151 research outputs found

    Strict Forest Reserve Research in the Margin of the Carpathians, the Vár-hegy Case-Study

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    Sixteen forest reserves are situated in the northern part of Hungary which belongs to the Carpathian region according to EURAC delimitation (Ruffini et al. 2006). These Hungarian forest reserves expand the natural forest remnant/forest reserve net of the Carpathians towards the lower hilly region, representing the deciduous beech and oak forest belts near their lower (xeric) distribution limits. This paper outlines the Hungarian forest reserves belonging to the Carpathian region and the preliminary results of current projects in the Vár-hegy Forest Reserve (Bükk Mts., Hungary) as a case study. The alteration of tree species composition was investigated here based on the reconstruction of forest history in the previous 130 years (management period) and analyses of forest stand inventory. In another project CO2 sequestration changes of these forest stands were modeled since the clear-cutting in the 1880th and carbon stored in the forest ecosystem compartments was estimated. Our results show that the forest reserve stands are presently in a transition state from the managed forest towards a more natural mixed forest with several age-classes

    Magnetic behavior of single crystalline Ho2_2PdSi3_3

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    The magnetic behavior of single-crystal Ho2_2PdSi3_3, crystallizing in an AlB2_2-derived hexagonal structure, is investigated by magnetic susceptibility (χ\chi) and electrical resistivity (ρ\rho) measurements along two directions. There is no dramatic anisotropy in the high temperature Curie-Weiss parameter or in the ρ\rho and isothermal magnetization data, though there is a noticeable anisotropy in the magnitude of ρ\rho between two perpendicular orientations. The degree of anisotropy is overall less prominent than in the Gd (which is an S-state ion!) and Tb analogues. A point of emphasis is that this compound undergoes long range magnetic ordering below 8 K as in the case of analogous Gd and Dy compounds. Considering this fact for these compounds with well-localised f-orbital, the spin glass freezing noted for isomorphous U compounds in the recent literature could be attributed to the role of the f-ligand hybridization, rather than just Pd-Si disorder.Comment: Physical Review B, in pres

    Electronic structure and nesting-driven enhancement of the RKKY interaction at the magnetic ordering propagation vector in Gd2PdSi3 and Tb2PdSi3

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    We present first-time measurements of the Fermi surface and low-energy electronic structure of intermetallic compounds Gd2PdSi3 and Tb2PdSi3 by means of angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). Both materials possess a flower-like Fermi surface consisting of an electron barrel at the G point surrounded by spindle-shaped electron pockets originating from the same band. The band bottom of both features lies at 0.5 eV below the Fermi level. From the experimentally measured band structure, we estimate the momentum-dependent RKKY coupling strength and demonstrate that it is peaked at the 1/2 GK wave vector. Comparison with neutron diffraction data from the same crystals shows perfect agreement of this vector with the propagation vector of the low-temperature in-plane magnetic order, thereby demonstrating the decisive role of the Fermi surface geometry in explaining the complex magnetically ordered ground state of ternary rare earth silicides.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Ameliorated ConA-Induced Hepatitis in the Absence of PKC-theta

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    Severe liver injury that occurs when immune cells mistakenly attack an individual's own liver cells leads to autoimmune hepatitis. In mice, acute hepatitis can be induced by concanavalin A (ConA) treatment, which causes rapid activation of CD1d-positive natural killer (NK) T cells. These activated NKT cells produce large amounts of cytokines, which induce strong inflammation that damages liver tissues. Here we show that PKC-θ−/− mice were resistant to ConA-induced hepatitis due to essential function of PKC-θ in NKT cell development and activation. A dosage of ConA (25 mg/kg) that was lethal to wild-type (WT) mice failed to induce death resulting from liver injury in PKC-θ−/− mice. Correspondingly, ConA-induced production of cytokines such as IFNγ, IL-6, and TNFα, which mediate the inflammation responsible for liver injury, were significantly lower in PKC-θ−/− mice. Peripheral NKT cells had developmental defects at early stages in the thymus in PKC-θ−/− mice, and as a result their frequency and number were greatly reduced. Furthermore, PKC-θ−/− bone marrow adoptively transferred to WT mice displayed similar defects in NKT cell development, suggesting an intrinsic requirement for PKC-θ in NKT cell development. In addition, upon stimulation with NKT cell-specific lipid ligand, peripheral PKC-θ−/− NKT cells produced lower levels of inflammatory cytokines than that of WT NKT cells, suggesting that activation of NKT cells also requires PKC-θ. Our results suggest PKC-θ is an essential molecule required for activation of NKT cell to induce hepatitis, and thus, is a potential drug target for prevention of autoimmune hepatitis

    Do herbivorous minnows have “plug-flow reactor” guts? Evidence from digestive enzyme activities, gastrointestinal fermentation, and luminal nutrient concentrations

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    Few investigations have empirically analyzed fish gut function in the context of chemical reactor models. In this study, digestive enzyme activities, levels of gastrointestinal fermentation products [short chain fatty acids (SCFA)], luminal nutrient concentrations, and the mass of gut contents were measured along the digestive tract in herbivorous and carnivorous minnows to ascertain whether their guts function as “plug-flow reactors” (PFRs). Four of the species, Campostoma anomalum, C. ornatum, C. oligolepis, and C. pauciradii, are members of a monophyletic herbivorous clade, whereas the fifth species, Nocomis micropogon, is a carnivore from an adjacent carnivorous clade. In the context of a PFR model, the activities of amylase, trypsin and lipase, and the concentrations of glucose, protein, and lipid were predicted to decrease moving from the proximal to the distal intestine. I found support for this as these enzyme activities and nutrient concentrations generally decreased moving distally along the intestine of the four Campostoma species. Furthermore, gut content mass and the low SCFA concentrations did not change (increase or decrease) along the gut of any species. Combined with a previous investigation suggesting that species of Campostoma have rapid gut throughput rates, the data presented here generally support Campostoma as having guts that function as PFRs. The carnivorous N. micropogon showed some differences in the measured parameters, which were interpreted in the contexts of intake and retention time to suggest that PFR function breaks down in this carnivorous species

    Terrestrial laser scanning for plot-scale forest measurement

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    Plot-scale measurements have been the foundation for forest surveys and reporting for over 200 years. Through recent integration with airborne and satellite remote sensing, manual measurements of vegetation structure at the plot scale are now the basis for landscape, continental and international mapping of our forest resources. The use of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) for plot-scale measurement was first demonstrated over a decade ago, with the intimation that these instruments could replace manual measurement methods. This has not yet been the case, despite the unparalleled structural information that TLS can capture. For TLS to reach its full potential, these instruments cannot be viewed as a logical progression of existing plot-based measurement. TLS must be viewed as a disruptive technology that requires a rethink of vegetation surveys and their application across a wide range of disciplines. We review the development of TLS as a plotscale measurement tool, including the evolution of both instrument hardware and key data processing methodologies. We highlight two broad data modelling approaches of gap probability and geometrical modelling and the basic theory that underpins these. Finally, we discuss the future prospects for increasing the utilisation of TLS for plot-scale forest assessment and forest monitoring