1,744 research outputs found

    Antioxidant Supplementation in the Treatment of Aging-Associated Diseases

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    Oxidative stress is generally considered as the consequence of an imbalance between pro- and antioxidants species, which often results into indiscriminate and global damage at the organismal level. Elderly people are more susceptible to oxidative stress and this depends, almost in part, from a decreased performance of their endogenous antioxidant system. As many studies reported an inverse correlation between systemic levels of antioxidants and several diseases, primarily cardiovascular diseases, but also diabetes and neurological disorders, antioxidant supplementation has been foreseen as an effective preventive and therapeutic intervention for aging-associated pathologies. However, the expectations of this therapeutic approach have often been partially disappointed by clinical trials. The interplay of both endogenous and exogenous antioxidants with the systemic redox system is very complex and represents an issue that is still under debate. In this review a selection of recent clinical studies concerning antioxidants supplementation and the evaluation of their influence in aging-related diseases is analyzed. The controversial outcomes of antioxidants supplementation therapies, which might partially depend from an underestimation of the patient specific metabolic demand and genetic background, are presented

    Cannabis through the looking glass: chemo- and enantio-selective separation of phytocannabinoids by enantioselective ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography

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    By using the Inverted Chirality Columns Approach (ICCA) we have developed an enantioselective UHPSFC method to determine the enantiomeric excess (ee) of (-)-Δ(9)-THC in medicinal marijuana (Bedrocan®). The ee was high (99.73%), but the concentration of the (+)-enantiomer (0.135%) was not negligible, and it is worth a systematic evaluation of bioactivity

    Conformación de la agroindustria del amaranto en Santiago Tulyehualco, Xochimilco, México. Elementos que han permitido la transformación productiva y social en las familias rurales.

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    El presente trabajo versa sobre el desarrollo de la agroindustria del amaranto al sur del Distrito Federal, Ciudad de México. Esta actividad, además de ser de gran importancia económica para la localidad y comunidades vecinas, ya que en ella participan familias enteras, da un elevado sentido de pertenencia y cohesión entre los habitantes. La actividad agroindustrial consta de cuatro procesos: producción primaria, acopio, transformación y comercialización. Las familias amaranteras, que participan en este trabajo, participan en toda la cadena de valor desde hace varias generaciones. El eje de análisis se refiere a los factores que permiten la transformación en estructura y funcionamiento de la unidad de producción campesina hacia unidades agroindustriales. El enfoque que se utilizará para entender los procesos de cambio que se han dado en las unidades de producción rural y que permiten el desarrollo, evolución y consolidación de las estrategias se basa en el modelo de Organizaciones Productivas Familiares Rurales [1]. Dicho modelo separa tres ámbitos presentes e interrelacionados siempre presentes en las unidades: la propiedad, la familia y la actividad productiva agropecuaria. Este modelo nos ofrece argumentos de gran utilidad para entender los procesos de cambio que se gestan en las unidades campesinas, en su transito hacia la nueva cultura empresarial. Para la colección de información se recurrió a la aplicación de entrevistas, estructuradas, semi-estructuradas e historias de vida. Entre los principales hallazgos se puede mencionar: a) el nivel de desarrollo de la unidad de producción está relacionada con el momento en que se encuentre la familia dentro de su ciclo de desarrollo, b) las características personales del matrimonio propietario son determinantes para el cambio productivo implícito en el avance de la unidad y c) el entendimiento de las familias sobre sus necesidades, y la capacidad de gestión y negociación de sus representantes permiten el acceso a recursos que coadyuvan al cambio productivo. La principal conclusión es que el grado de avance de las unidades de producción, está en función del balance logrado por las familias operadoras entre intereses /necesidades y recursos /capacidades.Agroindustria, familia rural., Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Labor and Human Capital,


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    Surface reflectance has a central role in the analysis of land surface for a broad variety of agricultural, geological and urban studies. An accurate atmospheric correction, obtained by an appropriate selection of aerosol type and loading, is the first requirement for a reliable surface reflectance estimation. The aerosol type is defined by its micro-physical properties, while the aerosol loading is described by optical thickness at 550 nm. The aim of this work is to evaluate the radiative impact of the aerosol model on the surface reflectance obtained from CHRIS (Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) hyperspectral data over land by using the specifically developed algorithm CHRIS@CRI (CHRIS Atmospherically Corrected Reflectance Imagery) based on the 6SV radiative transfer model. Five different aerosol models have been used: one provided by the AERONET inversion products (used as reference), three standard aerosol models in 6SV, and one obtained from the output of the GEOS-Chem global chemistry-transport model (CTM). As test case the urban site of Bruxelles and the suburban area of Rome Tor Vergata have been considered. The results obtained encourages the use of CTM in operational retrieval and provides an evaluation of the role of the aerosol model in the atmospheric correction process, considering the different microphysical properties impact

    Preferencias condicionadas por sexo y drogas: Una comparación de las bases neurales

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    Objetivo. Realizar una comparación comportamental y neurobiológica de las preferencias condicionadas de pareja inducidas por sexo y las condicionadas por drogas en modelos de estudio llevados a cabo en animales de laboratorio. Desarrollo. Las preferencias condicionadas por sexo o por consumo de drogas tienen similitudes. En ambos procesos se aprende a asociar cambios de estado fisiológico y subjetivo a lo que se denomina recompensa con estímulos ambientales, induciendo así la formación de preferencias aprendidas, lo que ha llevado a pensar que tanto las preferencias de pareja que aparecen después de encuentros sexuales como el consumo repetido de drogas dependen, al menos en parte, del condicionamiento clásico que ocurre por la asociación de estímulos condicionados y la recompensa. Además, en ambos procesos se activan áreas cerebrales mesolímbicas que dependen de los mismos neurotransmisores, como la dopamina, los opioides y la oxitocina, entre otros. Agonistas de éstos facilitan el desarrollo de preferencias condicionadas y los antagonistas afectan a su desarrollo. Conclusiones. Los datos en animales experimentales sugieren que las preferencias condicionadas por drogas utilizan mecanismos cerebrales involucrados en la recompensa sexual. Dichos mecanismos se activan para detectar y aprender a buscar estímulos como los sexuales, importantes para la supervivencia y la reproducción

    New Acoustic Design for the Piscina Mirabilis Located nearby the Port of Misenum

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    Many heritage buildings from ancient Rome are being refurbished based on their original plan’s structure. One of them is the piscina mirabilis located nearby in Naples, which was a cistern used by the Romans to collect drinkable water for the navy waiting in the port of Misenum. The piscina mirabilis has similar architectural characteristics to a “cathedral”; however, its current precarious architectural state is the result of high levels of humidity that have caused the proliferation of mould on its vertical and horizontal surfaces over the centuries. Acoustic measurements were conducted inside the piscina mirabilis, highlighting an existing condition of the room being very reverberant, not suitable for occasional speech and conversations. The design proposed by the authors involves some mitigation solutions for the acoustics, mainly focused on controlling the low–medium frequencies and the realization of a restoration project consisting of a raised timber-floored walkway that runs along the perimeter walls, with the addition of water covering the existing floor as a natural element dominating the room volume, which represents the primary function of the building in antiquity. A waterfall was designed to be on the northern side wall. Acoustic studies were an important part of the refurbishment strategy, and a mitigation solution was devised to control medium–low frequencies by using inflated balloons of different sizes that were suspended from the ceiling vaults instead of widely used acoustic panels. The proposed strategy lowered the reverberation time by 3–4 s to accommodate a minimal level of conversational understanding. Such a solution is appropriate for this heritage building as well as other future conservation projects

    Development of a novel CO2splitting fixed-bed reactor based on copper-doped cerium oxide

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    Global warming has received widespread attention in recent years due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide. Looking at the current energy landscape, new technologies must be developed to reduce CO2 emissions. The present work is aimed to develop and test a new prototype of an innovative reactor for the conversion of CO2 into CO, operating according to a two-phase thermochemical cycle. The innovative and main aspect of this study was the use of a reactor coupled with a new type of catalyst, a copper-doped cerium oxide (Cuδ+2Ce(1-δ)O2), which allowed to decrease the temperature of the reaction up to 850°C, much lower than the models present in the literature, tested on 1300/1400°C and even beyond