662 research outputs found

    Testing Reionization with Gamma Ray Burst Absorption Spectra

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    We propose to study cosmic reionization using absorption line spectra of high-redshift Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows. We show that the statistics of the dark portions (gaps) in GRB absorption spectra represent exquisite tools to discriminate among different reionization models. We then compute the probability to find the largest gap in a given width range [Wmax, Wmax + dW] at a flux threshold Fth for burst afterglows at redshifts 6.3 < z < 6.7. We show that different reionization scenarios populate the (Wmax, Fth) plane in a very different way, allowing to distinguish among different reionization histories. We provide here useful plots that allow a very simple and direct comparison between observations and model results. Finally, we apply our methods to GRB 050904 detected at z = 6.29. We show that the observation of this burst strongly favors reionization models which predict a highly ionized intergalactic medium at z~6, with an estimated mean neutral hydrogen fraction xHI = 6.4 \pm 0.3 \times 10^-5 along the line of sight towards GRB 050904.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revised to match the accepted version; major change: gap statistics is now studied in terms of the flux threshold Fth, instead of the observed J-band flux FJ; MNRAS in pres

    Mapping metals at high redshift with far-infrared lines

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    Cosmic metal enrichment is one of the key physical processes regulating galaxy formation and the evolution of the intergalactic medium (IGM). However, determining the metal content of the most distant galaxies has proven so far almost impossible; also, absorption line experiments at z6z\sim6 become increasingly difficult because of instrumental limitations and the paucity of background quasars. With the advent of ALMA, far-infrared emission lines provide a novel tool to study early metal enrichment. Among these, the [CII] line at 157.74 μ\mum is the most luminous line emitted by the interstellar medium of galaxies. It can also resonant scatter CMB photons inducing characteristic intensity fluctuations (ΔI/ICMB\Delta I/I_{CMB}) near the peak of the CMB spectrum, thus allowing to probe the low-density IGM. We compute both [CII] galaxy emission and metal-induced CMB fluctuations at z6z\sim 6 by using Adaptive Mesh Refinement cosmological hydrodynamical simulations and produce mock observations to be directly compared with ALMA BAND6 data (νobs272\nu_{obs}\sim 272 GHz). The [CII] line flux is correlated with MUVM_{UV} as log(Fpeak/μJy)=27.2052.253MUV0.038MUV2\log(F_{peak}/\mu{\rm Jy})=-27.205-2.253\,M_{UV}-0.038\,M_{UV}^2. Such relation is in very good agreement with recent ALMA observations (e.g. Maiolino et al. 2015; Capak et al. 2015) of MUV<20M_{UV}<-20 galaxies. We predict that a MUV=19M_{UV}=-19 (MUV=18M_{UV}=-18) galaxy can be detected at 4σ4\sigma in 40\simeq40 (2000) hours, respectively. CMB resonant scattering can produce ±0.1μ\simeq\pm 0.1\,\muJy/beam emission/absorptions features that are very challenging to be detected with current facilities. The best strategy to detect these signals consists in the stacking of deep ALMA observations pointing fields with known MUV19M_{UV}\simeq-19 galaxies. This would allow to simultaneously detect both [CII] emission from galactic reionization sources and CMB fluctuations produced by z6z\sim6 metals.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Dust from AGBs: relevant factors and modelling uncertainties

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    The dust formation process in the winds of Asymptotic Giant Branch stars is discussed, based on full evolutionary models of stars with mass in the range 11M_{\odot} \leqM8\leq 8M_{\odot}, and metallicities 0.001<Z<0.0080.001 < Z <0.008. Dust grains are assumed to form in an isotropically expanding wind, by growth of pre--existing seed nuclei. Convection, for what concerns the treatment of convective borders and the efficiency of the schematization adopted, turns out to be the physical ingredient used to calculate the evolutionary sequences with the highest impact on the results obtained. Low--mass stars with M3\leq 3M_{\odot} produce carbon type dust with also traces of silicon carbide. The mass of solid carbon formed, fairly independently of metallicity, ranges from a few 10410^{-4}M_{\odot}, for stars of initial mass 11.51-1.5M_{\odot}, to 102\sim 10^{-2}M_{\odot} for M22.5\sim 2-2.5M_{\odot}; the size of dust particles is in the range 0.1μ0.1 \mumaC0.2μ\leq a_C \leq 0.2\mum. On the contrary, the production of silicon carbide (SiC) depends on metallicity. For 103Z8×10310^{-3} \leq Z \leq 8\times 10^{-3} the size of SiC grains varies in the range 0.05μm<aSiC<0.1μ0.05 \mu {\rm m} < {\rm a_{SiC}} < 0.1 \mum, while the mass of SiC formed is 105M<MSiC<103M10^{-5}{\rm M}_{\odot} < {\rm M_{SiC}} < 10^{-3}{\rm M}_{\odot}. Models of higher mass experience Hot Bottom Burning, which prevents the formation of carbon stars, and favours the formation of silicates and corundum. In this case the results scale with metallicity, owing to the larger silicon and aluminium contained in higher--Z models. At Z=8×1038\times 10^{-3} we find that the most massive stars produce dust masses md0.01m_d \sim 0.01M_{\odot}, whereas models of smaller mass produce a dust mass ten times smaller. The main component of dust are silicates, although corundum is also formed, in not negligible quantities (1020%\sim 10-20\%).Comment: Paper accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journal (2014 January 4

    A genome walking strategy for the identification of eukaryotic nucleotide sequences adjacent to known regions

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    Determination of nucleotide sequences adjacent to a known region is a recurring need in many genome scale studies. Various methods have been developed based on PCR techniques in order to fulfill th..

    Very extended cold gas, star formation and outflows in the halo of a bright QSO at z>6

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    Past observations of QSO host galaxies at z >6 have found cold gas and star formation on compact scales of a few kiloparsecs. We present new high sensitivity IRAM PdBI follow-up observations of the [CII] 158micron emission line and FIR continuum in the host galaxy of SDSS J1148+5152, a luminous QSO at redshift 6.4189. We find that a large fraction of the gas traced by [CII] is at high velocities, up to ~1400 km/s relative to the systemic velocity, confirming the presence of a major quasar-driven outflow indicated by previous observations. The outflow has a complex morphology and reaches a maximum projected radius of ~30 kpc. The extreme spatial extent of the outflow allows us, for the first time in an external galaxy, to estimate mass-loss rate, kinetic power and momentum rate of the outflow as a function of the projected distance from the nucleus and the dynamical time-scale. These trends reveal multiple outflow events during the past 100 Myr, although the bulk of the mass, energy and momentum appear to have been released more recently, within the past ~20 Myr. Surprisingly, we discover that also the quiescent gas at systemic velocity is extremely extended. More specifically, we find that, while 30% of the [CII] within v\in(-200, 200) km/s traces a compact component that is not resolved by our observations, 70% of the [CII] emission in this velocity range is extended, with a projected FWHM size of 17.4+-1.4 kpc. We detect FIR continuum emission associated with both the compact and the extended [CII] components, although the extended FIR emission has a FWHM of 11+-3 kpc, thus smaller than the extended [CII] source. Overall, our results indicate that the cold gas traced by [CII] is distributed up to r~30 kpc. A large fraction of extended [CII] is likely associated with star formation on large scales, but the [CII] source extends well beyond the FIR continuum.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 21 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables (v2: accepted version, discussion expanded in Sect. 3, 4 and in the Appendices, minor changes elsewhere

    Physical Properties of the First Quasars

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    Since the beginning of the new millennium, more than 100 z6z\sim 6 quasars have been discovered through several surveys and followed-up with multi-wavelength observations. These data provided a large amount of information on the growth of supermassive black holes at the early epochs, the properties of quasar host galaxies and the joint formation and evolution of these massive systems. We review the properties of the highest-zz quasars known so far, especially focusing on some of the most recent results obtained in (sub-)millimeter bands. We discuss key observational challenges and open issues in theoretical models and highlight possible new strategies to improve our understanding of the galaxy-black hole formation and evolution in the early Universe

    The Brightest Lyα\alpha Emitter: Pop III or Black Hole?

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    CR7 is the brightest z=6.6Lyαz=6.6 \, {\rm Ly}\alpha emitter (LAE) known to date, and spectroscopic follow-up by Sobral et al. (2015) suggests that CR7 might host Population (Pop) III stars. We examine this interpretation using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Several simulated galaxies show the same "Pop III wave" pattern observed in CR7. However, to reproduce the extreme CR7 Lyα{\rm Ly}\alpha/HeII1640 line luminosities (Lα/HeIIL_{\rm \alpha/He II}) a top-heavy IMF and a massive (>107M>10^{7}{\rm M}_{\odot}) PopIII burst with age <2<2 Myr are required. Assuming that the observed properties of Lyα{\rm Ly}\alpha and HeII emission are typical for Pop III, we predict that in the COSMOS/UDS/SA22 fields, 14 out of the 30 LAEs at z=6.6z=6.6 with Lα>1043.3ergs1L_{\alpha} >10^{43.3}{\rm erg}\,{\rm s}^{-1} should also host Pop III stars producing an observable LHeII>1042.7ergs1L_{\rm He II}>10^{42.7}{\rm erg}\,{\rm s}^{-1}. As an alternate explanation, we explore the possibility that CR7 is instead powered by accretion onto a Direct Collapse Black Hole (DCBH). Our model predicts LαL_{\alpha}, LHeIIL_{\rm He II}, and X-ray luminosities that are in agreement with the observations. In any case, the observed properties of CR7 indicate that this galaxy is most likely powered by sources formed from pristine gas. We propose that further X-ray observations can distinguish between the two above scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure