116 research outputs found

    Deniz Suyu Etkisindeki İki Paralel Pim Bağlantılı Cam-Epoxy Tabakalı Kompozit Plakada Hasar Analizi

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    Konferans Bildirisi -- Teorik ve Uygulamalı Mekanik Türk Milli Komitesi, 2013Conference Paper -- Theoretical and Applied Mechanical Turkish National Committee, 2013Bu çalışmada, deniz suyu etkisindeki iki paralel pimle bağlanmış örgülü cam fiber takviyeli epoksi reçineli kompozit levhaların hasar davranışları araştırılmıştır. Deniz suyunda bekleme süresi ve bağlantı geometrisi değişiminin hasar yükleri ve hasar tipleri üzerine etkileri deneysel yöntemlerle incelenmiştir. Deniz suyunun etkilerini gözlemlemek amacı ile numuneler 0, 3 ve 6 ay sürelerle deniz suyunda bekletilmiştir. Bağlantı geometrisinin etkilerini belirlemek için; plaka üst kısmından delik merkezine olan mesafenin delik çapına oranı (E/D), iki delik merkezi arasındaki mesafenin delik çapına oranı (K/D), delik merkezinden plakanın uzun kenarı arasındaki mesafenin delik çapına oranı (M/D) ve plakanın genişliğinin delik çapına oranı (W/D) parametre olarak seçilmiştir. Deneysel çalışmada hasar yükleri tespit edilmiş olup, numunelerin deniz suyunda kalma sürelerine bağlı olarak hasar yüklerinin düştüğü gözlenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Hasar Analizi, Deniz suyu, Pim bağlantısı, Kompozit levhalar,Prepreg.This study investigates failure behaviors of woven glass fiber reinforced epoxy resin composite plates with two parallel pins jointed and under the effect of seawater. The effects of joint geometry and immersion time in seawater were analyzed by experimental methods. In order to observe the effects of seawater, the samples were kept in seawater for periods of 0 month and 3 and 6 months. For the observation of the joint geometry effect on the failure behaviour, the edge distance-to-upper hole diameter (E/D), the two hole-to-hole centre diameter (K/D), the distance from the upper or the lower edge of the specimen to the centre of the hole-to-hole diameter (M/D), and the width of the specimen-to-hole diameter (W/D) ratios were selected as geometrical parameters. In the study, the failure loads of the samples were determined to have decreased depending on an increase in the immersion time in seawater. Keywords: Failure Analysis, Seawater, Pinned Joint, Composite Plates, Prep

    Çimento esaslı kompozit plakalarla güçlendirilmiş bölme duvarlarının kayma dayanımının belirlenmesi

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Deprem Mühendisliği ve Afet Yönetimi Enstitüsü, 2017Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Management Sciences, 2017Yakın tarih boyunca meydana gelen çok sayıda yıkıcı depremler farklı ülkelerde yüzbinlerce insanın yaşamını yitirmesine ve milyonlarca insanın da evlerini kaybetmesine neden olmuştur. Dünya üzerinde, doğal afetler içerisinden depremin en etkili olduğu ülkelerden birisi de Türkiye’dir. Türkiye çok önemli bir deprem kuşağında yer almaktadır. Dünyanın en aktif fay hatlarından biri olan Kuzey Anadolu Fay Hattı başta olmak üzere Doğu Anadolu Fay Hattı, Batı Anadolu Fay Hattı ve birçok fay hattı ülkemizde bulunmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, yapılan yapıların projelendirilmesinden bitimine kadar olan süreçte deprem etkisini karşılayabilecek düzeyde olması gerekir. Gelişmiş ülkelerde, depremden kaynaklanan can ve mal kayıpları önemli ölçüde azaltılmıştır ve ilgili yönetmeliklerde deprem etkisini karşılayabilecek tasarımlar mevcuttur. Ülkemizde ise deprem risklerinin azaltılması konusunda 17 Ağustos 1999 tarihinde yaşanan büyük felaketten sonra detaylı incelemeler ve önemli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmalardan bir tanesi ise kolon ve kirişlerden oluşan betonarme çerçeve ile sınırlandırılmış bölme duvarlarının çeşitli yöntemlerle güçlendirilmesidir. Yapılan araştırmalar, betonarme çerçeve içerisinde bulunan bölme duvarlarının betonarme taşıyıcı sistemin rijitliğini ve yatay yük taşıma kapasitesini artırdığını göstermektedir. Daha öncesinde önemi üzerinde fazla durulmayan bölme duvarlarının 2007 Deprem Yönetmeliği’nde yapılan birtakım düzenlemeler ve eklemeler sonrasında taşıyıcı sistem üzerindeki katkısı dikkate alınmış ve söz konusu yönetmelikte çeşitli güçlendirme yöntemlerine yer verilmiştir. İçinde bulunduğumuz coğrafyanın tarihine bakılacak olursa yaşanan depremler içerisinde büyük ölçekli depremlerin dışında küçük ölçekli depremlerin de can ve mal kaybına neden olduğu görülmektedir. Bunun nedeni Türkiye’de bulunan mevcut yapıların çoğunun mühendislik hizmeti almamış olmasıdır. Bunun yanı sıra yapıların yapıldığı zamandaki ilgili yönetmeliklere ve standartlara uyulmayan üretimler veya yönetmeliklerdeki eksiklikler can ve mal kaybının artmasının diğer nedenleridir. Dolayısıyla, ülkemizdeki 1999 depremi öncesi yapılmış mevcut yapıların çoğu, mühendislik hizmeti görmediğinden ve denetimlerde ihmallerin olmasından, düşük dayanımlı beton ve yetersiz donatı ile inşa edilen yapılar olup, can ve mal kaybı için büyük risk taşımaktadırlar. Böyle bir durumda, deprem riskini ve can ve mal kaybını azaltmak için mevcut yapıların güçlendirilmesi, yapılacak yeni yapıların da deprem etkisini karşılayabilecek yeterli taşıyıcı sistem güvenliğine sahip olması gerekmektedir. Fakat ülkemizdeki mevcut yapılar dikkate alındığında, güçlendirme işlemleri ciddi ekonomik problemlere yol açacaktır. Bunun için, güçlendirme ihtiyacı olan yapıların güçlendirilmesinde, maliyetin önemli derecede düşük tutulması ve yeterli güvenliğin sağlanması gerekmektedir. İşte bu tez çalışmasında, zayıf yapıların depreme karşı güçlendirilmesinde farklı bir güçlendirme yöntemi oluşturmak, yeni yapılacak yapıların da deprem etkisi altındaki davranışlarının ve performanslarının, yeni bir güçlendirme yöntemi olan kompozit plakalarla güçlendirilen bölme duvarlarının artırılmış ilave katkılarıyla değiştirilmesi ve geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, mevcut binaların ve inşa edilecek yeni binaların yatay etkiler açısından daha güvenli olması ve daha az işçilik gerektirmesi söz konusudur. Ayrıca ülkemizdeki gelişen sanayii ile birlikte yeni güçlendirme metotlarının daha ekonomik ve uygulanabilir olması hedefler arasındadır. Bu tez çalışması için İ.T.Ü. Yapı ve Deprem Mühendisliği Laboratuvarında deneysel olarak çalışılmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, denenmek için 9 adet 760x760 mm ölçekli bölme duvar numuneleri üretilmiştir. Üretilen bu numunelerden bazıları çimento esaslı kompozitlerle (TRCC) güçlendirilmiş ve bu güçlendirme yönteminin dayanıma olan etkisi güçlendirilmeyen şahit numunelerle karşılaştırılarak incelenmiştir. Güçlendirme tekniği olarak kullanılan bu çimento esaslı kompozit (TRCC) malzeme, çimento harcı ve liflerden oluşan kare boşluklu yatay ve düşey doğrultuda dokunmuş ağ şeklinde özel tekstillerden oluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) ve AR Glass içerikli iki farklı tekstil kullanılmıştır. Bu sistemle üretilen kompozitlerin detaylı bir işçilik ve yüzey hazırlığı gerektirmemeleri, yanma dayanımlarının karbon elyafı, epoksi gibi malzemelere göre yüksek olması, güve, bit, mantar vs. ye karşı dirençli olmalarından dolayı dayanımlarında herhangi bir azalmanın olmaması, kopma ve yırtılmalara karşı dayanıklı olmaları, özellikle nem gibi atmosferik koşullardan etkilenmemeleri, ara yüzeylerde yapışma özelliklerinin iyi olması gibi avantajları vardır. Kompozit malzemenin yapımında kullanılan çimento hamuru ise belli oranlarda çimento, kum, su, akışkanlaştırıcı, silis dumanı, uçucu kül, defoamer ve polimer içermektedir. Ayrıca bölme duvarların güçlendirilmesinde kullanılan TRCC sistemler, duvarlar deneye tabi tutulduğunda plakaların basınçla patlayarak deney sonuçlanmadan kopmasını engellemek için tüm kenarlarından 10~15 mm boşluk bırakılarak duvarlara yapıştırılmıştır. Diyagonal olarak deneye tabi tutulan numunelerin basınç yükünü sağlıklı bir şekilde iletmeleri için de düşey yüke maruz kalan köşegenlere beton başlıklar yapılmıştır. Malzemelerle ilgili yapılan deneysel çalışmalar iki aşama halinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. İlk aşamada bölme duvarlar üzerine yapıştırılacak kompozit plakalar üretilmiştir. Sonraki aşamada ise boşluklu tuğlalar kullanılarak 760x760 mm boyutundaki duvar numuneleri üretilmiştir. Üretilen TRCC plakalarla farklı şekillerde güçlendirilen bu bölme duvarların şahit numunelere ve birbirlerine göre kayma dayanımlarındaki, kayma şekil değiştirmelerindeki ve kayma modüllerindeki değişmeler (artışlar ve azalışlar) incelenmiştir.Numerous destructive earthquakes occurred during recent history have caused hundreds of thousands people to lose their lives and millions people being homeless in different countries. Around the world, Turkey is one of the countries where earthquake is the most effective within the natural disasters. Turkey is located in a very important earthquake zone. Particularly North Anatolian Fault Line, East Anatolian Fault Line, Western Anatolian Fault Line and many other fault lines are located in our country. Therefore it must be at a level that can meet the effect of earthquake in the process from the designing of the structures to the end. In developed countries, life and property losses because of the earthquakes are significantly reduced and there are designs that can meet the earthquake effect in the related regulations. On the other hands, after the great disaster that occured on 17 August 1999, detailed and important studies were conducted in order to reduce the earthquake risks in our country. One of these studies is strengthening of infill walls delimited by reinforced concrete frame consisted of columns and beams by various methods. The investigations show that infill walls inside the reinforced concrete frame increase the rigidity and horizontal load carrying capacity of the reinforced concrete structural system. Infill walls, previously with lower priority, were taken into account in the 2007 Turkish Seismic Code by contribution to carrier system and the Code includes different strengthening methods. If we look at the history of the geography we are in, it is seen that besides large-scale earthquakes, small-scale earthquakes also have caused the losses of life and property within the earthquakes taken place. The reason for this is that existing structures in Turkey have not received engineering services. In addition to this, deficiencies in regulations or productions that do not comply with the relevant regulations and standards at the time of construction are other causes of increased loss of life and property. Therefore, most of existing structures built before the earthquake in 1999 in our country were constructed with low-strength concrete and inadequate reinforcement and have great risk for loss of life and property because they do not provide engineering services and there are vitally negligence in audits. In such a case, existing structures should be strengthened in order to mitigate earthquake risk and loss of life and property, and new structures to be constructed should have sufficient carrier system safety to meet the earthquake effect. However, given the existing structures in our country, the strengthening will lead to serious economic problems. For this reason, while the structures that need reinforcement are strengthened, it is necessary to keep the cost considerably low and ensure adequate safety. In this thesis, it is aimed to construct a different strengthening method in strengthening weak structures against earthquake, to make new structures in a shorter time, to be safer and to be economically less costly. Also it is aimed to change and improve the behaviours and performances of the new buildings due to the earthquake with the additional contributions of infill walls strengthened by composite plates which is a new strengthening method. To this end, existing buildings and new buildings to be built are expected to be safer and require less labor in terms of horizontal loads. In addition, it is expected that new strengthening methods will be more economical and feasible with the developing industry in our country. The most important composite materials used in Civil Engineering applications are reinforced concrete. The combination of high compressive stress of the concrete and the high tensile stress of the reinforcement provides an appropriate load carrying capacity in reinforced concrete systems. On the other hand, textile-reinforced composite materials allow the production of thin-walled reinforced concrete elements with high compressive and tensile strength. In recent years, TRCC systems have become attractive with the high performance they provide within cement based composites. These textile-reinforced concretes have better and more homogeneous structure than ordinary concretes and provide good performance with high strength and improved durability characteristics. The textiles can significantly increase the mechanical behaviour of cement matrices under static and dynamic conditions and provide protection against effects of superior tensile strength, toughness, ductility, energy absorption and environmental degradation. Cementitious composites containing textiles have higher strength and they are more effective when compared to randomly dispersed short fibers into the concrete. These textiles have advantages such as good adherence, easy application and working in harmony with cement mortar. In this thesis, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and alkali resistance glass (AR Glass) textile systems are used in the production of cementitious composite plates. AR Glass textile has a more brittle structure while PVA is more ductile. Therefore PVA textile has more energy absorption capacity and its contribution to strength is more. However, in PVA textiles, it is not easy to pass the cement mortar through the voids because the filaments forming the fabric are knitted tightly. This sometimes causes the composite material not to work properly. However, the use of textiles in cementitious composite materials provides higher ductility and tensile strength than glass fiber reinforced concrete and other fiber-containing composites. This thesis has been experimentally studied in Istanbul Technical University, Earthquake and Structural Engineering Laboratory. For this study, 9 pieces of 760x760 mm sized infill wall specimens were produced for testing. Some of these specimens were reinforced with cement based composites (TRCC) and the effect of this strengthening method was examined by comparing with the non-reinforcing test specimens. This cement-based composites used as a strengthening technique consists of cement mortar and special fibrous textiles woven in horizontal and vertical direction with square space. Two different textiles, PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) and AR Glass, were used in this study. The composites produced with such a system have advantages such as no need for detailed workmanship and surface preparation, having higher fire resistance compared to materials such as carbon fiber and epoxy, no reduction in strength due to their resistance to lice, moth, fungus etc. being resistant to rupture and tearing, not to be affected by atmospheric conditions, especially humidity, having strong adhesion on interfaces. Cement paste used in the production of composite plates includes cement, sand, water, silica fume, plasticizer, fly ash, defoamer and polymer at certain ratios. In addition, TRCC systems were applied on the partition walls with 10~15 mm gaps from all sides so that the plates did not breake before the end of the experiment when the infill walls were tested. Experimental studies on materials have been carried out in two stages. In the first stage, composite plates to be bonded on infill walls were produced. The production of these composite plates was carried out in Istanbul Technical University, Composite Structures Laboratory. A total of 48 pieces of plates were produced. A new system was applied for these productions. In this system, the textile was placed on a rotating band and the cement mortar pre-placed into the reservoir located on the machine was poured over the textile while in motion. Textile was wrapped on a metal slab 4 times or 6 times by applying tension on textile. The plates removed from the formwork after one day were cured in water for strengthening. Eventually, the plates were cut in 360x360 mm dimensions to be applied on the infill walls. In the next stage, 760x760 mm wall specimens were produced using hollow bricks. The infill walls were built in 4 rows with 4 bricks in a row. After the first row is completed, the second row starts with half brick. The reason of this is that the bricks do not overlap and so they are not separated from each other because they work in harmony with each other. The joint gaps left between the bricks are 10~15 mm. After the produced wall specimens gain strength for about a week, notches were made on the walls to provide better adherence between the cement mortar used to bond the plates and the wall. Then the plates were adhered on the wall specimens and held for 28 days to gain enough strength. In the final stage, the wall samples placed diagonally in the testing machine were tested under compressive loads. The changes (increase and decrease) in the shear strength, shear deformation and shear modulus of these infill walls differently strengthened with produced TRCC plates in comparison with the reference specimens were analysed.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Some features of floristik composition of diffrent using history of natural pastures in Thrace Region

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    Bu araş tırma, 2011 ve 2012 y ıllarında, Tekirdağ Karahisar köyünde, otlatılan, korunan ve sürülüp terk edilen meralarda yürütülmü ştür. Meraların her birinde belirlenen 4er örneklik alanda 4er hat üzerinde ölçümler yapılmıştır. Ara ştırmada her üç merada bulunan familyalardaki türlerin oranları, bitki türlerinin familyaları, ömür uzunlukları ve doruk tür özellikleri; bu türlere ait bitki ile kaplı alan ve botanik kompozisyona katılım oranları ile meraların benzerlik oranları ve kalite dereceleri belirlenmiştir. Meralarda birbirinden farklı 206 tür tan ımlanmış tır. Bu tür say ıların ın familyalara dağ ılımı; Poaceae 59 (adet), Fabaceae 55 ve Asteraceae 22 ve Lamiaceae 10, Brassicaceae 6, Rosaceae 5, Caryophyllaceae 4, Apiaceae 4, ve diğ er familyalardan 41 adet olmu ş tur. Otlatılan merada tan ımlanan 149 türün 83ü ço k y ıllık (ÇY), 7si iki y ıllık (İY) ve 59u bir y ıllık (BY), 26sı azalıc ı (AZ), 25i ço ğ alıc ı (ÇĞ ) ve 98i istilac ı (İST) olarak bulunmu ş tur. Korunan merada tan ımlanan 177 türün 96sı çok y ıllık, 5.5i iki y ıllık ve 75.5i tek y ıllık, 30.5i azalıc ı, 31i ço ğ alıc ı ve 115.5i istila edici olarak bulunmu ş tur. Sürülüp terkedilen merada tan ımlanan 130 türün 39.5i çok y ıllık, 14.5i iki y ıllık ve 73ü tek y ıllık, 14ü azalıc ı, 22.5i ço ğ alıc ı ve 90.5i istila edici olarak bulunmu ş tur. Otlatılan korunan ve sürülüp terkedilen meraların bitki ile kaplı alan oranları sıras ıyla % 79.06, % 84.48 ve % 65.85 oran ında bulunmu ştur. Meraların benzerlik indeksleri % 39.65 67.67, mera kalite dereceleri (MKD) % 37.65 - 53.27 aras ında de ğ iş miştir. Ara ştırma sonuçları ile Trakya meraların ın diğ er yöremiz meralarına göre baz ı kalitatif özelliklerinin daha yüksek oldu ğ u sonucuna varılm ış tır.This research was carried out on protected and grazing and driven to abandoned pastures with a story o f different uses in Karahisar village of Tekirdağ in 2011 and 2012 years. The measurements were taken on four line in each of four designated sampling areas on the pastures. In the study, In all three pastures, families of plant species, kind of longevity and peak properties of species, climax species characteristics, these species plant covered area and botanical composition participation rates with the similarity coefficients among the pastures quality, grade of pastures was determined. 206different specieshave been identifiedin pastures. The most species have been found in these families as 59 of Poaceae, 55 o f Fabaceae, 22 of Asteraceaeve, 10 of Lamiaceae, 6 of Brassicaceaeve, 5 of Rosaceae, 4 of Apiaceae an d Caryophyllaceae and 41 of other families. On grazing, protected and driven to abandoned pastures species have been found in 149, 177 and 130, respectively. In the grazing pastures, 83 of 149 species are perennial, 7 ones are biennial, 59 are annual and 26 of 149 species are decreasing, 25 ones are increasing and 98 ones invaders species. In the protected pastures, 96 of 177 species are perennial, 5.5 ones are biennial, 75.5 are annual and 30.5 of 177 species are decreasing, 31 ones are increasing and 115.5 ones invaders species. In driven to abandoned pastures, 39.5 of 130 species are perennial, 14.5 ones are biennial, 73 are annual and 14 of 130 species are decreasing, 22.5 ones are increasing and 90.5 ones invaders species. On grazing, protected and driven to abandoned pastures, plant cover percentages are have been found in 79.06%, 84.48% and 65.85%, respectively. Community similarity coefficients an d quality scores varied between 39.65% and 67.67 % and 37.65% - 53.27% as depending on the pastures respectively. According to the quality scores, on protected and grazing pastures were in good and healthy and driven to abandoned pastures were in middle and healthy. According to research results, it was concluded that some qualitative features of Thrace pastures have higher than our other regions of highe r pasture

    Examination of Changes in Certain Biochemical Parameters Before and After Acute Training in Kick Boxers

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    Kickbox is one of the modern martial sports. The psychophysiological demands of a kickbox competition require that athletes achieve high thresholds in various aspects of physical fitness.The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate the physiological properties of kickbox athletes and the activity profile properly in order to put forward proposals for training and new scientific research fields. The blood samples, which were taken before and after the maximal training applied to athletes according to the period, were studied. A total of 50 athletes, including 39 male and 11 female amateurs, were included in the study, with an average age of 20.08±6.33 years. All participants were informed about the study and necessary approvals. There was a significant difference between males and females in terms of BMI (Body Mass Index). It was observed that the GSH values of the athletes increased before and after training in both males and females. On the other hand, IL-1B (interleukin) only increased in males (p<0.05). The information obtained shows that the analyses of the before and after training male kickboxers at the amateur level are significantly more different than that of women. Since GSH is an effective tripeptide of antioxidants involved in the detoxification of harmful compounds, its synthesis is very important for metabolism. It can be said that GSH (glutathione) level may increase with normal exercise in daily life and training in athletes. Furthermore, the athletes should be analyzed metabolically well in response to the stress that may be caused by heavy exercise, and the exercise for improving performance should be achieved by detecting biochemical changes

    RETRACTED: Successful treatment for a giant coronary saccular aneurysm complicated with myocardial infarction in a patient with Behcet's disease: Case report

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    This article has been retracted: please see Elsevier Policy on Article Withdrawal (http://www.elsevier.com/locate/withdrawalpolicy).This article has been retracted at the request of the Corresponding Author.A complaint previously filed by a physician in Turkey claimed that the treatment reported in this article was administered by himself, not by the authors, and that the case report also plagiarized an abstract he reported in an international conference. The issue was investigated by the ethics committee of the Turkish Higher Education Council which ruled in 2014 that there was no ethical violations associated with the case.After the recourse of the physician to Ankara 16th Administrative Court, the court decided on a stay of execution of the previous decision of the ethics committee of the Higher Educational Council

    Mean platelet volume is associated with disease severity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    OBJECTIVE: Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is associated with cardiovascular diseases and thromboembolic events. The mean platelet volume (MPV) is a predictor of cardiovascular thromboembolic events. The aim of the present study is to investigate the association between the MPV and disease severity in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. METHODS: We prospectively included 194 obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients without cardiovascular disease (mean age 56.5±12.5 years) who were undergoing sleep tests. An overnight full laboratory polisomnography examination was conducted on each patient. The patients were divided into 3 groups according to the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI): (1) AHIlow group: 5≤AH


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    Background: Kickboxing is a high-intensity, intermittent combat sport, which is characterized by short-term complex abilities and tactical key movements. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the factors related to variability in potential biochemical parameters and competition behavior of high-level kickboxing athletes. Methods: Blood samples of athletes, which were obtained pre- and post-maximal competition applied in accordance with the period, were investigated. In the study, a total of 50 athletes, which consisted of 39 male and 11 female amateur athletes with a mean age of 20.08 ± 6.33. Results: Significant differences were determined in the Body Mass Index (BMI) values between females and males. It was determined that athletes’ Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST), Alanine Transaminase (ALT), Total Oxidant Level (TOL) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) values were significantly increased pre- and post-competition while it was determined that Total Antioxidant Level (TAL) were significantly decreased (

    The Changes of Chemical Content of Natural Pastures with Different Using History during Growing Season

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    Bu araştırma, Tekirdağ Karahisarlı köyünün otlanan, korunan ve sürülüp terkedilen meralarında iki yıl süreyle (2010 ve 2011) yürütülmüştür. Meraların her birinde 30x20 m (600 m2) 4'er örneklik alan içerisinde belirlenen 4 hat üzerinde 4 farklı noktadan 30 Mart-15 Temmuz arasında 15'er günlük aralıklar ile ot örnekleri alınmıştır. Mera otlarının iki yıllık ortalamalarına göre sırasıyla ham protein (HP), ham yağ (HY), ham kül (HK) oranları korunan merada % 10.93, % 1.78 ve % 7.71, otlanan merada % 9.46, % 2.03 ve % 7.86 ve sürülüp terkedilen merada % 8.55, % 1.69 ve % 8.55 olarak bulunmuştur. Mart-Temmuz arası 15 günlük aralıklarla alınan örneklerde en yüksek ham protein otlanan merada 30 Nisan'da (% 10.86), korunan merada 15 Mayıs'ta (% 12.17) ve sürülüp terkedilen merada 15 Nisan'da (% 14.92) belirlenmiştir. Otun, ADF ve NDF oranları sırasıyla korunan merada % 38.38 ve % 49.68, otlanan merada % 36.92 ve % 51.77 ve sürülüp terkedilen merada % 35.84 ve % 50.93 olarak bulunmuşturThis research was carried out on enclosured, grazed and abandoned pastures in Karahisarlı village in the province of Tekirdağ for two years (2010 and 2011). The measurements were taken on four line in each of four designated sampling areas on the pastures. The forage samples were taken between 30 March and 15 July for 15-days intervals. According to average of the two year, the ratio of crude protein, crude fat, crude ash content were found as 10.93%, 1.78% and 7.71% on enclosured pastures, 9.46%, 2.03% and 7.86% on grazed pastures and 8.55%, 1.69% and 8.55% on abandoned pastures, respectively. Between March and July, samples collected for 15-days intervals indicated that the highest ratioof crude protein was determined on 30 April on grazed pastures (10.86%), on 15 May on enclosured pastures (17.12%) and on 15 April on abandoned pastures (14.92%). ADF and NDF ratios which shows digestibility of feed were found in enclosured range as 38.28% and 49.68%, in the grazed range as 36.92% and 51.77%, on abandoned range as 35.84% and 50.93%, respectivel

    Chronic statin treatment is a predictor of pre-interventional infarct-related artery patency in patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention

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       Background: Beyond lipid-lowering effects, early statin treatment has beneficial effects on prognosis after acute coronary syndrome. Infarct-related artery (IRA) patency before percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is known to be a strong pre­dictor of improved clinical outcome. Aim: We aimed to investigate the effects of chronic statin treatment before admission on IRA patency after myocardial infarction. Methods: In this study, 938 ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients admitted to the hospital within the first 12 h of symptom onset were prospectively enrolled (male, n = 682; female, n = 256; mean age 58.6 ± 12.4 years). All patients underwent emergent primary PCI. Patients were divided into two groups based upon angiographic IRA patency. Impaired IRA patency was defined as Thrombolysis In Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) grade 0 and 1 flow (non-patent IRA group). Angiographic IRA patency was defined as TIMI 2 and 3 flow (patent IRA group). Results: Previous statin usage was more frequent in the patent IRA group (n = 138; 71.9%), than in the non-patent IRA group (n = 110; 14.7%; p &lt; 0.001). Pre-PCI IRA patency was independently associated with body mass index (odds ra­tio [OR] = 1.087, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.005–1.176, p &lt; 0.001), previous chronic statin use (OR 0.065, 95% CI 0.043–0.098, p = 0.039), ejection fraction (OR 1.041, 95% CI 1.018–1.064, p &lt; 0.001), and SYNTAX score (OR 0.927, 95% CI 0.899–0.957, p &lt; 0.001) in multivariate logistic regression analysis. Conclusions: Chronic pre-treatment with statins is a significant predictor of the IRA patency in patients with STEMI

    Uric acid and high sensitive C-reactive protein are associated with subclinical thoracic aortic atherosclerosis

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    AbstractBackground and purposeThe detection of atherosclerotic lesions in the aorta by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a marker of diffuse atherosclerotic disease. Hyperuricemia is a well-recognized risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. However, no data are available concerning the relationship between serum uric acid (UA) and subclinical thoracic aortic atherosclerosis. We aimed to investigate the association between thoracic aortic atherosclerosis and serum UA level.MethodsWe studied 181 patients (mean age 46.3±8 years) who underwent TEE for various indications. Four different grades were determined according to intima–media thickness (IMT) of thoracic aorta. UA and other biochemical markers were measured with an automated chemistry analyzer.ResultsTEE evaluation characterized thoracic aortic intimal morphology as Grade 1 in 69 patients, Grade 2 in 52 patients, Grade 3 in 31 patients, and Grade 4 in 29 patients. The highest UA level was observed in patients with Grade 4 IMT when compared with Grade 1 and 2 IMT groups (p<0.001 and p=0.014, respectively). UA levels in patients with Grade 3 and Grade 2 IMT were also higher than patients with Grade 1 IMT group (p<0.001, for all). In multiple linear regression analysis, IMT was independently associated with UA level (β=0.350, p<0.001), age (β=0.219, p=0.001), total cholesterol (β=−0.212, p=0.031), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (β=0.350, p=0.001), and high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) levels (β=0.148, p=0.014).ConclusionUric acid and hsCRP levels are independently and positively associated with subclinical thoracic atherosclerosis