3,175 research outputs found

    String-String triality for d=4, Z_2 orbifolds

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    We investigate the perturbative and non-perturbative correspondence of a class of four dimensional dual string constructions with N=4 and N=2 supersymmetry, obtained as Z_2 or Z_2 x Z_2 orbifolds of the type II, heterotic and type I string. In particular, we discuss the heterotic and type I dual of all the symmetric Z_2 x Z_2 orbifolds of the type II string, classified in hep-th/9901123. .Comment: latex, 50 pages, figures, final published versio

    Classification of the N=2, Z2 X Z2-symmetric type II orbifolds and their type II asymmetric duals

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    Using free world-sheet fermions, we construct and classify all the N=2, Z2 X Z2 four-dimensional orbifolds of the type IIA/B strings for which the orbifold projections act symmetrically on the left and right movers. We study the deformations of these models out of the fermionic point, deriving the partition functions at a generic point in the moduli of the internal torus T6=T2 X T2 X T2. We investigate some of their perturbative and non-perturbative dualities and construct new dual pairs of type IIA/type II asymmetric orbifolds, which are related non-perturbatively and allow us to gain insight into some of the non-perturbative properties of the type IIA/B strings in four dimensions. In particular, we consider some of the (non-)perturbative gravitational corrections.Comment: Latex, 47 pages, no figure

    The Thomson scattering cross section in a magnetized, high density plasma

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    We calculate the Thomson scattering cross section in a non-relativistic, magnetized, high density plasma -- in a regime where collective excitations can be described by magnetohydrodynamics. We show that, in addition to cyclotron resonances and an elastic peak, the cross section exhibits two pairs of peaks associated with slow and fast magnetosonic waves; by contrast, the cross section arising in pure hydrodynamics possesses just a single pair of Brillouin peaks. Both the position and the width of these magnetosonic-wave peaks depend on the ambient magnetic field and temperature, as well as transport and thermodynamic coefficients, and so can therefore serve as a diagnostic tool for plasma properties that are otherwise challenging to measure.Comment: Main paper: pp 1-8. Appendix: pp 8-10. 2 figure

    Axion-like-particle decay in strong electromagnetic backgrounds

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    The decay of a massive pseudoscalar, scalar and U(1) boson into an electron-positron pair in the presence of strong electromagnetic backgrounds is calculated. Of particular interest is the constant-crossed-field limit, relevant for experiments that aim to measure high-energy axion-like-particle conversion into electron-positron pairs in a magnetic field. The total probability depends on the quantum nonlinearity parameter - a product of field and lightfront momentum invariants. Depending on the seed particle mass, different decay regimes are identified. In the below-threshold case, we find the probability depends on a non-perturbative tunnelling exponent depending on the quantum parameter and the particle mass. In the above-threshold case, we find that when the quantum parameter is varied linearly, the probability oscillates nonlinearly around the spontaneous decay probability. A strong-field limit is identified in which the threshold is found to disappear. In modelling the fall-off of a quasi-constant-crossed magnetic field, we calculate probabilities beyond the constant limit and investigate when the decay probability can be regarded as locally constant.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Cauchyness and convergence in fuzzy metric spaces

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    [EN] In this paper we survey some concepts of convergence and Cauchyness appeared separately in the context of fuzzy metric spaces in the sense of George and Veeramani. For each convergence (Cauchyness) concept we find a compatible Cauchyness (convergence) concept. We also study the relationship among them and the relationship with compactness and completeness (defined in a natural sense for each one of the Cauchy concepts). In particular, we prove that compactness implies p-completeness.Almanzor Sapena acknowledges the support of Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under grant TEC2013-45492-R. Valentín Gregori acknowledges the support of Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain under grant MTM 2012-37894-C02-01.Gregori Gregori, V.; Miñana, J.; Morillas, S.; Sapena Piera, A. (2017). Cauchyness and convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 111(1):25-37. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-015-0272-0S25371111Alaca, C., Turkoglu, D., Yildiz, C.: Fixed points in intuitionistic fuzzy metric spaces. Chaos Solitons Fractals 29, 1073–1078 (2006)Edalat, A., Heckmann, R.: A computational model for metric spaces. Theor. Comput. Sci. 193, 53–73 (1998)Engelking, R.: General topology. PWN-Polish Sci. Publ, Warsawa (1977)Fang, J.X.: On fixed point theorems in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 46(1), 107–113 (1992)George, A., Veeramani, P.: On some results in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 64, 395–399 (1994)George, A., Veeramani, P.: Some theorems in fuzzy metric spaces. J. Fuzzy Math. 3, 933–940 (1995)George, A., Veeramani, P.: On some results of analysis for fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 90, 365–368 (1997)Grabiec, M.: Fixed points in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 27, 385–389 (1989)Gregori, V., Romaguera, S.: Some properties of fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 115, 485–489 (2000)Gregori, V., Romaguera, S.: On completion of fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 130, 399–404 (2002)Gregori, V., Romaguera, S.: Characterizing completable fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 144, 411–420 (2004)Gregori, V., López-Crevillén, A., Morillas, S., Sapena, A.: On convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Topol. Appl. 156, 3002–3006 (2009)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.J.: Some concepts realted to continuity in fuzzy metric spaces. In: Proceedings of the conference in applied topology WiAT’13, pp. 85–91 (2013)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J., Sapena, A.: On Banach contraction principles in fuzzy metric spaces (2015, submitted)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J.: std-Convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 267, 140–143 (2015)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J.: Strong convergence in fuzzy metric spaces Filomat (2015, accepted)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J., Morillas, S.: Some questions in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 204, 71–85 (2012)Gregori, V., Miñana, J.-J., Morillas, S.: A note on convergence in fuzzy metric spaces. Iran. J. Fuzzy Syst. 11(4), 75–85 (2014)Gregori, V., Morillas, S., Sapena, A.: On a class of completable fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 161, 2193–2205 (2010)Gregori, V., Morillas, S., Sapena, A.: Examples of fuzzy metric spaces and applications. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 170, 95–111 (2011)Kramosil, I., Michalek, J.: Fuzzy metric and statistical metric spaces. Kybernetika 11, 326–334 (1975)Mihet, D.: On fuzzy contractive mappings in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 158, 915–921 (2007)Mihet, D.: Fuzzy φ\varphi φ -contractive mappings in non-Archimedean fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 159, 739–744 (2008)Mihet, D.: A Banach contraction theorem in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 144, 431–439 (2004)Mishra, S.N., Sharma, N., Singh, S.L.: Common fixed points of maps on fuzzy metric spaces Internat. J. Math. Math. Sci. 17(2), 253–258 (1994)Morillas, S., Sapena, A.: On Cauchy sequences in fuzzy metric spaces. In: Proceedings of the conference in applied topology (WiAT’13), pp. 101–108 (2013)Ricarte, L.A., Romaguera, S.: A domain-theoretic approach to fuzzy metric spaces. Topol. Appl. 163, 149–159 (2014)Sherwood, H.: On the completion of probabilistic metric spaces. Z.Wahrschein-lichkeitstheorie verw. Geb. 6, 62–64 (1966)Sherwood, H.: Complete Probabilistic Metric Spaces. Z. Wahrschein-lichkeitstheorie verw. Geb. 20, 117–128 (1971)Tirado, P.: On compactness and G-completeness in fuzzy metric spaces. Iran. J. Fuzzy Syst. 9(4), 151–158 (2012)Tirado, P.: Contraction mappings in fuzzy quasi-metric spaces and [0,1]-fuzzy posets. Fixed Point Theory 13(1), 273–283 (2012)Vasuki, R., Veeramani, P.: Fixed point theorems and Cauchy sequences in fuzzy metric spaces. Fuzzy Sets Syst. 135(3), 415–417 (2003)Veeramani, P.: Best approximation in fuzzy metric spaces. J. Fuzzy Math. 9, 75–80 (2001

    R^2 Corrections and Non-perturbative Dualities of N=4 String ground states

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    We compute and analyse a variety of four-derivative gravitational terms in the effective action of six- and four-dimensional type II string ground states with N=4 supersymmetry. In six dimensions, we compute the relevant perturbative corrections for the type II string compactified on K3. In four dimensions we do analogous computations for several models with (4,0) and (2,2) supersymmetry. Such ground states are related by heterotic-type II duality or type II-type II U-duality. Perturbative computations in one member of a dual pair give a non-perturbative result in the other member. In particular, the exact CP-even R^2 coupling on the (2,2) side reproduces the tree-level term plus NS 5-brane instanton contributions on the (4,0) side. On the other hand, the exact CP-odd coupling yields the one-loop axionic interaction a.R\wedge R together with a similar instanton sum. In a subset of models, the expected breaking of the SL(2,Z)_S S-duality symmetry to a \Gamma(2)_S subgroup is observed on the non-perturbative thresholds. Moreover, we present a duality chain that provides evidence for the existence of heterotic N=4 models in which N=8 supersymmetry appears at strong coupling.Comment: Latex2e, 51 pages, 1 figur

    Proton imaging of stochastic magnetic fields

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    Recent laser-plasma experiments report the existence of dynamically significant magnetic fields, whose statistical characterisation is essential for understanding the physical processes these experiments are attempting to investigate. In this paper, we show how a proton imaging diagnostic can be used to determine a range of relevant magnetic field statistics, including the magnetic-energy spectrum. To achieve this goal, we explore the properties of an analytic relation between a stochastic magnetic field and the image-flux distribution created upon imaging that field. We conclude that features of the beam's final image-flux distribution often display a universal character determined by a single, field-scale dependent parameter - the contrast parameter - which quantifies the relative size of the correlation length of the stochastic field, proton displacements due to magnetic deflections, and the image magnification. For stochastic magnetic fields, we establish the existence of four contrast regimes - linear, nonlinear injective, caustic and diffusive - under which proton-flux images relate to their parent fields in a qualitatively distinct manner. As a consequence, it is demonstrated that in the linear or nonlinear injective regimes, the path-integrated magnetic field experienced by the beam can be extracted uniquely, as can the magnetic-energy spectrum under a further statistical assumption of isotropy. This is no longer the case in the caustic or diffusive regimes. We also discuss complications to the contrast-regime characterisation arising for inhomogeneous, multi-scale stochastic fields, as well as limitations currently placed by experimental capabilities on extracting magnetic field statistics. The results presented in this paper provide a comprehensive description of proton images of stochastic magnetic fields, with applications for improved analysis of given proton-flux images.Comment: Main paper pp. 1-29; appendices pp. 30-84. 24 figures, 2 table
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