802 research outputs found

    Is the chiral U(1) theory trivial?

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    The chiral U(1) theory differs from the corresponding vector theory by an imaginary contribution to the effective action which amounts to a phase factor in the partition function. The vector theory, i.e. QED, is known to be trivial in the continuum limit. It is argued that the presence of the phase factor will not alter this result and the chiral theory is non-interacting as well.Comment: 4 pages, contribution to Lattice 2000 (Chiral Gauge Theories

    Lattice Chiral Schwinger Model in the Continuum Formulation

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    We pursue further an approach to lattice chiral fermions in which the fermions are treated in the continuum. To render the effective action gauge invariant, counterterms have to be introduced. We determine the counterterms for smooth gauge fields, both analytically and numerically. The final result is that the imaginary part of the effective action can be computed analytically from the lattice gauge field, while the real part is given by one half of the action of the corresponding vector model.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, contribution to the LATTICE97 Proceeding

    Parton distributions from the lattice

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    I review the current status of lattice calculations for two selected observables related to nucleon structure: the second moment of the unpolarized parton distribution, (u-d), and the first moment of the polarized parton distribution, the non-singlet axial coupling gA. The major challenge is the requirement to extract them sufficiently close to the chiral limit. In the former case, there still remains a puzzling disagreement between lattice data and experiment. For the latter quantity, however, we may be close to obtaining its value from the lattice in the immediate future.Comment: Invited review at BARYONS 2004, Palaiseau, France, October 25 - 29, 200

    Three-point functions in noncompact lattice QED

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    We calculate fermion-antifermion-"meson" three-point functions in noncompact lattice QED with dynamical staggered fermions and use them to extract effective Yukawa couplings. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that QED is trivial.Comment: Latex article. 3 pages, ps file. Contribution to LAT93, Dallas, U.S.A. HLRZ preprint 93-7

    One-loop renormalisation for the second moment of GPDs with Wilson fermions

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    We calculate the non-forward quark matrix elements for operators with two covariant derivatives in one-loop lattice perturbation theory using Wilson fermions. These matrix elements are needed in the renormalisation of the second moment of generalised parton distributions measured in lattice QCD. For some commonly used representations of the hypercubic group we determine the sets of all mixing operators and find the matrices of mixing and renormalisation factors.Comment: Lattice 2004(improved), 3 pages, LaTeX style file, espcrc2.sty include

    Seeking the Equation of State of Non-Compact Lattice QED

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    We perform a high statistics calculation of the equation of state for non-compact QED on large lattices. The calculation extends to fermionic correlation lengths of 8\approx 8, and it is combined with a finite size scaling analysis of the lattice data.Comment: 32 pages, uuencoded Z-compressed postscript file. Also available from http://www.desy.de/pub/preprints/desy/1996

    Interpolation of Non-abelian Lattice Gauge Fields

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    We propose a method for interpolating non-abelian lattice gauge fields to the continuum, or to a finer lattice, which satisfies the properties of (i) transverse continuity, (ii) (lattice) rotation and translation covariance, (iii) gauge covariance, (iv) locality. These are the properties required for use in our earlier proposal for non-perturbative formulation and simulation of chiral gauge theories.Comment: A few typos corrected, a reference and a clarifying comment added. To appear in Nuclear Physics B. 16 pages, LateX, 1 figure. This interpolation scheme is intended for use in our formulation of lattice chiral gauge theory, Nucl. Phys. B455 (1990) 287, hep-ph/950633

    Generalized parton distributions and structure functions from full lattice QCD

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    We present here the latest results from the QCDSF collaboration for (moments of) structure functions and generalized form factors in full QCD with Nf=2 O(a)-improved Wilson fermions based on simulations closer to the chiral and continuum limit.Comment: Talks presented by D.Pleiter and J.Zanotti at Lattice2004(weak), Fermilab, June 21-26, 2004, 6 pages, 9 figure

    Renormalisation of Composite Operators in Lattice Perturbation Theory with Clover Fermions: Non-forward Matrix Elements

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    We consider the renormalisation of lattice QCD operators with one and two covariant derivatives related to the first and second moments of generalised parton distributions and meson distribution amplitudes. Employing the clover fermion action we calculate their non-forward quark matrix elements in one-loop lattice perturbation theory. For some representations of the hypercubic group commonly used in simulations we determine the sets of all possible mixing operators and compute the matrices of renormalisation factors in one-loop approximation. We describe how tadpole improvement is applied to the results.Comment: 16 pages; v2: eqs.(27), (28), (74)-(79) corrected, several signs changed in section III.