519 research outputs found

    Anomaly Mediation and Dimensional Transmutation

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    We show how a sparticle spectrum characteristic of anomaly mediation can arise from a theory whose Lagrangian contains no explicit mass scale. The scale of supersymmetry breaking is governed by the gravitino mass, which is the vacuum expectation value of the F-term of the conformal compensator field, and the tachyonic slepton problem is resolved by the breaking of a U(1) gauge symmetry at a scale determined by dimensional transmutation.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. v2 has added preprint number and acknowledgement

    On the origin of duality in the quantum Hall system

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    We discuss the possible origin of the duality observed in the quantum Hall current-voltage characteristics. We clarify the difference between "particle-vortex" (complex modular) duality, which acts on the full transport tensor, and "charge-flux" ("real") duality, which acts directly on the filling factor. Comparison with experiment strongly favors the form of duality which descends from the modular symmetry group acting holomorphically on the compexified conductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    A Minimal Inflation Scenario

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    We elaborate on a minimal inflation scenario based entirely on the general properties of supersymmetry breaking in supergravity models. We identify the inflaton as the scalar component of the Goldstino superfield. We write plausible candidates for the effective action describing this chiral superfield. In particular the theory depends (apart from parameters of O(1)) on a single free parameter: the scale of supersymmetry breaking. This can be fixed using the amplitude of CMB cosmological perturbations and we therefore obtain the scale of supersymmetry breaking to be 10^{12-14} GeV. The model also incorporates explicit R-symmetry breaking in order to satisfy the slow roll conditions. In our model the eta-problem is solved without extra fine-tuning. We try to obtain as much information as possible in a model independent way using general symmetry properties of the theory's effective action, this leads to a new proposal on how to exit the inflationary phase and reheat the Universe.Comment: matches published version (typo corrected

    Determination of Leading Twist Non-Singlet Operator Matrix Elements by QCD Sum Rules

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    We use QCD sum rules to determine the twist-two non-singlet operator matrix elements and fixed x structure functions paying particular regard to the estimate of the errors. Particularly for the matrix element determination, we find large uncertainties due to radiative and higher dimension contributions. We consider the origin of these large corrections and comment on their consequences for other operator matrix element determinations.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Production of massive stable particles in inflaton decay

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    We point out that inflaton decays can be a copious source of stable or long--lived particles χ\chi with mass exceeding the reheat temperature TRT_R. Once higher order processes are included, this statement is true for any χ\chi particle with renormalizable (gauge or Yukawa) interactions. This contribution to the χ\chi density often exceeds the contribution from thermal χ\chi production, leading to significantly stronger constraints on model parameters than those resulting from thermal χ\chi production alone. For example, we all but exclude models containing stable charged particles with mass less than half the mass of the inflaton.Comment: 4 revtex pages, 1 figure (uses axodraw). Slightly modified for better clarification, few changes in references. Final verssion published in Phys. Rev. Let

    The fine-tuning cost of the likelihood in SUSY models

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    In SUSY models, the fine tuning of the electroweak (EW) scale with respect to their parameters gamma_i={m_0, m_{1/2}, mu_0, A_0, B_0,...} and the maximal likelihood L to fit the experimental data are usually regarded as two different problems. We show that, if one regards the EW minimum conditions as constraints that fix the EW scale, this commonly held view is not correct and that the likelihood contains all the information about fine-tuning. In this case we show that the corrected likelihood is equal to the ratio L/Delta of the usual likelihood L and the traditional fine tuning measure Delta of the EW scale. A similar result is obtained for the integrated likelihood over the set {gamma_i}, that can be written as a surface integral of the ratio L/Delta, with the surface in gamma_i space determined by the EW minimum constraints. As a result, a large likelihood actually demands a large ratio L/Delta or equivalently, a small chi^2_{new}=chi^2_{old}+2*ln(Delta). This shows the fine-tuning cost to the likelihood (chi^2_{new}) of the EW scale stability enforced by SUSY, that is ignored in data fits. A good chi^2_{new}/d.o.f.\approx 1 thus demands SUSY models have a fine tuning amount Delta<<exp(d.o.f./2), which provides a model-independent criterion for acceptable fine-tuning. If this criterion is not met, one can thus rule out SUSY models without a further chi^2/d.o.f. analysis. Numerical methods to fit the data can easily be adapted to account for this effect.Comment: 10 pages (v3: small comment added

    Restoring the sting to metric preheating

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    The relative growth of field and metric perturbations during preheating is sensitive to initial conditions set in the preceding inflationary phase. Recent work suggests this may protect super-Hubble metric perturbations from resonant amplification during preheating. We show that this possibility is fragile and sensitive to the specific form of the interactions between the inflaton and other fields. The suppression is naturally absent in two classes of preheating in which either (1) the vacua of the non-inflaton fields during inflation are deformed away from the origin, or (2) the effective masses of non-inflaton fields during inflation are small but during preheating are large. Unlike the simple toy model of a g2ϕ2χ2g^2 \phi^2 \chi^2 coupling, most realistic particle physics models contain these other features. Moreover, they generically lead to both adiabatic and isocurvature modes and non-Gaussian scars on super-Hubble scales. Large-scale coherent magnetic fields may also appear naturally.Comment: 6 pages, 3 ps figures, RevTex, revised discussion of backreaction and new figure. To appear Phys. Rev. D (Rapid Communication

    D-term Inflation in Superstring Theories

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    An inflationary stage dominated by a DD-term avoids the slow-roll problem of inflation in supergravity and may emerge in theories with a non-anomalous or anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry. The most intriguing and commonly invoked possibility is that the Fayet-Iliopoulos DD-term triggering inflation is the one emerging in superstring theories. We discuss the complications one has to face when trying to build up a successful DD-term inflationary scenario in superstring models. In particular, we show that the ``vacuum shifting'' phenomenon of string theories is usually very efficient even in the early Universe, thus preventing inflation from taking place. On the other hand, when DD-term inflation is free to occur, the presence of a plethora of fields and several non-anomalous additional abelian symmetries in string theories may help in reconciling the value of the Fayet-Iliopoulos DD-term required by the COBE normalization with the value predicted by string theories. We also show that in superstring DD-term inflation gravitinos are likely to pose no cosmological problem.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX fil

    Symmetries and fermion masses

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    We discuss whether quark, charged lepton and neutrino masses and mixing angles may be related by an extended flavour and family symmetry group. We show that current measurements of all fermion masses and mixing angles are consistent with a combination of an underlying SU(3) family symmetry together with a GUT symmetry such as SO(10). In this the near bi-maximal mixing observed in the neutrino sector is directly related to the small mixing observed in the quark sector, the difference between quark and lepton mixing angles being due to the see-saw mechanism. Using this connection we make a detailed prediction for the lepton mixing angles determining neutrino oscillation phenomena.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure. To be submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Racetrack inflation and assisted moduli stabilisation

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    We present a model of inflation based on a racetrack model without flux stabilization. The initial conditions are set automatically through topological inflation. This ensures that the dilaton is not swept to weak coupling through either thermal effects or fast roll. Including the effect of non-dilaton fields we find that moduli provide natural candidates for the inflaton. The resulting potential generates slow-roll inflation without the need to fine tune parameters. The energy scale of inflation must be near the GUT scale and the scalar density perturbation generated has a spectrum consistent with WMAP data.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures (Latex); Error in v.1 eliminated and improved example of modular inflation presente