Some features of floristik composition of diffrent using history of natural pastures in Thrace Region


Bu araş tırma, 2011 ve 2012 y ıllarında, Tekirdağ Karahisar köyünde, otlatılan, korunan ve sürülüp terk edilen meralarda yürütülmü ştür. Meraların her birinde belirlenen 4er örneklik alanda 4er hat üzerinde ölçümler yapılmıştır. Ara ştırmada her üç merada bulunan familyalardaki türlerin oranları, bitki türlerinin familyaları, ömür uzunlukları ve doruk tür özellikleri; bu türlere ait bitki ile kaplı alan ve botanik kompozisyona katılım oranları ile meraların benzerlik oranları ve kalite dereceleri belirlenmiştir. Meralarda birbirinden farklı 206 tür tan ımlanmış tır. Bu tür say ıların ın familyalara dağ ılımı; Poaceae 59 (adet), Fabaceae 55 ve Asteraceae 22 ve Lamiaceae 10, Brassicaceae 6, Rosaceae 5, Caryophyllaceae 4, Apiaceae 4, ve diğ er familyalardan 41 adet olmu ş tur. Otlatılan merada tan ımlanan 149 türün 83ü ço k y ıllık (ÇY), 7si iki y ıllık (İY) ve 59u bir y ıllık (BY), 26sı azalıc ı (AZ), 25i ço ğ alıc ı (ÇĞ ) ve 98i istilac ı (İST) olarak bulunmu ş tur. Korunan merada tan ımlanan 177 türün 96sı çok y ıllık, 5.5i iki y ıllık ve 75.5i tek y ıllık, 30.5i azalıc ı, 31i ço ğ alıc ı ve 115.5i istila edici olarak bulunmu ş tur. Sürülüp terkedilen merada tan ımlanan 130 türün 39.5i çok y ıllık, 14.5i iki y ıllık ve 73ü tek y ıllık, 14ü azalıc ı, 22.5i ço ğ alıc ı ve 90.5i istila edici olarak bulunmu ş tur. Otlatılan korunan ve sürülüp terkedilen meraların bitki ile kaplı alan oranları sıras ıyla % 79.06, % 84.48 ve % 65.85 oran ında bulunmu ştur. Meraların benzerlik indeksleri % 39.65 67.67, mera kalite dereceleri (MKD) % 37.65 - 53.27 aras ında de ğ iş miştir. Ara ştırma sonuçları ile Trakya meraların ın diğ er yöremiz meralarına göre baz ı kalitatif özelliklerinin daha yüksek oldu ğ u sonucuna varılm ış tır.This research was carried out on protected and grazing and driven to abandoned pastures with a story o f different uses in Karahisar village of Tekirdağ in 2011 and 2012 years. The measurements were taken on four line in each of four designated sampling areas on the pastures. In the study, In all three pastures, families of plant species, kind of longevity and peak properties of species, climax species characteristics, these species plant covered area and botanical composition participation rates with the similarity coefficients among the pastures quality, grade of pastures was determined. 206different specieshave been identifiedin pastures. The most species have been found in these families as 59 of Poaceae, 55 o f Fabaceae, 22 of Asteraceaeve, 10 of Lamiaceae, 6 of Brassicaceaeve, 5 of Rosaceae, 4 of Apiaceae an d Caryophyllaceae and 41 of other families. On grazing, protected and driven to abandoned pastures species have been found in 149, 177 and 130, respectively. In the grazing pastures, 83 of 149 species are perennial, 7 ones are biennial, 59 are annual and 26 of 149 species are decreasing, 25 ones are increasing and 98 ones invaders species. In the protected pastures, 96 of 177 species are perennial, 5.5 ones are biennial, 75.5 are annual and 30.5 of 177 species are decreasing, 31 ones are increasing and 115.5 ones invaders species. In driven to abandoned pastures, 39.5 of 130 species are perennial, 14.5 ones are biennial, 73 are annual and 14 of 130 species are decreasing, 22.5 ones are increasing and 90.5 ones invaders species. On grazing, protected and driven to abandoned pastures, plant cover percentages are have been found in 79.06%, 84.48% and 65.85%, respectively. Community similarity coefficients an d quality scores varied between 39.65% and 67.67 % and 37.65% - 53.27% as depending on the pastures respectively. According to the quality scores, on protected and grazing pastures were in good and healthy and driven to abandoned pastures were in middle and healthy. According to research results, it was concluded that some qualitative features of Thrace pastures have higher than our other regions of highe r pasture

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