713 research outputs found

    Biological properties of European bitterling Rhodeus amarus (Bloch, 1782) in Dinsiz Stream, Turkey

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    The aim of this article was to some morphometric characteristics of Rhodeus amarus from Dinsiz Stream. A morphological analysis of 21 morphometric characters were done. These characteristics  total length (TL); fork length (FL); standard length (SL); predorsal length; dorsal fin base length; dorsal fin length; head length; pretorbital length; eye diameter; postorbital length; interorbital distance; body height; preanal distance; anal fin base length; anal fin length; pectoral fin base length; pectoral fin length; ventral fin base length; ventral fin length; caudal peduncle depth and weight (W). The samples were measured weight to the nearest 0.01 g and total, fork and standard length to the nearest 0.01 mm. The total length (TL) and weight (W min-max) of the fish were 4.2- 7.1 cm and 1.699- 7.444 g, respectively.Keywords: Rhodeus amarus; European bitterling; morphometric properties; Dinsiz Stream Turke

    Design of Experiment Study of the Parameters that Affect Performance of a Thermoplastic Elastomer Spring of a Hybrid Vehicle Torque Limiter

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    Due to the C02 emission ratio restrictions, hybrid vehicles become more popular nowadays. Because of that reason, research studies on hybrid vehicles and their powertrain systems have been increased recently. There are several types of hybrid vehicle powertrain structures in use by the car manufacturers; they depend on both the drive modes and the design of conventional and electrical engine layout designed by the car manufacturers. The most known of these structures is the power split hybrid structure. In this study, a thermoplastic elastomer spring was mechanically investigated, which has been designed for torque limiter of a power split type hybrid powertrain. The function of the elastomer spring is to damp the abnormal contact between damper inner metallic components during limiting function. The result of finite element analyses and stiffness measurement result of real parts were compared


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    The international meetings held have repeatedly demonstrated the importance of environmental education. The success of the thematic education approach has been demonstrated by previous studies and it is thought that this approach will also be successful in environmental education. Starting from here, in this study, the effect of the thematic environmental education activities on students' responsible behavior towards the environment was investigated. The study was carried out with 5th grade students studying in a public secondary school in the 2022-2023 academic year. In the research conducted in the quasi-experimental model, data were collected by applying the pretest-posttest to the non-random experimental and control groups. The data were obtained from the Behavior Towards the Environment Test form. The pretests and posttests applied to the experimental and control groups were subjected to descriptive statistical analysis (mean and standard deviation). Afterwards, the assumptions of the independent samples t-test were examined to examine whether the differences observed between the groups were statistically significant. According to the findings of the study, a positive significant difference was found in the environmentally responsible behaviors of the students studying with thematic environmental education activities compared to the students studying with the current curriculum

    Hollywood in Homes: Crowdsourcing Data Collection for Activity Understanding

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    Computer vision has a great potential to help our daily lives by searching for lost keys, watering flowers or reminding us to take a pill. To succeed with such tasks, computer vision methods need to be trained from real and diverse examples of our daily dynamic scenes. While most of such scenes are not particularly exciting, they typically do not appear on YouTube, in movies or TV broadcasts. So how do we collect sufficiently many diverse but boring samples representing our lives? We propose a novel Hollywood in Homes approach to collect such data. Instead of shooting videos in the lab, we ensure diversity by distributing and crowdsourcing the whole process of video creation from script writing to video recording and annotation. Following this procedure we collect a new dataset, Charades, with hundreds of people recording videos in their own homes, acting out casual everyday activities. The dataset is composed of 9,848 annotated videos with an average length of 30 seconds, showing activities of 267 people from three continents. Each video is annotated by multiple free-text descriptions, action labels, action intervals and classes of interacted objects. In total, Charades provides 27,847 video descriptions, 66,500 temporally localized intervals for 157 action classes and 41,104 labels for 46 object classes. Using this rich data, we evaluate and provide baseline results for several tasks including action recognition and automatic description generation. We believe that the realism, diversity, and casual nature of this dataset will present unique challenges and new opportunities for computer vision community

    Breeding properties of Esox lucius (L., 1758) living in Kapulukaya Dam Lake (Kirikkale, Turkey)

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    This study involves the investigation of the breeding properties of Esox lucius (L., 1758) living in Kapulukaya Dam Lake in Turkey. It was observed that the fish reaches sexual maturity at the age of 3, and the breeding period starts in February and ends in March. The highest and lowest gonadosomatic index (GSI) values were determined in February and July, respectively. The average egg number per fish was estimated to be 19781.75 ± 12051.09. The relations between the fecundity (F), body length (L) and body weight (W) were found as F = 0.00137275 × L2.675 (r = 0.85) and F = 32.38038307 × W0.9564 (r = 0.87).Keywords: Esox lucius, Northern pike, breeding, Kapulukaya Dam Lake, TurkeyAfrican Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 9(34), pp. 5560-5565, 23 August, 201

    Application of peaks over threshold method in flood frequency analysis in Seyhan Basin

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    Taşkın frekans analizi; nehirlerdeki belirli tekerrürlere veya olasılıklara karşı gelen akım miktarlarını elde edebilmek için kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Bu yolla hidrolik yapıların projelendirilmesi ve ekonomik olarak değerlendirilmesi sağlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada Seyhan Havzası’nda yer alan 1801 no’lu istasyon için eşik üstü pik değerleri kullanılarak taşkın frekans analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Eşik değer; eşik değer seçme grafiği, ortalama kalıntı ömrü grafiği, yayılım indeksi grafiği ile ortalama ve standart sapmaya bağlı yöntem olmak üzere dört farklı yöntemle belirlenmiş ve elde dilen eşik üstü piklerin bağımsız olup olmadıkları otokorelasyon analizi ile sınanmıştır. Bir sonraki adımda, kısmi süreklilik serilerinde sıklıkla kullanılan Genelleştirilmiş Pareto dağılımı uygulanarak gözlenmiş değerlere uygunluğu sınanmıştır. Genelleştirilmiş Pareto dağılımının parametrelerinin ve hesaplanan 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 ile 1000 yıl tekerrürlü taşkın debileri üzerinden güven aralıklarının belirlenmesiyle belirsizlik analizi yapılmıştır. Son olarak farklı tekerrürler için hesaplanan taşkın debilerinin, yıllık maksimum değerler üzerinden elde edilen aynı tekerrürlü taşkın debileri ile karşılaştırılması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre eşik üstü piklerin analizi ile elde edilen taşkın tahminlerinin yıllık maksimumların analizi ile elde edilen taşkın tahminlerine kıyasla düşük tekerrür aralıklarında daha büyük farklar gösterdiği, büyük tekerrürlerde ise (500 ve 1000 yıl) nispeten yakın sonuçlara ulaşıldığı görülmüştür.Flood frequency analysis is a statistical method that is used to obtain the amounts of flow corresponding to certain recurrences or probabilities in rivers. In this way, the design and economic evaluation of hydraulic structures is provided. In this study, flood frequency analysis was performed for the station numbered 1801 and located in Seyhan Basin by using peak values over an assigned threshold. Threshold value was determined through four different methods that include threshold selection plot, mean residual life plot, dispersion index plot as well as the method based on the mean and standard deviation; and autocorrelation analysis has been tested to determine whether the peaks obtained above the threshold are independent. Generalized Pareto distribution which is frequently used in partial duration series was applied and tested against the historically observed series. Uncertainty analysis was performed by determining the parameters of the Generalized Pareto distribution and the confidence intervals over the calculated flood flows of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50 100, 200, 500 and 1000 years. Finally, flood quantities with the recurrence intervals of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1000 years were computed and compared to the corresponding quantities obtained from the annual maximum series. According to the results, it was observed that, the differences between the flood estimates obtained by peaks over threshold method and the analysis of annual maximums were bigger for the smaller recurrence intervals and the differences were relatively small for large recurrence intervals (500 and 1000 years)

    Budist Sanatta ve İkonografide Buda’nın Temel Mudraları ve Fiziksel Özellikleri

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    İkonografik ögeler sanat tarihinin olduğu kadar dinler tarihinin de önemli kaynaklarındandır. Bu eserlerden dinî şahıslara, öğretilere ve anlatılara dair geniş malumat elde edilebilir. Üzerinde çalışacağımız Budizm ikonografi yönünden son derece zengin bir dinî gelenektir. Antik Hint sanatı üzerine bina edilen, Pers ve Grek sanatından etkilenen ve yayıldığı toprakların kültürel rengini bünyesine katan Budist sanat, tarih boyunca çok zengin ikonografik eserler üretmiştir. Budist ikonografinin temel unsuru Buda’dır. Buda’nın şahsı, yaşamı ve öğretisi bu eserlerde Budist sanatçılar tarafından tasvir edilmiştir. Bu tasvirler içinde öne çıkan bir husus ise mudra adı verilen el jestleridir. Bedenin genel duruşu da dikkate alınarak değerlendirilen mudralar Buda ve Budist gelenek açısından çok kıymetli bilgiler ortaya koyar. Elinizdeki makale görsel ögeler eşliğinde temel mudralar, bunların anlamı ve önemi ile Budist sanatta Buda’nın öne çıkan kimi fiziksel özellikleri üzerinde duracak, Budist ikonografinin Budist geleneği ve öğretiyi aktarmadaki önemini ortaya koymaya çalışacaktır. Bunu yaparken çalışmada Budist sanat ve ikonografi, sanat tarihi yaklaşımı ile değil, dinler tarihi bakış açısı ile ele alınacaktır

    Conservation Status of Three Rare and Endemic Species From Turkey (Kalidium Wagenitzii, Muscari Adilii Verbascum Gypsicola)

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    DergiPark: 751851trkjnatBu çalışma ile Türkiye’nin İç Anadolu bölgesi için endemik olan K. wagenitzii (Aellen) Freitag amp; G. Kadereit, M. adilii M. B. Güner amp; H. Duman ve V. gypsicola Vural amp; Aydoğdu türlerinin popülasyon yapıları ve yayılış alanlarının belirlenmesi ve bunların sonucunda IUCN tehlike kategorilerinin tekrardan değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu türlerin seçilmesinin nedeni sahip oldukları sınırlı yayılış alanları ile insan faktörü sonucu yüksek oranda yok olma riski taşımalarıdır. Çok yıllık halofitik K. wagenitzii türünün Tuz Gölü çevresinde 5 lokalitede yayılışı belirlenmiş ve toplam olgun birey sayısı 6458 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı 36 km2 olmasına karşın yayılış alanı 213 km2 dir. Tarım amaçlı kontrolsüz su kaynaklarının kullanılması önemli bir tehdit faktörüdür. K. wagenitzii türünün tehdit kategorisi IUCN Kırmızı Liste kriterlerine göre EN olarak değerlendirilmiştir. M. adilii marnlı toprakları tercih etmekte ve habitat tipi P. nigra ve meşe ormanlarının yıkımı sonucu oluşan steplerdir. Nallıhan-Beypazarı çevresinde 3 lokaliteden bilinmekte ve olgun birey sayısı 6144 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı ve yayılış alanı sırasıyla 12 km2 ve 28 km2 dir. Tür üzerindeki baskılar yol inşası ve tarım alanlarının büyümesi, ağaçlandırma çalışmaları ve fabrika kurulumu olup CR kategorisinde değerlendirilmiştir. V. gypsicola marnlı topraklarda yayılmaktadır. Beypazarı-Nallıhan çevresinden 3 lokalite ve Sivirihisar-Eskişehir’de bir lokalite yayılışı bulunmaktadır. Olgun birey sayısı 2755 olarak belirlenmiştir. Yaşam alanları toplamı 16 km2 ve yayılış alanı 269 km2 dir. Aşırı otlatma ve tarım alanlarının büyümesi ile birlikte fabrika kurulumu tür üzerindeki baskılar olup EN olarak değerlendirilmiştir.In this study, we aimed to determine the population size and distribution areas and to re-evaluate IUCN threat categories of Kalidium wagenitzii (Aellen) Freitag amp; G. Kadereit, Muscari adilii M.B. Güner amp; H. Duman and Verbascum gypsicola Vural amp; Aydoğdu, which are endemics of the Central Anatolia region of Turkey. The three species have limited distribution areas and high risk of extinction as a result of human impact. The perennial halophytic species K. wagenitzii was found in 5 localities around Salt Lake (Tuz Gölü) and a total number of 6458 mature individuals were determined. The area of occupancy of the species is 36 km2 and the extent of occurrence is 213 km2. Uncontrolled use of water resources for agricultural purposes is a serious threat factor for the species. Kalidium wagenitzii is listed in EN category according to the IUCN Red List criteria. Muscari adilii prefers marly soils and its habitat type is formed by secondary succession after the destruction of Pinus nigra and oak forests. It is known from 3 localities around Nallıhan-Beypazarı with a population size of 6144 mature individuals. The area of occupancy and the extent of occurrence of the species is 12 km2 and 28 km2, respectively. The pressures on the species are road construction and increase of farmland, afforestation and factory establishment. According to the IUCN Red List criteria, the species is listed in CR category. Verbascum gypsicola is distributed on marly soils. It is known from 3 localities around Nallıhan–Beypazarı and one locality in Sivrihisar-Eskişehir with 2755 mature individuals in total. The area of occupancy of the species is 16 km2 and the extent of occurrence is 269 km2. Overgrazing and expansion of agricultural land, together with factory establishment are the major threats for this species, which is listed as EN in IUCN Red List.

    Cyclostationarity based blind block timing estimation for alamouti coded mimo signals

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    Blind parameter estimation algorithms provide a powerful tool for application scenarios where the use of training or pilot sequences is not desirable, e.g., in order to improve the bandwidth efficiency of the transmission, or in non-cooperative scenarios where such sequences are not available to the receiver. This letter proposes a blind block timing estimation algorithm for Alamouti space-time block coded signals exploiting the second order joint cyclostationary characteristics of the received signal vector, which is induced by the space time block coding operation performed by the transmitter. The proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms by a wide margin