A study of business enterprise in the city of Wanneroo: Policy implications for the Wanneroo economic development association and the Wanneroo goes for jobs employment task force


In February 1993 the Wanneroo Economic Development Association (WEDA) with financial support from the Office of Labour Market Adjustment commissioned the Department of Marketing at Edith Cowan University to undertake a survey of business enterprises within the City of Wanneroo. The study commenced in March 1993 and concluded in November of the same year. The overriding objective of this study was to provide WEDA and the Wanneroo Goes for Jobs Employment Task Force with an empirical data base from which appropriate polices and programmes could be devised. This reports details the findings of this study highlighting the real need for WEDA to recognise the implications of an economic and industrial landscape characteristically embodying a high proportion of small firms from the retail and service sectors, low representation by wholesalers and a proportionately low number of manufacturers. The relative proportions of firms from the various sectors and the orientation of many manufactures accounts for the overwhelming lack of local purchases taking place from within the region

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