430 research outputs found

    Determination of the most appropriate site selection of wind power plants based Geographic Information System and Multi-Criteria Decision-Making approach in Develi, Turkey

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    Wind power has major benefits including providing for an increasing energy demand while tackling climate change problems. Detailed planning processes such as technical, social, environmental, various agents, and political concerns are essential for the development of wind energy projects. The objective of the present study is to develop a visualization that combines Geographic Information System (GIS) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and implementation for Kayseri, Develi in Turkey as a case study. For the analyzes, CORINE CLC 2000 and other data sources were employed for data acquisition to unlock fragmented and hidden onshore data resources and to facilitate investment in sustainable coastal and inland activities. Several factors were determined in the wind power plant installations such as wind potential, roads, water sources, and these factors were analyzed based on their buffer zones. After detailed analyses, sites near the Havadan (7.87 MW) and Kulpak (9.22 MW) villages were found to be the most suitable locations for the installation of a potential onshore wind farm. The method suggested in this study can be used to analyze the suitability of any region at the regional level for onshore wind power plant and the results of the study can be used to develop based on public perception, renewable energy policies, energy political rules

    Pre-service Teachers’ Explanations of Primitive Terms: Point, Line and Plane

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how pre-service elementary mathematics teachers explain the concepts of point, line and plane, which are primitive terms of Euclidean geometry. A qualitative exploratory case study design was conducted with 61 pre-service mathematics teachers who were selected by the criterion sampling method. As a data collection tool, an open-ended questionnaire was used to determine how prospective teachers can explain point, line and plane concepts in the classroom environment where they will be teaching, and their explanations were taken in writing. The data analysis was done using content analysis technique by means of NVivo10. The findings showed that pre-service mathematics teachers tended to use some signs related to the characteristics of three primitive terms: point, line and plane they attempted to explain as well as the signs belonging to their essence. This can be due to the fact that the concepts tried to be explained are primitive terms and that the explanations given by Euclid about these terms are not easy to understand at the secondary level. Moreover, in some explanations, it was found that more than one sign was used by focusing on the features, models and symbols of the related concept to make the definition more understandable. On the other hand, considering the explanations made by the pre-service teachers in this study, it should be remembered that although the signs (model, shape, feature, symbol, etc.) used for the concept seem to constitute its definition, these signs cannot always literally represent the concept they try to explain and cannot be used in place of the that concept

    Kurds as spies: Information-gathering on the 16th-century Ottoman–Safavid frontier*

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    Examining 16th-century Kurdish politics, particularly in the frontier districts between the Ottoman and Safavid Empires, aptly serves as a starting point for understanding Kurdish regional semi-autonomy. This paper, dedicated to the activities of Kurdish individuals involved in information-gathering on behalf of both the Ottoman and the Safavid Empires, is the first of its kind. The findings presented here are the result of close exploration in the Ottoman archives as well as detailed reading of a number of materials from Ottoman and Safavid chronicles. The paper discusses three main subjects. The introductory section briefly explains the methods and potentials of Kurdish spying as well as some of the particulars of Ottoman–Safavid espionage. The second section provides an overview of two famous Kurdish intellectual historians and the role each played in information-gathering. The third section discusses cases of espionage throughout the political careers of several Kurdish frontier emirs

    An Unpublished Inscription from Bidlīs

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    An Unpublished Inscription from BidlīsAn Unpublished Inscription from Bidlī


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    This qualitative study used a document analysis method to examine the assessment and evaluation activities at the end of each chapter and unit of an eighth-grade science course textbook according to the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) science literacy proficiency scale. The textbook was approved by the Turkish Ministry of Education as the only textbook to be used for a period of five years starting from the 2018–2019 academic year. Descriptive analysis of data obtained from the PISA science literacy proficiency scale was undertaken, expert evaluation was used as a measure of the proficiency level corresponding to each item. Chi-Square goodness of fit test was applied to determine the significance of these values. Intraclass correlation values were calculated to reliably determine the consistency among the opinions of the experts included in this study. The study found that the textbook included activities at proficiency levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5; however, no assessment and evaluation activities were found to be included at level 6. It was also found that 62.23% of the activities were at level 1, 18.02% were at level 2, 11.15% were at level 3, 6.43% were at level 4, and 2.14% were at level 5. Additionally, adequacy levels of the activities were found to differ according to the corresponding units. It is recommended that the content and activities of the textbooks be reviewed again to develop high-level skills according to the PISA science literacy proficiency scale, and that activities used to measure high-level skills be included in the science textbooks.  Article visualizations

    Audit Firm Tenure and Audit Quality Implied by Discretionary Accruals and Modified Opinions: Evidence from Turkey

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    Accounting scandals and bankruptcies across the world have raised concerns about the financial statement audit quality. Though, prior results documented mixed results, some argue that auditors become more familiar with the client and therefore independence is impaired when audit firm tenure gets longer. Consequently, some regulators set a limit on the number of years an audit firm may audit the same client. This study examines the association between audit firm tenure and audit quality in Turkey. We used three measures to proxy audit quality such as propensity to issue modified audit reports and discretionary accruals determined by two models.  We found some evidence that audit quality does not increase with limited audit firm tenure. Given the additional costs associated with audit switch, it is concluded that there are minimal benefits of mandatory firm rotation. The results of this study will be useful for the regulators who are in charge to improve the audit quality. &nbsp

    Siyasî Bir Mühendislik Projesi Olarak Karşı Mihne Uygulamaları

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    İslam tarihinde mihne denildiğinde halku’l-Kur’ân tartışmaları bağlamında Abbâsî halifesi Me’mûn döneminde yapılan uygulamalar akla gelmektedir. Ancak sonraki dönemlerde bizzat Hanbelîler tarafından diğer mezhep mensuplarına benzer uygulamalar yapılmıştır. İslam tarihinde “karşı mihne” olarak ifade edilebilecek bu uygulamaların birçok örneği bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede üç karşı mihne uygulamasına yer verilmiştir. Bunlardan ilki, Hanbelîlerin hicrî beşinci asırda Abbâsîlerin başkenti Bağdat’ta İbn Akîl’e uyguladıkları karşı mihnedir. İkincisi, aynı dönemde ve aynı şehirde yaşayan Eş‘arî Ebû Nasr el-Kuşeyrî’ye uygulanan karşı mihnedir. Üçüncüsü de Eyyûbî ve Memlüklülerin önemli ilim merkezlerinden biri olan Şam’da yaşamış Eş‘arî İzz b. Abdüsselâm’a Hanbelî mezhebine mensup olanların uygulamış olduğu baskılardır. Makalede Hanbelîlerin halku’l-Kur’ân konusunu sürekli canlı tutarak karşı mihne sürecinde nasıl kullandıkları ve uygulamalar esnasında devlet-ulemâ ilişkilerinin Hanbelî-Eş‘arî ilişkileri arasındaki ilişkiyi nasıl etkilediği üzerinde durulmuştur

    Traditional and New Types of Passive Flow Control Techniques to Pave the Way for High Maneuverability and Low Structural Weight for UAVs and MAVs

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    Prevailing utilization of airfoils in the design of micro air vehicles and wind turbines causes to gain attention in terms of determination of flow characterization on these flight vehicles operating at low Reynolds numbers. Thus, these vehicles require flow control techniques to reduce flow phenomena such as boundary layer separation or laminar separation bubble (LSB) affecting aerodynamic performance negatively. This chapter presents a detailed review of traditional passive control techniques for flight vehicle applications operating at low Reynolds numbers. In addition to the traditional methods, a new concept of the pre-stall controller by means of roughness material, flexibility and partial flexibility is highlighted with experimental and numerical results. Results indicate that passive flow control methods can dramatically increase the aerodynamic performance of the aforementioned vehicles by controlling the LSB occurring in the pre-stall region. The control of the LSB with new concept pre-stall control techniques provides lift increment and drag reduction by utilizing significantly less matter consumption and low energy. In particular, new types of these methods presented for the first time by the chapter’s authors have enormously influenced the progress of separation and LSB, resulting in postponing of the stall and enhancing the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine applications


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    Gravestone, which are historical documents, constitute an important part of plastic and aesthetic art in Turkish-Islamic Arts. The stones, which are important in terms of reflecting the artistic, literary, belief and socio-cultural understandings of the period which they belong to, have different characteristics with their shapes, headdress types and inscriptions. Gravestone contain many elements such as gender, position and job in terms of their general appearance. In addition, the headdresses used also make the cults shaped within the framework of Islam prominent and make them easily distinguishable from other stones. The type of headdress used in this context provides information about the cult to which the deceased belonged and the degree to which he belonged. This study is based on the archive of İsmail Fâzıl Ayanoğlu (1893-1975), who was born in Bursa and dedicated his life to foundation works and gravestones. Seventeen gravestones belonging only to Bektashis were evaluated among the gravestones photographed in some cemeteries and treasuries in Istanbul. In the introduction to these stones in the sixth volume of the twelve-volume work, a brief information about the importance of the subject is given and a brief information about Ayanoğlu is presented. Then The stones are analyzed in terms of form, style, and text. Related photographs were cleaned and drawings were made. In the last section, the gravestone were analysed in terms of content, form and headdress, the terms of “Seyyid, Baba and Derviş”, which used in Bektashisim, were emphasised, and after giving information about the types of used only in this sect, they were compared with similar examples in Anatolia