes a metabonomics study of 2nd trimester biofluids (amniotic fluid, maternal urine, and blood plasma), in an attempt to correlate biofluid metabolic changes with suspected/diagnosed fetal malformations (FM) and chromosomal disorders as well as with later occurring gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), preterm delivery (PTD), and premature rupture of membranes (PROM). The global biochemical picture given by the threesome of biofluids should enable the definition of potential disease signatures and unveil potential metabolite markers for clinical use in predictive prenatal diagnostics. Results show that relatively strong metabolic disturbances accompany FM, reflected in all three biofluids and thus suggesting the involvement of both fetal and maternal metabolisms. Regarding GDM, amniotic fluid and maternal urine seem potential good media to detect early metabolic changes, and PTD subjects show small metabolite changes in the same biofluids, undergoing work being focused on plasma composition. Chromosomal disorders show an interestingly marked effect on maternal urine, whereas no statistically relevant early changes have been observed for PROM subjects. Interestingly, in the case of FM and chromosomal disorders, maternal biofluids show some sensitivity to disorder type, for example, for central nervous system malformations and trisomy 21, respectively. These results show the usefulness of biofluid metabonomics to probe overall metabolic disturbances in relation to prenatal disorders

    Efeitos de plantas aráceas (Colocasia esculenta e Xanthosoma sagittifolim) sobre nemátodes-das-galhas-radiculares (Meloidogyne javanica e M. megadora)

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Ecologia) apresentada à Fac. de Ciências e Tecnologia de CoimbraAguarda-se o resumo do autor

    Efeitos de plantas aráceas (Colocasia esculenta e Xanthosoma sagittifolim) sobre nemátodes-das-galhas-radiculares (Meloidogyne javanica e M. megadora)

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    Tese de doutoramento em Biologia (Ecologia) apresentada à Fac. de Ciências e Tecnologia de CoimbraAguarda-se o resumo do autor

    Agri-Food Waste as a Method for Weed Control and Soil Amendment in Crops

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    The continued and extensive use of synthetic herbicides to control weeds to maximize crop yield is no longer sustainable, as it results in negative impacts on the environment and human health. Innovative sustainable and resilient food production systems should preserve resources and environmental health by incorporating alternative natural herbicides, recycling waste, and favoring a circular economy. The present work assesses the value of different organic waste (Urtica dioica residues, Vicia faba pods, spent coffee grounds, and corn cobs) as bioherbicides and fertilizers in different seasons through pot and field two-year sequential experiments. Pot assays revealed that V. faba pods, spent coffee grounds, and corn cob waste showed the best inhibitory effect, which were subsequently evaluated in the Spring–Summer and Autumn crops. In the field, spent coffee grounds reduced the biomass of total naturally-emerged weeds and stimulated crop growth under scarce rainfall and warm days. However, its effect varied under different environmental conditions. Spent coffee grounds can partially control weeds in the field, which valorizes them as a bioherbicide and boosts sustainable agriculture

    A Brief Review on Processes for Cartilage Repair

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    The aim of the present review was to highlight some of the available processes for cartilage repair and regeneration. Considering the high impact that cartilage degeneration has in the quality of life, in an aging society, efforts to promote better treatments are crucial. The current available processes have advantages and drawbacks, that should be further investigated, aiming to obtain tailored and successful repair. Finally, some suggestions for tissue engineering strategies are presented, so that the scientific community can debate pros and cons to be investigated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio