632 research outputs found

    Construction of Light-trees for WDM Multicasting under Splitting Capability Constraints

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    Reconstruction of eye movements during blinks

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    In eye movement research in reading, the amount of data plays a crucial role for the validation of results. A methodological problem for the analysis of the eye movement in reading are blinks, when readers close their eyes. Blinking rate increases with increasing reading time, resulting in high data losses, especially for older adults or reading impaired subjects. We present a method, based on the symbolic sequence dynamics of the eye movements, that reconstructs the horizontal position of the eyes while the reader blinks. The method makes use of an observed fact that the movements of the eyes before closing or after opening contain information about the eyes movements during blinks. Test results indicate that our reconstruction method is superior to methods that use simpler interpolation approaches. In addition, analyses of the reconstructed data show no significant deviation from the usual behavior observed in readers

    Self-Supervised Learning for Cardiac MR Image Segmentation by Anatomical Position Prediction

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    In the recent years, convolutional neural networks have transformed the field of medical image analysis due to their capacity to learn discriminative image features for a variety of classification and regression tasks. However, successfully learning these features requires a large amount of manually annotated data, which is expensive to acquire and limited by the available resources of expert image analysts. Therefore, unsupervised, weakly-supervised and self-supervised feature learning techniques receive a lot of attention, which aim to utilise the vast amount of available data, while at the same time avoid or substantially reduce the effort of manual annotation. In this paper, we propose a novel way for training a cardiac MR image segmentation network, in which features are learnt in a self-supervised manner by predicting anatomical positions. The anatomical positions serve as a supervisory signal and do not require extra manual annotation. We demonstrate that this seemingly simple task provides a strong signal for feature learning and with self-supervised learning, we achieve a high segmentation accuracy that is better than or comparable to a U-net trained from scratch, especially at a small data setting. When only five annotated subjects are available, the proposed method improves the mean Dice metric from 0.811 to 0.852 for short-axis image segmentation, compared to the baseline U-net

    Control of Reflexive Saccades following Hemispherectomy

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    Individuals who have undergone hemispherectomy for treatment of intractable epilepsy offer a rare and valuable opportunity to examine the ability of a single cortical hemisphere to control oculomotor performance. We used peripheral auditory events to trigger saccades, thereby circumventing dense postsurgical hemianopia. In an antisaccade task, patients generated numerous unintended short-latency saccades toward contralesional auditory events, indicating pronounced limitations in the ability of a single hemicortex to exert normal inhibitory control over ipsilateral (i.e., contralesional) reflexive saccade generation. Despite reflexive errors, patients retained an ability to generate correct antisaccades in both directions. The prosaccade task revealed numerous contralesional express saccades, a robust contralesional gap effect, but the absence of both effects for ipsilesional saccades. These results indicate limits to the saccadic control capabilities following hemispherectomy: A single hemicortex can mediate antisaccades in both directions, but plasticity does not extend fully to the bilateral inhibition of reflexive saccades. We posit that these effects are due to altered control dynamics that reduce the responsivity of the superior colliculus on the intact side and facilitate the release of an auditory-evoked ocular grasp reflex into the blind hemifield that the intact hemicortex has difficulty suppressing

    Nucleotide Sequence of a Cathepsin D Inhibitor Protein from Tomato

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    Caractérisation expérimentale en traction/compression/torsion d'un matériau biosourcé type PHA

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    National audienceDe nouveaux matériaux polymères biosourcés et biodégradables ont fait leur apparition depuis une dizaine d'années. Ces nouveaux matériaux sont une réponse intéressante aux problèmes de ressource et de recyclage-posés par les polymères classiques provenant de la pétrochimie. Ils présentent le double avantage d'être issus de la biomasse, mais également d'être compostables, c'est-à-dire qu'il ne génère aucun toxique en se dégradant, sous certaines conditions spécifiques d'humidité et de température. Nous nous intéressons dans ce travail à une classe particulière de ces nouveaux matériaux biopolymères produits par des micro-organismes : les PolyHydroxyAlkanoates (ou PHA). Les PHA sont des polymères biosourcés, produits par une grande variété de bactéries (Ralstonia, Pseudomonas,…) en tant que réserve énergétique intracellulaire. Ces matériaux présentent malgré tout un défaut important : leur élaboration reste encore souvent difficile à contrôler conduisant à un coût de production souvent prohibitif et limitant leur dissémination dans des secteurs plus conventionnels comme par exemple celui de l'emballage. Pour que ces matériaux aient une diffusion plus importante dans ce secteur, il s'avère nécessaire d'optimiser la forme et la tenue mécanique de ces produits d'emballage. Cela nécessite une bien meilleure connaissance de leur comportement mécanique encore peu connue pour l'instant. Dans ce contexte, cette étude a pour objectif de caractériser expérimentalement puis numériquement le comportement de nuances de PHA [1]. Le but est ensuite d'aboutir à un outil numérique de calcul, capable de dimensionner et simuler le comportement thermo-mécanique de pièces d'emballages en PHA telles que ceux produits par la société EUROPLASTIQUES, partenaire industriel de ce projet. Parallèlement à ce matériau biosourcé, nous étudions également un polymère plus classique, le polypropylène, avec deux objectifs. Tout d'abord l'idée est de valider la méthodologie d'essai, compte tenu du fait que l'on dispose déjà d'une identification partielle d'une nuance de polypropylène, le PPC7712 [2]. D'autre part, ce polypropylène étant également utilisé en emballage, il permettra des comparaisons finales sur les comportements de structures. Pour la caractérisation mécanique de ces matériaux, un dispositif original a été conçu permettant la réalisation d'essais de cycles multiaxiaux simultanés comprenant des phases de traction, torsion et de compression. Ce dispositif comprend une cellule de force à six axes et d'un montage spécifique pour le serrage et le maintien d'une éprouvette cylindrique (Figure 1). Cette éprouvette est obtenue par injection, elle se compose d'une partie cylindrique et de deux têtes hexagonales (Figure 2). Contrairement, aux essais classiques, où les éprouvettes sont maintenues et entraînées par serrage, l'éprouvette est ici liée par obstacle dans les deux sens des trois directions, sans serrage afin d'éviter, autant que possible, l'apparition de contraintes mécaniques initiales. Un système de mors comprenant des plateaux, des vis et des empreintes hexagonales permettent le blocage total de l'éprouvette, quel que soit l'essai envisagé. Le dispositif prend aussi en compte la dispersion prévisible des dimensions des têtes d'éprouvette par l'intermédiaire de lamelles flexibles entre l'accouplement au vérin et le blocage des têtes. Les déformations sont mesurées directement sur l'échantillon grâce à un dispositif de corrélation d'images en 3D (Aramis 4M, GOM), permettant également de vérifier l'homogénéité de la cinématique. Figure 2: Éprouvette de chargement multiaxial Figure 1: Dispositif d'essais multiaxiaux Ce montage original autorise des cycles de sollicitations successives ou combinées de traction, compression et de torsion (Figure 3), à partir d'une seule géométrie d'éprouvette. Dans la littérature, les essais de traction et de cisaillement sont réalisés habituellement avec des éprouvettes de géométrie spécifique à chaque essai. Dans ce cas, il est difficile d'être sûr d'étudier la même structure de matériau, celle-ci étant fortement dépendante du type d'élaboration et des cinétiques de refroidissement, elles-mêmes directement liées aux dimensions géométriques. Le dispositif expérimental développé ici permet d'effectuer des chemins complexes avec changements de direction et de cycles au cours d'un même essai et sur la même éprouvette, autorisant ainsi l'exploration de tout le plan déviatoire de déformation avec prise en compte de l'histoire du chargement. Pour la simulation du comportement de structures, nous utilisons un modèle de comportement 3D d'Hyper-Visco-Hystérésis (HVH) [2], implanté dans le code de calcul Herezh++ [3]. Il tient sa singularité au fait que le comportement du matériau est décomposé en une contribution additive. Tout en incluant un potentiel hyperélastique, cette loi permet de décrire le phénomène d'hystérésis non-visqueux ainsi qu'une dépendance au temps du matériau. Le protocole d'identification, permettant l'obtention des paramètres utiles à ce modèle, est simple et rapide car il ne nécessite qu'un unique type d'essais de traction/compression relaxation [4]

    Second Generation Toolset for Calculation of Induced Seismicity Risk Profiles

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    Emerging pharmacotherapy of tinnitus

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    Tinnitus, the perception of sound in the absence of an auditory stimulus, is perceived by about 1 in 10 adults, and for at least 1 in 100, tinnitus severely affects their quality of life. Because tinnitus is frequently associated with irritability, agitation, stress, insomnia, anxiety and depression, the social and economic burdens of tinnitus can be enormous. No curative treatments are available. However, tinnitus symptoms can be alleviated to some extent. The most widespread management therapies consist of auditory stimulation and cognitive behavioral treatment, aiming at improving habituation and coping strategies. Available clinical trials vary in methodological rigor and have been performed for a considerable number of different drugs. None of the investigated drugs have demonstrated providing replicable long-term reduction of tinnitus impact in the majority of patients in excess of placebo effects. Accordingly, there are no FDA or European Medicines Agency approved drugs for the treatment of tinnitus. However, in spite of the lack of evidence, a large variety of different compounds are prescribed off-label. Therefore, more effective pharmacotherapies for this huge and still growing market are desperately needed and even a drug that produces only a small but significant effect would have an enormous therapeutic impact. This review describes current and emerging pharmacotherapies with current difficulties and limitations. In addition, it provides an estimate of the tinnitus market. Finally, it describes recent advances in the tinnitus field which may help overcome obstacles faced in the pharmacological treatment of tinnitus. These include incomplete knowledge of tinnitus pathophysiology, lack of well-established animal models, heterogeneity of different forms of tinnitus, difficulties in tinnitus assessment and outcome measurement and variability in clinical trial methodology. © 2009 Informa UK Ltd.Fil: Langguth, Berthold. Universitat Regensburg; AlemaniaFil: Salvi, Richard. State University of New York; Estados UnidosFil: Elgoyhen, Ana Belen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Investigaciones en Ingeniería Genética y Biología Molecular "Dr. Héctor N. Torres"; Argentin

    Frontal lobe lesions in man cause difficulties in suppressing reflexive glances and in generating goal-directed saccades

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    The frontal eye field (FEF) and superior colliculus (SC) are thought to form two parallel systems for generating saccadic eye movements. The SC is thought classically to mediate reflex-like orienting movements. Thus it can be hypothesized that the FEF exerts a higher level control on a visual grasp reflex. To test this hypothesis we have studied the saccades of patients who have had discrete unilateral removals of frontal lobe tissue for the relief of intractable epilepsy. The responses of these patients were compared to those of normal subjects and patients with unilateral temporal lobe removals. Two tasks were used. In the first task the subject was instructed to look in the direction of a visual cue that appeared unexpectedly 12° to the left or right of a central fixation point (FP), in order to identify a patterned target that appeared 200 ms or more later. In the second “anti-saccade” task the subject was required to look not at the location of the cue but in the opposite direction, an equal distance from FP where after 200 ms or more the patterned target appeared. Three major observations have emerged from the present study. (a) Most frontal patients, with lesions involving both the dorsolateral and mesial cortex had long term difficulties in suppressing disallowed glances to visual stimuli that suddenly appeared in peripheral vision. (b) In such patients, saccades that were eventually directed away from the cue and towards the target were nearly always triggered by the appearance of the target itself irrespective of whether or not the “anti-saccade” was preceded by a disallowed glance. Those eye movements away from the cue were only rarely generated spontaneously across the blank screen during the cue-target time interval. (c) The latency of these visually-triggered saccades was very short (80–140 ms) compared to that of the correct saccades (170–200 ms) to the cue when the cue and target were on the same side, thereby suggesting that the structures removed in these patients normally trigger saccades after considerable computations have already been performed. The results support the view that the frontal lobes, particularly the dorsolateral region which contains the FEF and possibly the supplementary motor area contribute to the generation of complex saccadic eye-movement behaviour. More specifically, they appear to aid in suppressing unwanted reflex-like oculomotor activity and in triggering the appropriate volitional movements when the goal for the movement is known but not yet visible.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46554/1/221_2004_Article_BF00235863.pd
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