51 research outputs found

    Comparative simulation of the nitrogen dynamics using the INCA model and a neural network analysis: implications for improved nitrogen modelling

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    International audienceContinuing deposition of nitrogen in forested catchments affects stream and groundwater quality. However, the dependence of nitrogen dynamics on climatic and hydrological boundary conditions is still poorly understood. These dynamics have been investigated by applying the process-oriented Integrated Nitrogen in CAtchments (INCA) model and an artificial neural network to the data set from the forested Steinkreuz catchment in South Germany. The data comprise daily values of precipitation, air temperature and discharge of the catchment runoff. The INCA model simulated the mean nitrate concentration in the stream as well as seasonal fluctuations but it underestimated the short-term variance of the observed stream water nitrate concentration, especially the pronounced concentration peaks in late summer. In contrast, the artificial neural network matched the short-term dynamics using non-linear regressions with stream discharge and air temperature data. The results provide strong evidence that the short-term dynamics of stream nitrate concentration during storm-flow were generated in the riparian zone, which is less than 1% of the catchment area, and is not considered explicitly in the INCA model. The concentration peaks have little effect on the catchment's nitrogen budget and the shallow groundwater data suggest that the short-term hydrological dynamics also govern groundwater recharge in the upland parts of the catchment. This substantial underestimate by the INCA model parameterisation is balanced by a corresponding underestimate of denitrification in clayey layers of the deeper aquifer. A better understanding of these processes is necessary to improve long-term risk assessments. Keywords: catchment, runoff, nitrogen, INCA, artificial neural network, flushin

    Differentiating between crop and soil effects on soil moisture dynamics

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    There is an urgent need to develop sustainable agricultural land use schemes. Intensive crop production has induced increased greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced nutrient and pesticide leaching to groundwater and streams. Climate change is also expected to increase drought risk as well as the frequency of extreme precipitation events in many regions. Consequently, sustainable management schemes require sound knowledge of site-specific soil water processes that explicitly take into account the interplay between soil heterogeneities and crops. In this study, we applied a principal component analysis to a set of 64 soil moisture time series from a diversified cropping field featuring seven distinct crops and two weeding management strategies. Results showed that about 97 % of the spatial and temporal variance of the data set was explained by the first five principal components. Meteorological drivers accounted for 72.3 % of the variance and 17.0 % was attributed to different seasonal behaviour of different crops. While the third (4.1 %) and fourth (2.2 %) principal components were interpreted as effects of soil texture and cropping schemes on soil moisture variance, respectively, the effect of soil depth was represented by the fifth component (1.7 %). However, neither topography nor weed control had a significant effect on soil moisture variance. Contrary to common expectations, soil and rooting pattern heterogeneity seemed not to play a major role. Findings of this study highly depend on local conditions. However, we consider the presented approach generally applicable to a large range of site conditions.</p

    Detecting dominant changes in irregularly sampled multivariate water quality data sets

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    Time series of groundwater and stream water quality often exhibit substantial temporal and spatial variability, whereas typical existing monitoring data sets, e.g. from environmental agencies, are usually characterized by relatively low sampling frequency and irregular sampling in space and/or time. This complicates the differentiation between anthropogenic influence and natural variability as well as the detection of changes in water quality which indicate changes in single drivers. We suggest the new term dominant changes for changes in multivariate water quality data which concern (1) multiple variables, (2) multiple sites and (3) long-term patterns and present an exploratory framework for the detection of such dominant changes in data sets with irregular sampling in space and time. Firstly, a non-linear dimension-reduction technique was used to summarize the dominant spatiotemporal dynamics in the multivariate water quality data set in a few components. Those were used to derive hypotheses on the dominant drivers influencing water quality. Secondly, different sampling sites were compared with respect to median component values. Thirdly, time series of the components at single sites were analysed for long-term patterns. We tested the approach with a joint stream water and groundwater data set quality consisting of 1572 samples, each comprising sixteen variables, sampled with a spatially and temporally irregular sampling scheme at 29 sites in northeast Germany from 1998 to 2009. The first four components were interpreted as (1) an agriculturally induced enhancement of the natural background level of solute concentration, (2) a redox sequence from reducing conditions in deep groundwater to post-oxic conditions in shallow groundwater and oxic conditions in stream water, (3) a mixing ratio of deep and shallow groundwater to the streamflow and (4) sporadic events of slurry application in the agricultural practice. Dominant changes were observed for the first two components. The changing intensity of the first component was interpreted as response to the temporal variability of the thickness of the unsaturated zone. A steady increase in the second component at most stream water sites pointed towards progressing depletion of the denitrification capacity of the deep aquifer.</p

    From microbes to mammals: Pond biodiversity homogenization across different land-use types in an agricultural landscape

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    Local biodiversity patterns are expected to strongly reflect variation in topography, land use, dispersal boundaries, nutrient supplies, contaminant spread, management practices, and other anthropogenic influences. Contrary to this expectation, studies focusing on specific taxa revealed a biodiversity homogenization effect in areas subjected to long-term intensive industrial agriculture. We investigated whether land use affects biodiversity levels and community composition (α- and β-diversity) in 67 kettle holes (KH) representing small aquatic islands embedded in the patchwork matrix of a largely agricultural landscape comprising grassland, forest, and arable fields. These KH, similar to millions of standing water bodies of glacial origin, spread across northern Europe, Asia, and North America, are physico-chemically diverse and differ in the degree of coupling with their surroundings. We assessed aquatic and sediment biodiversity patterns of eukaryotes, Bacteria, and Archaea in relation to environmental features of the KH, using deep-amplicon-sequencing of environmental DNA (eDNA). First, we asked whether deep sequencing of eDNA provides a representative picture of KH aquatic biodiversity across the Bacteria, Archaea, and eukaryotes. Second, we investigated if and to what extent KH biodiversity is influenced by the surrounding land use. We hypothesized that richness and community composition will greatly differ in KH from agricultural land use compared with KH in grasslands and forests. Our data show that deep eDNA amplicon sequencing is useful for in-depth assessments of cross-domain biodiversity comprising both micro- and macro-organisms, but has limitations with respect to single-taxa conservation studies. Using this broad method, we show that sediment eDNA, integrating several years to decades, depicts the history of agricultural land-use intensification. Aquatic biodiversity was best explained by seasonality, whereas land-use type explained little of the variation. We concluded that, counter to our hypothesis, land use intensification coupled with landscape wide nutrient enrichment (including atmospheric deposition), groundwater connectivity between KH and organismal (active and passive) dispersal in the tight network of ponds, resulted in a biodiversity homogenization in the KH water, leveling off today's detectable differences in KH biodiversity between land-use types. These findings have profound implications for measures and management strategies to combat current biodiversity loss in agricultural landscapes worldwide

    Predominance of methanogens over methanotrophs in rewetted fens characterized by high methane emissions

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    The rewetting of drained peatlands alters peat geochemistry and often leads to sustained elevated methane emission. Although this methane is produced entirely by microbial activity, the distribution and abundance of methane-cycling microbes in rewetted peatlands, especially in fens, is rarely described. In this study, we compare the community composition and abundance of methane-cycling microbes in relation to peat porewater geochemistry in two rewetted fens in northeastern Germany, a coastal brackish fen and a freshwater riparian fen, with known high methane fluxes. We utilized 16S rRNA high-throughput sequencing and quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) on 16S rRNA, mcrA, and pmoA genes to determine microbial community composition and the abundance of total bacteria, methanogens, and methanotrophs. Electrical conductivity (EC) was more than 3 times higher in the coastal fen than in the riparian fen, averaging 5.3 and 1.5&thinsp;mS cm−1, respectively. Porewater concentrations of terminal electron acceptors (TEAs) varied within and among the fens. This was also reflected in similarly high intra- and inter-site variations of microbial community composition. Despite these differences in environmental conditions and electron acceptor availability, we found a low abundance of methanotrophs and a high abundance of methanogens, represented in particular by Methanosaetaceae, in both fens. This suggests that rapid (re)establishment of methanogens and slow (re)establishment of methanotrophs contributes to prolonged increased methane emissions following rewetting.</p

    Tillage erosion as an important driver of in‐field biomass patterns in an intensively used hummocky landscape

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    Tillage erosion causes substantial soil redistribution that can exceed water erosion especially in hummocky landscapes under highly mechanized large field agriculture. Consequently, truncated soil profiles can be found on hill shoulders and top slopes, whereas colluvial material is accumulated at footslopes, in depressions, and along downslope field borders. We tested the hypothesis that soil erosion substantially affects in-field patterns of the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) of different crop types on landscape scale. The interrelation between the EVI (RAPIDEYE satellite data; 5 m spatial resolution) as a proxy for crop biomass and modeled total soil erosion (tillage and water erosion modeled using SPEROS-C) was analyzed for the Quillow catchment (size: 196 km2) in Northeast Germany in a wet versus normal year for four crop types (winter wheat, maize, winter rapeseed, winter barley). Our findings clearly indicate that eroded areas had the lowest EVI values, while the highest EVI values were found in depositional areas. The differences in the EVI between erosional and depositional sites are more pronounced in the analyzed normal year. The net effect of total erosion on the EVI compared to areas without pronounced erosion or deposition ranged from −10.2% for maize in the normal year to +3.7% for winter barley in the wet year. Tillage erosion has been identified as an important driver of soil degradation affecting in-field crop biomass patterns in a hummocky ground moraine landscape. While soil erosion estimates are to be made, more attention should be given toward tillage erosion.ISSN:1085-3278ISSN:1099-145

    Comparative simulation of the nitrogen dynamics using the INCA model and a neural network analysis: implications for improved nitrogen modelling

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    Continuing deposition of nitrogen in forested catchments affects stream and groundwater quality. However, the dependence of nitrogen dynamics on climatic and hydrological boundary conditions is still poorly understood. These dynamics have been investigated by applying the process-oriented Integrated Nitrogen in CAtchments (INCA) model and an artificial neural network to the data set from the forested Steinkreuz catchment in South Germany. The data comprise daily values of precipitation, air temperature and discharge of the catchment runoff. The INCA model simulated the mean nitrate concentration in the stream as well as seasonal fluctuations but it underestimated the short-term variance of the observed stream water nitrate concentration, especially the pronounced concentration peaks in late summer. In contrast, the artificial neural network matched the short-term dynamics using non-linear regressions with stream discharge and air temperature data. The results provide strong evidence that the short-term dynamics of stream nitrate concentration during storm-flow were generated in the riparian zone, which is less than 1% of the catchment area, and is not considered explicitly in the INCA model. The concentration peaks have little effect on the catchment’s nitrogen budget and the shallow groundwater data suggest that the short-term hydrological dynamics also govern groundwater recharge in the upland parts of the catchment. This substantial underestimate by the INCA model parameterisation is balanced by a corresponding underestimate of denitrification in clayey layers of the deeper aquifer. A better understanding of these processes is necessary to improve long-term risk assessments.</p> <p style='line-height: 20px;'><b>Keywords: </b>catchment, runoff, nitrogen, INCA, artificial neural network, flushin

    Apparent translatory flow in groundwater recharge and runoff generation

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    A sound understanding of solute transport under stormflow conditions is crucial for assessing groundwater and stream water contamination risk. The vadoze zone exhibits its maximum protective effect, when solute transport occurs via translatory flow. In contrast, short-term hydraulic short circuits via preferential flow can have considerable harmful effects on water quality. The Lehstenbach study combines comprehensive physical and hydrochemical measurements that allow improved understanding of the short-term stream discharge and groundwater recharge dynamics. The data set covers the 1998 catchment wetting-up period, including the second to highest discharge peak, since measurements began in 1987. During that storm, the pressure wave reached 0.9 m depth within 2 h, preceding the discharge peak by another 2 h. In contrast, shallow groundwater response at 3 m depth was delayed considerably. Soil hydrometric data and temperature, aluminum, sulfate, and dissolved organic carbon dynamics in stream water and groundwater indicated translatory flow during groundwater recharge and stormflow runoff generation. In contrast, the observed decline in silica concentration of groundwater and stream water provided strong evidence that seepage flux was restricted to a small fraction of the total soil water pool. Exchange with the matrix was limited by the slow kinetics of silica dissolution, while sulfate and aluminum kinetics are quite rapid, and this feature explains the apparent discrepancy between silica, sulfate, and aluminum data. The results emphasize that preferential flow phenomena are not so much due to inherent properties of the soil matrix as depending on the scale of observation and the observed parameters and their kinetics of equilibrating with the matrix during subsurface transport. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved