226 research outputs found

    Revelació i testimoniatge en "Lo Somni" : models sacres i proemials

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    Resum El llibre segon de Lo somni conclou amb un episodi quasi epilogal (II, vi, 14-18) que en aquest treball s’analitza revisant detalladament l’ús de les fonts. Per a bastir una justificació de la seva obra, Metge ha combinat diversos models, especialment la Philosophiae consolatio de Boeci, la retòrica sagrada de la Bíblia i els proemis del Corbaccio i de la Genealogia deorum gentilium de Giovanni Boccaccio. També s’analitza la relació entre els conceptes de testimoniatge i de corpus phantasticum (I, iii, 7). Abstract The second book of Lo somni ends with an episode that is almost an epilogue (II, vi, 14-18) analysed in this paper through a detailed revision of the use of sources. In order to give a justification for his work, Metge appeals to different models, particularly to Boethius’ Philosophiae consolatio, the sacred rhetoric of the Bible and Giovanni Boccaccio’s proems to his Corbaccio and his Genealogia deorum gentilium. This paper also focuses on the link between the concepts of testimony and corpus phantasticum (I, iii, 7)

    El frau de l’alquimista en l’infern dantesc de Joan Pasqual i en la tradició medieval

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    This article presents and analyses chapter XLVI from the Tractat de les penes particulars d’infern by Catalan franciscan friar Joan Pasqual, written soon after 1436. This chapter, “Del cercle de l’alquímia”, includes an exemplum which is doubly significant: on the one hand, it documents the alchemic legend in the Plantagenets’ court during the 14th and 15th centuries; on the other hand, and most importantly, it is a new testimony of two narrative motifs of Eastern origin: the fake alchemist and the king (Thompson, K.111.4; Tubach, 89), and the account-book of mistakes or fools (Thompson,J.1371). After introducing the medieval witnesses of these motifs, the alchemic legend of Ramon Llull and king Edward of England, and Joan Pasqual in his historical context, the essay offers an edition of the Catalan text and a thorough comparative analysis with the more evident witnesses within the tradition: for the whole story, the Kit?b al-mukht?rf? kashf al-asr?r (IX, 9) by Al-Jawbar?, the exemplum XX in the Libro del conde Lucanor by don Juan Manuel and the anonymous Libro del caballero Zifar; also Fèlix or Llibre de meravelles (VI, 36[4].47-68) by Ramon Llull for the motif of the alchemist and the king, and the novella LXXIV in the Novellino Borghini for the motif of the account-book of mistakes of fools. The conclusions of this analysis allow to trace the outline of a very useful stemma narrationum to discuss the position of Geoffrey Chaucer’s The canon’s yeoman’s tale within this tradition

    Dante en la cultura catalana a l’entorn del Casal de Barcelona (1381-1410/12)

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    This article analyzes in a historical context the earliest evidences of Dante’s influence on Catalan culture during the reigns of Kings Peter IV, John I and Martin of Aragon, until the interregnum (1410-12) and the change of dynasty resulting from the Compromise of Caspe (1412). French courts, Avignon papal curia and the close personal, political and dynastic ties between the kingdoms of Sicily and Aragon constitute the background on which this paper studies the many echoes of Dante —from the Commedia, from the commentaries on Dante and from the so-called silloge boccaccesca— to be found around the chancellery and the court of Aragon: specifically, in Bernat Metge’s Llibre de Fortuna e Prudència (1381) and Lo somni (c. 1398); in Andreu Febrer’s, Gilabert de Pròixida’s and Melcior de Gualbes’ poetry; in one letter from Martin of Aragon (1408), and in Felip de Malla’s early predication (1411, 1413).  L’article analitza en un context històric les primeres mostres d’influència de Dante en la cultura catalana durant els regnats de Pere el Cerimoniós, Joan I i Martí l’Humà, fins a l’interregne (1410-12) i el canvi de dinastia resultant del Compromís de Casp (1412). Les corts de França, la cúria papal d’Avinyó i, sobretot, els estrets lligams personals, políticsi dinàstics entre la Corona d’Aragó i el regne de Sicília constitueixen el rerefons sobre el qual s’estudien els nombrosos ressons de Dante —la Commedia, la crítica dantesca i el Dante líric de l’anomenada silloge boccaccesca— a l’entorn de la cancelleria i la cort d’Aragó: concretament, en el Llibre de Fortuna e Prudència (1381) i en Lo somni (c. 1398) de Bernat Metge; en l’obra lírica d’Andreu Febrer, Gilabert de Pròixida i Melcior de Gualbes; en la correspondència de Martíl’Humà (1408), i en la predicació de Felip de Malla (1411, 1413).This article analyses in a historical context the earliest evidence of Dante’s influence on Catalan culture during the reigns of Kings Peter IV, John I and Martin of Aragon, until the interregnum (1410-12) and the change of dynasty resulting from the Compromise of Caspe (1412). French courts, Avignon papal curia and the close personal, political and dynastic ties between the kingdoms of Sicily and Aragon constitute the background on which this paper studies the many echoes of Dante —from the Commedia, from the commentaries on Dante and from the so-called silloge boccaccesca— to be found around the chancellery and the court of Aragon: specifically, in Bernat Metge’s Llibre de Fortuna e Prudència (1381) and Lo somni (c. 1398); in Andreu Febrer’s, Gilabert de Pròixida’s and Melcior de Gualbes’ poetry; in one letter from Martin of Aragon (1408), and in Felip de Malla’s early predication (1411, 1413)

    Lola Badia i Albert Soler (eds.), 'Intel·lectuals i escriptors a la Baixa Edat Mitjana' /

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    Volum commemoratiu dels set anys d'activitat del Seminari de Literatura Medieval de la Universitat de Barcelona (1988-1994)Presentació dels nous treballs del volum

    Lluís Cabré, Alejandro Coroleu, Montserrat Ferrer, Albert Lloret i Josep Pujol, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300-1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy

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    Obra ressenyada: Lluís CABRÉ, Alejandro COROLEU, Montserrat FERRER, Albert LLORET i Josep PUJOL, The Classical Tradition in Medieval Catalan, 1300-1500: Translation, Imitation, and Literacy. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer - Tamesis, 2018