101 research outputs found

    NMR spectroscopic studies on organocopper compounds and Silicon Zintl anions

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    Despite organocuprates have early been recognised to be effective reagents for C-C-couplings in 1,4-addition reactions to enones or in SN2 and SN2® couplings, the structures of the free reagent, the reaction intermediates and ,furthermore, experimental evidences for the reaction mechanisms had not been known for decades. Complex dynamic equilibria and supramolecular structures in solutions of organocuprates longed for elaborate DOSY, HOE, and NOE NMR spectroscopic methods. Combinations of step by step structural approaches as well as optimised NMR experiments for structural details of organocopper compounds allowed for the determination of the free organocuprate monomers and their tendency to form supramolecular assemblies in non-polar solvents. It was observed that the linear cuprate monomers form homodimeric assemblies, which are bridged via weak ionic interacting Li+ ions. These homodimers then even tend to aggregate in a chain like supramolecular assembly. Furthermore, the observed different reactivities for organocuprates in reactions with Micheal-acceptors were directly correlated with these supramolecular aggregates in solution. Moreover, detailed investigations on the stabilised intermediates of addition and substitution reactions finally answered the question about the reaction mechanisms of organocuprates in 1,4-addition reactions to enones and in SN2 or SN2® cross couplings. These real amazing results observed during decades could be summarised in the review, which has been published in the Patais®s series. The review already comprises our experimental investigations on organocuprate -complexes as initial intermediates for the 1,4-additions. Here, the diastereoselectivity and reactivity was rationalised on the basis of structural details. It was possible for the first time to get insight into the -complexes with chiral enones and to describe even the conformation of the enone in the intermediate. Additionally, with DOSY measurements on -complexes of Me2CuLi‱LiX (X = CN, I) with three different achiral enones, the aggregation behaviour in these intermediates could be demonstrated. Amazingly, in 1H,13C HMBC measurements scalar couplings across copper were detected in -complexes of Me2CuLi‱LiX (X = CN, I) with an achiral enone for the first time without 13C labelled compounds. For the residual salt, which is known to influence the reactivity, it could be shown that it only participates in the complexation of the carbonyl group of the enone. The suppression of the formation of -intermediates in turn directly led to the first NMR detection of the elusive and for a long time proposed Cu(III)-intermediate of the SN2-like substitution reactions of organocuprates with primary alkyl halides. From the observed 1H and 1H,13C HMBC spectra it was evident that the substitution reaction intermediate with a square planar coordination had been stabilised and NMR spectroscopically observed. The intermediate, which was obtained after the reaction of Me2CuLi‱LiCN with MeI, showed two chemically different Me-substituents and one cyanide attached to the same Cu-center. In contrast to the -intermediates, which allowed for a transfer of magnetisation across copper, the square planar Cu(III)-intermediates first were only detectable due to the tremendous signal enhancement, caused by the 3JH,C coupling to the 13C-labelled cyanide. In further experiments, the 13C-labelling was extended to the methyl groups of the cuprate to distinguish between the groups of the cuprate and of the MeI, which was used in 13C natural abundance. This experiment should reveal possible dynamic processes in the Cu(III)-complex, because investigations by the group of Ogle hinted at ligand exchanges. And indeed, in a HMBC measurement two different isotopomers could be assigned due to different coupling patterns, according to the position of the methyl group in natural abundance. Considering the product ethane of the model reaction, the ligand exchange in the transient Cu(III)-intermediate turned out to be slow compared to the reductive elimination at normal reaction conditions. Nevertheless, knowing about the mechanism could be the entrance to a new part of organocopper chemistry. Therefore, DFT functional calculations were performed to gain insight into possible ligand exchange mechanisms. It could be calculated that Li+ has a great stabilising influence on the Cu(III)-complexes and theoretical hints were found for a SN2 substitution in square planar complexes, as it is known for other d8 configured complexes of isoelectronic Pt(II) or Au(III) complexes. Besides NMR spectroscopic investigations on organocopper compounds, this thesis also comprises NMR investigations on the main group element silicon in polysilicide Zintl anions dissolved in liquid ammonia. First, the DEFT and DOSY methods were implemented for the 29Si isotope, using a test sample, to support the challenging task of investigations of polysilicides in solution. Additionally, the coupling between 1H and 14N, which indicates pure ammonia with no impurities, could be used as a spy to prove the quality of the sample. With that sensor and an unusual temperature series, in which the sample was warmed up in two steps sizes between -80°C and -25°C in a very short period of time, finally the concentration could be increased to such an amount that the first detection of a silicide compound in solution was possible, even without special NMR methods. A direct correlation with the ammonia spy revealed the soluble silicides to be very labile. Finally, during this thesis predominantly transient air, moisture, and temperature sensitive compounds had been detected for the first time and a contribution to the elucidation of reaction mechanisms could be done. As the conditions for the stablilisation of Cu(III)-complexes have been optimised, it should be possible to enter a new part of organocopper chemistry. Here, NMR spectroscopy is the method of choice, as NMR can monitor the transformation processes in solution. Moreover, as the basis for NMR spectroscopic measurements on polysilicid Zintl anions was made with the first detection of a 29Si signal of polysilicides, further chemical attempts to increase the concentration and the stability in solution should reveal even more detailed NMR spectroscopic results about Polysilicide Zintl anions in liquid ammonia

    Der Hannover Concordancer und das Hannover Advanced Academic Writing Corpus: Eine korpuslinguistische Software mit dem dazugehörigen Dissertationskorpus fĂŒr den Einsatz in Schreibberatungen

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    Bildungseinrichtungen funktionieren, trotz aller romantischen Bildungsideale, nach wirtschaftlichen Prinzipien. Eine höhere Bildungseinrichtung wie eine UniversitĂ€t oder Fachhochschule wird in FakultĂ€ten unterteilt und diese in Institute. An diesen Instituten arbeiten Professor_innen und ein akademischer Mittelbau. ZusĂ€tzlich unterstĂŒtzen Mitarbeiter_innen den Lehrbetrieb in Technik und Verwaltung. Sowohl das Personal als auch die Infrastruktur kosten Geld. Das bedeutet, dass mit begrenzten finanziellen Mitteln eine gewisse Anzahl an StudienplĂ€tzen realisiert werden kann. Da vielfach die Anzahl an Studieninteressierten grĂ¶ĂŸer ist als die Anzahl an StudienplĂ€tzen, werden nur die erfolgversprechendsten Bewerber_innen akzeptiert. Manche StudiengĂ€nge nutzen die ersten Semester, um die Anzahl der Studierenden weiter zu reduzieren. Im Verlauf des Studiums versucht die Bildungseinrichtung durch weitere Angebote wie Schreibzentren, Studierende zu ihrem Abschluss zu fĂŒhren, um die aufgewendeten Ressourcen sinnvoll eingesetzt zu haben. Auch wenn diese Beschreibung ĂŒberspitzt und gleichzeitig simplifiziert ist, so entspricht sie doch in GrundzĂŒgen einer wirtschaftlichen Betrachtung von höherer Bildung. Viele StudiengĂ€nge befassen sich in ihren ersten Semestern vor allem mit den fĂŒr das Fachgebiet notwendigen Grundlagen. Akademisches Schreiben gehört außerhalb der Geisteswissenschaften hĂ€ufig nicht dazu. So kommt es vor, dass vor allem in ingenieur- und naturwissenschaftlichen StudiengĂ€ngen erst in den letzten beiden Semestern wissenschaftliche AufsĂ€tze geschrieben werden mĂŒssen. Um Komplikationen beim wissenschaftlichen Schreiben von Abschlussarbeiten zu vermeiden und damit die von den Bildungseinrichtungen eingesetzten Mittel zu bewahren, haben viele grĂ¶ĂŸere UniversitĂ€ten und Fachhochschulen Schreibzentren eingerichtet. Diese Schreibzentren sollen Studierende in ihren Schreibprozessen begleiten und damit die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer erfolgreichen wissenschaftlichen Arbeit erhöhen. Schreibzentren stehen vor der Herausforderung, dass das Personal, welches sie rekrutieren, vor allem aus Geisteswissenschaftler_innen besteht. Diese kennen sich zwar mit dem Schreiben im Allgemeinen und im Speziellen mit dem Schreiben in geisteswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen aus, sind jedoch hĂ€ufig mit Studierenden aus anderen akademischen Traditionen konfrontiert. Vor allem, wenn die Studierenden ihre Arbeiten in einer Fremdsprache verfassen mĂŒssen, ergeben sich zusĂ€tzliche Herausforderungen. In dieser Situation reichen allgemeine Hinweise zu Herangehensweisen an akademisches Schreiben und die Vermittlung von unterschiedlichen Zitierweisen nicht aus. Wenn innerhalb der Schreibberatung auf einzelne AbsĂ€tze und Formulierungen in Abschlussarbeiten eingegangen werden soll, stellt sich die Frage, mit welchen Mitteln die ErfahrungslĂŒcken zwischen den akademischen Traditionen der Schreibberater_innen und der Studierenden zu ĂŒberbrĂŒcken sind. Zwar gibt es fĂŒr einzelne akademische Disziplinen fachspezifische HandbĂŒcher, Nachschlagewerke und WörterbĂŒcher, jedoch sind diese in der Breite unzureichend vorhanden und in der Tiefe teils unbrauchbar, um Schreibberater_innen dabei zu unterstĂŒtzen, sich sprachlich in die Thematik ihrer Studierenden einzudenken. Studierende wissen sehr wohl, was die von ihnen verwendeten Fachbegriffe bedeuten. Es fehlen ihnen oftmals jedoch die Mittel, diese sinnvoll in den Kontext eines akademischen Aufsatzes einzubetten. Korpuslinguistik wĂŒrde hier Abhilfe schaffen. Mittels Korpora und einer entsprechenden Software ließe sich die Verwendung von Begriffen in ihrem Kontext betrachten und danach in eigenen Texten nachahmen. Wenn die Software und die Kenntnisse der Nutzer_innen es hergeben, ließe sich die Verwendung eines Suchbegriffs quantifizieren und damit feststellen, ob die einzelne Verwendung eine Ausnahme oder doch die Regel ist. Allerdings sind bisherige Werkzeuge vor allem auf die BedĂŒrfnisse von Linguist_innen ausgerichtet oder aber basieren auf Textgrundlagen, die zu allgemein fĂŒr Schreibberatungen sind. Aus diesem Grund haben sich korpuslinguistische Werkzeuge wie AntConc oder WordSmithTools bisher  vielfach nicht durchgesetzt. Die dieser Arbeit zu Grunde liegende Software soll eine UnterstĂŒtzung fĂŒr Schreibberatungen sein, um den Mangel an adĂ€quaten Hilfsmitteln zu reduzieren. Mit HanConc soll es Schreibberater_innen ermöglicht werden, fachspezifische Textsammlungen anzulegen, zu durchsuchen und die Ergebnisse adressatengerecht aufzubereiten. Damit wird die Beratung ĂŒber wissenschaftliche Disziplinen hinweg vereinfacht und somit die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit von Schreibberatung fĂŒr Studierende erhöht. Die Arbeit ist wie folgt gegliedert: ZunĂ€chst wird der inhaltliche Rahmen abgesteckt. Anschließend wird die Zusammenarbeit von Schreibberater_innen und Studierenden innerhalb des akademischen Schreibprozesses analysiert. Am Beispiel der HanConc werden die universitĂ€ren Anforderungen an Schreibberatung ermittelt und mit dem tatsĂ€chlichen Aufwand eines Schreibberaters, d.h. in diesem Fall des Autors, verglichen. Mit Hilfe einer Umfrage wird ĂŒberprĂŒft, ob sich die Ergebnisse des Vergleichs mit den Erfahrungen anderer Schreibzentren an anderen deutschen Bildungseinrichtungen decken. Um die Anforderungen von Schreibberatungen an HanConc zu erfĂŒllen, wurde ein Korpus bestehend aus allen Dissertationen der HanConc erstellt. Dieses Korpus wird eingehend beschrieben und auf die HomogenitĂ€t innerhalb und HeterogenitĂ€t außerhalb der FakultĂ€tsgrenzen ĂŒberprĂŒft. Abschließend wird HanConc im Vergleich zu bestehenden Werkzeugen als Antwort auf die skizzierten Anforderungen vorgestellt. Der Quellcode inklusive ausfĂŒhrlicher Dokumentation befindet sich in einem gesonderten Repositorium

    Analytische Maschinen und Berechenbarkeit analytischer Funktionen

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    Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist der Berechenbarkeitsbegriff ĂŒber den reellen und komplexen Zahlen und die Charakterisierung der Berechenbarkeit analytischer Funktionen. Dazu werden analytische Maschinen betrachtet, ein von Hotz eingefĂŒhrtes Maschinenmodell, das die von Blum, Shub und Smale definierten Maschinen um unendliche konvergente Berechnungen (analytische Berechnungen) erweitert. Es werden Resultate ĂŒber die Eigenschaften analytisch berechenbarer Funktionen prĂ€sentiert und Verallgemeinerungen des Darstellungssatzes von Blum, Shub und Smale fĂŒr R-berechenbare Funktionen gegeben. Das Maschinenmodell wird dann dazu benutzt, um Berechenbarkeit holomorpher (komplex-analytischer) Funktionen zu charakterisieren. FĂŒr die in der Arbeit definierte Klasse der koeffizientenberechenbaren analytischen Funktionen wird gezeigt, daß sie unter grundlegenden Operationen wie Komposition und lokaler Umkehr abgeschlossen ist. Es wird ferner gezeigt, daß die analytische Fortsetzung einer auf einem Gebiet D C analytischen und berechenbaren Funktion auf ein Gebiet G D ebenfalls wieder berechenbar ist. ZusĂ€tzlich zur Berechenbarkeit durch Maschinen wird auch Berechenbarkeit mittels rekursiver Funktionen betrachtet. Die linear primitiv-rekursiven Funktionen werden eingefĂŒhrt und im Rahmen der μ-rekursiven Funktionen klassifiziert.The subject of this thesis is computability over the real and complex numbers, and the characterization of computable analytic functions. To this end, we consider analytic machines, a machine model introduced by Hotz that extends the machines defined by Blum, Shub and Smale with infinite convergent computations (analytic computations). Results concerning the properties of analytically computable functions are presented and generalizations of Blum, Shub and Smale's representation theorem for R-computable functions are given. Then, the machine model is used for the characterization of computability of holomorphic (complex-analytic) functions. The class of coefficient-computable analytic functions is introduced and shown to be closed under basic operations such as composition and local inversion. Further, it is shown that, given a function that is analytic and computable on a region D C and which possesses an analytic continuation on a region G D, this analytic continuation is also computable. In addition to computability by machines, computability by recursive functions is considered. The linear primitive-recursive function are introduced and classified within the μ-recursive functions

    Activated carbon as catalyst support: precursors, preparation, modification and characterization

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    The preparation of activated carbon materials is discussed along selected examples of precursor materials, of available production and modification methods and possible characterization techniques. We evaluate the preparation methods for activated carbon materials with respect to its use as catalyst support and identify important parameters for metal loading. The considered carbon sources include coal, wood, agricultural wastes or biomass as well as ionic liquids, deep eutectic solvents or precursor solutions. The preparation of the activated carbon usually involves pre-treatment steps followed by physical or chemical activation and application dependent modification. In addition, highly porous materials can also be produced by salt templating or ultrasonic spray pyrolysis as well as by microwave irradiation. The resulting activated carbon materials are characterized by a variety of techniques such as SEM, FTIR, nitrogen adsorption, Boehm titrations, adsorption of phenol, methylene blue and iodine, TPD, CHNS/O elemental analysis, EDX, XPS, XRD and TGA

    Bandwidth and conversion efficiency analysis of dissipative Kerr soliton frequency combs based on bifurcation theory

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    Dissipative Kerr soliton frequency combs generated in high-Q microresonators may unlock novel perspectives in a variety of applications and crucially rely on quantitative models for systematic device design. Here, we present a global bifurcation study of the Lugiato-Lefever equation which describes Kerr comb formation. Our study allows systematic investigation of stationary comb states over a wide range of technically relevant parameters. Quantifying key performance parameters of bright and dark-soliton combs, our findings may serve as a design guideline for Kerr comb generators

    A technical demonstration of remote train operations using 5G mobile communications

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    The 5G-Reallabor in Braunschweig-Wolfsburg project has demonstrated the technical feasibility of Remote Train Operation (RTO) using 5G mobile communications with special consideration for any human-factor user requirements for the RTO workplace. During the demonstration, a rail vehicle was remotely controlled in two operating scenarios involving remote-controlled shunting and remote-controlled driving for the purpose of clearing an open track on infrastructure in Schlettau (Saxony, Germany) from an RTO workplace situated at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Braunschweig

    ADCY5 gene expression in adipose tissue is related to obesity in men and mice

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    Genome wide association studies revealed an association of the single nucleotide polymorphism rs11708067 within the ADCY5 gene—encoding adenylate cyclase 5—with increased type 2 diabetes (T2D) risk and higher fasting glucose. However, it remains unclear whether the association between ADCY5 variants and glycemic traits may involve adipose tissue (AT) related mechanisms. We therefore tested the hypothesis that ADCY5 mRNA expression in human and mouse AT is related to obesity, fat distribution, T2D in humans and high fat diet (HFD) in mice. We measured ADCY5 mRNA expression in paired samples of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue from 244 individuals with a wide range of body weight and parameters of hyperglycemia, which have been genotyped for rs11708067. In addition, AT ADCY5 mRNA was assessed in C57BL/6NTac which underwent a 10 weeks standard chow (n = 6) or high fat diet (HFD, n = 6). In humans, visceral ADCY5 expression is significantly higher in obese compared to lean individuals. ADCY5 expression correlates with BMI, body fat mass, circulating leptin, fat distribution, waist and hip circumference, but not with fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c. Adcy5 expression in mouse AT is significantly higher after a HFD compared to chow (p<0.05). Importantly, rs11708067 is not associated with ADCY5 mRNA expression levels in either fat depot in any of the genetic models tested. Our results suggest that changes in AT ADCY5 expression are related to obesity and fat distribution, but not with impaired glucose metabolism and T2D. However, altered ADCY5 expression in AT does not seem to be the mechanism underlying the association between rs11708067 and increased T2D risk

    Combined antibiotic stewardship and infection control measures to contain the spread of linezolid-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis in an intensive care unit

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    Background The unrestricted use of linezolid has been linked to the emergence of linezolid-resistant Staphylococcus epidermidis (LRSE). We report the effects of combined antibiotic stewardship and infection control measures on the spread of LRSE in an intensive care unit (ICU). Methods Microbiological data were reviewed to identify all LRSE detected in clinical samples at an ICU in southwest Germany. Quantitative data on the use of antibiotics with Gram-positive coverage were obtained in defined daily doses (DDD) per 100 patient-days (PD). In addition to infection control measures, an antibiotic stewardship intervention was started in May 2019, focusing on linezolid restriction and promoting vancomycin, wherever needed. We compared data from the pre-intervention period (May 2018–April 2019) to the post-intervention period (May 2019–April 2020). Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) was performed to determine the genetic relatedness of LRSE isolates. Results In the pre-intervention period, LRSE were isolated from 31 patients (17 in blood cultures). The average consumption of linezolid and daptomycin decreased from 7.5 DDD/100 PD and 12.3 DDD/100 PD per month in the pre-intervention period to 2.5 DDD/100 PD and 5.7 DDD/100 PD per month in the post-intervention period (p = 0.0022 and 0.0205), respectively. Conversely, vancomycin consumption increased from 0.2 DDD/100 PD per month to 4.7 DDD/100 PD per month (p < 0.0001). In the post-intervention period, LRSE were detected in 6 patients (4 in blood cultures) (p = 0.0065). WGS revealed the predominance of one single clone. Conclusions Complementing infection control measures by targeted antibiotic stewardship interventions was beneficial in containing the spread of LRSE in an ICU
