12 research outputs found

    Thresholding methods in non-intrusive load monitoring

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    Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is the problem of predicting the status or consumption of individual domestic appliances only from the knowledge of the aggregated power load. NILM is often formulated as a classifcation (ON/OFF) problem for each device. However, the training datasets gathered by smart meters do not contain these labels, but only the electric consumption at every time interval. This paper addresses a fundamental methodological problem in how a NILM problem is posed, namely how the diferent possible thresholding methods lead to diferent classifcation problems. Standard datasets and NILM deep learning models are used to illustrate how the choice of thresholding method afects the output results. Some criteria that should be considered for the choice of such methods are also proposed. Finally, we propose a slight modifcation to current deep learning models for multi-tasking, i.e. tackling the classifcation and regression problems simultaneously. Transfer learning between both problems might improve performance on each of them.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Cádiz/CBUA. This research has been financed in part by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación under grants PID2021-122154NB-I00 and TED2021-129455B-I00, and by a 2021 BBVA Foundation project for research in Mathematics. He also acknowledges support from the EU under the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme and the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia (FEDER-UCA18-108393)

    Exceptional Legendre Polynomials and Confluent Darboux Transformations

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    Exceptional orthogonal polynomials are families of orthogonal polynomials that arise as solutions of Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems. They generalize the classical families of Hermite, Laguerre, and Jacobi polynomials by allowing for polynomial sequences that miss a finite number of "exceptional" degrees. In this paper we introduce a new construction of multi-parameter exceptional Legendre polynomials by considering the isospectral deformation of the classical Legendre operator. Using confluent Darboux transformations and a technique from inverse scattering theory, we obtain a fully explicit description of the operators and polynomials in question. The main novelty of the paper is the novel construction that allows for exceptional polynomial families with an arbitrary number of real parameters.MAGF would like to thank the Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig (Germany), where some of her work took place. DGU acknowledges support from the Spanish MICINN under grants PGC2018-096504-B-C33 and RTI2018-100754-B-I00 and the European Union under the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia (project FEDER-UCA18-108393)

    Toward Automated Feature Extraction for Deep Learning Classification of Electrocardiogram Signals

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    Many recent studies have focused on the automatic classification of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals using deep learning (DL) methods. Most rely on existing complex DL methods, such as transfer learning or providing the models with carefully designed extracted features based on domain knowledge. A common assumption is that the deeper and more complex the DL model is, the better it learns. In this study, we propose two different DL models for automatic feature extraction from ECG signals for classification tasks: A CNN-LSTM hybrid model and an attention/transformer-based model with wavelet transform for the dimensional embedding. Both of the models extract the features from time series at the initial layers of the neural networks and can obtain performance at least equal to, if not greater than, many contemporary deep neural networks. To validate our hypothesis, we used three publicly available data-sets to evaluate the proposed models. Our model achieved a benchmark accuracy of 99.92% for fall detection and 99.93% for the PTB database for myocardial infarction versus normal heartbeat classification

    Exceptional Gegenbauer polynomials via isospectral deformation

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    In this paper, we show how to construct exceptional orthogonal polynomials (XOP) using isospectral deformations of classical orthogonal polynomials. The construction is based on confluent Darboux transformations, where repeated factorizations at the same eigenvalue are allowed. These factorizations allow us to construct Sturm–Liouville problems with polynomial eigenfunctions that have an arbitrary number of realvalued parameters. We illustrate this new construction by exhibiting the class of deformed Gegenbauer polynomials, which are XOP families that are isospectral deformations of classical Gegenbauer polynomials.Spanish MINECO through Juan de la Cierva fellowship FJC2019-039681-I, Spanish State Research Agency through BCAM Severo Ochoa excellence accreditation SEV-2017-0718, Basque Government through the BERC Programme 2022-2025, projects PGC2018-096504-B-C33 and RTI2018-100754-B-I00 from FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion-Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, the European Union under the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme, and the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia (project FEDER-UCA18-108393

    Exceptional Gegenbauer polynomials via isospectral deformation

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    In this paper, we show how to construct exceptional orthogonal polynomials (XOP) using isospectral deformations of classical orthogonal polynomials. The construction is based on confluent Darboux transformations, where repeated factorizations at the same eigenvalue are allowed. These factorizations allow us to construct Sturm-Liouville problems with polynomial eigenfunctions that have an arbitrary number of realvalued parameters. We illustrate this new construction by exhibiting the class of deformed Gegenbauer polynomials, which are XOP families that are isospectral deformations of classical Gegenbauer polynomials

    A Bochner type characterization theorem for exceptional orthogonal polynomials

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    It was recently conjectured that every system of exceptional orthogonal polynomials is related to a classical orthogonal polynomial system by a sequence of Darboux transformations. In this paper we prove this conjecture, which paves the road to a complete classification of all exceptional orthogonal polynomials. In some sense, this paper can be regarded as the extension of Bochner's result for classical orthogonal polynomials to the exceptional class. As a supplementary result, we derive a canonical form for exceptional operators based on a bilinear formalism, and prove that every exceptional operator has trivial monodromy at all primary poles

    A Bochner type characterization theorem for exceptional orthogonal polynomials

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    It was recently conjectured that every system of exceptional orthogonal polynomials is related to a classical orthogonal polynomial system by a sequence of Darboux transformations. In this paper we prove this conjecture, which paves the road to a complete classification of all exceptional orthogonal polynomials. In some sense, this paper can be regarded as the extension of Bochner's result for classical orthogonal polynomials to the exceptional class. As a supplementary result, we derive a canonical form for exceptional operators based on a bilinear formalism, and prove that every exceptional operator has trivial monodromy at all primary poles

    TUN-AI: Tuna biomass estimation with Machine Learning models trained on oceanography and echosounder FAD data

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    The use of dFADs by tuna purse-seine fisheries is widespread across oceans, and the echo-sounder buoys attached to these dFADs provide fishermen with estimates of tuna biomass aggregated to them. This information has potential for gaining insight into tuna behaviour and abundance, but has traditionally been difficult to process and use. The current study combines FAD logbook data, oceanographic data and echo-sounder buoy data to evaluate different Machine Learning models and establish a pipeline, named TUN-AI, for processing echo-sounder buoy data and estimating tuna biomass (in metric tons, t) at various levels of complexity: binary classification, ternary classification and regression. Models were trained and tested on over 5000 sets and over 6000 deployments. Of all the models evaluated, the best performing one uses a 3-day window of echo-sounder data, oceanographic data and position/time derived features. This model is able to estimate if tuna biomass was higher than 10 t or lower than 10 t with an F1-score of 0.925. When directly estimating tuna biomass, the best model (Gradient Boosting) has an error (MAE) of 21.6 t and a relative error (SMAPE) of 29.5%, when evaluated over sets. All models tested improved when enriched with oceanographic and position-derived features, highlighting the importance of these features when using echo-sounder buoy data. Potential applications of this methodology, and future improvements, are discussed.12 página

    Fall Detection from Electrocardiogram (ECG) Signals and Classification by Deep Transfer Learning

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    Fall is a prominent issue due to its severe consequences both physically and mentally. Fall detection and prevention is a critical area of research because it can help elderly people to depend less on caregivers and allow them to live and move more independently. Using electrocardiograms (ECG) signals independently for fall detection and activity classification is a novel approach used in this paper. An algorithm has been proposed which uses pre-trained convolutional neural networks AlexNet and GoogLeNet as a classifier between the fall and no fall scenarios using electrocardiogram signals. The ECGs for both falling and no falling cases were obtained as part of the study using eight volunteers. The signals are pre-processed using an elliptical filter for signal noises such as baseline wander and power-line interface. As feature extractors, frequency-time representations (scalograms) were obtained by applying a continuous wavelet transform on the filtered ECG signals. These scalograms were used as inputs to the neural network and a significant validation accuracy of 98.08% was achieved in the first model. The trained model is able to distinguish ECGs with a fall activity from an ECG with a no fall activity with an accuracy of 98.02%. For the verification of the robustness of the proposed algorithm, our experimental dataset was augmented by adding two different publicly available datasets to it. The second model can classify fall, daily activities and no activities with an accuracy of 98.44%. These models were developed by transfer learning from the domain of real images to the medical images. In comparison to traditional deep learning approaches, the transfer learning not only avoids "reinventing the wheel," but also presents a lightweight solution to otherwise computationally heavy problems.This research was funded by the research support program of Fb2, Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. The research of D.G.-U. has been supported in part by the Spanish MICINN under grants PGC2018-096504-B-C33 and RTI2018-100754-B-I00, the European Union under the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme and the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia (project FEDER-UCA18-108393). The research of I.M.-B. has been supported in part by the European Commission (ERDF), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities [RTI2018-093608-BC33]

    Big data: conceptos, tecnologías y aplicaciones

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    La captura de datos a través de aplicaciones y teléfonos móviles produce cantidades ingentes de información sobre nuestro día a día online. Es por ello comprensible que dichos datos tengan cada vez más valor, ya que se utilizan para mejorar las relaciones con los ciudadanos o clientes, personalizar servicios y productos y automatizar todo tipo de procesos. Descubrir que estamos cediendo nuestra información personal despierta a menudo el pánico general, pero hasta las actividades más rutinarias -como consultar el tiempo o pasar el robot aspirador- suponen la apertura de una ventana a nuestra privacidad; la misma que también hace posible que una aplicación traduzca un texto sin mucho esfuerzo o que nuestro móvil nos resuelva una duda preguntándole a viva voz. En este libro se explican, de manera accesible, los conceptos básicos del big data y la ciencia de datos, algunos de sus beneficios y riesgos, y se promueve un uso responsable de la tecnología