4,422 research outputs found

    Situation of the Science Libraries in Argentine

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    The purpose of this work is to introduce the present-day situation of the Libraries of Science in the Argentine Republic, emphasising on there possibilities of access to information. The first division that we can do in this area is: special libraries and academic libraries. This is our starting point. We also point out the Programs or Projects originated in the Ministry of Culture and Education that directly affect the present situation of academic libraries, like the University Interconnection Network (RIU), the Fund for the Improviment of the University Quality (FOMEC), and the University Information System (SIU)

    Assessment of CTF boiling transition and critical heat flux modeling capabilities using the OECD/NRC BFBT and PSBT benchmark databases

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    The need to refine models for best-estimate calculations, based on good-quality experimental data, has been expressed in many recent meetings in the field of nuclear applications. The modeling needs arising in this respect should not be limited to the currently available macroscopic methods but should be extended to next-generation analysis techniques that focus on more microscopic processes. One of the most valuable databases identified for the thermalhydraulics modeling was developed by the Nuclear Power Engineering Corporation (NUPEC), Japan. From 1987 to 1995, NUPEC performed steady-state and transient critical power and departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) test series based on the equivalent full-size mock-ups. Considering the reliability not only of the measured data, but also other relevant parameters such as the system pressure, inlet sub-cooling and rod surface temperature, these test series supplied the first substantial database for the development of truly mechanistic and consistent models for boiling transition and critical heat flux. Over the last few years the Pennsylvania State University (PSU) under the sponsorship of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has prepared, organized, conducted and summarized the OECD/NRC Full-size Fine-mesh Bundle Tests (BFBT) Benchmark. The international benchmark activities have been conducted in cooperation with the Nuclear Energy Agency/Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (NEA/OECD) and Japan Nuclear Energy Safety (JNES) organization, Japan. Consequently, the JNES has made available the Boiling Water Reactor (BWR) NUPEC database for the purposes of the benchmark. Based on the success of the OECD/NRC BFBT benchmark the JNES has decided to release also the data based on the NUPEC Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) subchannel and bundle tests for another follow-up international benchmark entitled OECD/NRC PWR Subchannel and Bundle Tests (PSBT) benchmark. This paper presents an application of the joint Penn State University/Technical University of Madrid (UPM) version of the well-known subchannel code COBRA-TF, namely CTF, to the critical power and departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) exercises of the OECD/NRC BFBT and PSBT benchmark

    Para cumplir con los derechos de los sujetos victimizados Colombia debe repensar el papel de las comisiones de la verdad

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    La Comisión de Esclarecimiento de la Verdad debe romper con el esquema dominante que busca un ritual de purificación para 'pasar la página'. Requiere una vocación transformadora de la justicia transicional, de las Comisiones de la Verdad y de la memoria, además de un Gran Diálogo Nacional por la Verdad que supere la reglamentación de la Comisión y que involucre a la sociedad en su conjunto, escribe Diana Gómez (Universidad de los Andes)

    Colombia must rethink the role of truth commissions to secure the rights of victims of conflict

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    Colombia's Truth Commission must break away from dominant ideas of 'turning the page' through a ritual of purification. It needs instead to adopt a transformative approach to transitional justice, truth commissions, and collective memory, as well as creating a broad-based 'National Dialogue for Truth' that goes beyond regulating the Commission and involves society as a whole, writes Diana Gómez (Universidad de los Andes)

    La conducta informativa de los físicos: un estudio cualitativo de usuarios

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    The work analyzes information seeking behavior of students who are in the process of getting a PhD in Physics or who have recently done so. The analysis was made within the sense making approach which is centered in the user. An attempt is made to explain situations in the seek and use of information in terms of the sources, the relevance judgment criteria, organizational strategies as well as information presentation strategies. The study also looks at the physicists feelings during the information seeking process and the way the idea of information evolves in their minds throughout their PhD

    Características de la cultura organizacional y comunicación interna en una comercializadora de lácteos de Cali

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    Escopo. Esta pesquisa teve como escopo identificar as características da comunicação interna atribuídas à cultura organizacional de uma empresa familiar comercializadora de produtos lácteos. Metodología. É uma pesquisa de tipo descritiva com desenho transacional, na qual foram recolhidos os dados em um só momento mediante o uso do Questionário de Diagnóstico da Cultura Organizacional de Cameron e Quinn (1999). A mostra esteve conformada por 66 empregados de diferentes áreas da empresa. Resultados and conclusão. Os resultados assinalam falências na comunicação interna geradas pela cultura organizacional de tipo clã, centrada para o interior, e que caracteriza à empresa familiar.Objective. The objective of this research was to identify the characteristics of the internal communication attributed to the organizational culture of a family business which marketed dairy products. Method. This research is descriptive and has a transactional design in which data is gathered on a one time basis using a Diagnostic Questionnaire on the Organizational Culture of Cameron and Quinn (1999). The sample was made up of 66 employees of different areas within the company. Results and Conclusion. The results signal the internal communication shortcomings generated by the clan type organizational culture: focused inward as characterized by a family owned business.Objetivo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo identificar las características de la comunicación interna, atribuidas a la cultura organizacional de una empresa familiar, comercializadora de lácteos. Método. Es una investigación de tipo descriptiva, con diseño transaccional, en la cual se recogen los datos en un solo momento mediante el uso del Cuestionario de Diagnóstico de la Cultura Organizacional de Cameron y Quinn (1999). La muestra estuvo conformada por 66 empleados de diferentes áreas de la empresa. Resultados y Conclusión. Los resultados señalan falencias en la comunicación interna, generadas por la cultura organizacional de tipo clan, centrada hacia su interior, y que caracteriza a la empresa familiar

    La información contable pública: eje de la gestión estatal

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    La contabilidad pública es una aplicación especializada de la contabilidad que, a partir de propósitos específicos, articula diferentes elementos para satisfacer las necesidades de información y control financiero, económico, social y ambiental, propias de las entidades que desarrollan funciones de cometido estatal, por medio de la utilización y gestión de recursos públicos. El ensayo se estructura en tres capítulos. El primero es la contabilidad y sus referentes históricos. El segundo es la contabilidad pública como insumo para la formulación del plan de desarrollo y el presupuesto y el tercer y último es la contabilidad en el proceso de gestión pública colombian

    La conducta informativa de los físicos: un estudio cualitativo de usuarios

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    El propósito de este artículo es examinar la conducta informativa en el proceso de búsqueda y uso de la información de físicos que están en proceso o han concluido recientemente su tesis doctoral. Este estudio se realizó desde el abordaje del sense making centrado en el usuario. Se intenta explicar las situaciones comprendidas dentrodel proceso de búsqueda y uso de la información, en términos de elección de fuentes, criterios de juicio de relevancia utilizados, estrategias de organización, y estrategias de presentación de la información, tanto como los sentimientos de los físicos y la definición que dan de la información.The work analizes information seeking behavior of students who are in the process of getting a PhD in Physics or who have recently done so. The analysis was made within the sense making approach which is centered in the user. An attempt is made to explain situations in the seek and use of information in terms of the sources, the criteria used to determine its relevance, organizational strategies as well as information presentation strategies. The study also looks at the physicists feelings during the information seeking process and the way the idea of information evolves in their minds throughout their PhD.Esta investigación se desarrolla dentro de la programación UBACYT 1998-2000, TL 28, Procesos de búsqueda de información y modalidades e instancias de intervención, dirigido por Susana Romanos de Tiratel.Publicad

    Comparative analysis of neutronics/thermal-hydraulics multi-scale coupling for LWR analysis

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    The aim of the research described in this paper is to perform consistent comparative analyses of two different approaches for coupling of two-scale, two-physics phenomena in reactor core calculations. The physical phenomena of interest are the neutronics and the thermal-hydraulics core behaviors and their interactions, while the spatial scales are the “global” (assembly/channel-wise) and the “local” (pin/sub-channel-wise). The objective is three-fold: qualification of coupled code systems by consistent step-by-step cross-comparison (in order to understand the prediction deviations in both neutronics and thermal-hydraulics parameters); assessment of fine scale (local/subchannel-wise) thermal-hydraulic effects; and evaluation of the impact of on-line modeling of interactions of the two spatial scales. The reported work is within the cooperation between the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), Spain and the Pennsylvania State University (PSU), USA. The paper first presents the two multi-scale coupled code systems followed by cross-comparisons for steady state calculations. Selected results are discussed to highlight some of the issues involved in comparative analysis of coupled multi-scale simulations. The transient comparisons are subject of future work and publications

    El impacto que ha tenido la implementación del Muisca para las pymes

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    La DIAN, ha desarrollado un medio de alimentación de la base de datos y cruce de información, de todas las personas naturales y jurídicas, permitiendo identificar los posibles focos de evasión. El MUISCA (Modelo Único de Ingresos, Servicio y Control Automatizado), es creado como una herramienta para que los contribuyentes de naturaleza jurídica o persona natural, se puedan comprometer en el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones económicas para con el Estado, a través de procesos eficientes y óptimos liderados por la DIAN.Pregrad