10 research outputs found

    A study of business enterprise in the city of Wanneroo: Policy implications for the Wanneroo economic development association and the Wanneroo goes for jobs employment task force

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    In February 1993 the Wanneroo Economic Development Association (WEDA) with financial support from the Office of Labour Market Adjustment commissioned the Department of Marketing at Edith Cowan University to undertake a survey of business enterprises within the City of Wanneroo. The study commenced in March 1993 and concluded in November of the same year. The overriding objective of this study was to provide WEDA and the Wanneroo Goes for Jobs Employment Task Force with an empirical data base from which appropriate polices and programmes could be devised. This reports details the findings of this study highlighting the real need for WEDA to recognise the implications of an economic and industrial landscape characteristically embodying a high proportion of small firms from the retail and service sectors, low representation by wholesalers and a proportionately low number of manufacturers. The relative proportions of firms from the various sectors and the orientation of many manufactures accounts for the overwhelming lack of local purchases taking place from within the region

    Un nouveau patrimoine écrit en bibliothÚque : les fonds de littérature jeunesse

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    De l’horticulture au vĂ©gĂ©tal : patrimoine et identitĂ© angevine

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    Les nouveaux patrimoines en Pays de la Loire

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    Richement illustrĂ© et dotĂ© de nombreuses cartes inĂ©dites, cet ouvrage interroge la signification de l’importance croissante des « nouveaux patrimoines ». Contribuant Ă  promouvoir le respect de la diversitĂ© culturelle et la promotion de la crĂ©ativitĂ© humaine, ils prĂ©sentent aussi un versant Ă©conomique non nĂ©gligeable. Ce livre, centrĂ© sur les Pays de la Loire, rassemble une cinquantaine de contributeurs, universitaires et professionnels du patrimoine, du tourisme et de la mĂ©diation culturelle

    Preconditioner-Based Contact Response and Application to Cataract Surgery

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    International audienceIn this paper we introduce a new method to compute, in real-time, the physical behavior of several colliding soft-tissues in a surgical simulation. The numerical approach is based on finite element modeling and allows for a fast update of a large number of tetrahedral elements. The speed-up is obtained by the use of a specific preconditioner that is updated at low frequency. The preconditioning enables an optimized computation of both large deformations and precise contact response. Moreover, homogeneous and inhomogeneous tissues are simulated with the same accuracy. Finally, we illustrate our method in a simulation of one step in a cataract surgery procedure, which require to handle contacts with non homogeneous objects precisely

    Les nouveaux patrimoines en situation urbaine. De la ville Ă  la station balnĂ©aire ou les logiques d’un processus qui intĂšgre la valorisation touristique

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    Le mouvement de prĂ©servation du patrimoine, commencĂ© au xixe siĂšcle, a pris un essor considĂ©rable Ă  la fi n du xxe siĂšcle. Depuis quatre dĂ©cennies, le champ patrimonial s’enrichit d’élĂ©ments du passĂ© jusqu’ici ignorĂ©s ou peu considĂ©rĂ©s : patrimoines matĂ©riels naturels, paysager ou vĂ©gĂ©tal ; patrimoine rural, artisanal, industriel, maritime, militaire et hospitalier. Et l’on observe dĂ©sormais une percĂ©e trĂšs significative vers les patrimoines culturels immatĂ©riels. L’approche de tous ces nouveaux patrimoines est regroupĂ©e ici en plusieurs grands thĂšmes : l’eau, le relief, le rural et l’industrie comme patrimoines ; on y Ă©tudie aussi les nouvelles frontiĂšres du patrimoine, ainsi que les mutations mĂ©thodologiques introduites par la rĂ©volution du numĂ©rique. Richement illustrĂ© et dotĂ© de nombreuses cartes inĂ©dites, le prĂ©sent ouvrage s’interroge sur la signification de cette montĂ©e des nouveaux patrimoines. Ce processus de patrimonialisation rĂ©pond Ă  une demande du public, il accompagne une volontĂ© du citoyen, il contribue Ă  la construction identitaire dans un contexte de mondialisation oĂč chacun Ă©prouve le besoin de racines culturelles. Est-ce un repli sur le passĂ© ou bien une garantie pour la construction de notre avenir ? Sans vouloir trancher, on pourra constater que ces nouveaux patrimoines contribuent Ă  promouvoir le respect de la diversitĂ© culturelle et la promotion de la crĂ©ativitĂ© humaine. Cette montĂ©e des nouveaux patrimoines a aussi gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© une rĂ©flexion sur l’économie du patrimoine. Qui doit financer ? Les associations, les rĂ©gions ou l’État, les instances europĂ©ennes et l’UNESCO ? Tous interviennent pour la valorisation du patrimoine car ils y voient un Ă©lĂ©ment de dĂ©veloppement durable des rĂ©gions. Les Pays de la Loire, riches d’un patrimoine classique autant que de nouveaux patrimoines, se sont engagĂ©s dans cette voie d’une façon active et novatrice

    Regional appropriability: The case of the WARD programme in Western Australia

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    This study examines the link between industrial R&D and industrial innovation. It studies government R&D granting programmes and specifically the Western Australian Research and Development (WARD) grants programme. An evaluation of the WARD grants programme, coupled with case analysis, is used to obtain the empirical evidence for this study. The concept of regional appropriability, or the ability of a nation. or subordinate region, to capture the benefits from public investments in industrial R&D, is central to this study. The scholarly and policy literature are examined in order to ascertain whether there are any explicit or implicit assumptions made relating to regional appropriability, and the factors on which it depends. The concept of regional appropriability is then used as a general measure of the efficacy of government intervention tools, and specifically, as a benchmark against which the WARD programme is evaluated, and the case analysis conducted. This study demonstrates that the Western Australian economy has not captured as much of the benefits, as expected by the State Government, from the WARD programme. It finds that this is due, largely, to government's view, that the link between industrial R&D and the delivery of benefits is grounded in static, economic and mechanistic terms. The delivery of benefits is, however, fundamentally affected by socioeconomic and socio-political factors which converge on the technical aspects of industrial R&D. Consequently, this study reveals that while the WARD programme has been conceived by State Government on the basis of the market failure argument, as it relates to resources for R&D, the factors which account for the lack of success are related to organisational and government failure. The main outcome of this study is to advance the notion of the resource sector milieu for industrial innovation. This notion is outlined by the key concepts of comparative factor advantages, sophisticated buyers and contexted technologies. These concepts relate to the socio-economic and socio-political factors bearing on successful industrial innovation, study demonstrates that for those companies whose technologies are developed within the context of the resource sector milieu for industrial innovation, there is less likelihood that levels of regional appropriability. This will be compromised than those which are located outside this milieu. The resource sector milieu for industrial innovation is offered as a coherent and integrated theoretical platform for State Government intervention aimed at economic and technological growth

    French Basque and BĂ©arnais trade diaspora from the Spanish Basque Country during the eighteenth century

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